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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was with Sly and the others for hours as they told stories and what they were doing there. I was scared to find out they were thieves, but they seemed really nice, so they were bad guys, just not "bad guys". I don't know how that makes sense, but at least there weren't hurting me and taking me back to Carmelita even if Bently was kinda against it by going near Carmelita. Sly said it would be fine and not a lot of people were allowed to see me and he can sneak me to her office, but in return I just have to give Carmelita a racoon stone thing to let her knew who brought me back.

(Y/N)-Hey before you take me to her, is she also like your girlfriend or something.

Sly-Now that's complicated.

Bently-Complicated?! She shoots at us with a shock pistol and tries to arrest us dozens of times!

Sly-And we have fun doing.

Bently-I just do not understand racoon logic and never will.

This was kinda funny, but also confusing as I saw the town that I was in before and Carmelita must be there. Just then Sly tapped my shoulder a little before he kneeled down to me.

Cooper-Hey, when I do drop you off, say this to her-.

(Carmelita's POV)

Neyla was off doing who knows what while I have been doing everything in my power to find out who took (Y/N) and where he is, but I had little to nothing. My boss was furious, but I felt like I was ready TO SLAM HIM INTO A FUCKING WALL IF HE YELLS AT ME ABOUT THIS AGAIN!!!... I was on edge after only getting 3-hour naps from time to time since (Y/N) went missing and I kept up my appearance to not causes suspicion for the staff that still don't know about him, but it was getting harder and harder. I was getting emails from my boss Neyla, and a few other agents, all either bad news, or stuff I already know about.

Carmelita's mind-Where did you go?... Please, just be ok.

Work went on even more stressful as usual and even a rookie slipped up which I would use a little crack down method on them, but what I did scared them out of the room because of how livid I was. I tried to contact Neyla to see if she had any luck, but she's gone dark and I tried to pull in all available units to tell them what we know aside from the human part and told them it was just a child. They know about the green dust that acts as a sedative, who might be known to working with drugs, or anything among those lines. I just couldn't tell them that for the motive, it could be anyone that might've saw him at the lake we went to, that has to be where whoever took him saw them, but I can't tell my boss that or i'm in a way deeper fucking hole. At the mission briefing I was hoping to at least get some guesses, but...

Carmelita-Does anyone have any new ideas? Any criminals we might have not on records that you seen or heard of?

There was nothing that fit the bill and that was it, I was official at a dead end, and the trail is cold. I can't believe I lost a human child and I was trying my best not to cry while I went to my office to be alone. My heart ached more when I opened the door then closed while looking at the ground in shame, but then...



I quickly looked at my desk where I heard the voice come from and I knew who it was, but for a moment when I saw him I wondered if I was just going crazy for a moment from all these emotions.


He came up to me and gave me a hug and when my body acted on it's own to scoop him up I knew this was real and just nearly all my anger and sadness melt away! I just held him tight and this time I was not going to let him go, out or my sight, or even put him down!

Carmelita-Oh, thank God you're safe! Are you hurt?! Who took you?! How did you get back here?!

He tried to get down, but I didn't let him, so he pointed to my desk and wanted me to go see it. When I walked up to my desk, I found something that told me everything but left me so confused until (Y/N) told me the story about what happened. I thought that maybe he wasn't above stealing but was above kidnapping. I can take care of him later, but right now Mz. Ruby was going to be arrested and charged heavily with my hopes of a life sentence or better yet... a death penalty. I just sat on my desk with (Y/N) on my lap to tell my boss what I found out and I have (Y/N) while leaving out Cooper, for now.

Carmelita's mind-I'll let you slip away this time Cooper, but only because I have more important matters... You won't be so lucky next time.

(Neyla's POV)

Unlike Carmelita I only know one person that fit the bill do to the green powder and I found fait claw prints when I woke up then wiped them away to make sure Carmelita doesn't find out. I have a way to get Carmelita out of the picture while taking (Y/N) for myself at the same time and make someone else happy too. I went over what I need to give her while being careful not to let her know about what (Y/N) is and when I turned back to her I saw a smile on her face.


Contessa-When do we head out?~

((Y/N)'s POV)

Carmelita and her boss talked for a while and decided that I was going to be hiding at her home for a while until they can get something ready to get us out of the state and somewhere more hidden with my parents and the other adults nearby. He even said "All three of the females are guarantee to get pregnant" which made Carmelita happy. I don't really know what pregnant means, but they both looked very happy, so whatever it was, it must be a good thing. I was happy that I get to live with my mommy and daddy again and when they wake up, i'll be right there.

Carmelita-We'll get ready to go to my place. I'll need an escort to the top, but nothing too obvious.

Chief-Yes, we can't attract any unwanted attention. I'll arrange for something, just head up to your apartment suite and we'll get him to you secretly.

Carmelita-Sir, with all due respect, i'm not leaving his side no matter what any of you say.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

I was in a big suitcase and was told to be very quiet as Carmelita went into an elevator and I could tell because they poked a few hole in here. When we made it to her room she opened up her suitcase to let me out and I finally saw her place and... it looked really nice and kinda fancy. She gave me a quick tour of her home before she laid in her bed with me to cuddle and I wanted to know what she thought of Sly and how she knows him and by the time she was done I was even more confused.

(Y/N)'s mind-I thought they were a couple... Why does love have to be so confusing too?

I soon thought about my new home and maybe it can be like our old one before I went into that bunker.

(Y/N)-Hey, when is our new home going to be ready?

Carmelita-Not for a while, but you're safe here. You just need to be careful around windows, but right now, you're staying right here.

She started to cover my face in kisses and I saw her tail move more than I have ever seen while she looked so happy.

(No POV)

As Carmelita was smothering (Y/N) in her love before she plans to give him a bath later since she he told her he was in a swamp before he was in the back of a van full of thieves. Meanwhile Neyla's plan was being put into action and it starts with meeting with the cops at the station to have a chat with them as The Contessa does her part in supporting her.

Neyla's mind-(Y/N) is about to be all mine you foxy bitch.~


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