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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were all awake now and Nora and Pyrrha left to go out somewhere with their team after giving me hugs and kisses goodbye. Right now, we were playing Cyber Ninja's in the room and while I got to fight Yang, Blake had me on her lap and was petting my head, so it was hard for me to get in the zone. I missed game nights with my sisters and now we have more people, even if they won't play. Blake was more of a book person and Weiss said that video games were beneath her. Yang always beats and I know she use cheat codes before, so she could do whatever she wanted to me if she won which is what she always bets, but I made sure she stopped doing that before the game... Now she knows all the combos to win, but with Ruby I have a small chance of winning. After Yang won... again, she took me from Blake and wrapped me in a blanket to hold me like a baby. I hated being treated like this and she knows it, but she always says, "That's what makes it so cute" and the others were loving it.

(Y/N)-Yang, can we stop now?

Yang-You lost fair and square, so I can do this for as long as I want.

(Y/N)-Please... Blake and Weiss are staring. *whisper*

She only kissed my nose to answer me and laid on her bed while Ruby went up against a computer. Later there was a knock at the door and I thought Yang would let me go, but Blake went to go get it, so whoever that was, was about to see me like this. I tried to get out again while my face was getting so hot now from embarrassment from more people seeing me like this. She opened the door and I saw it was a woman and she looked very serious.


???-I need to speak to Ms. Rose and Ms. Xio Long, please. It's quiet important.

Blake-Um... Ok.

The woman came in and I didn't want to be seen being held like a baby by my big sister. She gave me a look and Ruby paused the game to look at this woman and I think we were in trouble, so I was kinda scared now... Were we too loud or something?

???-Allow me to introduce myself little one. My name is Professor Goodwitch and I believe it was your father that sent you here for the week during our break, right?

(Y/N)-... Y-Yes.

Goodwitch-Well he should've been here too as to watch you. Your sisters can't be the ones to watch you due to the possibility of something happening. I tried to contact your father, but he never answered any of my calls, I know his address and will have to take you home myself.


Ruby-But our dad talked to Professor Ozpin directly!

Yang-He said it was ok!

Glynda-This isn't a matter of clearance, it's a matter of safety. If anything happened and you 2 were needed to help our defense who would watch him and of course you would pick him, but that means we are down 2 before the fight begins and we might need all the help we could get. It is a slim chance, but one that none can afford to take.

She took a step forward and Yang held me tighter and I snuggled into her.

Glynda-Do not make this harder, please.

Yang-You make it sound like we're being targeted.

Glynda-We always are. A grown family member visiting alone is one thing, but a child will need an adult that isn't running towards the fight. This is not even a rule by Ozpin, this is a rule by the counsel.

(Glynda's POV)

I spent 10 minutes back and forth with all of team RWBY and I don't and won't rip their brother away from their arms and cause more problems. I did have the authority to expel them for violating safety rules which made them give, even if I looked like the bad guy to the child. He packed up his things and said goodbye to his sister's and their teammates, but they all seemed upset with this. If anything happened and their little brother got hurt or worse, it will be on them and if I let it happen now then it's on me and nobody should have anything like that on their conscious. I looked down at the boy that was holding my hand and he did look sad taking he was probably looking forward to seeing his sisters.


Glynda's mind-I suppose I owe it to him to at least try and cheer him up a little.

I tried to think of a few things and given it was late that limits a lot of things, but I think there is one thing most children love.

Glynda-I'm sorry I have to do this, but how about some ice cream when we reach the city before I take you home. I'm also sure your sisters can visit you at home for a few days.

(Y/N)-... Ok.

He looked at me with a bit of unintentional puppy eyes and that sort of thing never works on me, but I actually felt my heart sway a bit, but I got myself under control. It was probably because of the guilt of doing what I had to do.


We made it to the ice cream shop before it closed and I didn't want any, so I just got him a waffle bowl of ice cream and he looked a little better as we headed for his home now.


He finished it on the way to his home, but after that he was tired which made the walk a little slower. I checked the time and it was almost 11 and I goes he is not a child that is used to staying up late walking around a lot. When we finally made it back to his home I just knocked on the door while he sat on his suitcase, but there was no answer which made me have to try to call Tai with no answer... again. I didn't even hear a dog bark that I know he has, so I guess he wasn't home and it was possible he planned a little trip for himself while his children were all away.

Glynda-*Sigh* Of course. *whisper*

I have no idea what to do now because a student can't legally watch him, Tai is off somewhere, and he is no doubt too young to be home alone.


I turned to (Y/N) and he looked really drowsy, but there was something about that yawn that sounded rather adorable. I walked over to his side and he rubbed his eyes then I had that feeling in my heart again, but I had to stay on topic.

Glynda-(Y/N), do you know where your father is?

(Y/N)-*Yawn* No... We have a hiding spot for the spare key... I can *yawn* show you.

It was hard to pay attention to that and even so, that was out of the question. Just then he laid down using his suitcase as a pillow which looked uncomfortable for him, but my body acted on it's own to pick him up and hold him. I have no idea why, but I just felt blissed to be holding him and before I could get a hold of myself and put him down, he wrapped his arms around the back of my neck then nuzzled into me.

Glynda's mind-Well... I can't just leave him here.

I quickly pulled out my scroll to check the rules and article from the consul clearly states that a huntsman or huntress in training can not be the one to watch a visitor under the age of 18,... but nothing states that a graduated huntsman or huntress can't. I took one last look at him before... I levitated his suitcase and carried him back with me.


It was around midnight by the time we made it back to my private quarters and I noticed he needed a bath, but was out cold and can't do it himself, so I gave him a quick one and the most he was to waking up was fluttering his eyes open until the bath was done and he tried to go back to sleep. I got him in some fresh clothes and laid him in my bed before I took a shower myself. I had a clear glass shower since I hardly let anyone into my home and with my bathroom door open, I saw him twisting and turning in my bed a little like he wanted to grab something. When I got out of the shower I just put on my usual sleep wear which was underwear and a robe then I crawled into bed and when I bumped into (Y/N) a bit he nuzzled into me. Next he wrapped one arm around my waist and when I remembered he was trying to grab something earlier, it was clear what he wanted and my heart fluttered even if I wouldn't feel that for something that this, but it's just different somehow.

Glynda's mind-Awwww, he just wants to cuddle. How precious.~

I used my semblance to lift him by his clothes and placed him on top of me to hold him better and he was just so soft, warm, cute, and huggable. I don't see a problem at all with keeping him under my watch, he can even attend my extra curricular classes tomorrow. He will be right at my side the whole time to make teaching delinquents easier and if any try anything with him, I can take them down before they can even get withing 10 feet of him as a warning.

Glynda's mind-Sleep well little one. You get to help me tomorrow.~

With that I just rubbed his back, listened to his soft and cute snoring, as I fell asleep cuddling him and even pictured him doing thing I found rather adorable. Then I even thought of one of him calling me what he never had with Tai... His mother!~

(Timeskip to 2AM)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up from being a little uncomfortable and I tried shifting a little until that didn't work and I pushed myself up a little while slowly opening my eyes then saw I was on top of the Goodwitch lady.


She was asleep and wearing a robe that was fuzzy and warm, but her boobs were all wrong for me to sleep on because they were big like Yang's. I never did this to anyone besides Yang, but I think I can figure this out to make them more comfy and not hurt my neck. I opened her robe a bit without waking her up then started by fluffing her chest a little then spread them a little while moving her bra up a little before I tucked her robe in the middle and under them to keep them in place. It still didn't feel right, but I didn't give up and it took 8 more tries to finally get it right, so now she was still asleep and cozy to sleep on.

(Y/N)'s mind-Much better.

It was perfect now because not only did I get her chest right to lay on, she was soft, warm, her robe was a little fuzzy. I finally went back to sleep.

(Dream Started)

I just got done with my first day of kindergarten online and waited for my sisters to come on while I just felt so weak and tired, but when the door open, it was only Yang came in since Ruby was off training with Qrow again. She came over and picked me up and I hugged her before I yawned then she held me in front of her.

Yang-Awwww, was my little trooper waiting for big sis to come home to take a nap?~

I just nodded my head because I remembered a rule where I can't take a nap without my sisters unless they allow it or I can't help it. I even suggested this rule because not only do my sisters sneak me into there room to sleep with them, her chest was growing more and it was so comfy. I even here some grown up and big kids call them "boobs" and how they were amazing. They do make the best pillows with heartbeats, but so do laps or pretty much anywhere on a girls body and I tested every part on my sister's bodies to prove it. There are times where I like other parts, but some parts were way too hard to sleep on. Yang took me to her bed to have me take a nap on her while she read a book, but I wasn't really tired anymore, but still laid there.

(Dream End)

(No POV)

It was early in the morning when Glynda woke up to her alarm and (Y/N) woke up with her. She noticed her boobs were kinda weird, but just assume it was because of him shifting a little last night. She offered him a deal to be able to stay past the break to see his sisters as long as she helped him with a few small jobs that couldn't even be called jobs during her extra classes. He was really happy that he could stay with his sister and said yes almost instantly. The only problem in the morning was during breakfast was (Y/N) going over his dream and he even innocently admitted that he "fluffed up her chest", but the only complaint she had on her mind was...

Glynda's mind-After all I did to cheer him up last night and care for him... Why didn't he dream of me?!


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