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(Yang's POV)

Ruby and just got done with team CDRL, so now they should know that our little bro is strictly off limits to them. We so much as catch them giving him a glance from across the room and I will personally leave more than a few bruises next time and it wouldn't be the first time I did something like this either. We were heading back to the dorm since we're sure he misses us, but I missed him a lot more. Ruby was wild and ruthless to our brother's bullies and she almost called her locker to bring her, her weapon and the only reason she stopped is because I told her she can do it next time, and I was dead serious about that. When we made it back to our dorm I expected for (Y/N) to run up to us, but instead we Saw Weiss and Blake in pile on Blake's bed cuddling and when he clearly saw us, he only laid his head back.

I never felt madder with my own little brother since he knows damn well that only we can be his favorites! The fact he brushed us off a tiny bit is nothing like how we raised him and he's lucky we let our teammates around him since there's a "No other Girls Rule" for him! I just walked up to them and took (Y/N) out from the pile and both Blake and Weiss gave me a look, but I just gave a smile back.

Yang-Thanks for watching him while we took care of stuff.

Weiss-That was very rude to just take him like that.

Blake-You could've just asked.

Yang-Sorry, but it's just he's "my" baby brother. I'm just sure he wants his big sisters.

Blake-He was just "fine" with us.

Ruby-Now let's not fight. Well let (Y/N) pick, just to be fair. Like me and yang did when he would sneak into our room every night, or when we get him something at his favorite candy store, or.

Weiss-We. Get. It.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I didn't feel good about all of this when Yang put me in the middle of the room and I do want my sisters, but Weiss and Blake might get their feelings hurt if I leave them like this. I had to find a way to make sure everyone wins and stop fighting since they looked kinda mad at each other by just wanting to hold and cuddle me. I just thought of something that could work, so I ran to my suitcase to get my favorite stuffed animal before I grabbed my sisters and pulled them with me to the middle of the room then did the same to Weiss and Blake then tried to grab some blankets and pillows to put them on the floor to try and make a bed that all of us can sleep on together and I sat down in the middle.

(Y/N)-See, now we don't need to fight.

They all just looked at me and tried to look mad, but if this works on my sisters most of the time, it might work on Blake and Weiss. I pulled then down here one by one and did my best to snuggle into all of them which soon made them all happy. Ruby even tickled my neck a little to make me laugh before my socks and shoes were taken off by Blake to tickle my feet then Yang and Weiss both got my belly. I was kicking, screaming to try and get free now, but I can't even get away from Ruby or Yang when they were alone and now it's 4 of them... I was stuck.

(Y/N)-St-St-Stop! Hahahahaha! STOP!!! Hahahahaha!

After I don't know how long they finally stopped and I could breath again I just relaxed then soon we heard a knock on the door.

???-Hey guys, have you seen Nora? Ren, Pyrrha, and I have been looking for her. Is she in there?

Ruby-Sorry Jaune, but I think I saw her near the cafe on campus earlier on our way back from the other dormitory.


(Ruby's POV)

I had no idea where Nora was, but I just wanted more alone time with my baby brother. Besides, it's Nora and that's probably one of the first places she would go anyway. After Jaune eft our door we all just laid down on the little bed (Y/N) made and I guess we can add two more to the cuddle piles. (Y/N) was looking at the door a little probably wondering who that was, but he's not very sociable because we raised him to only love us and Weiss and Blake are just lucky we are on the same team. After a while of cuddling, it was getting a little dark out and (Y/N) knows what that means.

Yang-Alright little bro, bath time.

(Y/N)-*Groan* But it's so cozy.

I was the first to get up and pick him up to start heading to the bathroom with Yang next to get up and right behind me.

Weiss-Wait, are you also getting in with him?

(Y/N)-Huh, they always do. Were family.

Yang-He has a point and if any of you want to join then feel free to, but as to who is washing him-.

Ruby-That's us.

We went to the bathroom with towels and everything we needed then got our clothes off, but I undressed (Y/N) myself while Yang got the water in the big shower going. (Y/N) was shivering from the air being too cold in here, so he held on to me for warmth. Just was we were about to get in the water the door opened and we saw Blake come in and she was ready for a shower too.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I saw she almost almost had the same kind of body as my sister Yang as she walked up to us and when Yang saw this...

Yang-Wow, you actually came.

Blake's cheeks got a little pink before she looked at me and kinda smiled before coming over, but I noticed she still had her bow on until she took it off and I saw... cat ears. She was a faunus. I kept on looking at here ears even when we got in the water to get all wet, but just as Rwby made me sit on her lap and grabbed the shampoo the door opened again and we looked to see Weiss with her clothes already off for the shower and tried not to look at us until she saw me.

Weiss-How are you even sure he's comfortable with this?!

Yang-Don't know, let's ask him. Hey (Y/N), when you look at all of us, what do you see that you like?

I looked at both of my sisters and thought about what I like about only their bodies and I already knew, but it was just to show Weiss and Yang.

(Y/N)-Well your chest is very comfy like a nice pillow with a heartbeat, Ruby's is good too, but I like it when she scratches my back or itchy parts the most, I think Blake's cat ears are really cute, and Weiss's hair looks beautiful and goes with her pretty eye color... like a snowflake.

When I finished Yang and Ruby both gave me kisses before I saw Blake and Weiss's cheeks turn pink and they were touching the parts of them I just talked about to play with them a little. When Ruby started to wash my hair Weiss got in with us and they all helped wash me after Ruby did shampoo, Weiss did conditioner, Blake got my upper body, and Yang got my lower. I was all clean and could splash in puddles in this big shower, but I miss the bath and I could lay in hot water and cuddle with my sisters in after they were done. When I stood up to jump into a big puddle I accidently bumped my head into Blake's butt, so I turned to look up to her scrubbing her arms.


Blake-It's... fine.

Just then I was picked up and hugged from behind and by the feeling, I knew it was Yang before she even cradled me. I wanted her to put me down, but for the rest of the shower I was in her arms or past to whoever was finished, plus I think 10 minutes after. We were finally getting dried off before we got dressed before we got back on the bed I made for all of us to sleep us and we even showed Blake and Weiss a few games we play, like blanket burrito, but I don't like that one a lot sometimes because they don't always let me out. When I said no to that game I saw Ruby smile before she grabbed a pillow sack and I was scared because I knew what that meant and Yang whispered something to Blake then Ruby did the same thing to Weiss before they hall had pillow sacks now.

(Y/N)-Wa-Wa-Wait! There's more games!

Ruby-Oh (Y/N), you know what we get if we catch you in the next 10 minutes.~

Yang-We pick the next game.~

(Y/N)-Y-You're just gonna pick Blanket Burrito! I never win this game unless you let me! Now you got a bigger team!

They started to count down from 5, so I was getting ready to run around the room, but I know Ruby is gonna wait the last 5 seconds before she uses her semblance to quickly scoop me in her sack or Yang just doing it whenever she feels like it, and I don't even know what Blake and Weiss can do!

(Y/N)'s mind-This is so unfair!

(Pyrrha's POV)

I heard from Jaune that Ren found Nora at an arcade that she's now banned from until she can pay damages since she managed to smash the "Whack-A-Grim" with the toy hammer. I don't even know how she got a hold of electricity since it's the only way she could get that strong. When I made it to the hall of my teams dorm I started to hear screaming and laughing coming from team RWBY's dorm and I stopped in between doors since we were right across the hall from them. Just then curiosity got the better of me, so I listened in through the door since I even heard Weiss laughing.

Ruby-Got you.~

???-You used your semblance! You cheated!

Yang-Don't be a poor sport. Now we get to pick the game.

Ruby-I get to pick it. I pick... house.

I was so confused that she just said "House" like little kids play, even when i did hear a little boy in there.

Blake-Shouldn't we get something for dinner?

Yang-Fine, i'll go bring some back.

I quickly got into my dorm to see my team was already in here and I made it seem like I walked in normally.

Pyrrha-Hey guys, how bad did it look?

Nora-Just a few dents.

Ren-The whole game was either fried or hit so hard, it was torn.

Nora-Well if you want to go into details, but in my defense... HE STILL OWES ME A PRIZE!!!

Just then the little boy came to mind and I don't think he wants to hear yelling here while he visits during the break. I'll handle this nice and gently.

Pyrrha-Not so loud Nora. There's a child next door.


Pyrrha-Team RWBY has a little boy in their room and it sounds like they were playing. I'm thinking they're a little brother or something to one of them.

Ren-Oh, I saw that child. They were being held by Yang at the drop off before I went to the city for some pancake mix for breakfast tomorrow. He did some rather fond of them, so he's most likely their little brother. He was also very nervous in the crowd.

Jaune-They never told us anything about them having-.

Nora-A LITTLE BROTHER?!?!?! Oh, can we go see him?! Can we, pleeeaaaassseee?!~

Ren-It's getting kinda late. They might be getting ready for bed soon.

Nora-Just a quick hello!

Nora was begging for us to let her go to say hi to Ruby and Yang's little brother and I wanted to meet him too, but it wasn't really a good time right now. It also sounded like he could be shy and wouldn't like a hyper Nora bouncing off the walls when she's brand new to him. After a while of pleading she finally pitched a reasonable idea.

Nora-How about we invite them for pancakes tomorrow?!

Ren-... Well, it would be a good way to break the ice.

Nora-Yeah, you can even make some with blueberry or Chocolate chip or strawberries, or-!

Pyrrha-I think we get it Nora. Let's just rest easy tonight and one of us can go tell them to meet us at the kitchen area.

Jaune-I'll do it.

It was a plan now and now the only problem was getting Nora to sleep because she really wanted to meet Ruby and Yang's little brother. After an hour Ren finally calmed her enough to settle down and the rest of the night was peaceful, yet I didn't stop thinking about something.

Pyrrha's mind-I wonder what he's like... I can't wait to meet him.
