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((Y/N)'s POV)

I neck hurt a little this morning before I found a Band-Aid on the back of my neck, but maybe it was from what happened yesterday with those villains. My mom just put some ointment on it to make it feel better before I had to go to school and Kim walked me there. The school day my neck didn't hurt at all anymore, but something was kinda bugging me a little and I didn't know what. I felt completely fine and even checked the spot on my neck my rubbing it, but other than a scab, nothing.

(Y/N)'s mind-Maybe it's just from what happened with Shego... Yeah.

I just went on and tried to ignore this feeling in my gut and maybe talk to my mom a little about it, but I can't let her know I was taken by a crazy evil villain or she and dad will freak out at Kim even after she saved me... I'll just tell them that it was a bully or something.


(Ron's POV)

The whole day Kim was looking at the communicator almost non-stop between classes and cheerleading practice and was smiling every time. A few times she even acted a little like she was tickling the screen a little while adoring and giggling at it. It was even so hard to get her attention now, but what scares me the most is when I tried to take it from her for a second and she almost crushed my hand in a fit of rage before she apologized. I went home to have a private Ron and Rufus meeting about Kim and I made sure my door was closed for this.

Ron-Alright Rufus, Kim has officially popped up on the crazy scale. What do you think we should do to find out more about this. Just remember she's really touchy.


He hopped into my pocket again before he came back out with a piece of paper folded up, so I took it from him and opened this to see it was an address.

Ron-Uh, where did you get this?

Rufus-Her baf.

He meant bag and I guess he must've snuck in while she was distracted with the communicator and me trying to get her attention. I decided to look up the address and it was too a house, so maybe this will hold a clue to her behavior if we are lucky.

Ron-Alright Rufus, we're going on a walk.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was at home and my parents weren't gonna be home for a bit, but I didn't need a babysitter since they won't be gone that long. It was a good time to play some games after I got my homework done then during a game there was a knock at the door, so I peaked through the window to see who it was and it was just some guy then I went to the door to open it since I recognized he was the one who helped save me.


When I opened the door, for some reason he looked a little surprised to see me and he's the one that came here to see me.

(Y/N)-Um, hey.

???-... Hi, you're that kid Kim babysat and saved right?

(Y/N)-Yeah... Why?

???-... This is awkward, so-.


We both turned to see it was Kim and just then Ron jumped and screamed a little from the surprise.


Ron-K-Kim?! What are you doing here?

Kim-I got a call from Mr. (L/N) and he said he would be taking his wife out with his boss for dinner to talk about a promotion, so he wanted me to babysit. What are "you" doing here?

Ron-Um... I just saw the kid come home here before and wanted to see if he was ok... Best to make sure Shego or Drakken don't come after him again.

Kim-Uh-huh... Well I better start my job and I can take it from here.

Ron-Why don't I stay to help?

Kim-No... And wait, you house and Bueno Nacho are not even this way! Why did you come this way?!

Ron-... Out for a walk with Rufus.

She glared at him like he was lying about something and he came up with some weak excuse before he took off. I was sad that my mom and dad weren't gonna be home, but just then I was picked up by Kim and she just looked so happy.

Kim-Hi sweetie. Let's see that homework of yours and after, we can bake some cookies.~

She took me back inside while grabbing my backpack and I just had fractions to do and they were so confusing and stupid... This was gonna take forever and ever!


(Kim's POV)

I showed (Y/N) a little trick in his homework that turned what take him a long time of suffering into a short 10 minutes. I even had him on my lap while he was doing his homework and saw that he got now. I just looked at his neck and saw my little "marks" were gone since I didn't make them too bad to hurt him. I was thinking about giving him a few new ones later, but then noticed how his hair felt and it felt greasy and dirty.

Kim-Sweetie, did you shower after you came home for P.E.?

(Y/N)-... No.

Kim-Just look at how dirty you are and it was hot out today, so all that swat must still be on you. No cookies for you mister, not until you're clean.


He tried to get off my lap, but I wanted to keep holding him and I felt that I had a right to since I saved him and usually I get something in return. Like rides to my next mission or in this case... I was going to give him a bath myself to make sure he was clean. I just carried him to the bathroom and he looked confused and so adorable while doing it that I couldn't help, but poke his little button nose.

(Y/N)-What are you doing?

Kim-Well, I need to make sure you're clean and the back is always the hardest place to get.

(Y/N)-We have a-.

Kim-Doesn't your mom ever give you baths?

(Y/N)-But... you're not my mom.

When he said that, it... actually really hurt even if it was all completely true, but now I can't get the thought out of my head of him calling me his "mom". Suddenly I thought about his real mom and it made me so angry and jealous that I just wanted to... I got a hold of myself and turned on the water for his bath.

(Ron's POV)

I was annoyed that Rufus led us to a dead end and got Kim suspicious of us as we were of her. It would make sense that she would have an address to a job written down and left it in her bag as junk. Right now we were at Bueno Nacho to get a few nacos for the road.

Ron-Way to go with getting us an address for her babysitting job.


Ron-I'm just saying you made us look bad and what if Kim caught on to us investigating her. I think it's clear we check her website and see what happened after as much as possible before we talk to her brothers.

Rufus-Hmmmm. *gasp*

Just then he climbed out of my pocket and played charades and it was mostly pointing at his neck while making all sorts of emotions. I soon caught on and thought it was ridiculous.

Ron-You mean those mood thingies?


Ron-Those things are destroyed. No way can they still control her.

He made angry chittering sounds while pointing at his neck again then back to where that kid's house if before he acted out the love emotion again.

Ron-Rufus, you're my best bud and all, but there is no way we are going back there. She's babysitting made it clear she got mad.

He resorted to pulling on my leg before trying to act out...

Ron-Are you kidding me? We are talking about the same Kim Possible, right? She can be a sweet person, but the most she can love a kid my giving them a hug and a kiss on a place they got scraped or something. What else would she do?

He kicked my leg which didn't hurt much then acted out a scientist and I only know one way to put a stop to this, so we can make some progress again.

Ron-Fine, we'll call the scientist that made the stupid things, but only to prove you "wrong".

He climbed back into my pocket and I headed for the school to get to the locker and call Wade to get us in touch with that scientist. This was a waste of time anyway.

Ron's mind-In case Rufus didn't get the memo, Kim has a crush on someone in high school a couple of times. What is the most daring thing she would do, cuddle them?

((Y/N)'s POV)

Kim joined me in my bath after I was so tired from all that running and fighting her every second of the bath until she was done. She was holding me on top of her while rubbing my back with my head on her shoulder while she relaxed. I was so tired, but also kinda comfy on her even when I know I have to tell my mom and dad about this. I can't tell her that because she might get angry. Just then she played with my ear a little before she kissed my cheek.

Kim-Is it so much easy to relax with me. I'm not doing anything too bad that's hurting you. After this, I owe someone some cookies, how about some fresh homemade (Favorite cookies) while you are tucked in on the couch watching (F/S).~

She gave me a few more cookies before she got us out, dried off and dressed and when I looked at us in the mirror while she was still holding me, I saw she was giving me a gentle smile.


Kim-Now let's get you tucked in while I get those cookies going for you.~

She gave me another kiss before she took me to the living room and made good on what she said when she tucked me in, put on my show.

(Y/N)'s mind-I'm still gonna tell my mom and dad.

(Kim's POV)

I felt so happy that he let me take a bath with him, even if it was because he was tired, but still. I know he was probably gonna tell his parents about this because he seems to have a good relationship with them, so I thought of ways to keep him quiet at first, but then he might get a little cranky after. While I was baking I was sent a text and a picture from (Y/N)'s mom saying everything was going great and the picture was of them looking happy with a few drinks. Now just looking at her and her husband's face makes me feel sick at the thought of him calling her "mom"...

Kim's mind-She's out getting drunk while I want to take care of her son. This plan was only meant to get rid of his dad, but she went along!... HE SHOULD BE CALLING ME HIS MOMMY!!!

I gripped my phone so hard my hand was shaking in rage before I heard a soft and adorable yawn in the living room. I looked back at the picture again to be in disgust of the thought of his "parents" touching him...

Kim's mind-... I think we really do need to have a talk when you come back about "touching" what is "mine".

(Drakken's POV)

Shego was even more angry than ever while we were flying into town to get that boy back with help of a device I made that she wanted. I tried to say no and it was a waste of time earlier,... but now I was covered in bruises and scorch marks from her "convincing me". I tried to think of another way to use this device for a greater goal, but she saw me looking at it then grabbed me by my shirt to hold me up.

Shego-What did I tell you that thing was for?! I see how you are looking at it!

Drakken-You really want to use this to capture a mere child?! Think of what else you could do?! We could go after an agent with missile launch codes or even a president, but this just seems so much smaller!


(Timeskip 1 Minute)


I was hanging onto the wing of the ship for dear life trying to beg Shego to let me back in, but I could barely hear myself screaming.



(No POV)

She didn't even hear his cries for help or even looked on the side to see if he was still there, but instead kept the ship on auto-pilot and held one part of the device in her hand while rubbing the other part attached to her wrist.

Shego's mind-Here I come little guy.~


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