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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was thinking of what to say to that didn't get me in trouble with her and she was patiently waiting for me to answer. If I tell her the truth, she might get mad because we still have her stolen stuff and she looked almost like a demon, especially with that fire ball above her. I don't know how long it has been, but I don't think it has been that long until I saw her give me another look before she bent down to me a little.

???-You still with me?... Relax, I know you couldn't have taken it.

(Y/N)-I-I didn't!

???-Ok, we both already know that, so how about you tell me who gave them to you?

(Y/N)-It... She was... H-Her name was Pony Head.

???-Princess Pony Head? That delinquent?


???-Woah, ok, time out!... Why don't we start with your name and talk slowly?

(Y/N)-... It's (Y/N).

???-Great, name's Hekapoo. Now, I head "Star". Do you mean Star Butterfly?

I just nodded my head at her and she just held her nose like she was annoyed then turned to head to the stairs before she looked at me. I just pointed upstairs before she headed up there and followed her to act like I was heading to my room, but I was gonna try and listen in on her and Star through the door. I saw her knock-on Star's door as I went into my room and waited for her to go in, but when I heard the door open next door, I didn't hear it close and the voices through my door were really hard to listen to. I just cracked open my door only to see Hekapoo still in the hallway now looking at me.


I was about to close my door, but now she was walking up to me, so I backed away before she opened my door all the way. She didn't look as mad from before she helped herself onto my bed to lay down and kinda looked like she was bored. It was really hard to think of something to say or even talk to her about anything since she was a monster that had fire magic.

(Y/N)-Um... What are you doing?

Hekapoo-Waiting for a mother daughter chat to be over to go talk to the queen.

(Y/N)-Wait, can't you just make a portal to her?

Hekapoo-It's called i'm the adult and I don't need to explain myself. Just give me a moment to lay down and rest.

(Hekapoo's POV)

I can't believe I have been resorted to wait in a human kid's room if I want to rest on a bed since I don't feel like searching for the room where the parents sleep in this house, but then again, I was tired of dealing with Rhombulus and the other magical high commission members. I just needed a while to rest then i'll talk to the queen since she was just having a little talk with her daughter about responsibility, behaving while here, all that junk. I will give the human kid this much...

Hekapoo's mind-He does have a comfy bed. Guess humans are good for something after all. It might only to be helpful in sleeping better at night, but still something.

(Timeskip 15 Minutes)

I have no idea what was taking him so long with those two, but I was getting kinda sleepy. I ended up grabbing one of the big soft toys on the bed to cuddle with after I closed my eyes and it felt so nice and it even got a little warm to just the right temperature.

Hekapoo-Hey human, where did you this thing? I need one of these after a long day?

(Y/N)-Um, H-Hekapoo.

He sounded very close, so I shot my eyes open to see I was holding him an the back of his head was pushed against my chest firmly from what used to be for my comfort was now to my embarrassment.


I quickly let go of him and sat up while brushing myself off a little while trying to get the image out of my head that I just cuddled a human kid. It took a bit for me to calm down and I just got up and just felt like splashing some water into my face, so I went to the bathroom while saw how red his face was on my way out. When I made it there I just splashed some water into my face while I saw lights flash from the princesses door as well as hearing her chant spells, so I guess her mother was examining her. It would explain why it was taking so long, but now I have this in my head.

Hekapoo's mind-Come on Hekapoo, you fought countless enemies to yourself and the kingdom, put up with the universes most egocentric idiot, and lived through it all. Cuddling with a human kid should be nothing to lose your cool over. So I felt comfortable and got a little carried away, big deal.

I dried my face off before I walked past (Y/N)'s room and he was fixing his bed and stuffed animals after I laid on it... He did look kinda cute and I thought I should take off since I was gonna be waiting maybe a little over an hour for Queen Moon to be done with her daughter, but instead I just relaxed in the living room. I tried to get comfy laying on the couch, but it wasn't as good as his bed and that's when I had (Y/N) stuck in my head.


This was seriously annoying to the point Rhombulus might as well be here, but that's when I pictured him freezing (Y/N) and I was caught off guard emotionally when something flared and the flame on my head got bigger for a moment before I got a hold of myself... There is no way a human can mean that much to me and i'm gonna prove it!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I finally fixed my room and I was playing with some of my hot wheels to just watch them run around on the big track I made before I heard footsteps coming from high heels then Hekapoo walked in.


Hekapoo-Hey there little guy. Having fun there?

(Y/N)-... Y-Yes.

Hekapoo-Oh come on, i'm not scary, am I?

She says that while I was looking at her sharp teeth, pointy ears, spikey arms, her yellow and red eyes, and her skin was literally as white as paper. She just came in and sat next to me while looking at my cars then she leaned back on my bed before she looked at me again. I guess she was kinda friendly and I did think she was warm and for some reason her fire to catch my bed on fire, so maybe it wasn't dangerous... I leaned into her a little before she kinda jumped and her arm was a little shaky, but it soon stopped when she wrapped it around me. I looked at her smiling at me before she stood up and bent over to look down at me.

Hekapoo-You know, for a human, you're pretty adorable.~

I tried to hide my face from her after I felt myself blushing from her words, but I just heard her laugh a little before she held me tighter. I tried to get up and just get on my bed try and calm down, but she stood there looking at me before... There were seven of her?!

(Y/N)'s mind-She can make clones?!

Two of them closed the door and locked it while one got the window and curtain then four of them cleaned up my toys while the real one got on my bed with me. Their fire is the only thing that lit up my room now while Hekapoo cuddled me again then sighed like she was happy.

Hekapoo-You know, I used to think humans were completely mindless, destructive, and backwards, but you... You're different.~


Hekapoo-That's right. My job is really, really hard and I have to work with an idiot more than half the time. Doesn't a nice rest sound good after so many hard days?~

(Y/N)-I mean... That does sound hard, but-.

Hekapoo-I know it's hard which is why I need a little help after those days... How would you like that job to help me?~


Hekapoo-It's so easy. All you have to do is cuddle and make me smile with this cute face of yours after a hard day of work.~

I looked past her and saw all of her clones were looking at us and giving us all kinds of looks that showed they were kinda happy and waiting for something before one came up and kissed my nose. Just then Hekapoo dragged me to the edge of the bed to put me on her lap and she and her clones started to adore me which made me blush so much before she made me look at her.

Hekapoo-You're the only one who ever saw this side of me... What do you say, do you want the easy job and I can pay you back in getting you whatever you want or taking you to places that you think could only be in your dreams.

She cupped my face a little and I thought about it, but I never been so far away from home until yesterday and it felt so weird to do that and now it will be a lot more. I had school too, so I couldn't leave...

(Y/N)-Sorry, but... I can't leave. I have my family here, school, friends, and I don't like that I would have to be gone a long time.

Hekapoo-Where I take you, time will work differently. A few years there will be a few minutes here.

That didn't make it sound better, in fact, it made things a little bit worse because if she wants me for a few years and I come back, i'll be so much older. She saw the look on my face and she knew I was still gonna say no, but before I could say anything her smile slowly went away before she handed me to her clones for them all to hold me and cover my mouth and i was starting to get scared.

Hekapoo-Something has been nagging at me. Even if you didn't still my scissors, you still went out with the one that did... That makes you an accessory to stealing from me and something very powerful at that. That's a lot of jail time coming your way little fella.

She started to rub and scratch my check before she had the same smile from before, but it felt different now.

Hekapoo-You don't wanna be locked in a cell with bad people and monsters, right? They will eat your cute little body and face while you're still alive... Instead, why don't we give you a little "community service". How does "eternity" sound?

(Y/N)-Wha?! *muffled*

Hekapoo-That sounds fair to me... Maybe a de-aging spell will suit you well and keep you like this. Small and adorable, for me.~

I tried struggling to get free before I was pinned on my bed by the clones while Hekapoo went into a portal and almost instantly came out with a potion and even a looked like she was eating something.


Hekapoo-Awwwww, right where I left you. Now open up and say "ahh" for me. You're gonna feel kinda tired after this.~

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

(Star's POV)

I finally got done with my lessons from my mother and someone who will be known as "Jerk in the book" and now I just wanted to go be with (Y/N) and tell Hekapoo she can go talk to my mother now. When I got to his room his door was locked, but thankfully I learned a spell to help me unlock the door. I opened the door and saw Hekapoo cuddling my brother on his bed while he looked so tired as he looked at me with groggy eyes then yawned before he just passed out in her arms.


Hekapoo-How did your magic lessons go Princess Star?

Star-What are you doing with him?

Hekapoo-Oh, you know, he just looked so lonely and tired, so I thought since I was waiting.

That didn't sound like her much at all, even if I don't know everything about her, I always pegged her for the type to always be chill and almost uncaring when she was off duty. She got up while holding him in her arms and I was getting mad, so I went up to her and took him from her, but her smile never left.

Hekapoo-Something came up and I have some things I need to do. I'll be taking my scissors back, but just to show there's no hard feeling, I left a new pair in your weird closet. See ya later and happy digging.

She scratched my brothers chin before she opened a portal and left, closing it and I took him to my room to see what she did, but I found no marks and Glossaryck said he found no traces of magic on him. With nothing on him I relaxed a little and just cuddled him in my bed to let him sleep until his parents come home.

(No POV)

While Star was enjoying having her little brother nap on top of her Hekapoo decided to go universe to universe to collect things to get her place ready for her new eternal cuddle toy. Meanwhile an angry little birdy just hired a new monster to help track down the princess, but he thought, why track her down when you can have her parents lure her out of hiding.

???-There are no better times for a little family reunion.