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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were almost to the hotel, and I was so excited to get this vacation started and the girls just took forever pack some things last minute while the men were building outside already. We had 2 extra suitcases and I knew one of them was filled with toys for us to play with in the room, but I don't know about the bigger one. I didn't ask as a limo was taking us and I barely ride these anymore since I only go into town and it was going to be a long drive into whole other mountain side. I was trying to play with Courtney using the string toy I brought in here, but she kept it away from me while I was trying to grab it. Bea made me stay on her lap the whole time until I just laid down on Bea, Penelope, and Courtney and their laps were just so soft. I kissed Cortney's belly to mess around with her a little then they all started to pet me while Gerta was just looking out the sun roof a little since she was too tall to just sit anywhere else unless she bent over a little.

(Y/N)-Can we go in the arcade for a bit when we get there?

Bea-Sweetie, first we need to settle in and have some lunch.

(Y/N)-... Then can we go?

Penelope-Maybe, if there's too much people then no.

(Y/N)-Why? It makes it more fun.

Penelope-Well... what if they pet us a lot? You wouldn't want scary and maybe even dirty strangers touching us and making us feel uncomfortable, do you?

(Y/N)-No... Well, we did bring toys to play with.

Penelope-Now that sounds much better.~

She kissed my legs a little to tickle them before we stopped and I saw we were finally here and the limo driver opened the door and trunk to let the staff get our stuff and a man came up. He had a key in his hand and held it to me while Bea was still holding me, but Gerta took the key for us.

Man-Your room is 910 and we will have your things sent up right away. Is there anything else we can help you with?

(Y/N)-Yeah, how late is the arcade and pool open here?

Man-All indoor and open 24/7 unless an incident occurs. The pool is located on level B1 and the arcade is next to the lobby.

I was happy to hear that, so even late at night, we can go for a swim or play arcade games anytime we want. We headed up to our room, but Gerta really hated the elevator and I had to give her hugs and pets to keep her from punching the walls and buttons before we got out while she was still upset.

(Y/N)'s mind-Maybe we should take the stairs next time for her.

When we made it to our room Gerta opened the door and I saw how big our room is and it was also so pretty.


Gerta put me down and I just crawled on one of the beds while Penelope got on to put me on her lap then Cortney joined us before Gerta and Bea got on the other bed. I grabbed the T.V. remote to see what we had and we can even rent a few movies or maybe when our stuff gets here, I train the girls some more by playing with them. I saw the girls sniffing the beds a little before the men with our stuff came in after knocking on the door then put our cases in the closet before they left. After they did Gerta went into the closet and got the suitcase that I didn't know what was inside and when she opened it, she threw a pillow and blanket on one of the beds before she pulled out and unfolded...


(Y/N)'s mind-The cat bed? Why would they bring this if we already have beds here?

(Bea's POV)

I told the others that there would be many scents on these beds from others being here and there was no way I was letting (Y/N) getting that all over him. He'll be comfy in his little bed and I took it from Gerta to put it in the middle of our beds that we will be sharing 2 each. I smelled his scent all over it and it smelt nice to have another good reminder of home then I put him on his bed to see how it would look and not be too cramped for him to sleep at night, but it looked just fine enough for him to stretch and get comfy when he needs to, so I just sat on his bed with him and put him on my lap.

(Y/N)-So, can we play now while we order and wait for food?

Penelope-Awwww, that's right. You were so bored on the ride here. Ok then, get the kitty toys out and lets play.~

He looked happy to hear that, so he ran to get the toys out, so we could play with him and I went ahead and ordered some room service. Just some pizza for all of us and it was a nice play time with him and we even played a game of keep away from him with multiple cat toys and he tried to go after every single one, so he was tuckered out before the food even got here.

(Timeskip To Night)

((Y/N)'s POV)

It was such a long day of playing, but I caught and kept 5 out of the many toys they tried to keep away from me. Right now Gerta was giving me a bath while the others went to a spa here and when we were done, she only wrapped me in a towel like how Bea showed them that one time and tossed me up a bit to catch me a few times before she laid down on her bed she is sharing with Bea to play with my hair, ears, and nose.

Gerta-Hmmmm... I wonder.

(Y/N)-Huh? What do you mea-?

She started to scratch under my chin and it only tickled before she used both hands to scratch my cheeks and it did feel kinda nice. She started to make that chuffing sound while she was smiling at me then the girls walked in and saw her doing this to me, but she only stopped for a second before doing it again.


Gerta-How was that spa thing?

Courtney-Oh my god, that looks so adorable!~

They came over to join us and watch Gerta scratch my cheeks some more before Penelope turned on the T.V. and rented a movie called "Spider-Man No Way Home". I was passed around for cuddling during the movie and Bea even got me dressed in some pajamas by the time there was a fight between Spider-Man and Doctor Strange. By the time the movie was over, I was so tired and tried to crawl into one of the big beds, but Gerta grabbed me and put me in the cat bed on the floor before Bea tucked me in while the others watched.

(Y/N)-Hey, why can't I sleep on the big beds.

Gerta-These are too small for 3 and you like to move and stretch while you are sleeping.

Penelope-Besides, we need to get our scents on these things before you can sleep up here.

Bea-But we know you think this bed is comfy and smells like home. If you want, I can sleep down here with you.~

Courtney-What?! How come you get to be the one to sleep down there first.

Bea-I tucked him in and the most gentle.

Courtney-Well what if he gets thirsty and doesn't want to get out of bed?

Penelope-Excuse me, I was here first, so I should get to go first!

Gerta-Did you all forget who your alpha is?!

They were fighting for a bit and if I wanted it to stop, I had to pick one since we can't all fit on one bed. I didn't want to hurt everyone's feelings then I came up with something, so I grabbed Bea to pull her down on the cat bed with me.

(Y/N)-How about Bea gets to sleep with me, Courtney can give me milk if I call to her in the middle of the night and in the morning, Penelope can undress and dress me after Gerta gives me a bath in the morning. The other nights, i'll pick someone else to take turns for most of the jobs and don't pick them again until the others have a turn... Sound fair?

This made them all stop fighting and looked at each other before they got into bed and turned off the lights. Bea got under the blanket with me and held me close to cuddle with me and gave me kisses, so I pet her head for being a good girl.


I closed my eyes after I got comfy with her and she got comfy by curling up while wrapping her legs, arms, and tail around me. I even felt her tail rubbing my back until I finally fell asleep.

(No POV)

As (Y/N) slept, he was unaware that the girls were still up and had a little surprise for him in the morning, so Gerta quietly got up to go to the closet and get something out of her suitcase and went over to attach it to (Y/N)'s collar without waking him up. She played with it a little and from how quiet it was in the room and the superior hearing the girls had, they heard this loud and clear while (Y/N) was still out cold.

The girls simply adored him and left the bell on to let it be a surprise for him in the morning, but one thing was on their minds after what just happened and with the fact that bell was there to stay.

Gerta/Penelope/Bea/Courtney's mind-So cute!~


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