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((Y/N)'s POV)

It's been a week and I liked living here, but whenever Carmelita leaves she makes sure all the doors and windows are locked with the curtains closed. I knew why she did it, but I did like to look out into the city sometimes and she was gone right now, so if someone comes to the door I can talk to them if it sounds ok, but I can't let them in without a password and it's really embarrassing, so nobody can guess it. Carmelita needed to go do some shopping and talk with her work about my parents and the other adults too. While I was looking out the window I heard a knock at the door, so I went up to get close to it. It might be Carmelita with her hands full again.


???-(Y/N), is that you?

(Y/N)-Huh?... Neyla?

Neyla-Yes, could you open the door? I need to talk to Carmelita.

(Y/N)-Um... I'm gonna need a password to let you in.

Neyla-Password? I think you know me well enough. If you need proof to know it's me then ask me a question.

(Y/N)-Sorry, but Carmelita said that she even needs the password if she doesn't have the key or something... I-I can't let you in without it.

I felt kinda bad because I know her, but Carmelita told me what could happen if I broke this rule because someone could be with her that wants to see or hurt me since Ms. Ruby knows about me and has friends. I looked under the door to see if I could see feet and I saw that she was still standing there in silence and I wondered what she was doing or maybe she was just waiting for me still. I just stayed quiet and went to go in Carmelita's room on my side of the bed where there was a house phone that I can only use to call Carmelita for emergencies, but for some reason, it wasn't working now.

(Y/N)'s mind-Come on, work.

(Contessa's POV)

I had one of my spiders cut the power to the plug that the phone was hooked up to, so there won't be any complications as Neyla is sending doctored evidence to the station. I never saw what Neyla was after since I was too focused on getting my hands on Carmelita, so I thought I would take a look. I went around to climb outside the building and to the windows to carefully peak in and I saw something I couldn't believe hiding in Carmelita's bedroom.


They didn't notice me and I quickly went on top of the roof clearly angry that Neyla would hide something like that from me. After I thought I was getting what I want, she would get something far greater and keep it hidden from me. I am not an idiot and I hate how she thought that she could treat me like one.

Contess's mind-You think you could play me? Well, let's see how you like it when I take "everything".

I went back down onto the balcony and snuck dozens of tiny spiders under the door to have them unlock the door for me.


(Neyla's POV)

I was waiting by the front door as others walked by and had everything in place with only my excitement to keep in check. When I heard an elevator open down the hall again I looked and smiled when I saw 'Her" coming down the hall while holding many bags of food, but she slowed down when she saw me standing by her door.


Carmelita-What are you doing here? This is a strictly private operation, and I made it clear that all others need permission from the chief and I for other officers to be here.

Neyla-That's the thing. Some things came up and I have something to tell you.

Carmelita-And what is that?

Just then she walked by me to put the bags down to get out her key and put it in the lock practically for me at this point...

Neyla-Inspector Carmelita Fox, you're under arrest.

She looked at me confused as I pulled out a pair of handcuffs for her as police should almost be here. I listed down all the "crimes" she committed by placing how (Y/N) was found last time was because she broke protocol alone. The truth was the photo I sent was of her at the lake with (Y/N) while I was doctored out and since (Y/N) needs to stay a secret from everyone else that should be able to help her, she won't have a witness to help her out. It's now her word against the photo which was obvious of which will win. Just then cops came from the stairs and elevator then I saw my "partner" come down the hall while I caught Carmelita by surprise to cuff her hands behind her back.


Carmelita-Get off of me! You were there too and it was your idea!

Neyla-No use lying. Take her away Contessa.

Contessa-With Pleasure.

I shoved her into The Contessa before I waved her goodbye with a smile on my face.

Cantessa-I'll get you Neyla! Don't think I won't!

I just laughed it off as she left before everyone left with her and I finally turned the key to unlock her door and helped myself inside. I took a look around her home and saw she had good taste, but too bad she's only going to see a cell for the rest of her life now while I get (Y/N) all to myself.

Neyla-Oh (Y/N).~

There was no response, so I think he might've heard all of yelling and stuff out in the hall. I guess we were playing a little hide and seek now and there wasn't much places to hide here as it wasn't very big.

Neyla-Oh, where could he be? I guess i'll just have to come back later.~

I closed the front door, but stayed inside before I got really quiet and see if he would come out from where he was hiding. I searched everywhere except for one of the most cliche places to hide... the closet.

Neyla-Aaaannnnd, gotcha!~

My happiness was instantly killed when I saw he wasn't here I started to panic because there was no way he could sneak past me or fit in any of these vents. There was no ledge on the balcony to walk on either to escape.

Neyla's mind-Where the hell did he go?! Ms. Ruby is still in jail, so it can't be her!

I went off a list in my head that I know knew about (Y/N) being here. There's some at the station, Carmelita, and me, and that was it. Carmelita wouldn't so much as peep a word about this, I never told anyone, maybe Ms. Ruby told someone, but there's no way they could know where to find him so quick at least. After going through more possibilities in my head, I saw the cars driving off to take Carmelita to where The Contessa operates... Wait a minute! She knew we were targeting this room since I told her which plug had to be cut to shut off power in her room, so...

Neyla's mind-SHE MUST HAVE HIM!!!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I have no idea what was going on or who had me tied up in something that felt so sticky and even covered my mouth and eyes, but not my nose. We were driving now while I heard a voice in the back kinda muffled, but it sounded very familiar. I couldn't focus because of my crying, but it got worse when I felt something weird and poking touch and rub me a little while I was in a chair.

???-Don't worry little guy. You won't be scared soon enough. You'll even love me.~

I had no idea who she was or what she meant, but I just kept on trying to get free until she slowly stopped the car then grabbed me to stick me on her back and something kinda hard at the same, but she finally took my blindfold off. I could see outside then looked to see her... six legs and if you count her arms, then notice this might be her butt...

(Y/N)'s mind-IS SHE A GIANT SPIDER?!?!?!

(Carmelita's POV)

I was crying and just so angry that Neyla not only did this to take (Y/N), but also ruin my life with her lies. I was calming down to think of a way out of this before i heard faint screaming when the van was starting to drive again since I knew we weren't at her prison yet, but if I listened closely to the faint cries...

Carmelita's (Y/N)?... THE CONTESSA HAS MY BABY?!?!?!


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