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(Cosmo's POV)

The poor thing was finally calm and resting his head on me during our little nap then I thought about getting him to talk about it, but i'll give him a while to rest. He looked so adorable like this too and when a butterfly landed on his nose he wiggled a bit and was about to touch it, but I stopped him and the butterfly flew off. He rubbed his nose a bit then I decided to play with his hair and that's when he finally sat up a little to look at me with a little sadness still in his eyes, so I just grabbed him and pulled him closer to me for comfort and brushed some flower petals off his back/

Cosmo-Are you ready to talk now little one? My name is Cosmo. What's your name?

???-... (Y/N).

Cosmo-Awww, such a cute name.~

He blushed a little when I said that and I felt happy to see it and wanted to see more, but I had to press on to what was wrong.

Cosmo-Ok (Y/N), can you tell me what troubled you so much before I found you? Take your time and if it's too much, i'll understand.

(Y/N)-W-Well... My friends started fighting over me and... it was just so scary. They really wanted to hurt each other really bad.

Cosmo-You don't like fighting at all, do you.~

He just nodded his head and I just pulled him in a little tighter to comfort him and saw he wasn't just a sweetheart, he was really sensitive. Such a thing can't possibly live happily with that kind of company just being loud, rowdy, and insensitive around him like that. I gave him a few more kisses then laid back down in the flowers with him and we both looked into each others eyes while I was spooning him.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Cosmo just felt so warm and even her plant body and all these flowers never felt so comfy that it was hard to want to move a muscle. I felt like I could go to sleep again, but I saw the sun was gonna go down soon and I didn't want to be out here during the night because those giant robots could come and easily find us.

(Y/N)-Cosmo... Do you think we can go somewhere inside before night... I think I know somewhere that we can stay.

Cosmo-Oh... If that's what you want, but I think we can't go back to where you just came from... How about this?

Just then she got up with me then walked near the cliff we jumped off of and there was a cave under it, She went inside and it didn't look comfy at all until she waved her hand and grass grew all over the ground, flowers came next to slowly cover the walls except for the crystals in here that were glowing, and finally leaves came down the entrance of the cave to hide everything. We walked in and the crystals looked brighter in the dark as vines came down and they were growing something until Cosmo picked them.


Cosmo-You must be hungry after everything that has happened. Let's get you comfy first.~

She sat me down against the wall of the cave, but with all these plants and stuff, it was as soft as a couch. She started to feed me the grapes and I just felt so relaxed and saw how nice she was being and when all the grapes were gone, she picked a couple of flowers and turned away from me before she did something with them. I wanted to see, but just then tall grass got between us for a bit.

Cosmo-Ok (Y/N), I made you something.~

Just then she put down the tall grass and held something in her hand and it looked like a flower necklace, but smaller and she tied it around my neck and as girly as it was... it smelled nice.


Cosmo-Do you like it?

I didn't want to hurt her feelings after everything she did for me and maybe later we can go talk to the others and get them to stop fighting. This also did make me feel a little better since I never had something like this before and the closet was trying to give Bri flowers, but she never kept them.

(Y/N)-Yes... Thank you.

Cosmo-Your welcome. How about we go out to play in the morning? I think someone needs some more snuggles.~

(No POV)

Cosmo lunged at (Y/N) in a playful way to grab him and cuddled and nuzzled him for hours until the 2 fell asleep. Meanwhile there was a beam of light just traveling the land and blasting right through many villages, scaring the residents. Luckily not catching sight Sonic, the light was unmatched to all and quickly lost anyone that chased it before the chase began. It mostly stopped in front of housed for a brief moment to look in through windows and left without anyone getting a clear look at who it was. Later in the woods the light stopped at Sally's house since the leader might have the target and she looked in the window and even saw her reflection.


Wave's mind-Come on kid, where even are you? One of these fighters has got to have you. There's no way they would let someone like you be on your own.

She knew he had to be with someone who could hold their own while still taking care of him and she also knew that Sonic was not one to sit still. While she checked every window to every room she saw that nobody was here unless they were in the shower. After a while of waiting she gave up on this place and call it a night, so she went to find a place to set up camp and went to sleep.

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Cosmo's POV)

I was out in the field and playing with my new pet and he just looked so happy to play tag with me after we had breakfast. Whenever I easily caught him, I would tickle him as a penalty and even used plants to help me. Whenever his laughter filled the air, it made my heart skip a few beats, but this lead him to getting tired quickly... Not that I had a problem with cuddling him some more.

(Y/N)-Cosmo... Can we go see the others? I think i'm ready.

I immediately rejected the idea in my head, but on the other hand, it could be good to take (Y/N) for a walk. I allowed it, but we were not going to where he was running from and I went ahead to tie a vine around his wrist to keep him close on a leash.

Cosmo-Stay close and follow me.

He did what he was told as I lead him out of this valley and into the woods and I showed him birds up close, other fruits I could give him, exotic flowers, and the whole time when I was holding his leash, I felt like I was needed.

Cosmo's mind-I know I wanted any pet before, but... he's perfect!~

(Wave's POV)

I just woke up and drank the rest of the water I had and had a bit of food before I continued on my search. This was getting to be such a pain as I just scouted villages from a distance to see if I could spot the kid, but so far, it was nothing. Later I was about to go back to Eggman and tell him that this job could take longer or he needs to give me something else to go on, because this was all getting on my nerves. On my way though, I spotted a pair in the woods after I heard laughter erupt and went to check it out and I was so glad I did because I found my target being tickled by some plant girl holding a vine tied to his wrist.


Wave's mind-Bingo.~

((Y/N)'s POV)

Just when I was getting more energy, Cosmo tickled it out of me before she had me walk with her again down the path. While we were walking, we stopped while a purplish light shoot right past the path and Cosmo just pulled on the vine and held me tight. I had no idea what that was, but it kinda reminded me of Sonic, but his was a blue... right?

Cosmo-Let's go.


We walked faster, but now the light came back and did circles around us really fast and now it was getting hard to breath. Cosmo tried to get us out, but nothing was working and we both went to the ground. I couldn't breath and was starting to blackout and I was just so scared before the light finally stopped and I could breath again. I looked up as best as i could to see who it was and a bird girl holding a rag walked up to me with a smile.


???-Sup kid. Nothing personal, but you need to take a little nap.~

(Wave's POV)

The other girl was out cold already, so it was easy to knock this kid out and when I got him to sleep, I picked him up and he was easy for his height being close to mine. He was pretty cute up close, but a job was a job and it was time to head back and tell the boss I got the kid. On the way back I just looked at him and it was hard to believe that they are the same species, but while one looked adorable, the other was as ugly outside as he was inside.

Wave's mind-... Stop thinking like that. It's just a job.


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