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(Yang's POV)

The only one still asleep was (Y/N) and we were all very quiet while just watching or taking a few pictures of him. Sadly he woke up to us being a pile on him, so he can't get up until we do and I even felt him struggle a little while his eyes were still groggy until he was more awake. He just looked at all of us with a bit of sleepy look still in his eyes before he tried wiggling out, but I kept him in place to stop him. His struggling was over and he only let out a yawn then a small whine wanting to get up still, but I won't let him and we all just laughed a little.

(Y/N)-Yang, stop it.

Yang-Got somewhere to be?~

(Y/N)-I just wanna get up and stretch.

Ruby-What do we get?

(Y/N) knew what she meant and gave us each a kiss on out cheeks, but Weiss and Blake gave him a look too, so he also gave them kisses too before we finally got off of him. We watched him still laying down to stretch his little arms and legs and Ruby tickled his foot a little which made him jolt his leg back while giggling.

(Y/N)-St-Stop that!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Ruby gave me a look that I know what she was going to, so I tried to run under one of the beds, but thanks to her semblance, she caught me and got on her bed to hold me tight. While she was poking and teasing me now the others didn't do anything, but she stopped when there was a knock at the door.

(Y/N)'s mind-Who could that be?

(Pyrrha's POV)

I was just getting out of the shower to dry off and get dressed in some fresh clothes before our friends and their little brother get here for breakfast. When I was dried off and dressed I just got to work on my hair by brushing it and putting it up into a ponytail before I looked in the mirror for the final result.


I got out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen where I saw Ren cooking pancakes and Nora basically trying to creep up on them like jaws, but Ren just smacked her hand to make her stop and pout.


Ren-We have to wait for Jaune and the others to get here.

Nora-I'm sure a little taste test won't hurt.

Pyrrha-Nora, i'm sure Jaune will be back soon with the others while they are still hot.

She acted like I didn't say anything and just peaked her head over the counter to stare at the stack of pancakes just getting bigger. Just then Jaune came in the kitchen alone and I was worried that the others weren't coming.


Ren-Are they coming?


Jaune-Nora, they're just getting ready. They woke up not long after I got there.

She went back to stalking the pancakes like before while I just waited at the table and checked my scroll for messages. Later I saw the others come in and Yang was the one carrying her little brother and he looked so adorable, but shy since he buried half of his face in her neck to just peek out with only one eye.


When Nora looked at him she looked very happy and ran up to Yang very fast which made me notice him clinging tighter to his big sister a little.

Nora-Oh my god! Ren he's adorable! Look at those eyes of his, their color is so pretty!~

I saw him blush almost to the same color of his own shirt and I stood up while Yang turned her little brother a little for us all to see him.

Yang-Everyone, this is our little bro (Y/N). (Y/N) this is Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren.




Pyrrha-It's nice to meet you.

He just gave us a little wave before the others sat at the table and Ren just finished making the last of the pancakes. He then passed out the plates then i saw a seat was empty and I thought we might've over done it somehow, but that wasn't the case when I saw (Y/N) on Ruby's lap now. I guess they were very close siblings if he wants to sit on her while...

Pyrrha's mind-She feeds him?

He looked old enough to be feeding himself and he didn't look mentally challenged as far as I could tell. In fact, when his sisters teased him, he spoke perfectly with no lisp or anything... It was just so adorable that I just couldn't look away.

Yang-(Y/N), after breakfast, we're gonna go out into town for a while.

(Y/N)-Can I have a shoulder ride?

Ruby answered his question by kissing his head then we all did small talk about the break and I turned to (Y/N) to talk to him since he was mostly quietly.

Pyrrha-Hey (Y/N), do you and your sisters have plans for while you're here? Anything you want to do?

(Y/N)-Um... I just want to be at home alone a lot, so I told dad I wanted to come here when I was allowed.

The whole time he was talking to me, he sounded very timid, but I had a feeling like I was a little girl again staring at a box full of puppies and kittens. I have no idea why because he only just talked to me, but now it was like I just wanted to take him and squeeze him forever! Just then I snapped out of my thoughts when Nora leaned over the table to get closer to (Y/N) and Ruby.

Nora-Hey, can we come with you to town, pllleeeeaaaasssseee?!~

Jaune-Ren and I did want to see a movie. Wanna come?

Yang-We were actually gonna do some shopping for a bit before we go play some bowling or something.

Nora-How about the arcade?!

Ren-You're banned from there Nora.


Weiss-I think a nice park will do just fine, but-.

Nora-PARK!!! They can't banned me from a park!

Weiss-I meant just as a tea-.

Nora was... herself when she interrupted Weiss and I guess I don't want to be here alone, so I decided to go with team RWBY too.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

After breakfast and the boring shopping at clothes stores for me was done, I was wearing some new sunglasses that Yang wanted me to wear, but they made my eyes feel funny, so I just had them on my forehead. We were at the park and I was being pushed on the swing by Weiss because she wanted a turn since she thought "it was only fair". My favorite was Yang because she pushes me higher than the others, but she blow on my neck or ear sometimes which is annoying and when Ruby was about to take her turn again...

Nora-I want a turn!

Before anyone could say anything she started to push me and she pushes just as hard as Yang, so this was fun and made the arguing very short.

(Y/N)-*Giggles* Nora, go higher!

Nora-I got a better idea. Hold on tight!~

Just then she pushed me really, really hard which made me go so high, I was upside down, but I could only see Nora's face as she somehow jumped up this high and grabbed me to hold me in the air. I was about to scream, but she held me tight and it pulled my face in the middle of her chest, so I couldn't see anything and it felt like we landed. I looked up again to see Nora smile at me before she poked my nose a little then rubbed it to play with it.


Nora-How was that for higher?~

(Y/N)-Th-That... was awesome! Let's do it again!


Nora finished her short turn by kissing my nose which tickled a little and made me laugh before I was pulled away from her. I saw it was Blake that pulled me away from her and checked like Yang and Ruby would to see I was fine and I do hate heights, but being held always makes me feel better and she just felt so soft. The others were talking to Nora until I noticed I didn't see Pyrrha until I saw her come back with some ice cream cones, but only 2... Maybe it was for Nora and her.


Pyrrha-What happened?

Blake-Nora thought it was a good idea to push (Y/N) so hard on the swing, he was upside down and snatched him right out of his seat!

Pyrrha-*Gasp* You poor thing. Have some ice cream. I got them both for you.~

I tried telling them I was fine and he made it kinda fun, but I don't think they really listened to me, so I was about to grab the (F/F) ice cream and eat it, but she was faster and put it close to my mouth. I was confused, but I was going to lick it anyway until Blake grabbed her arm.

Blake-Why don't I feed him? I'm holding him already.

Pyrrha-And that would make it harder.

Just then Blake sat on the ground with me on her lap and put my ear against her chest, but I was turned away from Pyrrha now.

(Blake's POV)

I never got to feed him anything at all yet and I was going to fix that now, but Pyrrha just sat down next to me. (Y/N) turned back and Pyrrha put the ice cream to his face again, so I acted by taking the other one from her and holding the second cone to him.

Blake-Come on, have some. It's better together.~

Pyrrha-I'm sure you want (F/F) first though.~

I looked at her smiling at him and I acted on my own by holding him tighter, but before I could convince him to have the one I was holding first, he took a bite of both at the top at the same time.

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

When the others were done fighting they all got me more food to feed me in the park and I was just so full that I didn't want to move my tummy. We all just went back to the academy because Ruby and Yang know when I get this full, I get really tired. I was tucked in Weiss's bed and given kisses by all the girls and they all stayed with me while I was going to sleep. Before I could, someone came on the bed with me and put my ear on their chest, but I knew by the size shirt, it was my bed sister Yang then I felt Ruby get my other side. One my one I felt the girls piling on my, but one snuck their and under the blanket to tickle my feet a little before they stopped to let me relax and sleep. It did feel kinds good to be cuddled like this though.

(Y/N)'s mind-I thought Ruby and Yang said I don't need other girls in my life,... but they are just so warm and comfy.

(???'s POV)

It has come to my attention that even if it's the beginning of a holiday break, staff have confused the rule of having a child on campus accompanied by an adult at all times, not mere students. Even if it was Tai's adopted son, rules are rules, and because he can't come at the moment, I will have to go take care of this matter until Tai can arrive to pick up his son or remain here with him.

???'s mind-I'll check their dorm again in a bit. Where else could they be in the meantime?... I better ask other students that know them if they have seen them.


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