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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was slowly waiting up to my head still feeling kinda dizzy, but I was also so warm and cozy and when I opened my eyes, it stung because of the bright light in here. When I got used to it I looked around to see I was in a very big room that had a fireplace, fancy chairs, a big ricking chair, 2 big and very tall doors, and all sorts of fancy stuff that looked like it belonged in a castle from a movie. I was scared and had no idea where I was, so I tried to think about what happened last and I was sleeping and... maybe this was one of those dreams inside of a dream. Yeah, there is no such thing as... whatever or whoever it was I just saw.

(Y/N)'s mind-I must be so scared of those pranks call I had a nightmare about my parents being gone and a monster getting me. Is there another nightmare or just a good dream?

I thought about it and I don't think I wanted to chance it since I was so scared before, so I tried my best to wake up. I tried lifting my eyebrows up while opening my eyes as wide as I could, pinching myself since nobody was here to do it or at least I hope there wasn't, and finally I bit my lip kinda hard and it did hurt...

(Y/N)-Wait, what?... I thought dreams don't hurt?

Either this was a nightmare or... No, there are no such things as monsters because my mom and dad told me so. I even had them check under my bed for a few weeks to prove it, so I got up to check under the bed and there was nothing under there.

(Y/N)-This has to be a dream or something, but... What is this place?

I just went to the door to peak out into the hall a bit to see it was empty, but all the lights were on. It was very long with no doors or anything and with nowhere else to go, I just left the room. The hallway was like it stretched on a little as I walked down, but when i got to the end I had to go left or right.

(Y/N)-Well... Left is best.

I went left and froze when I remembered that this might be a nightmare and I would expect myself to go left, so I went back to go right. I was not gonna fall for any tricks my nightmare or dream will play on me. I had to take a few more turns and saw a hallway full of doors after the 3rd turn and I heard noises from some of them. I stayed very quiet as I past the doors, but when I reached the end of the hallway I heard footsteps getting closer to one of the doors. I tried to find a place to hide, but since it was a hallway and a very long one... I was screwed. I tried to run anyway, but that's when I turned the corner and hit something then when I fell and looked up.


I was froze with my mouth open, but in my head I tried to tell myself that it wasn't real and I was gonna wake up in bed for another day of summer.

???-So i'm not real to you child?

I had no idea how she could talk, but I didn't care and tried to turn and run, but she grabbed me with a tentacle I saw come out of her back and lifted me in the air.


Just then she covered my mouth and I couldn't scream or move anymore no matter how hard I tried and I could feel everything...

(Y/N)'s mind-IS THIS REAL?!?!?!

???-It's very real.

It was clear that she was reading my mind and I was not talking out loud on accident, but my thoughts jumped to something else when she used her tentacles to knock on all the doors.

???-Oh girls, there will be a meeting in the living room later! Our new little resident is awake now!

She started walking down the hall with me and I counted 8 doors here before I was taken back to the big room by this tall monster lady. I thought she was gonna kill and eat me, but instead she kept me in her tentacle to put me in her arms and hold me like a baby while she rubbed my head. I couldn't stop shaking as she just kept on going like this was normal and I thought about biting her to get her to let go, but then she would just get really mad. This was all making me cry now and she just wiped my tears with her thumb.

???-Don't be scared (Y/N). You're not here for us to hurt you... My name is Slenda.

(Slenda's POV)

He didn't seem to care and only continued to wiggle in my grasp even if it was hopeless to escape and he was lucky I don't want to eat him. His little body was also just so soft in my arms, tentacles, and lap and when he was finally tired from all his pointless struggling I thought now was a good time for the meeting, so his doesn't spend the whole thing screaming and struggling. I signaled the girls to go to the living room this instant while I got up to head there myself and I turned (Y/N) into my chest to keep him from facing the girls for now.

Slenda's mind-Alright, first impressions are gonna be the hardest. Let's just get this over with.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I couldn't see where we were going and I don't think I gonna like it since these girls take orders from this tall monster, so maybe they were monsters just like her. I was getting myself ready to see a room of tall and faceless monsters that will look super scary and when I started to hear us getting closer to some voices my heart was beating faster and faster until we got so close the voices stopped, but I could just feel them staring at me.

Slenda-Here he is. Much better now that he's here.

???-Finally, let me hold him!

???-Hey, you didn't do shit to bring him here!

Just then I heard a voice that sounded very familiar and after she said her second word, I knew it was that creepy girl from my game.

Killer_Queen666-I'm the one that found is house first!

???-Through a fucking game a few months ago!

Killer_Queen666-And that's how the rest of you found out about him, right?

Slenda-No fighting right now or none of you get to introduce yourselves.

This made everyone go quiet before I was put down and turned to look at the first girl and she wasn't a monster, but she looked really scary and had a big cut on her face to make it look like a smile.


???-Hey there. Name's Jess.

I would back away from her, but that would mean I go back to that monster lady again and when Jess got closer to me, it made me fall backwards and others laughed, but all I could look at was her.

Jess-Awww, I never saw how cute your eyes were. I only ever saw you sleeping.~

(Y/N)'s mind-What?

Slenda-Alright Jessica, he still has to see the others.

I was picked up again and she waved at me, but when she turned, I saw a knife in a holder in the back of her pants. Next I was put in front of some creepy clown that kinda reminded me of that clown movie my dad watched.


She didn't say a thing before she held out a piece of candy to me with a smile, but I was not supposed to take things from strangers and when that kid in the movie did, he lost an arm. I know movies are fake, but maybe it was on to something. I didn't take it from her and he smile only got a little bigger.

???-Awww, don't worry. I didn't poison this one.~

She unwrapped it and poked it into my mouth and it tasted like a watermelon jolly rancher before she put her hand under my chin which made me jump.

???-My name is Laughing Jill. I can't wait to finally play with you.~

Just then another girl jumped in front of her and she looked kinda hyper and had an axe on her side which made me back up into Slenda again that led to me jumping a second time and laughter filled the room.


???-H-Hey there c-c-c-cu-cutie! Call m-me Ti-Ticci T-T-Tami! O-Or T-T-Tami for sh-short!

She just grabbed me and swung me around in a tight hug for a bit before Slenda took me from her then gave me to the next girl and this girl... had a clock in her eye... and it was working.


I couldn't look away from her eye for long and it was to look at her stiches before she surprised kissed my cheek and I jumped back a little while I felt my face heat up.

???-Oh my god, you're blushing so hard! I knew you would if you were awake!... Anyway, friends call me Clockwork, but you can call me Natelie or big sis.

Killer_Queen666-Have you all forgot who saw him first?

Just then I was grabbed and pulled onto Killer_Queen666's lap and she turned me into her chest while giving me a hug to pull my face into her boobs which made my face burn heat up more before she broke the hug to let me see her, but I was so embarrassed that these scary girls and monster were making me blush.


Killer_Queen666-Hey there my little squeaker. Name's Benny.~

She said she played a game with me a few months ago and she was one of those people that like to dress up, but her eyes were, black, red, and bleeding. I just tried to look away, but she turned me back before she puffed her chest up to me a little with a smug smile.

Benny-Awwww, did you not like your time with these?... You wanna try my thighs?~

Just then Slenda took me from Benny while she just snickered at me and some girl with Black eyes came over and Slenda gave me to her, so she was holding me now.


???-Hey sweetie, i'm Jane... You feel even better than just cuddling you in your sleep.~

(Y/N)'s mind-How many of these girls were in my room?!

Slenda-All of us.

I was not gonna get used to her reading my mind any time soon... Wait, what am I saying?! I gotta get out of here! Just then Jane whispered something into my ear.

Jane-I wouldn't go near Jess. Why don't you spend your first night with me? *whisper*

Jess-I heard that you fucking-!

Slenda-Knock it off! Both of you!

Just then I was taken from Jane and she was forced back onto a couch then she and Jess glared at each other, so I guess they really hate each other. I couldn't focus on that as I was given to the next girl and this girl was wearing a blue mask with black stuff coming out of the eyes.


Her skin was all gray, but she just rubbed my cheeks, chin, then poked my nose to play with me before she giggled a little. She then sniffed me a little like I would if I smelled cookies being made.

???-I'm Eyeless Jackie and you... You smell as sweet as you are~

Even if it was a nice thing to say, I don't think that might be a good thing with her... Maybe it might have something to do with what she is hiding behind her mask. She lifted her mask a little to give me a kiss on my cheek and besides her skin and name, she looked normal... Until I saw how sharp her teeth looked. She gave me to someone else and gave my chin a little scratch before she finally let go of me then I looked at the girl that had me now and she looked pretty, even her black eyes looked a little sparkly.


???-Greetings, call me Judge Angel or just Angel... You can my little angel whenever you like though.~

She bounced me on her leg a little before someone else came over and they looked kinda familiar and it took a bit before I had a good guess.


???-You recognize with my disguise, do you? Awwww, i'm flattered.~

(Y/N)-Wait... School Nurse Ann?

Nurse Ann-That's right. I also took care of those school bullies for you, remember?

I think I remember all 3 of my bullies got really sick and are still at the hospital, but I would have never guess it was because of here. I was just happy they were gone before, but now I was creeped out.

(Y/N)-... You made them sick?

She just poked my nose and wiggled it around a little to play with it before I shrank away from her.

Nurse Ann-And it's only a matter of time before they are not your problem anymore. I gave them some "special treatments".~

Slenda-Let's move on ladies. He still has 2 more to meet.

???-I'll go next.

Nurse Ann took me and gave me to the girl that wanted me and she had a dress on and her hair was covering her eyes, but she just felt so soft.


???-Hi little cream puff. I'm your new sister Lulu. You're just the cutest thing ever.~

Just then I looked around the living room while she snuggled me in her lap and I saw a huge T.V. was in here and this room alone was almost as bed as my house, but then I saw the last girl sitting on a chair and drawing something in a note book.


She just put her book down before she came over and sat next to Lulu and looked into my eyes.

???-Huh, cuter than I thought. Guess I need to resketch a few of my pieces.

Jess-I bought some from you by giving up my deserts for a week, you better start with mine.

Jane-Fuck off, i'm first!

Tami-I st-still d-d-d-don't have one!

Slenda-Now ladies, don't forget this is a first impression and his first evening and night here is already going to be hard enough.

I had all sorts of questions running in my head, like where am I or who are all of you and why do you want me, but the number one question was...

(Y/N)-Hey... Where's my mom and dad?!

They all gave each other a look before the T.V. suddenly turned on with a few glitches and it took a bit for me to notice that it was because Benny's eyes were glowing a little. I saw a game turn on and it was Minecraft with a character moving its own then soon I saw my mom and dad were in the game. They didn't look like game characters and they were locked in a cell floating over lava and I have a feeling if the die in the game... it's real for them.

Benny-There they are. People always wanted to be in a video game.

(Y/N)-Wh-What are gonna do to them?

Slenda-We won't be doing anything as of yet. Since we do want you to behave and not try to run away, I thought giving you a reason to stay will help.

They were using my parents to keep me here and just then Benny grabbed a controller on the couch to go up to a block and break one of the blocks while she was in creative and I could hear my parents screaming.


Benny-Oh relax, i'll fix that... For a tiny favor.~


Benny-Pick me to sleep in my room tonight.~

Jess-Bullshit, that's cheating!

Clockwork-I swear, I will slit your throat in your sleep if you get away with this!

Just then Slenda swiped down a tentacle in the middle everyone before they all looked at her then I noticed some of them were holding there weapons or got a little to Benny from behind me. Slenda's face looked like it had angry eyes under the skin which was so scary I backed away from her even if I wasn't even that close.

Slenda-Benny, what you just did was only supposed to be as a warning and nothing else. Fix that right now and the first choice will be up to him on who he sleeps with tonight. Do I make myself clear?

All the girls gave looks that said yes to her and that's when her scary face went as before she started to leave me with them.

Slenda-Leave the parents alone for now and you may all go back to what you were doing or whatever it is you like. If (Y/N) doesn't pick any of you in 6 hours, he'll just sleep with me.

She left the room and that's when all the girls looked at me and I was completely surrounded and watched as a few of them put their weapons away.



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