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((Y/N)'s POV) age: 5

I was so nervous and happy that I was going to the school my big sisters were at during the break we were both on and dad told me that they are already waiting for me at the drop off to pick me up. I was just nervous from the other people still on here with me and some of them even had weapons, but dad said they were students and they won't do anything bad. It didn't help much until we landed and I waited for the doors to open and tried to get into the crowd with my suitcase on wheels since I was going to stay here for a week, but it was kinda hard without bumping into people. When I finally got off I just looked for my sisters as I kept on walking and there were others here to see their family or friends like me and soon I was suddenly grabbed which made me let out a little scream before I turned and felt so relieved that it was my sisters both holding me, so I hugged them both.


(Y/N)-Ruby, Yang!

Ruby-It's so good to see you!~

Yang-How our favorite baby brother doing?~

(Y/N)-I'm not a-.

She just lifted me up a little higher to blow on my tummy a little and make me laugh a little in front of everyone which made me blush. I'm ok with that when we are alone, but others were watching. Ruby took my stuff while Yang carried me around the school on her side while still giving me kisses from time to time. I told them the new bullies in town left me alone a little before they left and I guess I must've scared them off sometimes whenever I wear one of the Shirts they made me that had their symbols on it.

Yang-That's my strong baby brother.~

Ruby-Oh, you're going to love staying with us for a while. You can only sleep with one of us unless one of our teammates gives us the bottom bunk for a while.

(Y/N)-Um... Are they nice?

Ruby-Um... they're friendly, but just take time to warm up to others.

Yang-Well you get to sleep with your big sister Yang tonight.~

She gave me more kisses as we were walking down the hall and she even tossed me in the air a bit to catch me before Ruby got me out of mid air with her cool speed semblance and took me down the hall in front of a door. Yang just grabbed my suitcase and rolled her eyes while smiling before she walked over to us and grabbed the door knob.

Yang-I'll remember this little sis.

Ruby-You're just mad because I took him.

Ruby bounced me in her arms a little before Yang opened door and we went inside where I thought we were alone, so I gave Yang a surprise kiss on the cheek after grabbing her while Ruby was still holding me, but I felt my face burning up when i saw 2 other girls on both of the bottom bunk beds looking at me.


I felt so embarrassed, but Yang took me from Ruby and held me like a baby in front of them before she gave me a look that she gives when she likes to give me lots of attention in front of others. She bounced me while the others were just looking at me like they were confused.

???-Ruby, Yang, who is this?

Ruby-Oh, this is our little brother (Y/N).

Yang-Our baby brother.~

I just felt my face heat up a lot even as she gave me more kisses then she had me look at the other girls in here.

Ruby-(Y/N), these are our teammates. Weiss and Blake.

(Y/N)-Um... hi.

I gave them a little wave before Yang sat in a chair with me and had me on her lap then Ruby brought my stuff over before they both started to give me baby talk in front of the others. They know this makes me blush and I hate it, but they do it anyway and I can't even stop them if I tried.

(Weiss's POV)

As Blake and I were watching Ruby and Yang dotting on their little brother, and I don't know why they didn't tell us they were bringing anyone in here. For all they knew, we might've been changing or something. I never even saw this side of them before and Ruby took her little brother up on her bed and I barely trust it enough to hold her.

Weiss-Ruby, get down with him, please! Your bed might fall!

Ruby-Don't worry it'll hold... Oh, you just wanna meet him.~

Before I could say no, she used her semblance to get down here and sit on my bed with her little brother on her lap. (Y/N) looked nervous to see me and was even blushing a little unlike a lot when I saw him giving Yang a kiss on the cheek. He clung to her, and Ruby turned to me a little to bring him closer, but I think held him a little tighter.

Ruby-So this is Weiss, but we like to call her the Ice Queen sometimes.


He kinda smiled a little at me now and waved again, but still looked shy until I think he was building up the nerve to speak up.

(Y/N)-I like how you're dressed. It looks pretty.

Weiss-Um... thanks.

While Ruby was giving him more love I saw him still glances at me, but started going crazy when she started to tickle him and when he was trying to get away he did the same back to Ruby and I never did anything like this with my older sister Winter or my younger brother Whitely which made me feel weird watching this and when he suddenly jumped out of Ruby's lap he fell over onto mine while still laughing a little before he saw where he was and I felt myself blushing for some reason then he did the same before he crawled back over to Ruby.


Weiss-Um... It's fine.

He was just a child anyway, but I was starting to get a weird feeling inside my chest that feels kinda like being happy, but in a weird way... Just then Yang came over and just took (Y/n) from Ruby.

Yang-Ruby, quit hogging him.

(Blake's POV)

Blake came over here and sat on my bed with me and put her little brother on her lap and bounced him to give him a ride. Judging how he was with Weiss, he seems kinda shy around new people, but seems very attached to his sisters which makes sense because they were family. He was kinda laughing before he looked over to me and saw I was looking at him, so he waved which made Yang turn to me.

Yang-You wanna say hi, Blake?

Blake-... Hi.

Yang-Oh, come on.

I just rolled my eyes as (Y/N) was checking me out a little, but mainly it was my bow that I use to hide my cat ears. I just went back to reading my book while he went back to playing with Yang until she got a call on her scroll.

Yang-Hey Ruby, it's dad. (Y/N), stay in here, we're gonna talk with dad about something.

(Y/N)-Wait, I wanna come!

Ruby-We're just gonna be outside the door. Just wait for a little and later we'll go out for some lunch and ice cream!~

I saw this made (Y/N) perk up a little as his sisters went out into the hall, but I have no idea why they would want to talk to their dad in private without their little brother since he's probably just calling to see if he made it ok. The moment they left the room Weiss and I saw he went from a happy playful mood to putting himself at the desk to fidget with his fingers a little. We left him alone before he just went to his suitcase and pulled out a toy car they to wind back and let it go. He did this a few times before the car went under my bed a little and he looked nervous to come over here, so I just went ahead to get up and get his toy for him.

Blake-Here. I won't hurt you.

He came over clearly shy before took his toy back from me and instead of playing more he looked like he was trying to say something or was thinking of something.

(Y/N)-Um, thank you... I th-think your hair is... pretty.

That was kinda awkward to say, but I think he was just trying to nice. I just said thanks to him before I got back on my bed and he went back to play, but now it was a little hard to look away from him for some reason now. Just then the door opened and Ruby and Yang came in looking happy and (Y/N) literally jumped into Yang's arms when she bent down to him to pick him up... It looked so adorable.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was so happy to have them back in the room and wondered what took them so long with dad, but before I could ask Yan tossed me in the air a few times before holding me close. Ruby leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek in front of the others and I still felt my face heat up with the watching.

Yang-Alright, we're gonna go have some lunch. Anyone wanna come with?

Weiss-... I-I'll come... As long as it's not a fast-food place.

Ruby-We're going to a good restaurant to sit down. We were thinking that diner in town we saw a while back.

Blake-I'll come too.

(Timeskip To Diner)

We all sat at a both and I got to sit on Yang's lap this time since it was her turn and we do this every time we go out to eat. We all ordered our food and I got some chicken strips with fries, Ruby got the same as me, Yang got a steak dinner, Weiss got a chicken salad, and Blade just ordered a cooked salmon. I even got some paper and crayons, but Yang just traced my hand on the paper which kinda tickled then did hers and I saw how small my hand was still compared to hers when I put my hand on hers.

(Yang's POV)

I always love the look he gives when I gently tease him about his tiny body and Weiss and Blake could see the glare he was giving to the paper now. Even the Ice Queen and anti-social have to admit it's cute and I haven't even gotten start. Ruby and I do all sorts of small teasing whenever we take our brother out places, but some things we hold back when it's in front of our dad. When our food got here (Y/N) turned to his side a little and got ready for me to feed him the first few bites while Ruby eats and we just switch. This took both Blake and Weiss by surprise.

Weiss-I'm sure he's old enough to feed himself!

Yang-We know and we let him do it sometimes, but we just like doing this. He likes it too.

Weiss-Oh really? *sarcastically*

Yang-Is he stopping me?

(Weiss's POV)

I could see him blushing, but other than that he wasn't doing a thing to stop her. In fact, he even lifted his head up to get to his food sooner as she brought it to his mouth. I wondered if this is how some families work since I never had anything close like this, but just then, something popped into my head... It was of me in Yang's place, feeding him as if he was my...

Weiss's mind-STOP!!! He's not your brother, he's your teammates! Get a hold of yourself Weiss Schnee!

The fantasies forced their way back into my head and would not leave as I saw him being passed to Ruby, so she could feed him. I was getting frustrated with myself and maybe I just need somewhere to clear my head.

Weiss-I'll be right back.

(Blake's POV)

As Weiss left the table I tried to keep my mind on other things other than these fantasies that would go to my head. I could barely even enjoy my fish. I just felt jealousy and an erg to ask if I could borrow their brother for a moment, but that would just be very weird and maybe give off the wrong idea.

Blake's mind-Calm down... Maybe later at the dorm you can do something more settle. He's just... WHY IS HE SO CUTE LIKE THIS?!?!?!

(No POV)

After an hour of eating and chatting they group left the diner and (Y/N) was getting tired after a long morning and afternoon, so Ruby and Yang said there would take him back to their dorm for a nap. Blake and Weiss on the other hand had other plans of their own, so they went their separate ways. Weiss went to a bakery while Blake went to a store, each with their own way on how they can get (Y/N) to like them or at the very least get him to come closer... then like them.

Weiss's mind-Let's see if you have a sweet tooth like your sister Ruby.~

Blake's mind-This should do nicely.~


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