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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was watching the window and waiting for my big sister Helen to get here then I can show her my new pets and she'll see how responsible I am. She can even spend the night and play with them with me and i'll just have to make Gerta and the girls share my bed for tonight since my sister only sleeps in the big room while she's here. Bea was washing the cups now, Gerta just got done rubbing me all over her, Courtney looked kinda excited for something, but Penelope was kinda in a bad mood after I said I wanted to wait here instead of sitting on her lap. I tried to shoot a treat out for her, but it was another goldfish cracker... I still ate it, but I don't know why it was filled with goldfish again. When I saw a car pull up by the gate I started to jump up and down because I was just so happy that I ran around the house a bit too before Penelope grabbed and held me.

(Y/N)-She's here, she's here, she's here!

Penelope-So we heard.

I wanted to go outside to see her, but now Penelope won't put me down, so I had to wait for Helen to knock on the door. It felt like forever, but the moment there was a knock on the door I really wanted to answer it, so I wiggled out of Penelope's arm to run to the door and answer it to see my sister was here and she brought her boyfriend.



(Helen's POV)

My little brother hugged my legs after he didn't see me for... well I don't know how long and didn't care that much to look into it. I just put on a smile and gave him a few pats on the back then he tried to do the same to my boyfriend, but I just stopped him since my man is picky about who touches him. After that hello he backed up a bit then looked like he had something to say.

(Y/N)-Hey, I got a surprise while you were gone. You remember when grandpa said I couldn't get a pet?

I instantly thought about a disgusting animal that just loves to shit all over the lawn and smell weird or bad the other times while taking time out of your day. I have no idea which he got, but I just hope it was some dumb fish.


(Y/N)-Well I got 4 pets and I think you'll really love them!

Just then he opened the door to show us the house and I saw 4 nekos in the living room, but then I realize the one as tall as the door that walked up and picked up my little brother wasn't a neko... THAT WAS A TIGRESS!!!



I jumped into Lenard's arms, and he was speechless bout this, but I was gonna give my brother a fucking ear full!


My little brother flinched a little at my yelling which made this tall tigress step out here and was even leaning over my boyfriend and I because my boyfriend that was taller than me only made it to the bottom of her boobs. She was showing her teeth to us and I just got behind my boyfriend and pushed him to her a little for him to do something.

Lenard-Um... hi.

???-Don't yell at him like that. *growl*

Just then my little brother recovered hugged her neck to make her look at him instead of us.

(Y/N)-G-Gerta, it's ok. She didn't mean it.

All she did was pet my brother's head before she pulled him out to play with some kind of short necklace he was wearing before she just turned and went inside. The motels here are not up to my standards. so we were forced to stay here for at least over night. We just went inside with our stuff and Gerta sat on the couch with the other nekos and I kept my eyes on her since she looked like she wanted to kill us earlier.

(Y/N)-So you met Gerta. This is Courtney, Penelope, and Bea.

Helen-(Y/N), can we talk to you in private?


Neither of us wanted to argue and risk pissing Gerta off again, so we were just gonna go to the master bedroom. When we got to the room we were just about to unpack our clothes in the closet, but saw it was packed full of clothes. Just then we heard a knock on the door frame and when we turned we saw Courtney, Penelope, and Bea.


Penelope-This is our room.

Helen-This is my brother's room.

Penelope-He gave it to us, but in others words... Get out.

Helen-Lenard, do something!

Penelope-Yeah Lenard, do something.

Lenard took a few steps forward and while Bea and Courtney backed off Penelope stood where she was and I know Lenard took karate lessons for me, so Gerta might be too much, but I know Lenard can take her.

Lenard-I'm not afraid to hit an animal.

Penelope-You mean one smaller than you or your size?

Lenard-I'll show you what happens when you fuck with a green belt you-!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Gerta was playing with me outside and I tried to play fetch with her, but whenever I would throw it, she would catch it and throw it to where it hit the fence and the opposite side of the yard every time, so I was doing more running than her. Playing with my pets always makes me so tired and when Gerta picked me up all the sudden she threw me in the air a little to catch me while she walked back to the house then when we got inside I saw Lenard in the holding a rag to his nose and there was blood on it while the others were getting my sisters stuff back out in the living room, but I focused on Lenard since he was hurt.


(Y/N)-Lenard, what happened to you? Are you ok?

Lenard-... I just tripped on my untied shoe laces and fell.

Penelope-Oh, you should be more careful and always make sure your shoes are tied.

Just then Courtney came up to us and she looked very happy and Gerta saw holding out her arms to hold me and Gerta didn't do it at first and I was about to tell her to share, but she just gave me to Courtney and she took me to my old room when she put me on the bed and closed the door then bent down to me a little.

Courtney-Hey, I got a little present for you.~

(Y/N)-Really? What is it?

Courtney-It's something my old owner used to take from me a lot because he liked how sweet it was, but I didn't like giving it to him, but you... you're a sweetheart. That means I think you deserve it.~

I was curious about what she was talking about and why her mean owner kept on taking it from her. Just then she sat next to me then laid me down on her lap, but had my back and head against her arm a little.

Courtney-Do you like milk?


Courtney-Well how about something sweeter? I think you'll love it fresh too.~

(Y/N)-Um... We still have milk in the fridge... Are you talking about chocolate milk?

She just shook her head before she lifted her shirt and bra then her boob hit my face a little, but I had no idea what this had to do with milk and after a bit more talking she told me that she could make milk and wanted me to try.

(Y/N)-Um... how do I get it?

Courtney-Here, just open up and say "ahhh" for me.~

I did what she said and she just put her nipple in my mouth and rubbed her boob until I tasted something almost like vanilla or something. I think in I suck on it like a sippy cup I can get more and I was right and it tasted really good, so I kept on drinking.

Courtney-Awww, do you like it?~

I just nodded my head yes then she smiled at me while she stood up with me in her arms, so I could still drink while she bounced me a little.


(Y/N)'s mind-I can see why her mean old owner liked this so much. This tastes amazing!

(Courtney's POV)

It was like I finally got my kitten my old, perverted owner made me miscarry and words couldn't describe how happy I was about this. I'll go show everyone in a bit, but I want to enjoy this myself and while he was still drinking I told him that he can have my milk whenever he wants, even if it means waking me up in the middle of the night to help himself to get it. I honestly won't be mad, I would just be so happy and kinda hoping for that to happen. When he stopped to breath for a bit he looked into my eyes with such an innocent look that made my heart melt.

Courtney's mind-You may not be a real owner to us, but you are definitely our baby kitten and this will prove it to everyone... Let's show them.~

(Helen's POV)

I can't believe Lenard lost to Penelope after a few fucking punches and he calls himself a man. It's not like I asked him to fight the tigress and now we were forced to sleep in the living room after everyone goes to bed. I was sitting away from these animals and next to my boyfriend that I was very upset with right now and just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse Courtney walked in holding my little brother like a baby, but... my jaw dropped.



I was speechless and she just casually walked in while others looked in surprise, but I also think they looked jealous, like they wanted to do it too. I even saw my boyfriend looking at her tits that my brother was sucking on and I made him turn away then my rother turned to look at me and saw how angry I was now then he stopped to talk to me.

(Y/N)-Um... do you want some?


Courtney just grabbed his head to turn him back into her while having a different kind of smile on her face now.

Courtney-*Chuckles* Sorry honey bunch, but this is only for you.

(Y/N)-Oh... Ok. Sorry Helen.

I had enough of this and went outside while dragging my boyfriend with me into front yard not only to yell at him for eyeballing another woman that wasn't even human, but most importantly...

Helen-Can you believe my little brother?! Pets my ass! The short time we were here, they clearly have more control over him than he does of them! I never even seen that necklace he was wearing before and front short it looked, I bet his dumbass doesn't even know it looks more like a collar with a heart lock!

Lenard-Baby, calm down. They might hear us.

Helen-I made sure those windows and doors were closed! I CAN YELL AS LOUD AS I FUCKING WANT!!!

(Penelope's POV)

Luck for her, we don't want to cause a scene in front of our baby because with our ears, we can hear her, just barely. The thought of (Y/N) jumping out of my arms to see this fucking stuck up bitch made me furious. I soon spotted her phone on the couch and grabbed it and a pin was required, but the numbers on the wallpaper for the lock screen gave it away.

Penelope's mind-Fucking spoiled stupid princesses.

I looked through a few pages then found a bank app with a few notifications on it, so I clicked it and it took me to where I need a password. I wondered what she could pick since this was not a pin, but then I flipped her phone to see it was a case of a boyband with the name on it and I remember a few rich girls I "borrowed" money from were fans too... Don't tell me. I just put in the name of the boyband with the number one at the end and I got in.

Penelope's mind-This is so easy, it's pathetic.

I waited for the screen to load and see how much money she had and remembered (Y/N) showed that he had a little over 9 million, but when the page finished loading... 1 BILLION?!?!?!? I looked at the transactions and everything and comforted to what she gets, she's giving her little brother loose change.

Penelope's mind-You greedy bitch!

I was fixing this, but I was gonna make sure she learned her lesson and went to the computer here and I know what i'm doing, so I got it done fast before I covered my tracks on the phone then put it back to where I found it and (Y/N) was too busy drinking from Courtney to notice while the others didn't seem to care, but now he finally stopped.

Courtney-Wow, you sure took your time. Are you full?~

(Y/N)-*Groan* Yeah.

Bea-*Gasp* Did you stuff yourself? Your poor tummy!

Bea took (Y/N) from Courtney gently and she let her, so she could put her shirt back on before the bitch of a sister could come back in and have her "soulmate" drool over Courtney.

Penelope's mind-Let's see how you like my little surprise Helen.~... Don't fuck with my kitten anymore.


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