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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was dinner time and I wanted to help Bella in the kitchen to show my big sister how grown up I was, but the only way Bea said I could help is by now being near the stove, the fridge, a knife, and... the kitchen to stay safe. I tried to convince her to let me help, but Penelope came to get me and brought me to the back rooms and to her bed that used to be mine and dangled one of her mouse toys over me. She used it to tickle my face bits at a time, so I tried to grab it to stop her which only made her giggle when she did it again.

(Y/N)-Penelope, can you stop doing this during play time?!

Penelope-Why, don't you like playing?~

(Y/N)-It's not playing if you don't let me play with you!

Penelope-Are you sure?~


I tried harder until I just grabbed her arm then she grabbed me to cuddle on the bed and it smelled like the girls a lot now. Later we could smell the food in the air and it just smelled delicious as we left the room with her carrying me, but when we made it into the living room, she turned my head into her chest before I could see anyone and wouldn't let me turn.

(Y/N)-Penelope, stop! *muffled*

Penelope-Hmmmm, nope.

She was being really bad and if she doesn't stop soon then I will put her in the cage to teach her a lesson.

(Helen's POV)

I saw Penelope giving me a small glare while she shoved my little brother into her cleavage and it was irritating as hell. I also made sure my boyfriend doesn't put his eyes where they shouldn't be. Soon dinner was done and we all made our bowls, except Bea made my brother a bowl to feed him.


While we were eating I couldn't stop watching my brother being like he was a baby, they were even cooing him for fucks sake. I just turned to Lenard with a glare then scooted closer to him to show them that unlike them, i'm the one being pampered in my relationship.

Helen-Lenard baby, feed me, please.~

Lenard-Uh... Sure baby.

He gave me a meatball first and while I was going in for the second bite I heard something that made me turn back to them.

Bea-Sweetie, you got spaghettis sauce on your shirt and necklace. Come here.~

Just then I saw Penelope walk up to them and reached into her boobs for a key then used it to unlock my brothers necklace/collar he tried to stop her to keep it on, but she gently pushed his hands down.

Penelope-Baby, we need to clean this.

Courtney-It's bath time for you after this baby.

Bea-Now, next bite, Open.

The rest of dinner was this same song and dance and Courtney looked like she wanted to feed my brother again, but he was full. The next weird thing was that he left by being carried by Penelope with Courtney following them, so Bea could eat and Gerta stayed to just... look at us. I got up to go take a shower myself, but Gerta stopped me by getting in front of me.

Gerta-Where are you going?

Helen-Um... to the bathroom for my shower... With my boyfriend!

I just grabbed him and pulled him close by holding his arm and she glared at us for a bit before she moved.

Gerta-Stay out of our rooms.

With that we went down the hall and went into the hallway bathroom since it was empty and I wouldn't dare use this bathroom for anything from how small it was. I just turned on the water to make noise and Lenard was about to get undressed and get in, but I stopped him.

Helen-Baby, i'm not standing for this! Do you see how weird this was all day! *whisper*

Lenard-Well what can you do? Big, tall, and ferocious is here. *whisper*

Helen-Well you can be a man and think of something! I did all of this for you to settle down here! I was going to put my brother in an apartment somewhere for you, so do this for me, put some big boy pants on, and take care of this! *whisper*

Lenard-Fine, i'll... call animal control.

He reached for his pocket, but came up empty with a look on his face while he checked his other pockets.

Lenard-I think I left it on the couch.

I had mine out there on a charger too which means... I just pointed to the door, motioning him to go get his phone.

(No POV)

Gerta was listening in thanks to her better hearing to hear them through the running water and was really mad that they were messing with her cub and her territory. She went to the living room to grab both of the phones to hold them in one hand before Lenard came in and Bea just watched while eating the last of her dinner. He watched in horror as Gerta glared at him the crushed the phones in her palm and he was frozen in place.

Gerta-What were you going to do "exactly"?


Gerta-Liar. *growl*


((Y/N)'s POV)

Penelope was scrubbing my hair after letting me play in the water for a bit and I heard a few noises out there and I think someone slammed a door. Courtney closed the bathroom door to their room and now I couldn't hear anything over the running water.

(Y/N)-What was that?

Penelope-I'm sure it was nothing honey.

Courtney-How about we add some bubbles?~

That did sound good an when the soap was off me I saw Courtney adding the bubbles to the bath while Penelope moved on to washing my body. I just played with the bubbles and Courtney put some on my chin to make a bubble beard. After our bath Penelope got me dried off while Courtney went to get me some clothes to dress me in for bed later and carried me to the living room where I saw Bea on the couch, but Gerta, my sister, and Lenard were gone.


I wondered where they all went, but when I was put down the girls each grabbed a toy and waved them in front of me for play time. I tried to get the toys from them, but they kept them away from me and they do this every time when i'm supposed to be doing it.

(Y/N)'s mind-Seriously, it's like they think i'm a cat!

They all started to tease and coo me until I gave pretended to give up and just when I saw Bea fell for it, I jumped at her and took the toy mouse from her hand.

(Y/N)-Haha, I win! Yeah, that's right!

Bea-Yep, you got me.~

(Helen's POV)

Lenard and I were both pinned by our mouths which hurt like hell as Gerta leaned into us and her teeth never looked more sharp than they did right now. The dark even showed her eyes fiercely glaring at us in the moonlight and she has been really quiet since the moment we got here. I couldn't take much more of this and tried to struggle free which made her grip stronger and more painful. I tried screaming for help through her hand, but that's when she got a little closer to us.

Gerta-You're my human cub's sibling, so I will let you go this time, but if you try one more thing...

She slowly opened her mouth to lick both of us which was so gross then growled and when she dropped us I think I knew what she was doing...

Helen's mind-SHE WAS TASTING US!!!

She dragged us by our legs back to the house and let go in the front yard and I was never so dirty in my whole life. We went back inside with her to really get a shower now and there was no way we were staying the night here.

Helen's mind-I would rather stay at the 4-star hotels here until I can get the police here... Oh my god, it has come to that.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was doing a victory dance after winning again until Gerta came in and sat on the couch, so i was gonna show here I could keep the toy mouse away from Courtney. I waved it in front of her and she gave me an evil smile and swipe at it to knock it out of my hand, but even with the toy gone, she jumped on my to pin me down.

Courtney-Got you.~

(Y/N)-You were supposed to get the toy, not-. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

She was tickling me until the door opened again and this time it was my sister and Lenard coming in and they looked kinda muddy and the others looked too.


(Y/N)-What happened to you two?

Helen-... Nothing... We're going to stay at a hotel tonight.

I went from happy to kinda sad that my big sister didn't want to stay the night and be a family for a while longer. I had to get her to stay.

(Y/N)-I thought you said all the hotels over here were bad?... Y-You can stay home tonight and-.

Helen-Lenard and I are getting our stuff.

(Y/N)-No, wait! Stay for just one night at least.

Lenard-Little man, we "can't" stay here.

(Y/N)-Why not?

I was waiting for an answer and I really just wanted to see my big sister a little longer so much that when she was about to leave again, I was about to cry. Bea just pulled me into a hug while everyone was looking at them.

Penelope-*Sigh* Why don't you just stay for one night? You were going to anyway.

Helen-Um... No th-.

Bea-Get. Comfy... You could start with a shower.

They thought about it for a bit before they went to the bathroom and I felt so happy again that they were gonna stay. Bea even gave me a few kisses and I had an idea to celebrate this.


(Helen's POV)

Not only do we not have phones anymore, we were threatened into stay here over night or maybe more if my brother wants it. After my shower with my boyfriend we get ready for the night and saw there was nobody in the house anymore, but there was a fire outside. We looked to see what it was and it was my brother and his "pets" out in the night, playing in the front yard.


I was not an outdoors person, but my brother saw me and came inside to pull us outside without a word and with the others threatening us with their glares, this basically meant "Make him happy or else". We had to come outside and (Y/N) ran out into the grass to wrestle with Gerta even when it looked like she was just pinning down a fussy baby. After his little match with her he ran to me and took my hand.

(Y/N)-Come on, I want to go on the trail grandpa used to take us on. Just us, like we did before you left.

Helen-Um... Sure.

I had to leave Lenard here with the animals or they would do something to us, but maybe I can use this time alone with him. We left the house and got on the hiking trail that I hated so much because bugs and stuff would touch me. I can put up with it and take a second shower when I come back.

((Y/N)'s POV)

It felt good to be walking here with my big sister and when we made it to the part with the pond she stopped us and bent down to me. She looked happy too and I gave her a hug before she pushed me off her a little to look me in the eye.

Helen-Hey (Y/N), how would you like to live in a whole new place?~

(Y/N)-Huh?... No thanks. Someone has to stay at grandpa's house.

Helen-Lenard and I can, but would you rather see new places with your pets.

(Y/N)-But I like our home and so do Bea, Penelope, Courtney, and Gerta.

Helen-*Deep breath*... Look, you're getting to be a big boy and you can live in a new place and have all sorts of adventures around the world.

I thought about it and it did sound cool, but I would really miss my home and it was too much. I came up with a better plan.

(Y/N)-If you and Lenard wanna stay, we can work something out, so you can move back in with us! we can maybe empty the office, or I can try to fit my pets and i in one room, or-.

Helen-Now just hold on. That's not-.

(Y/N)-I can go tell them and we can all figure it out together! Come on!

I grabbed her hand and tried to pull her, but she yanked me back in front of her then she looked kinda serious now, maybe a little angry.

Helen-Listen to me! Lenard and I need a place to settle down and it needs to be quiet, of the grid from Lenard's family, private, and with plenty of room.

(Y/N)-We can make it enou-.

Helen-No, you don't even need a place that big and I can help you find a place for you to stay.

It sounded like she wanted to come back home,... but didn't want me there... No, that can't be. She was my big sister and would never do something so mean because grandpa taught us better.

(Y/N)-Helen... We can be in the same house and live together again... Do you want that? I even have fun pets now that we can play-.

Helen-Your pets have taken over the house after grandpa said no pets. Do you remember that?

(Y/N)-Yeah, but... I was lonely at home. I missed you too after grandpa died and you left to go take care of some stuff with Lenard.

Helen-It doesn't matter, this needs to happen. You just need to tell them you want to go somewhere else to live.

I was trying my best not to cry while it was even getting a little harder to talk and Helen put her hand on my shoulder.

(Y/N)-But... I d-d-don't w-wanna leave home... My pets can be re-really nice and-.


(Y/N)--you and Penelope are almost the same, and-.


(Y/N)--having more family at home can be really fun. I can even take care of them too, so you don't have to. You can just play with them and-.


I flinched and fell backwards on the ground while tears started to fall down my cheeks really fast.


(Y/N)-*Whimper* *sniffle* N-No.



I couldn't stop crying now then she grabbed my new favorite necklace and pulled on it a little bit while still not looking away from my eyes.


She let go of me while I just cried louder and I didn't want it to be like this, I wanted this to be happy like before. While I was thinking of the goods times then everything she just said, I just ran past her to run back to the house and when she grabbed me I bit her hand to make her let go to run away crying. I even thought of those bullies that called my necklace a collar too.

(Y/N)'s mind-I'm... I'm not a pet! I'M NOT!!!

(Helen's POV)

When he bit my hand I just ran to the pond to wash off my hand because this was just as gross as being licked. I bet he just ran off to go cry somewhere alone, so I can find him, calm him down, then head back. He's easy to calm down, almost like how fast I get angry. I was done cleaning myself for now and was about to go look for him, but when I turned... "she" was standing right behind me.


Helen-Ahhh! Wh-What are doing here?!

Gerta-Did you think I would leave you alone with my cub?... You made him cry. *growl*

I could feel the fear stinging my heart until it felt like a stab each time she took a step forward.

Helen-Y-Y-Y-Y-You tr-treat him like a pet, so what do you think your-!... W-W-Wait, i'm sorry!

She grabbed me by my hair and lifted me up that way.

Gerta-I warned you and you wasted no time to waste it! *growl*

Helen-*Hyperventalating* AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!


(Bea's POV)

Our poor baby was crying into my tummy and was in the middle of telling us what happened out there with his sister. I felt so angry, yet relived that Gerta went out there because I don't want his sister in my sight or his ever again. I tried my best to comfort him to ease his crying and Courtney helped a lot by letting him have more of her milk. It sounded like he was getting close to the end of his story now too.

(Y/N)-Th-Then... she yelled at me *hic* a lot *hic* and called me names, and s-said bad words... She e-even called my necklace a collar.

I turned him into me and covered his ears with help of Courtney too before the 3 of us turned to Lenard and his face was pale.


Bea-... Get. Out... Don't even bother waiting for Helen. *hiss*

He stumbled to get inside the house and I will allow a bit of time for him to get his stuff which took 5 minutes to come back out and made a run for it to the car and, but Penelope tripped him then stood on the back of his neck before she lifted her foot up to stomp on it with her heel and I saw it not only let out a snap... it went in. Blood was coming out, so we made sure (Y/N) didn't see a thing while she dragged the body away to the care trunk and we took (Y/N) inside to our bed. We laid in bed with him in the middle to cuddle him.

(Y/N)-... M-My big sister h-h-h-ha-hated m-m-.

Bea-*Shhh* No more talking. Just rest sweetie.~

Courtney-You want some more of my milk?~

He nodded his head then turned her to latch on and feed off her while we cuddled him a little tighter. I'm sure Penelope can share a bed with Gerta tonight or something.

(No POV)

While the 3 were resting in a warm bed about to go to sleep, Penelope was driving to an abandoned part of the city to ditch the car in a place with no camera's online to let the body rot and decay, leaving no leads. Meanwhile, Gerta was enjoying her meal and planned to wash off the blood like Penelope planned to do with the grass when she gets back home.


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