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((Y/N)'s POV)

I have never been so happy to be at school the whole day and had time away from Star and her crazy stuff, especially after what happened last night. It was still kinda boring here, but I think I missed that. It was the last period and I got all my homework down early since there was still plenty of time now, but Star probably won't let me at home. It's gonna be so hard going home still, I think I was still even a little tired from last night. Just then i turned around and I saw Kasandra was behind me before she sat next to me kinda quick.


Kasandra-Hey, we need to talk.

(Y/N)-Um... Is it about yesterday?

Kasandra-What else would it be about?! That girl made a living pink glittery cloud poof out of nowhere! Does that not surprise you! Nobody would believe that, so I came to you first! *whisper yell*

(Y/N)-L-Look, I barely get it either. Star... has a magic wand. There is no other way to say it.

Kasandra-I already know that, but where did she come from, why is she here?!

(Y/N)-Um... it all just sounds crazy.

Kasandra-Fine... Then i'm going to your house. She lives with you, right?

(Y/N)-What?! Why do you wanna see her so bad?! I thought that would've freaked you out!

Kasandra-She is "literally" magic! I wanna see her and she what else she can do!

(Y/N)-Trust me, it's not safe! She made a rainbow in my house and it caught on fire!

Kasandra-Rainbows can't catch on fire.


(Star's POV)

Second day of school and I realized how boring it could be sometimes and some people are mean, but I ignored most of it and thought about my new brother. As soon as this bell rang and found out we could all go home, I bolted to the other school on foot and made it just in time before their bell rang. They all looked so cute and I waited for (Y/N) to come out, but when he did... I saw something that made my heart ache.


She was getting really close while talking to him before they saw me and when they stopped right in front of me, I stared at this little girl. It felt like I was looking right into the eyes of a monster, so my first instinct was to pound her to a bloody pulp, but I held myself back since that will be a little crazy.

Kasandra-Hey, you're that girl from the arcade. You're name is Star, right?

Star-... Yes.

Kasandra-Can you do some magic here?!

My body acted on its own when I grabbed my wand and I caught myself before I could cast something that could hurt her, but most importantly, scare (Y/N). I just levitated her a few feet off the ground which grabbed everyone's attention before I "accidently" sent her to a tree and left her hanging on a branch.


Star-Oh, i'm so sorry! Here, let me help you down.

I get her again before... my magic "gave up" and I dropped her in a trash can with only her head, chest, and legs sticking out before I picked her up again and dropped her into mud. I topped it all off by hitting her with a bubble bath whirlpool spell and a few other kids as well then saw them coughing up water from having no warning, but on the bright side, this P.E. sweat is all off them.

Star-Hope you all enjoyed! We'll be leaving now!~

((Y/N)'s POV)

Kids were cheering after what she did and grabbed my arm before she started pulling me with her and I tried to pull away, but she just made me float next to her. I tried talking to her the whole way home, but she was quiet and at times, looked very angry. She was like this until we got home and my mom was in the living room as she saw Star holding me with magic.

Mommy-Star, can you not use magic to make my son float?

Star stopped for a moment before she dropped me in her arms to hold me then she took me to my room to sit on my bed with me in her lap.

(Y/N)-Star, would you say something?! Why are you mad?! What did I do?!

Star-... I think I need some time alone. Just stay here and later, we can play together. How does that sound?~

I had to repeat what she said in my head that she wanted some time away from me and I was happy, but that was too much of a change in such a short time... There has to be a catch, but before I could ask she put me down and walked up to my door with a smile on her face.

Star-Be a good boy for me.~

She left and I just laid on my bed and since I got no homework left, I could just relax, play games, and watch movies all day.

(Y/N)'s mind-Finally, some me time again.

(Kasandra's POV)

At first I wanted to cry after what Star did to me, but after "flying around" I became so popular that the coolest girls in school wanted me to come to their spot tomorrow! I just got out of the shower and headed outside to see how popular I just became and I went to where most of the kids went and they were all talking about me flying. This turned out amazing for me, but after a bit, I headed home to watch my favorite show. On my way home I saw someone come from around the corner and she was smiling at me.




Star-So, sorry about earlier. Still trying to get the hang of magic. You know, being new to it and all, all that jazz.

Kasandra-Are you kidding? I'm the most popular girl at school now after I flew around, so thanks.

Star-Wow, so I guess you owe me a favor. Just a itty bitty favor.~


She walked up to me and went from looking happy to looking serious then bent down a little to my level.

Star-You know, if it's not too much to ask... Don't come near me or (Y/N) again.

Kasandra-Huh?... Why?


(Timeskip 5 Minutes)


She used some scissors to open a portal and now she was holding me by my shirt while leaning me off a cliff with spikey rocks at the bottom. My heart was beating so fast it hurt while Star just gave me a look like she was almost bored then let go of me to let me fall.


Just then i stopped falling and started to fly back up and while I was still crying, she brought me close to her and rubbed my cheek which made my whole body shiver.

Star-Good girl. Make sure the others stay away from him too. I don't want strangers touching what is mine.~

I just nodded my head bead I was thrown back through the portal to my world and landed inside a big garbage can before the lid closed on top of me and it smelled so bad I got sick before I crawled out to see Star walking away. I just curled up crying from being scared of her and what she almost did to kill me.

(Star's POV)

When I made it back to my new home I went straight for the bathroom to help myself calm down while thinking of that little home wrecker. When I got out of the shower I went straight to my room and got dressed in something cozy for my little brother later while play games or watch a movie while cuddling then we can have another normal bath together, but maybe this time I should try not using magic at all to let him get used to it.

???-You know, I saw queens before you get violent, but you just made it to the top of the list.

I turned to where the voice came from and I saw it was none other than the most magical jerk at times that lives in my family's book.


Glossaryck-Well, maybe near the top at least.

Star-What are you talking about?

Glossaryck-You know, how you brought that girl to the face of death only to toss her in the trash... Twice now.

Star-... Wh-What do you care?!

Glossaryck-Oh, no, no, no, I don't care all that much. I saw queens eat babies and teenagers before, but as long as you are queen, you're the owner of the book, and I am just your teacher.

Star-What are you getting at?

Glossaryck-Oh right, your mother and father called and wondered how you were doing. Security even caught some frog monster trying to track you, so you're still safe and hidden, but if you keep using those dimensional scissors... You know what, not my place.

Star-What did you tell them?!

Glossaryck-Just that you would call back or if you mother is still at it then... Now.

Just then my mirror started ringing and it was from mom, so I stuffed Glossaryck back into the book before I fixed myself a little then answered it to see her. I could also tell from how her hair was meant she was alone, so it was just us.


Star-Hey mom.

Moon-Hello Dear. I just wanted to know how things are going for you.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Star was home, but she hasn't come into my room yet which meant more me time and it felt nice. I just played video games in the living room while my mom said she was going to read in her room, but during a boss fight I couldn't beat I took a break to get something to drink then I found a pair of scissors near the door that Pony used to open portals, so I picked them up for a bit before I put them back down since I doubt I could use them.

(Y/N)-This is all just so weird.

I got my drink and was about to head back to my game, but just then a portal opened up in the kitchen and this was kinda orange.

(Y/N)'s mind-Wait... DID I DO THIS?!?!?

Just then someone came out of the portal  and it started with a very pale arm, then a re dress, then finally I saw the rest of them come out to show another monster.


She looked at me for a bit with surprise before she soon found the scissors and picked them up before she looked back to me.

(Y/N)'s mind-Who... Who is she?

I was frozen as she came up to me looking kinda mad then held the scissors up a little for me to see them.

???-Hey kid, where did you get these?


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