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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was waking up from a nice dream because I felt something tickling my nose and woke up to see I saw I was in bed with Yang sleeping with me too. I just snuggled up to her and closed my eyes again since I was just so warm and cozy. I think she might be on her bed sleeping too, but while I was trying to go back to sleep I heard the door open and I smelled something like...

(Y/N)'s mind-Fresh baked cookies?!

I sat up without waking up Yang and saw it was Weiss coming in and she had a plate full of cookies and I could see them steaming from here still while my mouth was watering, but then I saw her look at Ruby for a second before she looked over here and smiled at... me.


I was looking until I saw her lifting her arm then motioning for me to come over by curling her finger a few times and I was kinda confused because we barely know each other, and I was still nervous... I better make sure.

(Y/N)-... Me? *whisper*

All she did was nodded her head before she put the cookies on the desk and I got to the edge of the top bunk, but I couldn't get down. She came over and took me off the bed and held me on her side like my sisters would then put me on her lap when she sat down before she grabbed a cookie.

(Y/N)-Um... we had dessert at the diner. I don't think my sisters would let me. *whisper*

Weiss-I don't think we have to tell them. Do you?~

She waved the cookie in front of me and it just looked and smelled so good that I took the bite for her to feed me. The cookie was just so soft, warm, and chewy and I don't think one cookie would be so bad.

(Weiss's POV)

I kept on feeding him as he quickly made it to his third cookie and this felt much more satisfying than I thought. I was even cooing him quiet enough to not wake up his big sisters and I just didn't want to put him down, even when he was full. I kept him on my lap and his shy look on his face made him even more adorable, but I wanted him to blush more. I have no idea why because I never act like this, but I can't help it as I planted a few kisses on his face and if his cheeks get anymore red, it might be the same color as Ruby's cape. I wanted to take him with me somewhere, but that might cause problems, so staying here and holding him will have to do, not that I have a problem with that.

Weiss's mind-Oh you're just the cutest little thing. I just wish I had a brother that was at least half as sweet and cute as you!~

As I just smothered him with love I even went as far as to tickle his little neck to make him laugh as the door opened and Ruby and Yang woke up to this. I quickly collected myself as best as I could as I saw Blake walking into the room holding a bag and the others getting out of bed.


They all looked at me holding (Y/N) in my look and Yang gave me a look.

Yang-Weiss, what are you doing with (Y/N)?


Yang-I can see the plate of cookies on the desk next to you.

Ruby-Were you feeding him cookies?

Weiss-Well... just a few because he wanted one.

(Y/N)-Huh, but you-.

I stuffed a cookie into his mouth to make him shut up before Ruby came over and took (Y/N) from me and I couldn't stop without it looking bad, but... my heart ached when she took him.

Weiss's mind-No... J-Just a little longer!

I was about to reach for him and take him back, but I restrained myself and instead turned to grab my pencil to look busy, but I didn't know I lost control of my strength from bottling up my emotions until I accidently snapped my pencil in 2.

Weiss's mind-I... I want him back!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Blake was looking at me and Ruby while she was rubbing my head and I could hear Ruby's heartbeat and I put my ear against her chest. I needed it to relax a little even when I was getting used to Weiss and she wasn't mean, but maybe she could wait on the hugging and kissing a little. I was still looking at Blake and she had something in a bag and she came over, but then I felt Ruby holding me a little tighter which she does to me when a stranger gets close, but I thought she knew her like a friend.

Blake-Hey, I got something for him. It's not cookies, but maybe he'll like it.

She reached in the bag and pulled out something, but there was still something else in there, but I think that was just hers. I looked at the gift she got me and I took it and it was a (F/S) coloring book and color pencils and I do like coloring. She gave it to me and I got down from Ruby to sit on the ground and opened my box of color pencils.

(Y/N)-Thank you.

Blake-No problem.

I started to color the best I could while everyone watched and Ruby and Yang sat on each side of me while I was trying to focus.

(Blake's POV)

He loved the coloring book I got for him and looked so cute drawing and even had a face like a serious artist which looked funny on him. While all eyes were on him, I took a picture on my scroll before I put the bag under my bed to save what else I got for later. I just wanted to go over and hold him, but that might seem a bit too far for them... I just went down there with them to sit across from (Y/N) and that's when Weiss got in the middle of Ruby and I. With all of us surrounding him he noticed and stole glances at us before he rolled over a little to Yang, but I just pictured him doing that to me. After we watched him color a whole page we saw him stretching a lot before he sat up then looked at his sisters.

(Y/N)-Can we go out and play for a while?

Yang-What do you wanna play? We just can't play hide and seek here.

(Y/N)-But what if-?

Ruby-No. Too many people and if a teacher catches you alone, we all get in trouble.

I guess that was his favorite game to play with his sisters because he just pouted a little and started to think of another game before Ruby got one for him and sprinted to her stuff to pull out a frisbee.

Ruby-We can go to an open field in the courtyard and play!

This made him perk up and of course we all went, and I didn't really play all that much when we got out there. It was just nice to see him running around and when Yang threw it kinda hard. It was heading for us, but (Y/N) got in front of us and took steps back as the frisbee was coming down, but tripped and fell back, so I quickly reacted and caught him and he laid back into me which was the first time I held him. It just felt so adorable, but when he got up and left me to go get the frisbee I caught my hands acting on their own a little just wanting to grab him.

Blake's mind-I... I just want to hold him!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I ran to get the frisbee and Yang threw it near the walkway where most people are then I was about to pick it up, but someone grabbed it before I did and when I looked up I saw the one who did it and he looked kinda scary.


(Y/N)-Um... C-Can I have that back?

???-Oh what, this?

I just nodded my head before he threw it himself, but it was very close and almost hit me and he didn't even need to throw it. I think he did it just to make me jump then he pulled my hair then pushed my head back to make me fall while he laughed and I was trying not to cry.

???-What's a twerp like you doing here any-?!


Just then my big sister Yang ran right past me and punched him in the face to made him fly back a little onto his back.


I was still trying really hard not to cry while she turned and picked me to hold me and I just put m ear on her chest to hear her heartbeat to calm me down, but right now it was beating too fast while she walked up to him. He was about to get up, but she stomped on his stomach to pinned him down. I didn't want to see this, so I just turned my face into my big sister while she takes care of this.

Yang-Cardin, you wanna tell me what you did to my little brother?

Cardin-What's your little-? Gah!

Yang-Don't you ever! Touch him! AGAIN!!!

She stomped on him really hard that I even felt the ground shake under us before she walked away and rubbed my head, but I winced a little when she touched a spot.

Yang-*Gasp* Does it hurt baby bro? Let me see.~

She turned me a little then pushed my head down a little and moved my hair where I felt a little bump where it hurt and she held me a little tighter before she gave me a kiss.

Yang-Poor baby, you got a little bump. Ruby and I will talk to that meanie and his team in a bit. Does it hurt anyway else?~

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* M-My back. *whimper*

She lifted the back of my shirt and her grip on me tightened a little again before she but my shirt back down and it kinda stung when my shirt touched it.

(Y/N)-H-He was s-so *hic* mean a-and scary... I j-just wanted- *whimper* H-He even pulled my hair r-r-really hard. *sobbing*

Yang-I know little bro. Just let it all out.~

I just turned my face into her and did what she said while she was walking and shushing me.

(Weiss's POV)

We saw everything and I just felt so enraged while we saw Yang walking back over here with (Y/N) crying into her. When she knelt down to sit down with us under a tree she tried to get him off her, but he clung onto her.

Ruby-Is he ok?

Yang-Ruby, we're gonna have a little talk with Cardin and his team. Can one of you watch our little brother?

Weiss/Blake-I'll do it.

I just looked at Blake and I made my move before her to get him from Yang, but I did have to pull on him a little. When I got him he was reaching for Yang, clearly wanting his big sister an she and Ruby each took a hand of his.

Ruby-Weiss and Blake are really nice. They'll take you back to our room and we'll be there soon. We love you.~

They gave him kisses and in the last second when they turned I saw their warm smiles quickly fade as they walked away and I was so happy to be holding him again. Blake and headed back to the dorm and when we made it I just got on my bed to cuddle him while he looked nervous and still whimpering a little.

Weiss-Awww, don't cry. You're too cute to be crying.~

I realize what I just said and turned to Blake and she gave me a surprised look.

Blake-Did you just coo him?

Weiss-Well... He's hurt. It's just to comfort him.

Blake-Let me try something.

Suddenly she just snatched him from me and I felt that aching in chest again then she grabbed the bag under her bed and took out the box she still had in there then took the thing out of the box.


She turned it on and I heard ocean waves before she laid in her bed with him. I don't want to fight with her over this and just make (Y/N) have a reason to be nervous around us, but at the same time, she's not keeping him to herself.

(Blake's POV)

I had (Y/N) close to me in my bed to cuddle with him, but suddenly Weiss joined un in my bed to cuddle his other said. I felt like I could live with it, but I would prefer I got to cuddle him alone. We both looked at each other for a bit before I looked down and felt we both held him tighter at the same time.

Blake-Are you comfy?

Weiss-If not we can move over to my bed.

Blake-We have the same kind of bed.

(Y/N)-I'm... comfy... Actually.

He scooted up little and earned into me until his face was partly in my boobs, but didn't stop until his ear touched my chest. He didn't look flustered or even had a perverted look like he was enjoying this, but relaxed.

Blake's mind-Is he just doing this to listen to my heartbeat... How cute.~

I just adored him before Weiss got closer to where her face was not even inches from mine, but she put her chest to his other ear.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I actually was feeling better and this was very close to cuddling with my sisters like I haven't done in what felt like forever. It just smelled different with a new room and girls and all, but I think I can fall asleep to this if I was a little tired. I felt Blake rubbing my head with her chin then Weiss scratched under my chin a little that didn't tickle, but it felt good.

(Y/N)'s mind-I guess Weiss and Blake are really nice and even help my sisters... I wonder if they might wanna play some video games with me and my sisters next time.


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