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(Timeskip 1 Month)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Today was our last day here and this vacation was fun and the girls even got bathing suits for the pool after we went there a few times when barely anyone was there and the same was for the arcade and everywhere else. They just loved to stay up here, play with my new bell which I liked to play with too when I was bored, and if they were really good, I would pretend to be a cat if they wanted me to, even after I suggested other thins. They just really want me to act like a cat for some reason and I was even doing it a little while ago before lunch came up and we were having orange chicken and rice. Penelope was feeding me and I really got used to it now and they said we can go to the arcade one last time before the limo comes tonight to take us home where the bath house should be done and Penelope even added a few things to it too, but it was a surprise.

(Y/N)-When we get to the arcade, can I we play ski ball again?

Penelope-Only when you finish your food first.

Bea-And remember, if our tails can't wrap around your wrist.

(Y/N)-I'm too far from you.

She smiled at my answer and it's been like that every time we go out now. They have to wrap their tails around my wrist or bell or something and after I bumped into someone and slipped out of their tail I tried to tell them it was ok and they could be friends, but it didn't matter because the day after he left the hotel. The way he did it too was like he was in a hurry, especially when he saw us he jumped over the hood of his car to get in and drive off and that was 2 weeks ago.

(Y/N)'s mind-I guess he had somewhere else to be. Maybe a family emergency.

When we were finally done eating we got to go down to the arcade and when I got token the first place we went to was the ski ball machine to play and earn tickets for candy. It was a fun few rounds, but then I played pinball and air hockey with the girls while one held me up to play. While we were playing I smelled something kinda weird and it was super strong and Bea got mad before she covered my mouth and nose a little, but since I could still breath, I could still smell it.

(Y/N)'s mind-What is that smell? It smells awful.

(Gerta's POV)

I hated this smell so much and it was bothering my cub so much and I tried had to find who it was and get rid of it. I left him with Courtney and started to try and sniff out the human and when I found them I saw it was another human that looked like a young teen. I saw how he was walking with no place to go and he was just trying to show off and that is the first sign of some little punk trying to gain power in a group or something, but I had no idea what this weird smell was all over him. When I caught up to him I tapped his shoulder and made myself look bigger and more threatening to him then when he turned around, his smirk quickly faded almost instantly and the fear in his eyes locked on to mine.

Teen-Um... C-Can I help you?

Gerta-Whatever that smell is on you is bothering me and my cub, you should take care of it... Now.

Teen-Wh-What smell?

Gerta-You wanna play stupid with me? *growl*

I took one step closer to him and he tripped over himself and fell which made a few bags come out of these jackets and it was the main source of this smell then I remembered a few human hunters set this stuff on fire before breathing it in.


Gerta-You're bring this stuff near my cub to make him smell it? You think you're gonna be some big and bad hunter?


Staff-Hey, what's going on?

We turned to see a man walking to us as I was about to gut this little punk, but after he saw more of these plants coming from his jacket. They ended up taking it all as well as the boy before I could get my hands on him, but this was not over...

Gerta's mind-I. Hate. Human. Hunters.

I went back to the others where my cub was already playing again and Courtney was nuzzling him to try and get that scent off of him, but it was still lingering around. I could still smell it all over my cub from here since he walked right past them and because we still had a room, a regular bath was not going to cut it.


(Y/N)-Bea, I don't smell it anymore. Can we just stop now?

Bea-We're gonna make sure we're not just masking it.

Penelope-Just hold still.

(Y/N)-Aren't tongue baths just supposed to be for cats?

Courtney-Please, just calm down and we'll get some ice cream for the trip home.

(Y/N)-Fine... Can we at least turn on the bath water since we're in here?

Bea-Not yet.

I could still smell a very faint smell, but it was still there, just buried and it was clear that little wanna be hunter ruined our last day here. To think I didn't have to get my hands dirty, but there is no way he is getting away with this.

(Teen's POV)

I no doubt missed my buyer and even if I did find him, all my weed is gone and my parents are gonna see a $12,000 dollar fine since this was my fifth time being caught. I was never gonna get put in juvey since my dad is well connected, but I need some extra money to spend on my own since he only pays me in things he approves of. I had more stock, but it will be a while before I can make it back home without being spotted as I was walking in the woods for the 2 mile hike back home.




I turned back to see nothing, but I knew I wasn't hearing things because that was way too loud and I even felt the ground shake a little.

Teen-Who's there?

I pulled out the pocket knife I managed to keep hidden from the police since I stashed it under a dumpster. If this was some animal, I watch animal planet and tons of action movies. I know what to do with Black and Brown bears, but it will help if I could see what the hell was here.


I turned again to see the noise came from behind a bush, so I crept up to it before I stabbed the inside of the bush, only to find nothing, not even anything around it... My last hit is fucking with my head a little still.

Teen-Calm down man, let's just get home, get to your secret stock, and-.

Suddenly I was tackled from my side and my knife flew out of my hand while I heard a roar then when we stopped flipping and turning over I was pinned to the ground by big hands. I opened my eyes only to see that tigress from the arcade where I was gonna meet my guy.


???-*Growl* Hello little hunter.

Teen-H-Hunter? W-W-Wait, is this about that smell thing?! I-I can fix it, i'm leaving right now!

???-That smell is all over my cub and it is "still" not gone.

Teen-I-It should be gone after a shower! I swear! Look, you can't even smell it on me anymore!

???-You sense of smell must be even duller than that head of yours or worse... You're lying to me. *growl*

I honestly never smelled a damn thing because I always seal them in airtight bags, and wear cologne to mask the smell. There is no way anyone should've smelled any weed on me at all. She looked very pissed and her teeth were very sharp looking and I tried struggling to get out of her grip, but she squeezed my armed until...



???-I'm not eating something as dirty as you, but since you're still young, i'll made this quick.

She just stood up before she brought her foot over my face while I was still screaming for help, but it all stopped and went dark and silent when her foot met my face, All I heard was one final sound.


(Timeskip To Night)

((Y/N)'s POV)

After many tongue baths and a normal bath they finally stopped and we got to play a little longer to use the tokens we still had then we got some ice cream to wait for the limo. When it got here and we all got inside the first thing I did was pick a movie to play on the T.V. in here and Bea folded out some of the seats to make it a bed and it still had some seat belts. Gerta got on top of all of us and for the ride home we just watched a movie and Gerta and I were the last ones up and when she looked at me, she licked my head.

(Y/N)-Hey, they said the smell is gone. *whisper*

Gerta-It is, but I can always put mine on you.~

She used her thumb to rub it in on me until I felt really tired and fell asleep since we still got a while until we get to the house.

(No POV)

Back in the town there was a man walking the street handing put flyers and putting up posters about his missing neko. When he walked up to a couple he asked them...

???-Excuse me, have you seen my neko... Her name is Courtney.


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