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((Y/N)'s POV)

Star left me tucked in her bed while she was digging through her closet for her new pair of scissors Hekapoo said she left, but I was starting to think that she was just lying. Star has been looking for almost 3 hours now and whenever I try to get out of her bed and she catches me, she just puts me back and if it happens 3 times, she will chain my leg to the bed. I was on strike 2, so I gave up while I could still be comfy and just then Star finally jumped out of her closet with a new pair of scissors and opened a testing portal to prove it then closed it.



(Y/N)-Does this mean I can go now?


She put the scissors on her table before she jumped back into her bed to sit on top of me to give me kisses before she used her wand to make me float above her. She slowly flipped and spun me while she just poked and tickled me before another portal opened in the room and this time some kind of royal servant came through and he was holding a scroll like he was from the time where kings and queens ruled everything. Star just dropped me on top of her and wrapped one arm around me before he cleared his throat.

Servant-Good evening Princess Star, your mother and father are having a dinner party tonight and would like to request the family you are staying with, join you. It will be a private ceremony just between the 2 families.

I almost forgot that Star's parents were a king and queen of a magic kingdom and I thought it would be kinda cool to see a real castle. Star looked like she was thinking about it before she looked at me then rubbed my head.

Star-Alright, we'll go, but we won't be there until tonight.

Servant-I shall inform your parents.

(Timeskip To Night)

(Moon's POV)

I was waiting for Star to come by with this family she is staying with since she wanted to rush her magic lessons for a "little stepbrother". I even tried to tell her there are chapters in the book she would love to see except the evil chapter by Eclipsa of course, but that didn't even work. This left me a little curious that my wild and fighting daughter wants none other than to spend time with a child and I just hope she isn't forcing them into sword training or anything crazy like that or it's gonna have to be plan B and send her to that boarding school her friend went to. I had my hair done by my servants with my husband next to me and when I looked in the mirror I looked formal and presentable.


I had the chefs prepare us something exotic from the earth dimension and it did not involve any corn at all, but for the sake of making them feel welcome, we shall endure. I had weirder dishes in the interests of not offending or neglecting culture, but when we walked by the kitchen to get to the dining room, the food smelled rather nice. My husband and I sat at the table first and waited for Star to arrive with the family and have a little talk.

River-Are you sure our Star choose to rush he training for a little boy?

Moon-That is what I was told and i'm concerned she could be forcing her training on him.

River-Sword training or combat training?

Moon-He shouldn't be doing either. His world is different than ours, but he's still influential and could be lead out of his way of life if Star is constantly forcing it upon them.

River-She picked up swords in kindergarten. I even purposed a junior academy and tournaments to show even toddlers what battle truly is! Survival, conflict, and teamwork!

Moon-We had the discussion and you wanted them to have real swords and be sent in the wild alone for a week for field training.

River-... What's your point?

I know he means well, but he is even more wild than our daughter unlike when I first met him. I still love him, but I do wish he have more self control and reasonable ideas. Later the dining room doors opened and I saw the parents walk in first, but what caught my eye was Star giving who must be (Y/N) a shoulder ride.


She finally put him down when they got to the table and had him sit next to her and I was half invested in the sight of how much our daughter has grown attached in such a short time to someone who doesn't look or act violent. That's when the food arrived and there was a bit of corn added to the meal and even had meat that my husband loved so much.


Plates were made for all of us and Star was watching (Y/N) eat almost like she was simply just adoring him, but I brought my attention back to the parents.

Moon-Mr. and Mrs. (L/N), correct? I know my daughter can be a little adventurous at times, but I hope she hasn't been a bother.

(D/N)-Well... On the first day she brought her room to our home and summoned a rainbow that caught on fire.

River-I wonder how those even catch on fire.

Star-That's what I said!

Moon-*Ahem* I also noticed that she has grown attached to your son... If I may ask you (Y/N), what are you and Star doing that has made you so close. I already know about the incident with Pony Head, so you may spare us that.

He just told us about Star using her magic, playing games with him, cuddling, and no training whatsoever. I guess he does look rather adorable and that's why my daughter has grown fond of him like she did with those puppies before that I didn't let her have because I didn't think she was ready. Throughout the dinner I tried to keep the talk between the adults and made sure Star didn't run off with (Y/N) unattended and stayed for the dinner. After we were all full I decided to give the family a tour and they took pictures of our room then during the tour (Y/N) reached out to his mother to be held as he looked really tired.

(M/N)-You ready to go to bed sweetie?


Star-Here, i'll bring my room here and show you to the guest bedrooms then we can go back to earth in the morning.

Star almost sounded angry when she said that and took (Y/N) from his mother before she left us. River and I looked at each other with a bit of confusion before the parents followed her looking a little tired too. The odd thing was that the guest bedrooms were on the other side of the castle where most of the servants sleep.

Moon's mind-That was pretty weird... Maybe I need to have a private conversation.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Star made her room pop up here then tucked me in her bed in front of my parents then let them give me a kiss goodnight before she looked like she really wanted them to follow her out of her room. When they left I was alone for a little bit before I saw the door open, so I guess my parents were close by in another room, but when I saw who it was... I was a little surprised.


Moon-May I speak with you?

She sat on the side of Star's bed and took off her crown to let her hair down and she actually looked...

(Y/N)-You look more pretty with your hair down.

I saw her cheeks get a bit more red before she shook her head and looked back at me.

Moon-Tell me, what you said at dinner... Was it true? All of it?

I just nodded my head yes at her and she asked this a few more times to be sure until I yawned right in front of her.

(Moon's POV)

The poor dear was tired and Star hasn't come back, so i'm risking more and more of being caught. I planned to make this a quick trip, but the more I got to see his cute and groggy eyes, the harder it was for me to leave. He was trying his best to keep his eyes open for us to talk, but failed at times.

Moon's mind-For goodness sake Moon, let the poor boy sleep. Your daughter is a wild card, but she wouldn't dare harm an innocent child. His face is just too cute to even have a tiny scratch on-... Stop!

I tried to fight these thoughts more and more as they just got worse. I even pictured myself in the bed with him and snuggling before I got the chance to dismiss it. I had to leave, but just then...

(Y/N)-*Yawn* Queen Moon?


(Y/N)-It's about this dress and hair stuff... I bet you would look better in a non poofy dress and hair down. M-Maybe you can try that look if you come to earth.

He wanted to see more in normal clothes and in such an innocent manner, but I couldn't help, but blush. The look he was giving me before i think he finally gave up and just fell asleep was drawing me to him then I found myself taking him out from the blanket and putting him on my lap. I forgot how nice this felt when Star was this age and missed this feeling that felt much stronger now.

Moon's mind-It's... just holding him. Nothing wrong with holding a child while they sleep... He looks so cute.~


I jolted a little before I looked at the door I left open and saw my daughter standing there with a look of surprise on her face.


I was thinking of a way to answer her without seeming too desperate or making this look bad, but the truth was I had this feeling telling me to just take (Y/N) with me to my room. All of the sudden when I was about to speak my mind I saw the barrier ripple out of the window then went to take a closer look and saw something out in the distance...


(No POV)

The barrier was slowly weakening thanks to some inside help finding a hole in the barrier to use as a weak spot. When there was a big enough hole in the barrier a horde of monsters just walked right in and one of them flew on ahead to drop sticks of special made dynamite sticks in the fields and houses to create chaos on the street leaving a certain path to the castle.

???-I'll be coming for my finger... Moon.


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