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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was night time and I was at Kate and Fia's house for the night while Lazarus was at home alone or something. Right now Fia had me hanging next to the couch to push me a little and gave me kisses whenever I swung back to her while Kate was reading a book and watching us. Dinner was cooking and Kate was making something special tonight for us and Fia was in charge of dessert that was already in the fridge. After a long time if swing by my clothes Fia finally took me off the hook just to hold me in her arms while she brought me over to her sister Kate then she scratched my chin.

Fia-Isn't he just the cutest thing ever?!~

Kate-Don't forget the sweetest too?~

She kissed my cheek and I felt my face get a little warm and they both kinda laughed before Kate got up to go cheek on dinner and Fia tossed me in the air a bit to catch me for fun. Next she laid on the couch with me on top of her and I needed to move up a little to breath since my whole face was covered by her big chest then she started to rub my back to cuddle me. It felt nice and I hate to say it, but I was used to it at this point then we heard something from the kitchen.

Kate-Fia, don't get too comfy with him. I get to feed him dinner then you get to feed him dessert before it's bath time for him.

Fia-I know,... but i'm sure he must be very comfy cuddling me, so maybe-.

Kate-Don't even try to pull that. He'll cuddle with me while I feed him then you can do the same at dessert. I'm making plates right now.

She looked kinda sad by what her sister said before she held me a little tighter to give me kisses while we wait for Kate to get out here and when she did the food looked so good.


Kate-Oh (Y/N), lookie what I made for you. I hope your ready for the yum yum boat.~

Her baby talk made me blush while Fia looked happy to see what her sister made and traded me for a plate and Kate had me sit on her lap while she got a bite ready for me.

(Y/N)-What about you?

Kate-Awww, don't worry about me. I'll eat after you're done. Now open wide and say "ahh" for me.~

I was gonna try and get her to let me feed myself, but when I opened my mouth for mt first word to say to her, she feed me a piece of the meat and it tasted really good. The baby talk to me continued as Fia was watching acting kinda jealous while eating, but I knew she just couldn't wait to have me at dessert and even after the bath we will still have time before bed.

(Y/N)'s mind-This is going to be a long night.

((D/N)'s POV)

Kimber made the house extra clean while forcing me to stay in bed and would fucking yell if I got up without a good enough reason for her. Hana should be on her way, but I think it was clear she wasn't going to bring her daughter since she's convinced I was a child molester and there was no use changing her mind. When there was a knock on the door Kimber went to answer it and when the door opened we saw Hana and she looked at me almost instantly to give me a glare, but to also no other surprise, her daughter was absent.


Kimber-Welcome. Come in, come in.

Hana-Let's get this over with.

She walked in still not very happy about all of this still, but then again, neither was I, so there was something we had in common. She sat on a chair and saw the food Kimber laid out which was nothing special, just some cheese, crackers, ham, and salami. I could see her still glaring at me in the corner of my eye as Kimber sat next to me.

Kimber-So... I see Addison isn't with you.

Hana-I had Lazarus watch her tonight, since she was going to be alone.

Kimber-Well i'm happy that you came to hear us out.

Hana-So you want me to reattach the very thing that makes him dangerous?

Kimber-Someone to breed with on the island will be very useful.

Hana-I would rather wait for (Y/N) to be of age since I know having sex with someone his age is not only wrong, but it's simply disgusting to do with a child, let alone your own child... Besides, many woman already breeding with him, so we those babies coming.

She scolded me and I was getting really pissed off, but I knew I had to swallow it for now to get her to give me my balls back. She couldn't stop me from having fantasies about brutally beating her though.

(Kimber's POV)

(D/N) knew to leave the talking to me unless we ask him something or talk to him directly if he wants his balls back, so I can empty them into me. Kimber and I did some back and forth while I was luring here into some girl talk to loosen her up a bit before it was time to move in for the finisher.

Kimber-Oh, how silly of me. We got off topic. Now i'm sure we can find an understanding to-.

Hana-I'm not giving his balls back.

Kimber-Now, hold on. We have to talk about it. You said you would... How about we put out conditions then compromise.

It looked like she was thinking about it now and I was very happy that she was then when she might've been done...

Hana-I want him on a leash at all times when he's outside, he never leaves the house unless watched by you, tell the others mom and me first, so we can make sure the kids aren't near wherever you plan on taking him, I want a full apology to me, and for him to admit what he has done to his son... I'll consider it then.



Most of that stuff was going to happen anyway, but I just need him to one thing and nudged his arm. He too wanted something out of this really bad. I nudged him while Hana gave us a look like she was waiting for his apology and he looked like he was really pissed before he forced a smile.

(D/N)-... I'm sorry.


(D/N)-... Taking advantage of my son.


It was clear she was not even going to let him beat around the bush and he even put his hands behind his back to grip his wrists.

(D/N)-Molesting him. I will never do it again.

Hana-Now all in one go and no attitude.

(Kate's POV)

Fia got (Y/N) a little messy during dessert on purpose to have a little more bath time with him and he was still clearly shy, but he is getting much better than our last bath together. He was still sensitive to my sister mostly smothering him in love say how she was proud of him for opening up to us more. I gave him some praise too since children need this to know it's a good thing. By the time we got out and (Y/N) and I got dressed in something warm for the night we went to our room and I hung him up over our bed to let him swing and we could even do it while laying down like how Jasmine bragged about it a few days ago.

Fia-This is fun and relaxing. I could fall asleep to this.

(Y/N)-I'm not sleeping like this  am I?

Kate-You don't have to, but unless you want us to cuddle you all night... It's your choice.

Fia-Either way, you would just look way too cute.~

We couldn't see it, but from the way his body tensed up a little, I could tell it made him blush. He later decided that he wanted to be taken down off the hook and we just put him in between us for cuddling. He scooted up to where he could reach or necks and it was probably because our sizes were suffocating him a little, but now he was easier to give kisses.

Kim-Awwww, i'm so jealous Lazarus gets to hold him every night light this!~

Kate-She shares, so not every night.

Kim-Oh sweetie, you should hear how many want you in their bed as a little snuggle buddy.~

Kate-That's everyone we know.~

We gave him more kisses when he blushed, and I wasn't tired and planned to enjoy this before it was proper time for him to sleep. I could already tell I was gonna get the best sleep I ever had in my life tonight and the same goes for my sister.

(Timeskip To Midnight)

(Kimber's POV)

(D/N) finally apologized in a way that Hana liked and he could... Let's just say capable of doing even if it did make my stomach turn because her was worshiping someone other than me. I can't get it out of my head and it makes my skin crawl, so i'm going to make him do something better to make up for it.

(Flashback Start)

(D/N) was on his hands and knees bowed down to Hana while she sat down and had him kissing her feet. Disgust was all over his face from where I could see, but she could and what he had to say was hard for me not to stop it.

(D/N)-I'm sorry for molesting my son... I was deeply wrong, and I will never do it again. When the time comes when he turns of age, I hope you are the one to take him first and he gives you a healthy and strong child.

Hana-I'm so glad you feel that way. Now I believe you're missing a few parts still. Go on.~

(D/N)-*Sigh*... I promise to never look at another child again or speak of one, nor will I take advantage of the child Kimber and I will have... My son is all yours and your friends now.

Hana-Now if only you could truly feel the same way... I guess it's good enough. Just remember, I can give them back, but I can take them again just as easy.

(Flashback End)

Hana was getting ready to go sleep somewhere else and she felt like she was in the mood to be with Lucinda which means she was looking for a little fun tonight. When she made it to the front door she looked at me holding (D/N) close on the couch before she smiled a little and rolled her eyes.

Hana-I'm serious about that leash. I'll give you one myself if I have too. Just be at my place tomorrow afternoon for the operation.

After that she left and I was so happy that it was just me and my man now who will be ready to have a fun night in bed again soon. He was happy that he was getting his balls back, but at the cost of his ego which he did have coming for doing such a thing with his son. I'll just take this as a lesson for him before we start our family and I can keep a close on him.

Kimber-I'm proud of you.~

(D/N)-Yeah, whatever... She better keep her end of the deal.

Kimber-She will. Now how about a nice bath before bed and I can give you snuggles and kisses until we both fall asleep. It will be like this for a while longer, but the second you're good to go.

I leaned into his ear for this next part to send tingles down his spine.

Kimber-You better be ready for staying up with me all night.~ *whisper*

(No POV)

With the night coming to a close for most, it was clear what was in store for the father and son. The son was set in stone to be the most adored on the island as "the cutest thing ever" and as for the did, it was safe to say he found a new wife on the island that he has no way to get off for now. For more babies being born soon there might be hope for more boys, but who knows what could happen. Sometimes odds can be with or against you, but someone or something was happy to have more people around and babies were going to be born soon.



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