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(Chica's POV)

After we managed to get him dried off and dressed for the day, (Y/N) wanted to be carried by us which was gonna happen anyway, but it was nice that he wanted it. While I was holding him he just snuggled into me and it just felt so nice until I had to share him with Roxy and Vanessa and he may call them his "mommies" now too, but I know that i'm his real mommy. Right now was a good time for breakfast, so I went to the kitchen and we should have enough for a few weeks, but until then I get to make him all kinds of pizza. When I made his breakfast he eagerly saw on Vanessa's lap while I got his first slice and held it up to him to him and the smile he had while chewing was blissful. He kept this up until he was full, but still thirsty and we had just the thing for him even if Vanessa was the one that won rock, paper, scissors to do it, it will still be adorable to watch.

Vanessa-Oh (Y/N), you thirsty sweetie?~

(Y/N)-A little.

Vanessa-Well, mommy has something special for you.~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I had a weird feeling about this, but I couldn't bring myself to get up or stop her while she was lifting her shirt then her bra to one of her boobs before she put her nipple to my mouth and made me suck on it. After a few times, milk started to come out and this felt weird on so many levels, but I knew she would be mad if I stopped after she looked so happy, and I don't want to make one of my moms mad. Not only will I get punished, but I really like it when they smile now an when I was done and completely full I wanted to play a few games and Roxy took me from my other mom to bring me to the arcade, but when we got there, there was lots of broken robots all over the floor.

(Y/N)-What happened to them?

Roxy-They didn't want to leave you alone and tried to serve you like they were programmed... You didn't need them though.

(Y/N)-I only need you 3.

Roxy-... That's right.~

We just played games together for a while and she even took me on the race track for a few laps in the race car while I got to sit on her lap. This was so fun and after that she took me to her room and on the way it got kinda dark, so I held on to her tighter and she noticed this.

Roxy-Awww, are you scared of the dark now?~

(Y/N)-I... I might not see you.

She only laughed a little before she gave me lots of kisses then we finally made it to where all the rooms were, but saw Vanessa by her door like she was waiting for us.


She looked so happy to see us and when she ran up to us I just held my arms out to her for her to take me and she even swung me around. I held on to her tight before she was about to say something, but... her phone started beeping.


She held me in one arm now when she reached for her phone and checked a notification before she held me tighter and I was kinda scared, so I held her tighter too.

Vanessa-Roxy, get Chica. The motion censors were tripped and someone might be here.

(Y/N)-Are... Are they gonna try and take me?

She just put her phone away and ran off with me while Roxy went the other was and I was taken into Chica's room then she closed the curtains and put me on the couch. She was about to go to the door, but I just got up and ran to her to grab her before she could leave and she looked at me.

(Y/N)-N-No, don't go!

Vanessa-Sweetie, you'll be safe in here. I need you to be a good and brave boy for mommy, ok?~

I was starting to cry and remembered the times I spent running from her and the others without any idea of what I was thinking. She laid me back on the couch to tuck me in, cuddled me for a bit, and told me to stay tucked in or I was going to be in trouble, so the only thing I could do when she left was cry to myself.

(Doctor's POV)

I managed to catch some rumors that "Carly" wasn't Carly and the woman that took the kid was some kind of criminal. She had a security shirt on to this place on the picture we were shown, so while cops had to wait to get a warrant to her home, I thought maybe her place might have a clue since it got shut down from an incident. I just got in since I picked a few locks back in my day and this place had the lights on in here and everything.

Carl's mind-She's gotta be here... Hope that kid is alive.

I had to make sure not to get caught by anyone, so I went to a staff only area to get somewhere out of the open. This place was creepy with nobody here and a part of me wished that it was true and someone left the lights on. I kept on going down halls, through a security room, and an underground storage before I went up some stairs to open a pair of red doors again. I made it to a place called "Rockstar Runway" and just then I heard a door close, so I hid behind a glass case then saw a woman running to the doors I just came from and it was "her".


Carl's mind-Vanessa.

She was gone, but I was careful incase there were others here too, but maybe the room she just came from. I tried to open the door, but it was locked and I heard crying behind it and it sounded like...

Carl's mind-THE KID!!!

I didn't want to make too much noise, so I knocked on the door a few times, each a little harder until the crying stopped and I got his attention. I was gonna try and comfort him first before I tried to get him out, but just then the door opened and I saw him standing at the door trying to stop crying until he saw me and looked scared.


I walked in the room while he was backing up and besides this looking like a messy girls break room with pizza boxes on the floor I wondered how he got out whatever what was holding him... or where it was of whatever that was keeping him here. He looked like he was about to panic, but I just crouched down and held my hands up.

Carl-Woah, woah, woah! I'm here to rescue you!

(Y/N)-G-Get away from me!

Carl-Huh?... Sorry about this kid.

I didn't have time for this and just snatched up the kid which made him start screaming and he was probably very fragile, but better than him being dead or probably being raped after who knows how many times. His mind must be mush after who knows what happened, but I was getting us out of here and heading back to the way I came in. The whole time he was screaming into my hand until he bit me as hard as he could when we were at a security room which made me drop him and he ran to the table to grab a microphone on it, and I went over his behavior and... HE HAS STOCKHOLM SYNDROM!!! That means he was about to...

Carl-NO WAIT!!!


I quickly pulled the plug on the microphone before I grabbed him to run before they could reach me then I heard something on the speakers.

Speaker-Freddy Fazebear's Mega Pizzaplex is now closed. Initiating nighttime protocols.

Carl's mind-What?! No, no, no!

I ran out the doors back to the front lobby where the exit was again, but this time there was no lock to open it manually because it was on the outside. I was stuck in here until I find another way out, but just then the kid bit me again before running off and I had to catch him to get him out of here.


I kept on chasing him up the stairs and he was pressing a elevator button a lot before I grabbed him and tried to get a good grip while he was struggling then the doors opened for...


We were all frozen in place until (Y/N) broke free from me and ran to Vanessa to be held and cried into her and told them everything that happened which made me sound like a kidnapper even when they are clearly the kidnappers. The all looked very angry at me and I was about to run, but I was tackled by a wolf girl and a giant chicken.

Vanessa-You shouldn't have come here... On the other hand, we will need more animatronics for when we open again.~

Carl-Let go of me!

(No POV)

Vanessa snapped her fingers and Chica and Roxy knew what she was talking about and took Carl to parts and services kicking and screaming. While they took care of Carl Vanessa took (Y/N) back to Chica's room and was thankful to see her baby was still here and "safe", but at the same time she knew the only way he could get in that fast was if (Y/N) opened the door for him. She knew (Y/N) was scared enough, so she just gave him a slap on the wrist and a nap time with her since her adrenaline rush was over. From that day it was just going to be Carl locked in the trash room with his new body and the girls enjoying (Y/N) until the day comes to reopen the Mega Pizzaplex... Fazebear Entertainment hopes to see you there and to have a good day.~




With the Ruin DLC out you should have a continuation of this book