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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was sleeping until something was tickling my nose, so I turned over to try and ignore it, but then I heard giggling and chuckling. I didn't want to open my eyes still and tried to go back asleep, but something feathery tickled my nose again which made me sneeze a little. I had enough and just tried to hit it away with my eyes still closed and it was working, but then I heard voices and I knew who they were.


I didn't want to open my eyes, so I tried to hide my face in someone's chest, but then they went after my ear while I felt lots of tails rub my legs and back. What made me finally open my eyes is when I was taken out of bed and held like a baby then I saw it was Penelope holding me, taking me to the bathroom in their bedroom. Everyone was coming and a bath was made already for them to take my clothes off and put me in the warm water then Bea got a cup to pour water over my head.

(Y/N)-*Yawn* What time is it?

Courtney-It's a little past 11. We let you sleep in since you were so troubled last night. You feel asleep crying on a full belly.~

(Y/N)-Is... Helen still here?

Penelope-No sweetie, they left. I guess whatever she said made her want to leave.

I slowly started crying because my sister didn't like me and left me at home again. The others pet me as the bath went on, but when it was done, I was dried off, but wasn't dressed unless you count my cool necklace. Bea helped the others put on a video on how to wrap me in a blanket like a baby and they used a fluffy blanket to do it, so it was comfy and Bea carried me when they were done.

Bea-Awwww, look how adorable you are. Yes you are.~

As comfy as this was, it made me feel like a baby and I wanted to look and feel like a big boy in front of all my pets to remind them that i'm the one in charge of the house.

(Y/N)-Can I just wear my normal clothes, please?

Bea-But we worked so hard with the bath and this. Can it just last a little longer?... How about until after brunch?~

(Y/N)-Well... ok, but after... I want to teach you some tricks. All of you.

They all smiled and agreed, so Bea gave me to Penelope to go start cooking and she put on my favorite show. She put her tail it my face to tickle my nose, rub my cheeks, and did the thing where the tip of her tail hits the ground, but this time, it was my face. Just then Gerta leaned in scratched under my chin which kinda tickled and made me laugh and look up more where Courtney was waiting to lean down and give me kisses.

(Bea's POV)

It was so cute watching our kitten get dotted on while he was swaddled without fussing about getting out. I don't made doing a few tricks for him if it makes him happy and feel a little bit of control and has a voice in this house. Now that his sister was gone and Penelope showed us how much money she was hording from our baby and transferred it to him, we have the construction for a bath house right next door coming and it was going to have a path cut out of the fence with a tunneled path leading there. I was excited for that, but during brunch our kitten was enjoying the food I made for us as we all got a turn to feed him and he only wanted Courtney's milk to drink, but I was ok with that since it was better for him. After he was excited as I was getting him dressed and made us all come to the living room with a serious face that didn't make him look intimidating, in fact we all almost laughed and cooed him again.


(Y/N)-Alright, all day today is going to be about training. We'll show everyone that i'm a very good owner and Helen might even come around and apologize, so we got some work to do. First off... Sit.

His speech was adorable with the way he said it, but I hated how he brought up his sister, but i'll let it slide. We all sat down for him and waited for him to give his next command.

(Y/N)-Alright... Lay down and roll over?

After we did what he said he just came over to me first and he scratched behind my ear and rubbed my belly. His tiny hands felt so adorable and good and the others watched in jealousy.


Penelope-Um, sweetie, where's my ear scratch and belly rub?~

Courtney-And mine!

Gerta-And you better not forget about your alpha!

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

(Gerta's POV)

When it was finally my turn, my cub's little hands felt so good that I couldn't stop chuffing for him. I made him do me for about ten minutes before he got up to do his next order. He's lucky I was there last night to take care of his awful sister, but he needed to cheer up some more, so I was ok with doing this. He gave thought into his next order.

(Y/N)-Ok... I want you all to... sit still see if you can hit this.

He ran to where a lot of the toys are before he came back with the same toy on a stick we used to played with him earlier. He did me first and I was too fast for him because it was easy to grab the toy, but it was a little tricky for the others since it was hard to look away from his cute smile and laughter. After we all did it, he moved on to other commands and some were just the same he wanted to do again. For hours until the sun was almost going down we did what he said and he looked so happy then said we can do this another day, but we made him rub our bellies some more. Later Penelope looked like she had an idea before she went over to (Y/N) and bent down to him.

Penelope-Hey sweetie, since we were such good girls all day. Can we play a game?

(Y/N)-Ok, grab a controller and-.

Penelope-Not that kind. It's a pretending game. You just have to pretend for us... Just until bed time.

(Y/N)-Um... I guess. What am I pretending to be?

Penelope-Can you be a little kitty for us?


Penelope-Please, we worked so hard to be good... Do we get an reward we like?~

(Y/N)-How about extra treats?... Let's put it to a vote.

((Y/N)'s POV)

They all voted for the game and Penelope made me get on my hands and knees to crawl like a kitty. She also gave me some rules I had to follow, like I can't use my hands to grab anything, I can't stop crawling, when I lay down, I have to curl up, and all I could say until bedtime was...

(Y/N)-... Meow.

Penelope-See, you're so good at this.~

Courtney-Awwwww, I just wish we had some kitty ears for him!~

Bea-This is the cutest thing ever!~

Gerta-I do love the sight of this.

Just then Bea went to the kitchen to do something and I couldn't see over the counter, so I crawled there and when I made it, she put something on the ground for me... It was a bowl of milk.


Bea-Here you go.~

I was about to pick it up and drink it like a bowl of cereal, but she grabbed my hands to push them back to the ground.

Bea-Ah, ah, ah... Kitties to pick things up with their paws to eat or drink.~

Everyone was looking at me for this when I tried to drink the milk again, this time leaning down to try to lick and slurp it. It was kinda working, but I got a bit of milk on my nose and chin and when I looked up I saw a look on Bea's face like she just saw a box of kittens.

Bea-Awwww, you drank it all. You also got some milk on you. Let's get that off.~

She leaned in to lick it off me then I wiped my face when she was done before I was grabbed by Penelope then she laid me on my back gently to start rubbing my belly. It felt so weird and my face was getting so hot now while I covered my eyes to not look, but I could feel the others joining her.

(Y/N)-St-Stop it, please.

Penelope-Sweetie,... kitties don't talk, remember?~

Gerta-What do kitties say?~

(Y/N)-... M-Meow.

Penelope-Good kitty.~

I looked at the time and it wasn't even 6 yet, but at least... it can't get any more embarrassing  from here.

(Timeskip To 8PM)

There was so many more embarrassing things they made me do, but after this bath, I was done and the game will be over. Next time I do training time with them, i'm telling them we're not playing this game again...

(Y/N)'s mind-This makes me feel like i'm just their pet.

During the bath they added bubbles then Bea made kitty ears on my head and pretended to scratch the back of them. They even said I look cuter with kitty ears and I wiped them off, only for Courtney to make them this time and she flicked my nose a little and it didn't hurt, but felt kinda weird. When the bath was over, so was the game and I could finally stand up and walk instead of crawl, but Gerta carried me to our room and Bea came to dress me.

Gerta-(Y/N), you're sleeping on my bed with me tonight.

(Y/N)-Now Gerta, I think this joke is getting old.

Gerta-Joke?... It doesn't matter. Say goodnight to them and get in bed with me.

(Gerta's POV)

I watched as the others gave him kisses goodnight before they left and he got under the blanket, so I got these clothes off to sleep comfortably tonight with my kitten. It was a fun day today, so he more than earned to sleep with me tonight instead of on his pet bed. He just cuddled up to me and I just relaxed to cuddle and pet him while he looked at my chest then helped himself to suck on my nipple. It made me think and get kinda mad whenever I saw Courtney do this to him after the others told me I can't make milk, but I wanted more than anything to feed him like that, but I can't mate with a male outside of this house. I can't mate with him either and when he stopped like he just gave up...


(Y/N)-Oh, did I hurt you? I'm sorry.

Gerta-... Just go to sleep.

(No POV)

(Y/N) did go to sleep thinking he might've hurt his pet, Gerta stayed up a while longer thinking that if she can't do what Courtney does for her special way of love, then what can she do that the others can't. She decided to take him on a walk alone tomorrow to hopefully figure it out, but late a night there was a special kind of camp being made.


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