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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was at school right now and we had 10 whole minutes of free time before the final bell rang and we could all go home. (F/N) and I were trying to come up with a battle plan for another raid, but so far we knew nothing we came up with would work. We had no more ideas then he asked about my babysitter from yesterday and I told him her name was Kim then he wanted to know if she was like my other babysitter, but I told him how different she was. The best part is that she wasn't a cheek pincher because they really hurts after a while, but then I told him that she wanted me to comfort her at night. By the time the bell rang we went to the front of the school to get on our path home while still talking about my babysitter, but I changed our talk back to video games. I didn't want to talk about a babysitter too much

(Y/N)-So maybe we just need to level up for a bit. I'm thinking 20 levels and finding a few other people to help.

(F/N)-He's gonna level up to you know. Even with more people, we're gonna have to be-...


Just then I felt someone tap on my shoulder and when I turned around I saw "her" and I have no idea how she even found me!



Kim-Hi sweetie.

(Y/N)-Um... What are you doing here?

Kim-I just came to say hello. Also thought you could use someone to help walk you home.~

She poked my nose and other kids were staring at us now, so I tried to get out of here as quick as possible without running and ignoring Kim while looking at the ground. I have no idea how she found me so quick since there are 2 other schools, but I heard (F/N) right behind me and I think Kim wasn't following us.


I think we just need to go to our secret hangout for a bit until everyone gets home. At least they can't tease me while I walk home.

(Kim's POV)

How adorable that he blushed so hard like I thought he would in front of everyone! I was watching him walk away to go home, but I was determined to beat him to his house to surprise him since his parents suddenly had to stay at work late after a huge order was placed. The real shame is that the order will be cancelled last minute, so all that work would be for nothing, but they might get some praise by their boss.

Kim's mind-I was even the first one they called!~

It was easy to get to (Y/N)'s home first and I already had the location for the spare house key in a fake rock. I got inside to get his other surprise in and I told Ron and Wade I was gonna be busy, but let me know if anything important happens.

Kim's mind-Until then, it'll just be me and him.~

(Shego's POV)

I was at one of the old hideouts we temporary use at times, if not once, but it's not like anyone bothers to come here unless we have one of Drakken's dumb inventions in it. It was also in Kimmy's hometown, so one of the last places she would think to look for more, or her sidekick and computer nerd. It was quiet, but this headache would not go away no matter what I took or did. This was all just getting so annoying that I wanted to blast something to bits, but loud noises just make it worse.

Shego-And I thought only Drakken's stupid lectures were a pain.

After so long of silence I heard a door open, so I quickly hid behind a desk in the office in case anyone did track me hear.

???-Go home if you want, but i'll be here for a while until the others pass by.

???-I thought you said this babysitter was different? She acts like your other one.

???-Thank you, for pointing that out.

???-Well, i'm leaving. See ya online.

The doors closed again, but I know some kid was in here with me now and this was the last thing I need. Blasting them would be easy, but make too much noise for my liking and at the same time if they find me they'll scream or something.

Shego's mind-Maybe if I just confront the brat and put a bit of pressure on him to leave, he'll go quietly thinking he's in trouble.

I just got out of my hiding space and looked around to see the boy sitting by a window to peak outside through this abandoned building. I was fully prepared to put on a stern face and catch him by surprise to give him a scare, but when I looked at him... my body and mind froze for a moment.


After hours upon hours of trying to get rid of this headache through sleep and medicine... it was finally starting to go away. What was making it do it now? Kids should be more of a headache when I came here to be alone. There was something else...

Shego's mind-... This feeling.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I think I just need a few more minutes and I should be free to go home without others making fun of me. I still couldn't get what Kim did in front of everyone out of my head. At least my last babysitter did it where nobody could see us. While I was still looking outside I suddenly felt like I was being watched or something, so I turned and I saw I was right and I think something was wrong with her, but I couldn't tell what.


She was looking at me and I was starting to think I saw her somewhere before, but if I saw someone wearing that around here, I would know. I looked at my bag from across the room, right next to the back door where I came in, but I would have to get past here.

???-Who are you?

(Y/N)-... Um... I-I can just go, if you want me-.

???-"Who" are you?!


???-Now what are you doing here?

(Y/N)-H-Hiding from the other kids! I-I didn't know this was your place, I-I can leave right now!

I just ran over to my bag and grabbed it before I tried to run to the back door, but she got in front of me and I felt like I wasn't just in trouble... I was in danger. I tried to back up, but I tripped over myself and fell back then tried to crawl backwards.

???-Quit moving!

My body froze at her voice and I closed my eyes and waited for her to do whatever she was going to do to hurt me.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Kim's POV)

(Y/N) should've been home a while ago and i was starting to get very worried, so I just checked the tracker to see if he was at a friends house or something. My heart almost stopped when i saw his location was at some abandoned building that was shut down from plumbing issues, so it was turned off and I battled Dr. Drakken and Shego there once before. I had a bad feeling, but also pure rage and worry, so I suited up and headed out.

Kim's mind-If anyone harmed a hair on your head, i'll rip all of theirs out!

((Y/N)'s POV)

This lady was holding me on her lap while she was leaning back with her feet up on a desk to cuddle me while petting my back and head gently. It felt soft, but when I moved a little from this feeling so weird she tightened her grip again.

???-What did I tell you about moving?!


She slowly went back to petting me and had a look on her like she was relaxing at a spa or next to a warm fire at winter time. This would be relaxing if she wasn't so mean and scary, but then she held me in front of her for a bit before she opened a drawer.

???-Listen kid, you're gonna come back with me.

(Y/N)-Huh?... N-No thank you.

???-*Snicker* I wasn't asking.

She reached into the drawer and pulled out some rope and I tried to run to get out of the office, but she blasted the door with a green blast to send it flying and I turned back to her to see she was really angry.


???-Maybe I should introduce myself. I'm Shego.


Shego-That's right and you got 2 options. We can do this the easy way or the hard way.

(Y/N)-B-But why do you want-?!

Shego-You have until 3 to get over here.

The green blast on her hand got bigger and before she could even say "1" my legs gave out and I fell to my knees on the floor. All she did was smile, make her green blast go away, and come at me with a rope.

(Shego's POV)

The poor boy was frozen in fear as I was tying him up with no fight at all. I have no idea why I was doing this, but the idea of going back to a lily livered, push over, cry baby all alone without this kid just burned me up. I can figure out the details later, but I was not leaving empty handed and he started to tear up, so I told myself he'll get over it.

Shego's mind-You usually hate kids. What changed?... It doesn't matter right now. All I need to know is that I just want him, so i'll just take him like I do with almost everything else I get.

When I was done I picked him up, but he suddenly snapped and started screaming for help, so I grabbed a book from his backpack and stuck the cardboard side into his mouth then saw his name written on the other side of the book, but the way it was written with lightning bolts in an attempt to make it look cool, just made it adorable.

Shego-So let me guess, you're that kid that wants to look cool and manly, but I get the feeling you get called "cute" a lot.

I said that just to tease, but my shot in the dark was write when I saw him blush in my arms and it just made me chuckle. There was no denying that I was right and as he panicked more when I headed to the door to start sneaking back to the ship I have hidden, I think he passed out from all this pressure. I dropped the book on the ground since I didn't need it anymore to keep him quiet, he looked a certain way that made my heart beating faster... I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek since nobody was around to see me and when I got to the ship, I buckled him in the passenger seat.

Shego-*Sigh*... What makes you make me feel this way? That stupid thing on my neck before is off.

(Kim's POV)

I made it to where the tracker was, but when I got there, I saw his back and a door with a burnt mark on the ground like it was blasted off the hinges. I tried to follow a trail as best as I could, but it goes cold really quickly and would need time that I don't have to get on it. Soon I saw a flying ship I recognized in the sky flying off and that's when my mind clicked all the signs together as to who did this, but not why since I know "she" doesn't look like the type that loves kids.

Kim's mind-Shego.

I ran to where the ship came from and found (Y/N)'s history textbook on the ground and with a small set of teeth marks on it. There was no doubt she had him after I searched to find no body, so I called Wade.

Wade-Hey Kim.

Kim-We got a big problem Wade, I need something to get me to Dr. Drakken's lair. Fast!

Wade-What happe-?

Kim-NOW!!! WADE!!!

I hung up to go on my phone to text Ron to suit up and as my blood was boiling from the rage, I pictured myself torturing Shego and Drakken brutally while have other images in my head of me cuddling (Y/N).

Kim's mind-Next time, he's "never" leaving my side AGAIN!!!


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