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(No POV)

While Ron was being told about the "modulator" by the scientist that created them Kim ran off crying because the modulator was left on sad, but they went to go find her. Meanwhile Dr. Drakken got to deal with Shego suddenly becoming sad right before their evil plan to super charge a float laser to make it a real laser. Just before he was going to do it, he saw Kim coming, so he just behind a bush as she ran past him crying and he was confused.

Dr. Drakken-Kim Possible? Why is she crying? Has everyone lost it?!

Just then he heard Ran and the scientist coming, so he ducked down again.

Ron-So this thing was controlling Kim the whole time?

Scientist-Precisely, with just a push of a button-.

Just then Drakken had an evil smile with a new plan in mind and he jumped out from the bush he was in the swiped the modulator control from the scientist.

Dr. Drakken-Ah-ha! I'll press that button!


Another device was placed on top of the controller then sparks and lightning started to come out of it!

Dr. Drakken-Kim Possible, under my control?! That's better than any laser! Let's super charge that!

Ron-No you don't!

The 3 fought over the remote which made Kim and Shego go through emotion after emotion until the fight lasted even after the controller was fried from too much power. Soon it got so hot Drakken dropped it and when the scientist tried to grab his devices that were stolen they burned him a little then... they made small explosions which in turn made the chips on both girls go haywire and electrocuted both of them and they collapsed.

Dr. Drakken-Curses! You haven't seen the last of me!

He ran off and quickly lost Ron in the crowd, but Ron let him go to go find Kim... only to find her on the ground with a crowd around her.


He ran to her side and she was barely responsive when the paramedics came and took her in an ambulance to get her checked and they said that she was fine, just unconscious. She just needed to go get checked and have someone pick her up later tonight. Ron went back to Kim's house and told them all about what happened and they went to the hospital to wait for her to be able to come home.


((Y/N)'s POV) age: 6

I was getting ready for bed and I was just happy that tomorrow was Friday and that meant I was so close to the weekend. I just got out of the shower to dry off, get dressed, and looked into the mirror while I brushed my teeth.


When I was done and had time to watch a bit of T.V., but just then my mom and came in and sat next to me like they had something to talk to me about. My daddy just paused my show to make sure I was paying attention.

Mommy-Sweetie, mommy and daddy are gonna go take care of grandma tomorrow and be back Saturday morning, so when you get home, you should have a babysitter or you'll spend the night at the neighbors.


Daddy-Grandma is just very sick right now. We tried to get a hold of a babysitter, but if they don't answer then you'll be at the neighbors until we come back home.

(Y/N)-But I can take care of myself!

Mommy-No, you are way too young. They should be here tomorrow waiting after school and if not then it's the neighbors.


Daddy-End of discussion. Just finish your show then it's off to bed.

They let me finish what I was watching, but I just thought about all the times I could take care of myself and how I can do for a day. I know how to work a microwave, make cereal, get water, and still take my baths. I remember last time I had a babysitter that dad found and it was his bosses daughter.

(Y/N)'s mind-She just pinches my cheeks so hard!... Wait, am I getting her again?!

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Kim's POV)

I woke up and I had a bit of a headache to where the light was stinging my eyes to make it worse. I saw I was in my room, so I headed to the bathroom to get into the medicine cabinet then took some pain killers. I felt a little better a while after until they really started to work and I saw a note by my bed with a muffin and it was from Ron.

Kim's mind-Hey K.P., there was something on your neck that a scientist made that must've got on you during the fight at the lab. It's off now, so I hope you feel like you again other than getting electrocuted and sent to the hospital for a bit. The school knows you were hurt and don't worry about bonnie today, I got her covered to keep her from going for your spot. Get well soon and the Naco's will be on me. Ron.

I guess I got the day off of school, but I can still do something, so I just went on the computer to check my website. There was a babysitting job for a 6 year old and after all this drama, I could use an easy job. When I replied to the one that posted the job online, I got a reply a few minutes lates, so I guess they were really looking for a babysitter last minute. I got an address and I had to be there before 3, so I used this time to take a shower, and pack up a bit of clothes since I will be staying over night.

Kim's mind-My head still feels a little sore and fuzzy, but i'm sure it's fine.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was walking with my friend (F/N) since he passes my house to go home and we were talking about the babysitter I had last time since my parents gave the school a message that my babysitter will be home waiting for me. I still think I could take care of myself, but as long as it wasn't the crazy girl from last time, I would be a little better.

(F/N)-What else did she do?

(Y/N)-Kianna treated me like a baby when I was clearly 5 back then. She even tried to mush bananas for me when I told her my cheeks were too sore to chew.

(F/N)-Wow, sucks to by you. You still want to play online tonight. I need help taking down (B/N)'s base... He took my DLC enchanted sword in a raid!

(Y/N)-(B/N)'s base?! Are you trying to sick him on us?!

(F/N)-That's why we change our usernames and go on a private chat.

(Y/N)-Well... Fine, but besides your sword, we go half on what we get.


With that I made it home and we would go online at 7 then I got inside the house that was unlocked, so I know my babysitter is already here. The stuff my mom and dad left out for them is gone and I just went straight to my room to put my stuff down, but when I did I heard a noise coming from the kitchen. I went to see who my babysitter was and when I got to the kitchen, I saw her getting a drink of water until she looked back at me.


???-Well hi there. I'm Kim. You must be (Y/N).


I have never seen her before and I was a little nervous, but at least she wasn't screaming at me that I was adorable and pulled me in a tight hug. She dis go from happy to kinda surprised or wondering about something before she closed her eyes really hard before walking over to me.

Kim-I know it's a weekend, so you have to be in bed by 9, but what do you want to do first.

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

(Kim's POV)

(Y/N) just wanted to watch some T.V. and even play a few games he had here, but I have been fighting some kind of nagging feeling all day. Maybe I was just bothered about Bonnie or something, but I had to put that aside and make something for dinner while he was upstairs playing a game online. Something was telling me to go upstairs to check on him for the 4th time, but it was nothing, I know what game he's playing is fine for his age, he wasn't hurt, his friend seemed like he wasn't a bad influence, and if any villains were in the area they wouldn't even know I was here in an ordinary house... It always just made me feel better to see (Y/N) and I got so caught up with having him on my mind that I almost burned dinner.

Kim's mind-Come on Kim, he's just a kid for an easy babysitting job. Don't make it harder... He's just... so cute.~ NO!!!

I was almost done when I turned to see (Y/N) walk into the living room like he was a little down and this made me feel a couple of emotions.


I finished making dinner then made us too plates before I headed for the dining room table that has a good view of the T.V. still for the show he was watching as I lead him to the table.


Kim-Is something wrong, sweetie?

(Y/N)-Well... My friend and I tried to raid our bully and get his sword he bought back,... but we got destroyed.

Kim-Well, i'm sorry to here that.

It sounded like something Ron would play and whine about what he lost, but for some reason, I really hated to see him this sad. I actually felt worked up about this so much that I just wanted to hold him close to me, but I reframed from that. Dinner went on and he even got seconds before we sat on the couch together and he even kinda leaned on me which felt... really nice. As he rested on me I noticed it was a little past 8, so I sent him to go take a bath while I went to his parent's room where I would be sleeping tonight. I got a text from my mom that she just wanted to check on me and I told her I was ok.


I heard something come from the bathroom and it didn't sound too bad, but my heart stopped for a moment. I rushed to the bathroom door and knocked on it a few times.

Kim-Hey, are you in there?

(Y/N)-I'm fine, I just knocked over a bottle of shampoo.

I felt more relieved about this than I should and I knew I was so worked up, so I decided to go take my shower in his parent's room.

(Drakken's POV)

She was resting in her room right now since we got back from my last foiled plan and she went as far as to lock herself in her room. I knocked on it earlier to see if she was still kicking and all she had to say was, "Knock on my door again before this head ache goes away, i'll blast to bits then ash"... She was fine. While I was plotting my next scheme I went to go see what I could have for dinner, but then I noticed her door was open with a note taped to it, so I grabbed it.

Dr. Drakken-You're constant monologuing and evil laughing was irritating me. Went out on a flight to go someplace quieter and more relaxing. Don't wait up.

I just crumbled the note and I was questioning again, what kind of henchman was she if she just does whatever she wants without telling me.

Dr. Drakken-Where would she go?

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was just getting out of the shower to brush my teeth before bed and got dressed in some pajamas. With some spare time, I think I could fit an episode worth of T.V. in, but I heard noises coming from my parent's room and it sounded like Kim and she was upset. I knocked on the door a little before I came in and saw him putting her shirt on while kinda breathing hard before she turned and saw me.


(Y/N)-Are you ok?

Kim-Um... Y-Yes, i'm fine.

(Y/N)-Ok... I'm gonna watch some more T.V. before 9.

Kim-Wait!... I mean, we can watch your show in here and maybe... sleep together.

(Y/N)-I'm ok sleeping alone.

Kim-Well... I'm a little scared.

(Y/N)-You are?... You're the babysitter.

Kim-... Pl-Please, just sleep with me. I g-got hurt not too long ago and I just don't want to be alone... Please?

She looked kinda sad, so I slowly got on my parent's bed and that's when she looked happy and got in with me to cuddle me. It kinda felt like I was the man of the house right now and I copied what dad does to mom and hugged her a little tighter then she did the same and I noticed she wasn't watching the T.V. show... she was just looking at me.

(Y/N)'s mind-Maybe it's just for comfort.

(Timeskip To Midnight)

(Kim's POV)

I was watching (Y/N) sleep and he just looked so adorable snuggled up to me and i could draw little hearts in his hair that just felt so clean and soft. I even rubbed his back a little in his sleep and during that, he nuzzled into me. I know his parents will be back tomorrow, but I can leave my number for when they need me again... I also snuck out of bed to go into his room and looked in his backpack to find his student I.D. of what school he goes to, got out my communicator to make it drop a tracking chip and slipped it into one of the small holes in his bag to keep tabs on him... for safety reasons of course... Nothing wrong with checkups, Wade does it all the time, so it's perfectly normal.

Kim's mind-I have a feeling we'll see each other a lot more (Y/N)... You're just too cute and vulnerable in this crazy world to not be properly protected.~


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