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((M/N)'s POV)

(D/N) and I just made it home at night after a nice time with his boss and I feel confident that he was going to get this promotion. We made it home by an Uber and do it again in the morning to go pick up the car, but for tonight we just need to rest and sober up. When we got inside it was quiet and no doubt our son was asleep since it was past his bedtime, but suddenly a light turned on in the living room and when we turned, we saw Kim sitting in a chair like she was waiting for us and even had some cookies.


(M/N)-Hey Kim, is our *hic* boy asleep?

Kim-Oh, don't worry about him, he's perfectly fine. Cookie?

She offered them to us and my husband took 4 while I just took 3 and they tasted really good and we did nee some food to sober up a little more. After we ate our cookies she poured us some milk and while we were drinking I felt more dizzy then my husband fell over on top of me, but Kim caught us before we could hit the ground.

Kim-I was thinking... We need to have a little talk.

I was confused on what she meant, but my eyes got so heavy and it was no time before I fell asleep while I felt like I was being dragged somewhere.

(Short Timeskip)


I woke up coughing and I tried to wipe the water off my face, but my arms were tied behind my back and I was upside down. Water was going up my nose, there was something in my mouth that kept me from screaming or talking then when I finally paid attention to everything around me I saw I was in our basement and my husband was in the same situation right across from me. When I was able to get a grip on the situation I noticed more around the room, like a table with some tools on it, but then the door opened and we both turned to see Kim walking down the stairs, but she had different clothes on.


Our muffled screams filled the room while she just ignored us before taking a screwdriver and walked to my husband to trace it down his belly then used his shirt hanging down to his chest to cover his face. She then turned to me with a look on her face that was almost showing no emotion at all before she walked over to me to pressed the screwdriver to my chin to make me feel the point of it poking me and would only take a little force to pierce me.

Kim-Let's have that talk now.

I tried to beg her to let me go, but she only bent down to my new eye level and I remembered her pictures online and the news seeing her a very well behaved young girl and a hero, but now she looks like a killer ready to gut me.

Kim-I tried my hardest for (Y/N) while you were out at work, I really did. I take care of him like any babysitter or parent would then I went beyond as to save him after he got kidnapped before you or the police knew anything!


My face stung really bad and I could tell she did not hold back with that hit then she pulled on my hair while she stood back up to make me look at her.

Kim-Then there's you... You could've turned down going out to dinner and stay home with (Y/N), but instead, not only did you only check in by text which any sicko that could have broke in responded, you got drunk and came home late. So who she he be calling his mother? You... or me?

(M/N)-... *Gulp*.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to no alarm and I was calm before I panicked and looked at the time to see I was late for school. I don't know why my mom or dad didn't wake me up, but I just got out of bed to quickly get dressed before I ran downstairs.

(Y/N)-Mom, dad! I'm late for school! Why didn't you-?!

I made it to the kitchen where I saw my mom and dad with Kim having breakfast like they were just talking, but what I noticed the most is that my dad had a black eye and some band-aid on his face and my mom had some too, but the bruise she had was on both of her cheeks.


Kim-Morning sweetie. Awwww, you look so stressed out.~

She came over to me and picked me before she brought me to the table to put me on her lap and my parents let her, but now I can tell them what she did... First though...

(Y/N)-What happened to you two?

(D/N)-Oh, it was... a fight at the bar. Mommy and daddy tried to break it up, but things got a little messy.

(M/N)-When adults drink too much, they tend to get a little silly.

(Y/N)-Well... Kim made me take a bath with her last night!

Just then I felt Kim petting my head when my parents both just smiled and laughed a little at me and I was so confused.

(M/N)-Kim told us what happened with that villain from the news. You must've had a crazy dream.

(Y/N)-No, she really did, and-!

(D/N)-We shouldn't make things up about the hero that saved you. Do you know what could've happened if you stayed there?


(M/N)-No buts... We are giving you the day off of school to recuperate and Kim will be taking you to her house this weekend. The bad lady might come after you again and Kim thinks it will be safer at her house where she can keep a better eye on you.

I had no idea what to say then Kim turned me to her fixed my hair a little before she got up while holding me. She kissed my cheek right in front of my parents and this was just getting weirder and weirder.

Kim-Well looks who's ready to go out and have some fun. I know a nice bowling alley or there's an arcade, out for ice cream, or do you just want to go to my place and cuddle.~

She was taking me with her to go somewhere while she waved her phone at my parents then we made it outside and started to go somewhere.

(Shego's POV)

We were at the school and I have no idea why he wasn't here because today was a school day or maybe gave him a day off after what happened. I didn't have time to waste to attack a school full of brats, so Drakken and I moved on to the rest of the city and I used his x-ray binoculars to search house after house and building after building. After a while of searching I could tell Drakken was getting annoyed by this which is why I told him to wait on the ship or even go back to the island if he didn't want to do this, but he wants to be stubborn about it. When I made it over another house I managed to see what must be his room because I saw pictures of him through the wall, but he wasn't home or anyone else for that matter.

Shego-Oh come on! If a kid isn't at school or home this time of day then where is he?!

Drakken-Maybe we should just-.


That shut him up and I started to think about where he would be, so I started with what happened before. If he was kidnapped and scared when he got home, where would be the first place they would take him if the kidnapper didn't know where they lived...

Shego's mind-Out for a treat!

There was burger places, fast food places, ice cream parlors, and all sorts of stuff. That narrowed down our search by a lot and after an hour I saw him with Kimmy in the park bouncing him on her leg.


I felt my anger boil up inside me with the fact that if anyone should be doing that to him, it should be me, so i grabbed the gun and loaded the metal clip into it and aimed it right at his waist which was easy since a camera on the gun was linked to the ship and had a mark on screen.

Shego-Drakken, get ready to fly back to base on my mark.

Drakken-I should be the one giving orders. *mumbles*

Shego-What was that?


Shego-That's what I thought.

I'll let it slide this time, but only because I had to focus.

(Kim's POV)

(Y/N)'s cheeks were so pink and adorable right now that I couldn't help, but pinch him and he was fussy until we got ice cream earlier. He was still in a bad mood, but at best it was a tad bit pouty which is a cute look on him too. Everything was going well until a big metal ring came out of nowhere and clamped around his waist and I held on tight when he was almost instantly pulled away. I looked to where we were going and I saw it was a ship and "she" was on it.


Shego-LET HIM GO!!! HE'S MINE!!!

I noticed he was being pulled by a giant magnet below the ship and when he got stuck to it I used my grappling hook to get on top of the ship where I saw Drakken on here too.


Drakken-Kim Possible!

Shego-Just start flying, I got her!

The ship took off and Shego tried to blast me, but I ducked and rolled to her to close the gap between us and started fighting her. Drakken was flying crazily which threw us off balance for a bit, but Shego took this chance to blast me and I flew back into a control panel. I hit my head really hard and felt dizzy as Shego was walking over to me then grabbed me by my shirt.

Shego-I'm going to show you what happens when you touch what belongs to me that I actually care about!

Just then she punched me in the face and that was enough for me to black out, only thinking about what she was going to do to my baby.



Is this story on hold or discontinued