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((Y/N)'s POV) age: 6

It was just another day at school and I was just happy it was Friday, so no homework. I can just go home, watch some T.V., play some games, and relax for 2 whole days. I was eagerly waiting for the bell to ring while Mrs. Lein was telling us about a project we will start on Monday, but I really don't care, just let the stupid bell ring already! When it did we could finally get our stuff and leave the class and I was the second one out the door to get out of here. On the way home I stopped by Britta's Tacos to get a burrito with my allowance for a better lunch than the school food. I even sat down a little to eat before I was almost done, so I started walking again. When I got to my neighborhood I saw someone new here and she was wearing some weird and kinda random clothes and... was playing with a lawn decoration my neighbor had, but I know she doesn't live here because she looks nothing like them.


I stared at her for a bit longer then thought about if I should go around her or talk to her and after a bit of thinking... I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder then she turned to me and kinda got up really fast to where she jumped a little with a twirl. She took a look at me before she gave me the same kind of look my aunt gives me before she treats me like a baby still and I hate it, but she won't do that... Hopefully.

???-Awwww, hi there!~

(Y/N)-Um... Is this your grandpa's house or something? I never saw you before.

???-I just got here and this isn't my house. I just thought this looked fun to play with... Do you know a boy named Marco?

(Y/N)-... Nooo. I'm just... gonna go home.

I just pointed to my house while walking around her, but she started to follow me a little and I had no time to lose her because I was now in front of my house. She can't come inside anyway, but she did play with my hair a little.

???-Wow, it's so soft and you trace your finger it. Is all human hair like this?! That's so cute!

(Y/N)-Um, it's been nice talking, but I need to go inside. I got... homework, lots of homework.

???-What's homework?

I was so confused on how she did not know or maybe she was just playing dumb, but I just waved bye to her a little and she just gave me a big smile and a wave.

???-Bye! We can talk again soon!

(Y/N)-Ok, sounds good. Bye.

???-Bye new, new friend!

I just slowly closed the door and let out a deep breath before I put up my backpack then went to the window and saw she was gone now. That was just so weird, but I brushed it off to go to the bathroom then after washed my hands while looking in the mirror.


When I was down I just went to the living room to relax and watch T.V., but I thought about that girl looking and talking to me like how my aunt does and what she even calls me.

(Y/N)'s mind-Why do they call me cute? I'm more handsome than cute.

I just watched a few episodes of my favorite cartoon before I went to my room and played on my Nintendo Switch. My mom and dad should be home and they were gonna go on a date night tonight, so I was gonna get a babysitter. I never even had babysitter before, but I just it's a guy, because girls always treat me like a baby and it's not manly.

(Y/N)'s mind-If it's a guy, I wonder if they can get me some pointers on how to look more manly.

Just then the door opened and I saw my mom and dad walk in and they looked happy before they looked at me. I got up from the couch then they looked at me.

Dad-Hey (Y/N), we're gonna go get ready for date night, we'll order a pizza, and we got your babysitter right-...

There was nobody I could see, but my mom went to the front door to reach for someone and when she came back in, I saw that girl again.


She looked as surprised as me, but the only difference was that she looked happy enough to run over to me and pick me up.

Mom-(Y/N), this is Star Butterfly. She moved here and needed a place to stay, so we gave her an offer to stay with us and watch you. She even goes to the school closet to you and since she gets out a little earlier than yours, she can pick you up.

Dad-You wanna say hi to her, bud?

Star-We already did earlier today! It's so good to see this little guy again!

(Y/N)-I'm not little!

Star-Hey... Who's taller buster?

I tried to think of something that was good, but I couldn't... She wins this round. My mom and dad should her to the guest room we had upstairs and I followed them then my dad opened the door.


Dad-Feel free to make yourself at home and we'll give you some money later for decorations.

She gave her room a few looks like she was kinda curious before she gave another smile.

Star-Ok, I can work with this.

Just then she pulled out a baby rattle from behind her and it looked like some kind of toy for little girls. It looked silly, but I felt happy that I can use this if she tries to call me cute again.


She spun it around in her hand a few times then held it up high and it started glowing where the star ball part was.

Star-*Deep breath* Sparkle glitter, BOMB EXPAND!!!

Just then a huge flash got us as we felt the house shake and when i heard bomb, I thought she blew up part of the house somehow until I saw what her room looked like now and it was "huge".


We were all unable to talk from what just happened while she just jumped on to her bed to bounce on it. I was the first to walk in and looked up to her ceiling and it was as tall as our house then she flopped on her bed.

Star-Much better!

(Y/N)-H-H-... How did you-?... A-Are you magic?!

Star-Uh-huh, uh-huh! I'm a magical princess, from another dimension!

She waved her wand and a rainbow came out with glitter and stuff coming out then it caught on fire, so she made it disappear.

Star-Huh, wonder why those keep catching on fire?

(No POV)

While Star was thinking the whole (L/N) family passed out from shock one by one with (Y/N) being last and she managed to catch him. She looked worried for the whole family while she put (Y/N) on her bed to deal with the parents, dragging them to their bed. Finally she brought (Y/N) to his room and she let out a little awe when she saw a few stuffed animals on his bed, facing each other and one of them was a bear with sunglasses on.


(Star's POV)

You would think they never saw magic before even if they grew up with those light switch thingies all their life. My first day here and I make a family pass out while making my room, but it could be worse. I tucked (Y/N) in bed and slowly put his bear with sunglasses in his arm and he did look a little cuter like this.

Star's mind-Alright Star, babysitter is off to a shaky start, but let's just get the (L/N)'s up, let them have their date night, and have a fun night babysitting... Yeeeeaaahhhh.~

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

They all woke up after an hour and I gave a gift to the parents and it was giving Mr. (L/N) a rainbow colored diamond ring to give to his wife as a gift during dinner. They were just about to leave after a pizza was ordered and I have no idea what that was, but it was for dinner and they told me I would love it. We all got by the front door when it was time for them to go and I held (Y/N) right in front of me while making him wave.

Mrs. (L/N)-Ok, we're going now. The pizza will be here soon, (Y/N) be good, and Star, please no more flaming rainbows or anything dangerous.

Star-Have fuuuun!~

((Y/N)'s POV)

My mom and dad left and I can't believe I have to live with the world's most magical crazy girl for a babysitter. She let me go when I heard a little poof and when I turned I saw her laying over a pink glitter cloud with a face on it upside down.

Star-Sooooo, who's ready for some fun tonight?!... Boop!~

She booped my nose and I backed away to rub my nose a little from her touch making it kinda itchy.

Star-What should we do for some first?!

(Y/N)-Um... We can play a game.

Star-And I know just the one!

(Short Timeskip)


Star-Too much? I played this with my dad when we visited the underworld a few times.

She was kidding, right?! She just magically poofed up a field of traps and flaming skeleton horses in my backyard! WHY DOES EVERYTHING SHE MAKE CATCH ON FIRE?!?!?! I held on to her tight and she just lifted her wand to make everything go away and then she tried to think of something else.

Star-Hmmmm... *Gasp* Rushing frosting river!

Just then I saw a bunch of cupcake frosting come out of her magic wand and we were taking in it for a ride and I even got some in my mouth... and it was delicious. It even felt like we were on a water slide for a while and when I was actually having so much fun now, but I still think she was crazy. The frosting stopped and was all over the yard before she poofed it away pile by pile while I was resting then I saw her look at me with a look I didn't like.

Star-Alright... bath time.~

(Y/N)-Ok, i'll go first to get this frosting off me.

Star-Oh no you don't. The bath is coming to you!~


Star-Bubble bath WHIRLPOOL!!!

Tons of water and bubbles spun in circles without hitting the house or fence and closing in until we were about to get caught in it, so I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before it got me and I was spinning a lot with water coming from what felt like everywhere until it stopped and the water all turned into bubbled filled with bits of frost to float away.

Star-Woooaaahhh! What should we do next?!


(Star's POV)

He wanted to watch these things called movies, but he didn't even make it through the first one and it was called "Pirates Of The Caribbean The Curse of the Black Pearl" and I saw real pirates before, but this was fun to watch. I did try to keep him awake, but I guess our game, ride, and special bath made him just want to dry off, at some pizza that was way better than corn anything, and fall asleep He looked so adorable and when I booped his little cheek his slowly grabbed my finger.

Star-*Quiet screech*

He was the cutest thing ever and I just gave him a kiss on the cheek which made him curl up. I decided to take him upstairs to his room and tuck him in while he was still sleeping. He stirred a bit and got his stuffed animal all by himself which was so cute i just wanted to take him back to squeeze him until he pops!

Star's mind-No Star, babysittes need to do bed time!... He just looks so huggable though.~... No!... But... No... But... No... But...

(No POV)

It was midnight and (Y/N)'s mom and dad just got back home after a good night out then walked in the house. They turned off the living room T.V. before they went upstairs to open (Y/N)'s door and only expected to see their son, but he had a "guest" in his bed with him.


They both smiled before they closed the door to go to sleep themselves, but when they did, there was someone still awake in the house and she held (Y/N) closer to her.

Star's mind-This was the best day ever little cutie. I wish I got sent to earth a long time ago.~

She placed one more kiss on his head before she finally closed her eyes to stop watching him sleep and went to sleep herself.

Star's mind-I just want to hold you forever.~


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