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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were having breakfast and Star was sitting next to me and I was thinking about last night and even if it was scary and completely insane at first, it actually was kinda fun. She really loved this cereal a lot that she finished it before I was even halfway done with mine and I just wanted to go out and play after breakfast, but I was stopped at the door when Star grabbed me and held me up high above her.

Star-Awwww, you're as heavy as my first sword was to me. I could swing you around all I want!~

(Y/N)-Star, can you stop?!

Star-So what do you want to do today?! What do you do on earth for fun?!

(Y/N)-Well... I was gonna go to the arcade.

Star-You have arcades here too?! What are they like?!

I tried to tell her what video games were and at arcades you pay money to get tokens, play games, and sometimes win tickets that I use to get candy. She wanted to come with me and my mom and dad were at work and leaving Star alone with her fire rainbows...


We made it to the arcade and Star was really amazed by some of the games and told me the games she played before were all blocky like some of the old games here. I used my $10 to get tokens and gave her half so she could play her own games,... but she never left my side. She copied some of the games I played and when she won tickets, sometimes more than me. When we got to the prize counter we planned to put our tickets together, but just then some girl from my class came up to me.


Kasandra-Hey (Y/N).

(Y/N)-Oh hey, what are you doing here?

Kasandra-Just here to play Dance, Dance, Revolution... Who's this?

She was looking at Star and I was about to introduce her, but she looked at us like she was surprised then she grabbed me to pull me against her with a smile now on her face. I think this might be normal for her since she is kinda... very wild, so I jus brushed it off.

(Y/N)-This is Star. She's living with us and-.

Just then Kasandra watched as Star pulled her wand and I was scared of what she was going to do, but all she did was poof out that pink cloud for us to sit on and put me behind her. Everyone was staring in amazement before Star leaned towards Kasandra-.


Kasandra-H-... How-?... Wh-Wh-?

Star-Pretty cool, huh?~ Anyway, we're busy and being his babysitter and all, we should really just be getting our candy and leaving. Yeeeaaahhhh. Byeee!~

(Star's POV)

I followed what my dad told me and that was if you feel something is wrong, you get what you can, and leave. I loved the earth arcade, but when I saw (Y/N) talking to that girl, it made me feel sick to my stomach. The arcade was almost quiet aside from the video games here before we left on cloudy and (Y/N) constantly tried to get off cloudy or have me make her disappear, but I kept him on and held him close on my lap as we left with a bag of candy. I flew us back to his house while I saw people staring at us, but my problem was I didn't like them looking at him. Just then some guy on a skate board came to us and looked at (Y/N), but more importantly, he got really close.

Boy-Dude, what is this thing?... Is this a real cloud?!


Star-Sorry, but we better get going. Can't talk.


Just then we took off and we went straight home where we flew through my bedroom window then I finally let Cloudy go when we were over my bed, so when we landed, he was already in a good spot to cuddle him.

(Y/N)-Star, let me go! What was all that about at the arcade?!

Star-*Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh* It's cuddle time.~

(Timeskip To Night)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I don't know Star that much, but she was acting weirder than when I first met her. Reacting to almost other food besides anything from corn was one thing, but when I answered the door to a neighbor to give them some sugar, I came back to see they were gone and Star was at the door and said that she magicked them up some sugar, but when I opened the door I found piles of sugar outside on the welcome mat. I went to my neighbors house to see if he was ok and he said Star wanted to give him a bag of Since then she grabbed me whenever the doorbell rang or someone knocked on the door and even when my parents got back home and mom my tried to kiss my head, Star didn't stop her, but I could feel her squeezing me tighter. My mom and dad were convinced to do another night out by Star, so it was just us again while my parents were gone and I decided to make some nachos. When they were done I saw how Star looked so happy.


Star-Ohhh, triangle food.~ You said these were called nachos?

(Y/N)-Well my dad knows how to do it better with more stuff on it and using an oven.

She just ate one and I saw the black spots of her eyes get bigger somehow then she took the big plate by making it float with her wand before she took my hand to bring me to the living room to play the games I have here. I showed her a few fighting games I had, including one for Demon Slayer, but she made me play on her lap while we ate. She was bad at first, but she was learning quickly until she started to win some of the matches and after about 15 matches, it was 8 o'clock then she stood up and spun her wand in her hand.

Star-Bath time!~

(Y/N)-W-Wait, no whirlpools! I can take a normal bath!

Star-Awwww, you sure?

Her wand started to glow and I just grabbed her arm to put it down since I had more than enough magic for one day and a relaxing bath never sounded better in my life. I also think she might've done that same bubble bath whirlpool in the house.

(Y/N)-I'm sure!

Star-Well... ok! Just go to the bathroom and i'll meet you there.

I guess she was gonna take my clothes like my mom does sometimes, so I just went to go get my bath started and maybe even make it a shower. I left my clothes outside of the bathroom door for her to grab then got in the tub.

(Y/N)'s mind-This is all just so weird... Maybe i'll get used to it because she does seem nice.

Just then I heard the door open while I was laying down as the water came up and I felt my heart racing before I sat up and saw Star in here and about to take her shirt off.


(Y/N)-Star, what are you doing in here?!

Star-Relax, i'm your babysitter and we live together now. That practically makes us brother and sister!

(Y/N)-No it doesn't!

Star-Well I think it does. I always wanted a sibling.

(Y/N)-You can't just be in the same bath with-!

(Star's POV)

He was really cranky until I used my jellybean hallucination spell on him and now he had no problem with me in the shower with him. He was looking at everything as I cleaned him and only closed his eyes when I washed his hair. After we were both cleaned I turned this into a bath to let the water fill the table while sitting him on my lap. Normally even if Tom was in the shower with me, I would draw a sword on him, but this... It was just different with (Y/N) and with how calm he was, he even cuddled me and played with my body.

(Y/N)-Woooaaahhh... It's look warm pillow... Is that a heartbeat?

He put his ear on my chest and I just rubbed his head to comfort him bath we got out of the water to dry off and I took him to his room as the spell was slowly wearing off, but for a bit after we got dressed, he thought his bear with sunglasses "Mauler" could talk and I even spoke for him.

Star-So (Y/N), can you tell me one of your biggest secrets? *fake deep voice*

(Y/N)-Mauler, you know you can't tell anyone this. The kids at school would make fun of me.

Star-Come on, you can trust me. I just forgot the secret. How can I keep it if I don't know it? *fake deep voice*

(Y/N)-... You know how when I get really tired? I just can't stand it or even think when scratches my back or chin. Last time my mom did it, she put me on a Christmas card for grandma and even almost posted it online. I was so lucky the school didn't find out.

Star-*Gasp* Really?!~ *Cough* *cough* I-I mean, really? *fake deep voice*

(Y/N)-Do you have any idea if the school, or my aunts, or anyone finds out about this?! The next family reunion my hyper aunt will do anything, but Star, she lives here now... You have to make sure not to tell anyone, not even Mrs. Dr. Hare.

He pointed to a rabbit in a white coat and a heart on it, it was so cute how he named all his stuffed animals.

(Y/N)-... She's a blabber mouth to the others. *whisper*

Star-Don't worry (Y/N). You're secret is safe with me.~ *fake deep voice*

(Timeskip 15 Minutes)

I was in the living room player the game "Demon Slayer" on a story mode and it was fun, but I paused the game and went to a movie when I saw (Y/N) come out here looking kinda mad.


(Y/N)-You! What happened?!

Star-Whatever do you mean?

(Y/N)-I remember me telling you to get out of the bathroom and then... and then.... Well I saw some weird stuff and I know it was you now! What did you do?!

Star-Well... I casted a little spell to calm you down then left you to get in your parent's shower and came play that game some more. Now I think we could watch a movie now that your better.

(Y/N)-... Did you get in the bath with me?!

Star-No, but you did have a cute look on your face before I left.

He looked skeptical of me, but he had nothing on me and I just need him to warm up to me some more to see me as a big sister. I stopped all the clocks, so he would lose track of time and found a movie on his list that was super long called "Batman The Dark Night". It was a good movie, but I kept one eye on (Y/N) and when I saw his eyes get a little droopy...

Star's mind-Go time.~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was getting kinda tired, but we were getting to the good part of the movie and I think it wasn't that late and I didn't have school tomorrow, so it wasn't that bad. Just then Star cupped my face while smiling at me and I was about to talk to he, but she used both hands to scratch under my chin.


My mind was getting kinda fuzzy as I was feeling so weak that I leaned into her hands which made her scratches harder and feel so good.

(Y/N)-Hmmmmm.~ ... Huh?!

I snapped out of it and backed away from her to the other side of the couch before her smile got bigger and she crawled after me.


(Y/N)-Wh-What are you doing?! How did you know that-?!

Star-I know you like it. Let your new big sis see that little chin of yours.~

(No POV)

Even if (Y/N) was tired, he tried to make a run for it, but due to Star's magic, he didn't get far down the hall before he was caught and Star got his back. While he was weakened she took him to her room to play with his spots to basically make his mind a foggy mess and he couldn't help, but stretch and lean into her scratches a little with only brief moments of him resisting. Star easily got him to submit again until he was overwhelmed and fell asleep in her bed then she admired his sleeping form by playing with his hair and getting under her blanket with him.

Star's mind-Awwwww, there's my sweet baby brother.~

When she went to sleep next to "her baby brother" someone from a book was watching everything, but didn't care enough to interfere, but in another dimension... Someone stole a pair of scissors.


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