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(Amy's POV)

Rouge pushed me against a tree and I tried to hit her, but I was still to sore and weak from my last fight that she stopped it with ease then threw me to the ground. She looked furious as she walked up to me and held me down then waited for me to get tired before she grabbed my to throw me over her shoulder and fly off with me to take me somewhere further from help and it happened to be next to a lake as she tossed me down.

Rouge-I'm getting tired of repeating myself. Where's (Y/N)?

Amy-Like i'm telling you anything, you were just going to hog him for your-!

She tried to kick me, but I grabbed her leg and pulled on it to make her slip a little before I pushed it up to make her fall back. We both got back on our feet and I was just as angry as her when I pulled out my hammer to get ready to fight.

Amy-You're not keeping him for yourself... He's mine.

Rouge-Oh yeah, and who's gonna stop me? You?

Amy-You got that right!

I rushed at her as best as I could, but she dodged my attack and nailed me in the stomach to knock the wind out of me. I went to the ground again and this time she picked me up by my shirt and had me in the air.

Rouge-I could've taken him anytime I wanted back in his world and I can do the same here, but I think after this, i'm done sharing... I bet you don't even know where he is, do you?


Rouge-Waste of my time.

She dropped me to her feet before she flew off and I got up to my feet as fast as I could before i got a move on.

Amy's mind-I have to find him before she does!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was just so warm and cozy while Blaze let me lay my head on her lap, on a rug, next to the fireplace, with a fire she started, and there was something different about this fire. Blaze said that sometimes she can make her fire a little special and soon Sally came in and she had a blanket with her and covered me before she started to rub my head.


I know it wasn't that cold outside, but at the same time it wasn't that hot in here and when I looked outside I just saw the blue sky with some clouds before Blaze turned me look at her.

Blaze-Would you like to play a little game?

Sally-After everything that has happen and him still adjusting to be here, I think he needs to rest.

Blaze-He can still have some fun. Everything was quite outside now, so I think we're safe.

(Y/N)-What game?

Blaze-After we rest for a while we can go out and play hide and seek, but you will need to stay close to the house. You even get a prize if you win.

(Y/N)-Ok, what's the prize?

Blaze-We can make you something very sweet and it will be all yours.~

She poked my nose a little and we stayed inside until I felt like getting up then went outside to go play, but there was something I was thinking about for a while. It was Amy and she could still be sleeping or something after she got hurt, but I wondered if she was doing ok. Blaze and Sally were both looking at me before they came up to me and toyed with my face and back a little.

Blaze-If we don't find you in 10 minutes you win, but if you lose... We get our prize.

She traced a finger up my back and I jolted away a bit then they started to count while closing their eyes, so I started running to look for a hiding spot. I wanted some nice brownies or something, but I really don't want them scratching my sweet spots again... It's really embarrassing every time! I looked for spots close to the house or inside and they were counting down from thirty, so I had a bit before I found a big tree I could hide behind and there were others close to it, so i can keep moving behind them. It was all I got, so I went behind the tree and just in time too because...

Sally-Here we come!

I peeked around the tree to see them looking around for me and I went a little deeper before they can get closer and went behind a bush. During the game I saw them come into the woods after me then lost sight of them, but I think 4 minutes went by now. I didn't move, but tried to find traces of them while still hiding, but just then I felt a tap on my shoulder and I knew I lost. I turned around not to see Sally or Blaze, but...



She looked very mad at me, and I wonder if I did anything wrong, but she just covered my mouth before I could get a chance to talk.

Rouge-Do you know how worried I was or did you even check to see if Amy was sent by me? Don't lie because I know for fact that she was the one that took you out of my house. *whisper*

She uncovered my mouth and I guess we were being quiet now.

(Y/N)-She said you sent her. I thought since she found your house-. *whisper*

Rouge-You're coming back with me, "now". *whisper*

(Y/N)-... I can I at least say goodbye to-? *whisper*


Suddenly a fireball was heading for Rouge, but she quickly dodged it and we both turned to see it was Blaze and Sally was with her while they both looked really mad.


Sally-Who are you?! Get away from him?!

Rouge didn't answer them and I was about to tell them that everything was fine and Rouge was a friend of mine, but before I could Rouge grabbed me and put me over her shoulder before she flew off with me. Everything happened so fast that I needed a bit to catch my breath and by the time I could talk again I could only hear them screaming my name as Rouge took off with me.

(Y/N)-Hey, I was about to tell them that you're my friend!

Rouge-Friend?!... Do you remember what your mother told you to call me?!

(Y/N)-Um... My mommy?

Rouge-I think you had enough time out here for a while and don't think for a second that I didn't see those bandages! I leave you alone for not even a few hours and you managed to get kidnapped, dirty, and even hurt! What even happened?!

I could tell she was just worried about me, but I don't think she had to be so mad about it since I was ok now.

Rouge-Was it them?! Because if it was-!

(Y/N)-N-N-No, it was giant robots and they saved me!

(Rouge's POV)

I was still beyond angry at this point and worse is he got caught in a fight with that tub of lard Dr. Eggman. While we were still flying I scolded him on everything he put me through and how it made me feel and all he was doing about was saying sorry until he cried. I landed at a spot in the forest to sit him down and now I can gently make him look at me and use some sweet words to lure him into wanting to be a good boy for me.


Rouge-Now sweetie, you know I really care about you. I was just mad that I didn't know where you were and you got hurt... It's no secret I don't like you getting dirty or hurt.~

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* I know.

Rouge-And what's going to happen now is that we're going to go home, you're going to laying on the couch, and i'm going to do a little check up on you. Do you think you can calm down and stop crying?~


Rouge-Give mama a kiss, now.~

He did what I told him and I felt much better now before I picked him up and he wanted to talk some more about the others, but I just put my finger to his lips to get him to stop talking. I started to fly off with him and this time got him to cuddle me a little with how he was right now.

Rouge's mind-Good boy.~

(???'s POV)

This was a beautiful place and I have been here for months to meet all sorts of people and the planet's creatures. Granted many I meet so far see me as strange and the creatures are wild and don't tend to stay close to me for long even if they do come up to me. I even saw some of natives here have pets to show companionship, but some pets were other natives on a leash and they still both looked happy outside,... but it was only those 2. I put some thought into it and I thought that it would be nice to have a companion like that too, so I can have someone to talk to and be depended on directly.

???-Where can I find one like that though?... Maybe I should go ask that native about her other native pet.

Just then I felt a water drop hit my head and that was weird because it was sunny out today, so I looked up while wiping my head off to only feel that the water felt kinda salt unlike fresh water.


???'s mind-A tear?... One of them must be crying.

I soon decided to follow them to see if everything was ok and if I can help. I then took into mind that they were both clearly different races, but had both worn clothes, so maybe they were like the other pair I saw.

???'s mind-Maybe they can help me too.

(Amy's POV)

I was heading back to Rouge's place on foot and slowly working through the pain, but i'll make sure Rouge has a lot more when i'm done with her. On my way there I ran into a smaller drone from Dr. Eggman and I was about to relieve some anger, but just then it got shoot down by a laser and I turned to see who fired it as they walked out from the trees.


Julie looked at me and saw I was hurt before she ran over to me to hold my side and help me sit on a tree.

Julie-Where did you go?! We were worried about you!

Amy-... Can you help me with something?


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