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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was morning and Weiss was giving me a bath with her before we get to go out for breakfast and Ruby and yang said that if i'm good, I can have cinnamon roll pancakes. Weiss was also scrubbing and scratching me just right that felt like scratching an itch a little, but during our bath, I wanted to play with her a little, so I splashed her a little. It didn't hit her face because I didn't want soap to get in her eyes and hurt her and she even splashed back a little before she cupped my face to give me a few kisses.

Weiss-Awwww, I know you wanna play, but that can wait until after breakfast... Also if you choose to sit on my lap and let me feed you, i'll get you your own scroll and games for it.~


She just nodded her head and I just hugged her while being so excited that I was gonna have my own scroll. She finished our bath and by the time we got out into the room, the others were waiting on us to get dressed and Ruby and Yang had clothes ready to dress me in.


Yang-Were you being good for Weiss?~

(Y/N)-Yeah! I want a big plate of the cinnamon roll pancakes when we get there!

Ruby-Only the best for our baby brother.~

They both gave me kisses before Yang put me on her shoulders to give me a ride while we walked. Weiss was looking at me and I smiled at her to let her know I was going to sit on her lap when we got there and she smiled back. On our way out of the dorms Yang started to run to make this more fun, but when we turned a corner, she bumped into someone really hard that we started to fall and I hit the girl behind the other girl she her. When I looked up I saw I was on top of a girl with long and pretty black hair and I played with it a little until she sat up to look at me now against her belly.


(Y/N)-Oh, sorry... I like your hair.

When Yang got up she picked me up and this time held me like a baby then I saw the other girl she hit on accident.


The long haired one was pretty, but I have never seen a girl with green hair before and she looks so cool.

Yang-Sorry about that. You ok?

???-I'm fine.

(Y/N)-Hey, I like your green hair. It looks cool.

???-Uh, thanks.

The others caught up and we talked for a little bit before longer before we got moving to the restaurant again. We got their names and it was Cinder and Emerald, so I waved them goodbye and I saw them looking at me until we turned another corner.

(Y/N)-Bye, maybe we can see each other again before I leave!

(Cinder's POV)

There was something about that boy that seemed to catch my eye, but we couldn't get distracted. Mercury already ran off to go do whatever it is he does, but for now we just headed for our dorm to go over more of the plan. Torchwick should be busy with collecting dust from around the kingdom after we got a very late start on the plan and will take months at this rate, but without very much power from only a fragment of maiden powers, I must have patience like Salem says. When we got to our room, Mercury was still nowhere to be seen so we got started on the mission briefing and there wasn't much to say for her part other than her cover, but as for me, I will be doing a lot of the heavy pulling. After a while of briefing our door opened and we stopped talking to see it was just Mercury.


Emerald-About time you showed up.

Cinder-Where were you?

Mercury-Found the cafeteria, food didn't look half bad, and I was hungry. Figured a snack break wouldn't hurt.

Cinder-We were going over our parts of the plan and that includes "yours".

Mercury-I get it, stay low, keep eyes peeled, and report to you what seems necessary.

Cinder-*Sigh* Emerald, brief him. I'm taking a shower.

I just went to the bathroom in here and closed the door and locked it before I got ready to get in when the water was warm. When I got in to get myself soaked in the water something suddenly popped into my head.

(Flashback Start)


(Flashback End)

I was confused why I was thinking of him in a time like this and I tried to think about other more important things, but no matter what, it was like he forces his way back into my head. I was getting annoyed and after the shower I still couldn't get him out of my head, so I decided to get dressed and go out on a walk. Emerald and Mercury were gone, so I didn't have to deal with any annoying comments I wasn't in the mood for. While I just walked around the campus I saw one of those girls again holding (Y/N).


He looked kinda sick and curled up in her arms and I don't know why, but when he saw me and I looked into his eyes, I pictured myself him. I snapped out of it since I would never do something so mushy because I never got that kind of treatment from any before without being betrayed.

Cinder's mind-I cut these feelings off long ago! Why is it back?!

I tried to ignore him, but something made my legs stop walking and that was just the sound of his voice.

(Y/N)-Hey Cinder. You look a little mad... Are you ok?

Cinder-I'm fine... What happened to you?

Weiss-He just had too much to eat, even when I "told" him to tell me when he was full.

She looked at him at that last part like he was in trouble and he shrank down into her a little more with a guilty look on his face. She shifted him back up a little and was about to leave, but now my arm acted on it's own to reach out a little and she noticed these without me even touching her.


Cinder-Um... I was just wondering if you could point me somewhere. I was looking for the library to get some books for the next term.

Weiss-Well we were gonna be passing it on the way to the dorm. Follow me.

I did follow her and the whole time I was walking with her I couldn't take my eyes off (Y/N) most of the time unless when I was looking where I was going. This was getting on my nerves and when she pointed me to the library i went inside to avoid suspension by her, but I looked back to see them walking away.

Cinder's mind-Don't follow them, you have more important things to be doing other than thinking about some brat... He... He just-. No!

((Y/N)'s POV)

My tummy still felt a little sick, but those pancakes just tasted so good and just as we were about to make it to our room, we heard Nora talking. We turned the corner to her dorm across from my sister's dorm and we saw who she was talking to before she looked and saw us which made Emerald turn too.


Nora-*Gasp* (Y/N)!!!

She ran over here and was about to grab me, but Weiss turned me away from her a little since I don't wanna be swung around right now. Weiss tried to tell her I was sick and she couldn't hold me if she was hyper, but she took me anyway then was actually not as hyper while she gave me lots of kisses. I was looking at Emerald and gave her a small wave then she crossed her arms and looked down before she looked back to me and waved back before she came over.

(Y/N)-Hey Emerald.

Emerald-What happened to you?

(Y/N)-I ate a little too much.

I was looking at her hair and how cool it was then when she noticed, she grabbed one of the long parts and held it for me to touch. It felt soft and I waved it around to play with it before I saw her cheeks getting a little red for some reason, so I touched her head which made her face turn pink and she felt kinda hot.

(Y/N)-Are you ok? I think you have a fever.

Just then Weiss ripped me away from Nora and looked kinda mad still before she took us into her room and got on her bed with me to tuck me in like she said she would while the others go around Vale and maybe go to our house to get something. She laid next to me and I didn't like it when others were mad, so I tried to cheer her up and I know what always works on my sisters.

(Y/N)-Hey Weiss, wanna play a treat game I play with my sisters?

Weiss-Huh?... How do you play this exactly?

(Y/N)-Easy, you get something small and tasty or if you don't then you get a small toy, blindfold me then you hide it somewhere on the bed or your body. I only to use my hands to guess three times before I have to use my mouth, crawling counts, and if I guess what it is, I get bonus points.

(Weiss's POV)

I guess if you aren't rich then you need to make your own fun a lot and he did look excited to play and even got a blindfold from his suitcase here and tied it on himself. I had to find something for him to find and with no treats I looked around and just got a small toy from Ruby's bed and crawled on to start the game.

(Y/N)-Oh wait, I forgot the reward. Loser has to do one thing the winner tells them. Anything goes. Just last 5 minutes.

I can't imagine him thinking of anything bad, but I crawled all over the bed to fake him out only to sit on the thing he needs to find. I ended up sitting on it to win for sure, but when I did...


(Y/N)-*Gasp* That's one of my old toys I gave Ruby before she came her!

He lunged at me from the front and in between my legs, but since his prize was behind me, he grabbed something else and I held myself back from screaming before I just covered up my private area. I knew I had to be so red my now, but he only had a smile on his face, but not one that would belong to some creep at the bar and if he were anyone else, I would slap him so hard.

(Y/N)-Nice try moving it! Yang and Ruby do this all the time to win, but I win this sometimes too!

I was so embarrassed, but then I pictured him giving me a massage with his little hands after I win and I don't expect it to do much other than feel adorable... I had to stick this out and when I remembered that he saw everything and didn't even have his body react to it I calmed down.

(Y/N)-Did you hide it... here?!

I started patted down and rubbing my whole body, but I acted fast by putting the toy on my glyph and snuck it right above us. I had this victory on lock and he was going to give me that favor he owes.

Weiss's mind-Many men would love to give a girl a massage, so he'll be getting a reward too.

(Mercury's POV)

I made it back to the dorm room after learning where the classes are and what huntsman and huntresses work her and who to watch out for. There are a few that we didn't know of that fit the bill, but when I got back to report to Cinder, i saw her and Emerald curled up on there beds looking a little moody.


Mercury-What happened to you two?

Emerald-Shut it Mercury.

Mercury-Cinder, i got a few other staff to repo-.

Cinder-Not. Now.

I didn't push it and just chilled in a free bed for a while and did some arm stretches before Cinder just grunted and stood up.

Cinder-Little change of plans... We're adding a new target. Alive.


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