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((Y/N)'s POV)

Weiss wanted to keep our game and we were cuddling right now while the others were doing their own thing, but I was getting kinda bored now and wanted to play outside. Also, Ozpin talked to my sisters and said his hands were tied right now, so tomorrow we're going back to our house for the break and I couldn't wait to show Blake and Weiss everything I have in my room. I tried asking if we can go out and play catch or something, or maybe we can play that card game where I can always be the kingdom of Vacuo, but they said the game is still at home or in the library and we can't go now because it was gonna be dark soon. We tried video games, but I was bored of video games right now, and Weiss didn't want to let me go until my stomach growled to where she could hear it.

Weiss-You hungry again?

(Y/N)-And thirsty.

Blake-I'm getting kinda hungry too. Let me see him and i'll take him to the kitchen with me.

Weiss-Can you just bring something back for him? I'm cozy with him.

Blake-You've been hogging him all day. I hope you don't think he's sleeping with you on his last night here.

Ruby-Yeah, he's sleeping with me before we go to our house tomorrow.

Weiss-Well i'm sure he wants to stay with me a while longer.

Blake-Oh really?... Hey (Y/N), you want some fish sticks with me?~

That sounded really good right now, so I got out of Weiss's bed to go with Blake and she carried me out of the room, but Weiss looked kinda pouty... I think a few extra good night kisses would cheer her up later. Right now we were on our way to the kitchen and when we got there Blake put me on the counter before poking my nose and started to cook some frozen fish sticks for us.

(Emerald's POV)

Cinder had me stalk out the room at the time (Y/N) finally left it with some girl carrying him, so I followed them to the kitchen. I used my semblance on the girl since (Y/N) had his back turned to me and I saw she was making something, but then I made her not see or hear (Y/N) either before I walked up to him then had him look at me.

(Y/N)-Oh, hey Emerald.

Emerald-Getting some food in that belly before bed?

(Y/N)-Yeah, Blake I making some fish sticks.

Emerald-Sounds good. Hey, Cinder and I have been talking about you.

(Y/N)-Really? About What?

Emerald-Well it's like a super special surprise, but it has to be a secret from the others too.

(Y/N)-What kind of surprise? Because we're going back to my house tomorrow for the rest of the break.

When he said that, there was going to be a change to the plans, but maybe this can make it easier since we won't have huntsman on our backs as much. I just smiled and took his hands and as nice as it felt, I had to focus.

Emerald-You're gonna invite Cinder and I too, right? Or at least give us your address. More friends means more fun, right?

(Y/N)-Well... I guess the teams for the games can be bigger. Do you got a pen a paper?

I just pulled out my scroll and typed in his home address on my GPS and it showed me where his house was and it looked isolated on the map. I gave him a quick goodbye since my semblance Blake was almost done cooking and went back to report to Cinder.

(Timeskip To Night)

(No POV)

In the middle of the night while team RWBY was sleeping, (Y/N) snuck out of Ruby's bed and climbed down using the night stand before he wrote his address on a piece of paper and went to team JNPR's dorm and slipped it under the door before he snuck back on to Ruby's bed. He failed to cuddle her again without waking her up, but he played it off by lying about using the bathroom.

(Y/N)'s mind-Tomorrow is gonna be so fun with everybody!

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Yang's POV)

We had our stuff packed to stay at our house for a few days and were heading to the landing pads right now to hitch a rid to Patch. I had (Y/N) on my shoulders since he was still kinda tired from waking up early and was even shivering a little, but i'll get him back in his heated blanket when we get home. Aside from everything, he looked happy about something else and wouldn't tell us. When we got home however, Ruby got the spare house key out to unlock the door and we got inside to put (Y/N) in his bed while Blake and Weiss checked our place out. Ruby stayed with him in his bed to cuddle with him while I got some breakfast going for him when he wakes up again at a better time. Blake looked like she was getting settled in no problem, but Weiss kept on looking upstairs, no doubt thinking about my brother. Just I was almost done with the bacon eggs, and toast, as well as making more in case a few of us want seconds there was a knock on the door which was weird because only our dad knows we're here and he's out of town.

Yang's mind-Who can that be?

I went to answer the door and when I when I heard voices on the outside, I knew exactly who it was.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I rarely fluff Ruby, but I was comfy now and the food from downstairs smelled great, but after I heard a knock downstairs a little, soon there was another knock on my knock before Ruby and I looked as it opened and saw who it was.



Nora sprinted over to my bed and jumped on top of Ruby and I before Pyrrha just walked up to sit on the side of my bed then put her hand on my head. I was happy they found my note and decided to come and I wonder if Emerald and Cinder came here with them.

Ruby-What are you two doing here? How did you even find our house?

Pyrrha-This little guy left a note under our door, but... here.

She pulled out my note and gave it back to me only to see what changes she made to my spelling. It was kinda annoying, but she kissed my head before we all talked for a bit and I guess Juane and Ren went to visit Jaune's sister for a reunion. Cinder and Emerald did not come with them, so they were running a little late. After we all had a good breakfast we got to play some of my favorite games at my favorite places to play with them.

(Timeskip 4 Hours)

We were all tired except Nora who I think got more hyper somehow, even after running around the most out of all of us. I went inside the house to get everyone drinks which was just some homemade lemonade that dad made and Yang gave me mine by holding it for me in one of my sippy cups and the others wanted a turn too. After that I wanted to make a home made fruit punch with blue berries and raspberries like how dad makes sometimes, so I pretended to go to the bathroom, but snuck out to go to where I could pick the berries and they weren't that far from the house, so it will be ok.

(Y/N)'s mind-I know the others are gonna love it! I even made it one time all by myself after I drank a whole pitcher one time and nobody could tell the difference!

When I made it to the spot to collect berries I could still see the house in the distance before I heard footsteps behind me and when I turned I was so happy to see that they made it!


(Y/N)-Cinder, Emerald!

I ran up to them and Cinder bent down to me to rub my head as she smiled at me, but I gave her a hug.

(Y/N)-I thought you might not come! You missed our play time, but I think we're gonna watch a movie and-!

Cinder-Slow down a bit. You don't mind if we talk for a little bit, just the 3 of us?

(Y/N)-Oh, what did you wanna talk about?

Emerald-It's about you being safe.

I was a little confused by that because I was home with my sisters, their team, and their friends, so I don't know what could be safer.

Cinder-Things are gonna get very dangerous and I just can't stand not having you someplace close to me and away from harm. You don't want the grim to get you... Do you?


Cinder-Then we need you to trust us. We're friends, right?

I nodded my head since a friend will want me to be safe and maybe she might help my sisters by warning them.

(Y/N)-Yeah... What's going on?

She pulled out a bag and pour a bit of pink dust powder on her hand before she blew it in my face and I coughed a little and sneezed before I started to feel really tired. When I was about to fall Cinder grabbed me then pulled me to her and because I was tired and the size of her chest, I was just so cozy, but at the same time, I was kinda confused. I don't know why I wasn't scared, but she stood up while carrying me away from my house then Emerald kissed my cheek.

(Y/N)-Wh- *yawn* What are you doing? Where... are we... going?

Cinder-Don't worry. We have a nice place set up just for you. You'll be well guarded and ready to move when the time comes.~

Emerald-We even have some games there for you.~

Cinder-But right now, you need a little nap.~

Cinder gave me a few kisses and the last thing I saw before I closed my eyes was my house disappearing in the trees.

(No POV)

Cinder and Emerald got on the next boat back to Vale with (Y/N) sleeping soundly on Cinder and she was going to make sure he stays secure even when the original plan kicks off. She told Roman to make sure (Y/N) doesn't leave the room while making sure it was stacked with food and (Y/N) was also not to be left with nothing to do when she is not there. He loathed this order and needed his man power out on the streets to collect dust, so he would have his personal second in command on it. He had her waiting in the room for Cinder to show up and while she was on her way there...

Cinder's mind-I don't see the harm in a little nap and cuddle time with you when we get there. You're just gonna be so scared and frigidity when you wake up... It's gonna be so cuuute.~


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