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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up and I felt like I was on a bed that wasn't very soft then I opened my eyes to see I was in some kind of a prison cell. I ran to the bars to look around some more and saw all the other cells were empty and I don't know if that was good or bad, but I don't want to stay and find out. I tried to think about what happened and I remember that purple eagle girl attacking me and Cosmo then knocked me out with some kind of strong smell. I think Cosmo might be here and maybe this was even the work of that guy behind the robot attack since this place looks high tech.

(Y/N)-Cosmo, are you here?!... Someone, answer me! *echo*

There was nothing, but an echo in here and I knew nobody was here now or maybe Cosmo did come here with me and she's somewhere else, or worse... She could be getting hurt or killed. I just went back on the bed and curled up into a ball as much as I could in the corner.


(Wave's POV)



I slammed my hands down on the table when I saw this sorry excuse for my second half of my payment. I did not spend so much time searching villages, going against the resistance, kidnapping kid, and bring him back here just to have a small sack of gold and a slightly more powerful engine for a tad bite more speed. Eggman was sitting on his side of the table.

Eggman-Do understand that you took your sweet time. I pay for results.

Wave-What do you call your new prison I said I took from some plant girl?

Eggman-I call it a prisoner that Sonic and his friends have no idea that he's here, so I have to tell them myself and that's your first deduction. Second, is the wait was longer to what I expected due to your equipment. Third and final is when you brought them in, you accidently hit a few of my censors.

Wave's mind-Yeah, "accident".

I wasn't going to take this laying down, so I stood on the table and got my hoverboard ready.

Wave-Give me what you promised or you get nothing.

Eggman-Oh, I have all I need now, so what else do you have that you won't give me.

Wave-It's not what I have... It's what i'll take!

Eggman-STOP HER!!!

I sped off and bursted threw the window to take a shortcut downstairs and bust down the front door with a boost. The halls were crawling with guards up here, but not in the dungeons where that kid was. These robots were so easy to destroy and security couldn't keep it with me, so this will be super easy. I made it to the cells and there were hundreds of them, but it looks like he was kept in the cell closest to the door and he was curled up in the corner.


I didn't have the keycard, so I resorted to smashing the control panel to open the cell and wasted no time to go in and grab him. He instantly started to scream and squirm while I through him over my shoulder, but stopped when I sped of which made him hold on to me tight. You would think he learned from the fastest thing alive that he can make the firepower, but it's pointless if it can't even hit it's target. That basic fact is what lead me to an easy escape and I bet his was in his liar stomping to throw an tantrum or something, but he has himself to blame.

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were going so fast that if I looked at the ground and sides or us, it looked so blurry. When we finally got to stop at some place already very far from that prison place I was dropped onto some sand and looked up to the bird that saved me, but captured me in the first place.


???-Glad you're done screaming.

(Y/N)-You... saved me?

???-I did.

(Y/N)-B-B-But you attacked and captured me!

???-Nothing gets past you, does it? If we're done with saying what we already know, let's start with something easy... The name's Wave. You?

(Y/N)-... (Y/N).

I just got up and looked out into the ocean then looked near a cliff and saw a big cave that she was walking to then turned to look at me. I didn't trust her at all after what she did and there's nothing she can say to make me go with her. I just turned and went the other way.

Wave-You sure you wanna be alone and where Dr. Egg man can find you? Unless you know where your friends are.


(Timeskip To Night)

I was in the cave with Wave after she made a fire and was relaxing and I was glad I came with her because we saw and heard a few robots today. We had fish that she caught for dinner and I was by the fire to stay warm, but I was still kinda cold out here. I haven't heard any robots for a while, so maybe it could be safe to go out and look for my friends, maybe they are looking for me right now. It looked scary to go out now, but maybe I can sneak off in the morning.

(Y/N)'s mind-I just have to stay up longer than her. The sun will come up and I can leave.

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Wave's POV)

(Y/N) stayed up late last night and I don't know if it was from fear, but I was up all night in case Eggman found us. At least this way, he's more likely to stay asleep as we travel further away. Eggman no doubt pulled his robots back for now and the second I use my hovered board to cross the ocean, even by the time he sends his fastest robot to at least scout out where i'm going, it'll be too late and will see the show on satellite. The moment I reach dry land, i'm as good as gone, so I got us ready and held him and he clutched on to me.

Wave-Hey... You awake?

He only stirred and I guess he just gets cuddly in his sleep, but to my surprise, even with my quick take off, he only fluttered his eyes opened a bit at me which I will admit was kinda cute. He went back to sleep in my arms and for the whole ride across the ocean, it actually felt better from when I went to go turn him in. His hair waved in the wind a bit, but it was clear he needed a bath as soon as possible, so when we made it back to land I knew a bath house we could go to and I more than earned this.

Wave's mind-I never used the couple's bath before, but i'm not letting you out of my sight. If the doctor wants you back, he'll be paying me triple of what he promised me, starting from scratch.

Until or if that happens, he'll be staying with me and when we got to the bath house, I checked in with "my boyfriend" then when I was alone, I snuck (Y/N) in with me without anyone noticing us and this whole time he was slipping in and out of sleep, but I splashed a bit on him.

(Y/N)-*Groan*... Huh?

Wave-Bath time, but we're splitting it in half and no turning to peek. Got it?

He was still waking up a bit, but I think he got it and we both got undressed without looking at each other or at least he better not be looking at me. I was listening for anything strange to his behavior and when we got in the warm water I stayed on my half and he stayed on his. My hair a feathers felt so soft and smooth after the minerals in this water work their magic.


Wave-How are you doing over there kid?


At first I thought he was just being dramatic, but then he got real quiet for a bit and i hate to do this, but I turned and found he fell asleep in the water and these minerals do relax you too, so I guess it was too much with barely any sleep.


If I leave him like that, he'll drown and he hasn't even touched his soap and stuff. I just ran to him as fast as I could with water up to my thighs and pulled him up and this felt so awkward.

Wave-Damn it kid!

I wanted him to be clean and most importantly, alive, so I just gave him a bath myself as best a I could. I quickly got done and out of the bath to get us dried off and dressed and I was glad he was asleep for that, but still...

Wave's mind-No more staying up late for you.

I snuck out to put him in his hiding spot outside before I went back to pay, so this can remain some of the few places i'm actually welcomed to. When I got back to him he was finally waking up by himself, finally.

Wave-Nap's over. Come on.

(No POV)

Wave just walked to avoid attention from the satellite that was no doubt still looking for her. They just walked around the village and followed a path in the woods, but while Wave can acted annoyed and focused on hiding to hide from Eggman, she was gently holding (Y/N)'s hand. It was only when he pulled away from her to walk on his on she looked at him and noticed what happened and her feathers fluffed up a little from embarrassment then turned and grabbed his hand again.

Wave-I'm not letting you have a chance to run. Let's just keep moving and in the next village, i'll get us some breakfast.

(Y/N)-Um... are you rubbing my had with your thumb?

Wave-... Keep moving.

When they made it to that next village, Wave told him Eggman had a satellite and might find them if they cause too much attention, like if he was to go into town and alert the resistance, he was that then another attack will soon come. This scared him into staying put and waited for her to come back with food that was "given" to her. While he was waiting, someone came back from a hike.


Vanilla's mind-Huh?... (Y/N)? What is he doing out here by himself?


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