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((Y/N)'s POV) age: 6

The bell just rang on the last day of school and I was one of the many kids just trying to get home to get this vacation started. A whole 3 months of no homework, no school, no bullies, and most importantly, no waking up super early in the morning. When I made it to the exit of the school I bumped into the school nurse a little as well as a few other kids, but she only had her eyes on me for a bit while I was still walking away. It was a long walk, but when I man it home I went straight to my room, tossed my backpack in the corner of my room, then went on my PS5 my mom and dad got me for having good grades. It took a bit to find, but now I can play things like the newest Spider-Man game, or Dragon Ball Z, or so many other cool games and I get to play online too with a free online trial. When I made it home I hopped on Spider-Man first and played the first mission before I moved on to the side missions until I wanted to play the other games I had and use my online trial while I had it. I even got my friend to let me borrow his Call Of Duty Vandetta and headset while he was out camping on the first week of summer.

(Y/N)'s mind-This is gonna be so awesome!

I put in the game and waited a while for it to download then got on the game after I was sure my parents weren't just outside coming in. When i got on a public match I plugged in the headset with a mic and took a breath before.

(Y/N)-Hey, anyone got a mic?

There was nothing, so I left this lobby and went on to another lobby then ended up going through 4 more lobbies before.

(Y/N)-Hey, anyone got a mic?

Killer_Queen666-Hey little man.

(Y/N)-Finally. I tried to find someone who talks for a while.

Killer_Queen666-Are you a little young to be playing something like this? You sound like you're still in the first grade.

I would love to tell her that I was moving on to the second grade and just got done with the first grade, but I can't tell her anything about me. When the game started I didn't know how to talk to her, but she started to talk to me while I was running around with a shot gun.

Killer_Queen666-So little man, you got really quiet. Is it because you're talking to a big girl.~

(Y/N)-Would you stop calling me little man?

Killer_Queen666-Awwww, make me.~

(Y/N)-Tell me where you are on the map and i'll come make you!

Killer_Queen666-Ohhh, big words from such a little man.~

(Y/N)-Stop calling me that and call me by my gamertag! You still didn't tell me where you are!

Killer_Queen666-I'm in my room.

I know she is just trying to annoy me to make me angry... and I don't care if it's working because if I destroy her at this game, that will shut her up, but then I noticed something...

(Y/N)'s mind-Where are the other players?

I looked around the map some more and saw they were all in a circle at a corner of the map doing nothing, so I killed all of them and some respawned close by, so I killed them too. They were still doing nothing and I thought this was a glitch, but just then I got killed by one of the players then saw it was Killer_Queen666 on the kill cam.

Killer_Queen666-I thought you were gonna kick my ass to make me stop calling you little man, "little man".

I know not to say bad words at all even if she did make me mad, but I was more confused about everyone else. The game went on, but at the last 2 minutes I was out of ammo for not dying, so I picked up another gun to only see there was no ammo either. I had no ammo, no grenades or anything, but a knife. Now they all came to me and surrounded me by covering all the exits.

(Y/N)-... Is anyone gonna actually play this game?

Killer_Queen666-Getting bored? Hate to break it to ya, but we're playing another game.

(Y/N)'s mind-Ugh, forget this. I'll go find another lobby.

I tried to exit the match,... but it wouldn't let me.

Killer_Queen666-Eh, eh, eh, no room for quitters here.

(Y/N)-What? H-How did you-?

Killer_Queen666-You can just think of this as an "extra special game" just for you.~

I was actually getting a little nervous and creeped out and I tried to leave the game so many times until I had enough to try and turn off the PS5, but even that won't work. What the heck is going on with this thing?!

Killer_Queen666-Alright, let's get this game started and we'll started by losing that timer... Now we're gonna play a question game.

(Y/N)-Let me out of this game you hacker!

Killer_Queen666-First question... Do you have a (F/S) poster in your room?

Just then my heart kinda stopped because I did, but there was now way I was gonna say yes. I'll just say no to every question, she'll leave, and i'll go back to playing Spider-Man Miles Morales.


Killer_Queen666-Who in your family calls you cute the most again? Was it your aunt or mom?

(Y/N)-... Th-They don't.

Killer_Queen666-Now is (B/N) your bully that only bullies you?


How does she know everything and she asked a few other questions and I lied about them all, but her last question...

Killer_Queen666-This has been very helpful, but why were you lying to me about everything... (Y/N). I see you.~

Just then I panicked and just unplugged my PS5 to turn the game off right then and there while my heart was racing. I just left my room to go outside for the rest of the day, but I couldn't stop thinking about that lady and how she knew everything. If she tries to find me online again, i'll just report her, but for now, I was in my drive way shooting basketball hoops until I had this feeling in my belly.

(Y/N)'s mind-Relax... You only met in a game. She doesn't know where you are. Maybe it was just looking me up online or maybe (B/N) told her everything about me to mess with me... Yeah, that's it.

The feeling didn't go away while I kept on playing and something told me to turn around, but I wasn't even gonna give (B/N) that much in case he was watching. He doesn't live around here, but he has a friend who does and be here now just to laugh at me from scaring me. The only thing is the more I tried to ignore this feeling the harder it was until I gave in and turned around only to see that nothing was there.

(Y/N)-I knew it.

I played for a while longer before I went back inside to turn on the T.V. to watch a show to help me calm down, like something funny. There was Despicable Me, Avatar, Sonic The Hedgehog, and a few others we had not counting shows. Just then there was a call on the house phone, so I went to go answer it and if it's for my parents, I can tell them to call back. When I answered the phone from an unknown number...





I just hung up the phone, but when i put it back on the hook it started ringing again, so I picked it up.



I just hung up the phone again then it started ringing, but I just walked away from it to leave it alone then I heard a knock at the door. I didn't wanna open it, so I peaked outside the peephole after I got my stepping stool, but there was nobody there... I just decided to take the movie to my room and watch it on my PS5, but this time, no games.

(Timeskip To Night)

My parents were home and we were having dinner right now and I couldn't tell my mom and dad everything, but I did tell them some girl knew some stuff about me that I never told her. At first they believed me, but when I got to the really crazy part they didn't believe me anymore.

(Y/N)-But it's all true! She knows who my bully is, what you and aunt Hannah call me, she even knew about a poster in my room! (B/N) could have told her, but even he didn't know that much about me an-and-!

Mom-Sweetie, even if your new account got hacked, she couldn't have gotten anything or known about personal stuff like that.

Dad-Listen to your mom and the house is locked up tight with our security system and we have cameras outside, so if this "lady" comes close to us and touches a lock in a way it doesn't like, a silent alarm will off and police will be here in a matter of minutes.

(Y/N)-But dad-.

Dad-No buts, we are safe, and just because it's summer doesn't mean you don't have a bed time. Finish eating, shower, then bed.

(Y/N)-*Sigh* Can I at least sleep with my T.V. on tonight? Just the screensaver.

Mom-Just the screensaver, if we hear a show or movie or game, T.V. goes off.

((M/N)'s POV)

After dinner my son went upstairs to the bathroom to get ready for bed and I thought about his crazy little story. Even if there is a stalker, some of the things he said could not have been known by anyone, but us since I know it happened behind closed doors and curtains. We did have the police put a watch patrol on our house to see if everything was ok and with all of that out of the way, I doubled checked all the locks around the house, made sure the alarm system was armed, and closed all the curtains to keep whoever it is from looking in.

Dad-Relax, nobody is getting in. At best it was probably some cyberpunk that, that problem child sicked on him. We'll file a report in the morning and bring him with us.

Mom-We should be filing one right now. There is nothing on that new system they can use to hurt us, but some creep is stalking our son.

Dad-Which is why we are staying in, police will check on us, and the morning, it's straight to the police station. No questions asked.

He was right, but i'm also right to be scared because this sicko could be looking at our house right now and if that bully has anything to do with this I will get the police involved, he will be locked up, and I will press every single little charge against his parents.

(Timeskip To Midnight)

((D/N)'s POV)

I was holding my wife with me on the couch to try and calm her down and we were watching a movie she liked. Don't get me wrong, because i'm pissed off too if this stalking shit is for real and I don't care who it is. They will just be lucky if I don't personally get my hands on them, but my thoughts were interrupted by the power going out. My wife was the first to sit up on guard and instantly went for her phone to call the police and normally i would try to get her to calm down, but this moment was different.

(D/N)-Stay here, i'll go check on (Y/N).

I stopped by the kitchen to grab a knife before I headed upstairs in case something happens. I heard my wife on the phone with the police as I started walking down the hall where I saw... a pile of candy on the floor.

(D/N)-What the?

It looked like hard candy and when I picked one up...


I quickly turned around only for something nobody to be there, but I saw a door creek open, so I held my knife out and stayed quiet. Police should be on their way by now... Someone is here.

((M/N)'s POV)

I was on the phone with a female police officer and she just told me stay on the phone until a cop showed up and I kept an eye upstairs where my husband and son are. I was scrambling on what to do if this was an attack on us, but my next thought and move was.

(M/N)-I-It's my husband and son, they're upstairs and he has a knife to protect himself. H-He'll drop it when you get here.

???-Alright ma'am, just stay put and stay calm. Officers should be there any moment now.

(M/N)-O-Ok, i'll go upstairs and join them.

???-No, don't do that.


???-... You won't like it.

I just looked at my phone in horror before I hung up and tried to call the police again, only for my phone to shock me and the T.V. turned on and showed static, even though it shouldn't show static ever, just a no signal icon. I saw 2 hands touch the screen from the inside and I was frozen in fear while trying to guess what was happening before I tried to scream and run upstairs, only for a bunch of cords to wrap around my mouth, arms, and legs then started pulling me to the T.V. like it was pulling me inside of it.

(M/N)-*Muffled screams*!

(Short Timeskip)

((Y/N)'s POV)


I woke up to a sound and looked around my room to see my T.V. was off and my door was wide open. There was a string tied to my knob, so I went to it and followed it downstairs and to the back door that was wide open. I was so scared since my mom and dad wanted everything closed and locked.

(Y/N)-Mom?!... Dad?!

I heard nothing and even ran to their room to see that they weren't there, so I had to go see if they were outside in the backyard. It has to be where they are, so I went back to the door through my dark house completely scared. I made it outside were I saw a mirror hanging from a branch and I was able to look in my reflection.


I saw how scared I was and when the mirror fell to the ground I jumped and slowly backed away from it until something grabbed me and it was a tentical wrapping itself around me and before I could scream, it covered my mouth. I was then turned to see who was doing it and it was...


(Y/N)'s mind-A MONSTER!!!

I tried to scream as loud as I could as the monster brought me closer to her and I thought she was going to hurt me, but she gently cupped my cheeks before rubbing my head. I still didn't stop screaming until I felt so dizzy all of the sudden.

???-Sleep well child... I'm your new mommy now.~

I had no idea what she was talking about, but I took a better look at here and how high up I was just to meet her... where her face would be and saw I wasn't even tall enough to reach her knees, When my eyes finally closed I heard one last thing...

???-We waited for this for so long.~


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