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(Tai's POV)

It was night out right now I just got down with a parent teacher thing at Signal and it took a lot of paperwork to accept lots of late applicants. I was just glad to be heading home and go to bed since my girls should already be asleep and I just hope Ruby didn't eat all of cookies in the jar already. I put it on the top shelf, but that girl knows how to get to it with her new semblance she got while training with Qrow. When I was almost home I started to hear something and I thought it was all just in my head. That was until I got closer to my house and the crying was getting closer and when I made it home I found a basket on my porch with a baby in it. I was shocked to see this as I took a closer look and found a note.

Tai's mind-Hello, we never meet, but there's not much else for me to turn too as my wife has gone insane and we can't properly take care of him. His name is (Y/N) and he is only a year old and since I noticed you don't seem to have anyone at home with you, you're just the guy I can leave my son with. Everything you need for the first few days in here. P.S. Be careful showing him around other girls.

I have no idea if I should take offence to that or not, but there was no way I was gonna take in another kid when some stranger decided he couldn't take care of his kid.

Tai's mind-Why not drop them off at an orphanage?

I had no time for this right now and just brought the baby with me inside my house and i'll decide what to do with him in the morning, but when I opened the door...



The girls were in the living room playing a video game this late at night and they haven't noticed me yet, so I just walked behind them, but the baby cried out loud, so I couldn't get the drop on them as they turned around and panicked when they saw me. They were about to come up with excuses for being up past their bedtime but looked at the baby.

Yang-What's with the baby?

Tai-Don't mind him. What are you both doing up past your bedtime?

Ruby-You said our bedtime is at 10 on weekends and it's Friday.

Tai-It's past 11.

Ruby-Umm... Video games made me do it! We're the victims!

Tai-Both of you get ready for bed. I'm going to make sure this guy is ready for the night too.

(Ruby's POV) age: 11

Yang and I ran to go brush our teeth and get ready for bed while dad went to the kitchen to see if we had milk still and I was sure to leave some... I might've gotten a little carried away with the cookies. When we got done in the bathroom Yang stayed in for the first shower and I just waited in the living room where I saw a baby bottle full of milk next to the basket with the baby in it and went up to see him. He looked so cute and I took the note next to him and found out his name was (Y/N) then I saw my dad was outside on the scroll with someone, but suddenly (Y/N) started crying.

Ruby's mind-Maybe he's hungry.

I took the baby bottle then fed it to him to stop his crying and he was guzzling it down, so I guess he was hungry. He looked at me while he was drinking and soon it felt like looking at a box of puppies and kittens, he just looked...

Ruby's mind-SO CUTE!!!~

When he was done drinking his now empty bottle I played with and cooed him while he grabbed my fingers.

(Y/N)-*Baby giggles*!

Ruby-Awww, are you gonna be my new baby brother?~

I tickled his tummy, neck, and rubbed his cheeks before I took him out of his basket to hold him and patted his back since I learned it from some movies. He soon let out a little burp over my shoulder before I sat on the couch to lay him down and play with him some more before the bathroom door opened for Yang to come out in a towel.

Yang-Hey Ruby, your turn... What are you doing with the baby?

Ruby-I'm playing with (Y/N). Just look at how cute he is with his little... everything!~

Yang-Well dad wants us to get ready for bed, play time's over.

She came over to take (Y/N) away from me then put him back in his basket.


Yang-I'll get dad Ruby.

(Yang's POV) age: 13

Ruby went to take a shower while I went to go get dressed before I heard dad come in and asked who fed (Y/N) already, so I told him Ruby was in here playing with him when I got out of the shower and must've done it. I just got dressed in my room then brushed my hair before I heard crying coming from downstairs, so I went to check on the baby and saw (Y/N) was all alone and went up to him then saw the problem or rather, smelled it. I saw dad wasn't here and I wondered where he went, so I just took matters into my own hands since I remember changing Ruby a few times before. When I was done he looked better now when I came back from throwing his old diaper away then he tried to grab my hair, so I just gave him my pinkie fingers to grab instead.

Yang-Hey buster, don't mess with the hair.

(Y/N)-*Baby giggles*.

Yang-Oh, so that's funny?

I just picked him up to hold him like Ruby did and I did have a feeling building up inside like I didn't want to leave him alone with dad being busy, so I just put him in his basket and brought him upstairs to my and Ruby's room. I took him out again and sat on my bed to put him down and he just crawled to me while looking so happy then feel on his side before he played with my hand. I wiggled my fingers a bit and he started laughing as I got in to start cooing him and the only thing he did was kinda poke my nose, so I poked his back, but that's when he froze and gave my kinda of a shocked look.

Yang-Yeah, I poked your nose. What are you gonna do about it?~

He only still stared at me before he went a little wild with my hand and while he was still playing Ruby walked in with a towel on then came over.

Ruby-See, I told you he was cute!~

Yang-Never said he wasn't.

She got dressed and joined us on my bed to play with him before we heard a knock on our door then looked as it opened and it was dad.


Tai-Hey, do you 2 have-... Never mind.

Ruby-Dad, are we keeping him?!

Tai-Um, sweetie-.

Yang-Well I vote for yes.

Tai-Girls, we can't just take in another baby, nobody will be home to care for them while you're at Signal and i'm teaching.

Ruby-Sooo,... we just need a babysitter or something?


Yang-How about we hire that guy passing out flyers for odd jobs? You trusted him to do the yard work when you were sick. Summer vacation is almost here too, just a week away.

Tai-*Sigh* And who's going to take care of them after because I will still have other work.

Ruby and I pulled each other in for a group hug with (Y/N) and smiled at him and he put his hand to his head. I then held (Y/N) up and he babbled in a cute way for a bit.

Yang-Come on dad, i'm sure he just wants a nice home. Just look at that little face and try to tell him you're kicking him out.~

Tai-... Fine, how about this. While we have a babysitter he can stay, but after we get home, you have to show me you can help out with him. If you're responsible and he's in good shape, consider him adopted, but if you fall short and he's a mess, he's going to an orphanage or to someone that can give him a good home.


(Tai's POV)

Tai's mind-A babysitter will buy me time to figure out what to do for a backup plan. I bet i'm still going to be doing most of the work when I get home, but i'm used to toughing it out... It's just going to be tiring caring for a third.

(Timeskip 2 Months)

I haven't had to lift a finger to help (Y/N), yet since my girls are all over their little brother when they got home from school and for the summer vacation so far, they took him when they were trying, and I don't think they even let him out of their sights at the same time. That's even when i'm not home after a put up our old baby monitor for him. They were very dotting for their baby brother. Right now they were outside with Zwei and trying to get (Y/N) used to walking since a few weeks ago, he got his first steps, but crawls more often and when I could hear what's happening outside.

Ruby-Come on (Y/N), stay on your feet! Come to big sister Ruby!~

Yang-Oh (Y/N), what's this, I got a nice milk bottle for you.~

Ruby-Hey, you can't bribe him! That's cheating!

Yang-Funny, we never laid down any rules.

Ruby-... I'm glad you feel that way.

Yang-Hey, those crackers were supposed to be for me to fed him!

Ruby-Funny, I don't see your name on them.

That's when I could hear them both trying to win over their little brother and as long as it doesn't turn into real fighting or arguing, he should be fine.

(Timeskip 1 Year)

(Yang's POV)

I had (Y/N) on my lap while I was feeding him some cake I made for him and I let him and Ruby lick the bowl and spoon earlier. My baby brother looked so happy to have his big sis feed him and he even snuggled into me to get extra comfy.

Yang-Open up for big sis. Say ahh.~


I gave him the bite and I just loved the look of his little chubby cheeks and I even gave them a kiss for him to giggle a little.

Yang-Remember, dad's gonna be out late tonight on a job. Who do you want to sleep with tonight, Ruby or me?

(Y/N)-I... I want both of big sisters!

Ruby leaned over me and poked his nose to play with him a little and the rest of the day went as normal. He wanted to take a bath with both of us too since he likes to play with us in the water, but it's so uncomfortable for the three of us to be cramped in a small bath,... so I beat Ruby in a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors to take a bath with him. He nuzzled back into me while he played with bath toys which was relaxing tonight.

(Y/N)-Yang, at bedtime, can I be big spoon?

Yang-You know the answer to that.

(Y/N)-I never get to be big spoon.

Yang-Talk to me about it when you're taller.


It cute to see him pout about cuddling tonight, but if he's going to be in the middle of Ruby and I in bed then he has to be the little spoon.

(Timeskip 2 Years)

(Ruby's POV)

I made it home first thanks to my semblance and texted Yang to tell her i'll be having (Y/N) to myself for a while. (Y/N) was homeschooled since we convinced him to stay away from huntsman academies or he could get hurt and he just needs his big sisters to care for him. After I checked the alarm to make sure everything was ok and the footage showed our neighbor checked on him.

Ruby-Oh, little brother!~


I heard running and while Zwei just yawned before getting up and ran up to me, (Y/N) came out of the hall, sprinted to me and jumped into my arms.


Zwei ran circles around us, so I pet him before I walked off with my little brother and went to his room. He rarely sleeps in there and it's only for naps, other than that he likes to sleep with Yang and I at night. I just put him on his bed and gave him a kiss on his head before he hugged my neck to pull me in a little before he let go.

Ruby-How's my favorite little brother doing?~

(Y/N)-I'm doing great and...


(Y/N)-I got something for you with the money I keep finding around town and thought of you.

He went to his desk to open his drawer while smiling at me and when he showed it to me, I think my heart stopped for a moment.


(Y/N)-Do you like it?

Ruby-Awwww, you're just the sweetest little thing anyone can ask for!

I ran up to him to give him more kisses then decided to split it in half to fed him his half of the cookie.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Ruby was feeding me my half of the cookie I got her and I was happy she liked it and I watched her eat her half after when I couldn't finish mine, so i'll give it to Yang. Just in time too because Yang got home and I think for a moment she was mad before I ran up to and hugged her. We all sat on the couch and I got into my spot on their laps while Yang held me up and I gave her the rest of my cookie.

Yang-Well are you just the sweetest thing. You really saved every little bit to buy this for us?~

(Y/N)-Yeah! Those mean boys can call me names all they want or even push me. I'll still tell them that I love my big sisters more than they could anyone.

They both looked at me and were still smiling at me while I leaned into my big sister Yang's chest since it's very cozy.

Yang-... What did they do?

(Y/N)-Them?... Well when they saw me going to the bakery they saw me wanting the cookie heart for Ruby. When I told them that they just laughed, called me names, then pushed me down.

Yang-Did they?

(Y/N)-I think I still have a scrap on my knee, but it feels better now..

I showed them both my scraped knee and tried to act strong after I told them I only cried until I got home. They only took me to the bathroom in silence to clean it which really hurts and made me cry again while Ruby held me. They cuddled me for a while after in their bed saying that I needed a nap, but I didn't feel tired until they both started to massage my neck and back.

Ruby-(Y/N), you know we love you, right?~

(Y/N)-I love you too.

Yang-And we don't like seeing you getting hurt, so how about we have a talk with those boys. Can you tell us what they look like?~

I told them what I could remember and by the end of it...


Yang-When you wake up, we'll have a movie night, just the 3 of us.~

Ruby-Sweet dreams.~

I just closed my eyes a little when they both gently kissed me before they got up and I was fine sleeping alone because it was still light out. The last thing I saw was Yang grabbing Ember Celia and Ruby grabbing Crescent Rose then left the room.

(Y/N)'s mind-I guess maybe they might get some training in while i'm asleep.

I just yawned again before I closed my eyes completely and went to sleep.

(No POV)

That was another day for the life of (Y/N) and his loving sisters as they made sure the bullies leave him alone, or... just leave as we'll put it. Everything was fine until one day something broke his heart in a tearful goodbye... Seeing both of his big sisters going to Beacon. Now all he had was his nightlight in his room and Zwei to sleep with since he wasn't used to sleeping by himself, but meanwhile at Beacon his sister's ached for him, but Tai told them that they would send their brother up during the holidays. Until then... they'll be waiting.


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