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((Y/N)'s POV)

I still couldn't see anything still as I was being taken somewhere as soon as we parked and it was kinda cold and smelled like metal and stuff out here. I could hear all kinds of things and none of them sounded good before we got to a quiet room then I heard her spin a web that I was put on after. The weird footsteps got a little farther before something was turned on by a big lever and whatever it was, it was kinda loud. Suddenly a claw or something was scratching my cheek a little which made me cry and wiggle some more, only for a second one to hold me still on the.

???-*Shhhh* Don't fret too much little human. It'll be better soon. Like a trip to the doctors.~

(Y/N)-*Muffled cries*.

???-Awwww, let's just get this started.~

I heard her setting things up for me which involved lots of clanky sounds and chains before I was finally cut out of the web. This might've been my chance to run if she wasn't holding me tight then laid me on a table and clipped my arms and legs down, so I can't do anything. When the blind was taken off, the gag was still on and I could finally see her and she just looked so scary that I screamed.


???-Now, now, little one. Allow me to formally introduce myself. They call me "The Contessa", but you can soon call me "mistress". To think, i'm about to have a human under my complete control.~

She got closer to me and poked my nose before she went to a control table thing. She pressed a few buttons before pulling a lever again then a light flashed on me, but when I looked at where it was coming from, it looked like a ray gun then music started to play. Now it was getting hard to think to where I actually had to try to think.

(Y/N)-*Muffled screams*!

Contessa-No use screaming. Just relax and let the pretty lights and sounds do their job.~

(Carmelita's POV)

I was in a cell until it was "my turn" for rehabilitation and I know The Contessa was consoler here, but now that i'm on the other side, it's clear that something is wrong. My baby was in danger and I can't just sit here and do nothing while that witch does who knows what to him. I tried to calm down and use my head to be resourceful to see what I could use in the bits of junk in here or...

Carmelita's mind-My ear ring and bracelet!

I took them off and found a broken stone to grind my bracelet to cut it open then bended both pieces to make a home made lock picking kit for these big locks. It took a few tries, but I got it to unlock and I was free to wander the halls, but I wasn't safe yet, and I wasn't leaving without my son.

Carmelita's mind-You better not have even harmed a hair on his head.

The guards here were a basically a joke with almost no routine in this cell block, but then again, most of these prisoners were almost completely silent. There was something wrong with all of this and if we stay here, we're gonna be like them. At the door out of this cell block was 2 guards and I may not have my shock pistol right now, but I did just fine without it before. I rushed them and I guess they never really saw any action before in a prison break because they gave me a few extra seconds with their shock which was all I needed to jump kick one of them in the face to knock them out then grabbed his cuffs before I was grabbed, but I knew some removers to slip behind him with his arm and grabbed his other to cuff him behind his back then slammed his head into a lead pipe. With both guards down I took the keys to open the door and headed out into the yard to see it was crawling with more guards and tanks for new prisoners and apparently for show. I thought fast by thinking what Cooper might do since he was an expert in evading the law, so the spotlight is no doubt bad to be in, and if I want to avoid it...

Carmelita's mind-Under a tank!

I know the way to her base of operations, so I knew when I could slip under a new one to get there. I got under a tank without anyone noticing me and paid attention to where I was going and where I wanted to go.

Carmelita's mind-Hold on, i'm coming... Maybe I should make a little call first, just to be sure.

(Contessa's POV)

He lasted longer than I thought, but I finally got him to break and I can now start programming him. I was thinking of everything and I can't use my old protocols, so I had to start from scratch for a program I will only use one time most likely.

Contessa-Let's see... He should be obedient and loyal, affectionate, maybe a bit of paranoia to others... What else could I do?

I listed off everything in my head for personality, but now it was time for the commands I have to word to enforce them. I was thinking along the lines of "Report everything to 'mother' that seems to be a threat, suspicious, or... touches you. They can be very dangerous."

Contessa's mind-Yes. Indeed, this will work... Now the fun part.

I got to work on the coding and programming and it was taking longer than my last one did until I found a little shortcut by taking parts and bits from my usual code. After a whole 2 hours, all I need to do is wait a while longer for him to wake up and the first person he sees will be the one he considers his mothers.

Contessa's mind-This is all getting tiresome... There has to be something I can upgrade or replace to make this process faster and smoother.

I decided to check over a few things on the computer until I felt a certain gun pressed against the back of my skull. I knew who it was and should've known she wasn't the kind to sit still.

Carmelita-Turn around slowly with your hands up... and I mean all of them.

I did what she said at first, but tried to sneak in a kick to her legs and she did go down, but fired her pistols and it hit the ceiling to make a patch of rubble.


I jumped out of the way in time, but got blasted and sent flying to a wall. She has more combat and fire arm experience, so I knew I couldn't take her one on one like this and that only left me with running. I soon noticed she wasn't giving chase and knew she was after my human.

Contessa-Oh no you don't!

I was about to got back in, but noticed there were police helicopters just outside the view of the windows and I saw red and blue lights flashing in the sky as sirens wailed. I never planned for Interpol coming because I just gave my guards one job to watch here. If that wasn't bad enough, all the doctored evidence and real things were all on computer and it's all on the other side of the prison.

Contessa's mind-I gotta move now!

I ran as fast as I could to get there, but when i got in the yard,... the main gate was blown down.


(Carmelita's POV)

Nice to know that this only didn't look like an evil liar, it really was one. I spent a bit of time trying to find out how to open those shackles on him and having a human child saved will not only clear my name, ruin Neyla's and The Contessa's, and I will be the only one who watches him unquestionably. When he was free I ran up to him and picked him up then he started to stir a little before he opened his eyes.


Carmelita-Hey sweetie, it's ok. I got you now.~

(Y/N)-... M-... Mommy?



He suddenly wrapped me in a hug and it wasn't hard to guess what happened to him and I should find a way to reverse this,... but was this so bad?

Carmelita's mind-His human mom was in a comma and I can see him smile while I...

I just returned the hug then spun around with him with a feeling of pure joy, like I just locked up The Cooper Gang over and over again!

Carmelita-Yes sweetie, it's ok... Mommy's here!~

(No POV)

Meanwhile back in Paris there was a truck carrying the human adults in it in secret to bring them to the safe house. They just got word that Carmelita was framed and the human child was secure again and should be transferred when the safe house was stocked up with proper food for them and Carmelita who has been given complete authority over the humans, so nothing happens to them without her word. While on the ride one of the human adults woke up and were scared at what they were seeing.

(M/N)'s mind-Wh-Where am I?! Is this a truck?! Where's my son?!

To Be CONTINUED!!!... Maybe.

Yeah, I know we all hate cliffhangers, but it's better than cancelling a book mid way. This way it buys me time because motivation for this books comes and goes easily, but it has been getting harder lately. I need more time to think on this book. I will do my best to come back to it, I swear. Maybe Sly 5 will kick it off.

Sorry to those that love this book.



Thank you for ending the book and setting up a possible sequel instead of canceling it.