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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up and I still felt kinda dizzy, but there was something kinda soft under me that also felt weird. I opened my eyes as soon as I could then saw I was in a cage, in a room, next to a bed weird looking bed. This room looked like it was a part of a cave or something then I noticed soft, but deep snoring before I looked at the bed again to see someone completely under the blanket. From how big it was, I knew it had to be the big alligator lady that took me and if she was asleep, maybe I can sneak away. I tried to quietly get out of this cage by trying to break the spots that looked weak, but when I tried to break them, I felt weaker or maybe I was still very tired.


I looked at the bed to see she was getting up, so I went back on the pile in here that's supposed to be a bed and got under the blanket to pretend I was asleep. I heard her get out of bed before it got quiet and I was getting really nervous the longer it was quiet.

???-You're not very good and pretending to sleep.~

I heard the cage open and I just tried to get up and make a run for it, but I ended up running right into her arms for her to grab and hold me like a baby.


I just tried to scream for help before I realized there was no help, so I just did more wiggling when I felt less tired. She just walked with me to the corner of the room to grab a bowl of some kind of clay then walked back to the cage to put me in without closing the door, but stayed there in front of me, so I can't get out.

???-Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ms. Ruby. How's my new little charm doing?~

I was scared and tried to back up to the end of the cage, but she grabbed my leg to pull me to her while she used two fingers to scoop up some clay. She grabbed my chin by her thumb and pointer finger or maybe it was called claws, but now I couldn't turn my head.

Ms. Ruby-Now hold still little charm. This will show the others how valuable you are to me and you're about to get the top mark.~

(Y/N)-Leave me alone!

She ignored me then started to rub the clay on my cheeks and forehead like it was a pattern then when she was done I tried to rub it off, but she stopped me by grabbing my hands.

Ms. Ruby-Once this dries and sets in, it's bath time. We don't need a permanent one just yet without risking damaging your skin. I prefer to keep you in top condition.~

This made me more scared about what this stuff was and wondered if it was gonna burn away at my skin, eat it, give me a rash, if it was gonna make me look like her or something! She held me down the whole time before I started to feel the clay tingle and she lifted me up to take me outside to where there was a pond with clean water in it as well as soap stuff next to it.

(Y/N)'s mind-Why does everyone want to give me a bath?!

(No POV)

The two were getting clean in a pond to get the clay off (Y/N) to let his skin slowly adjust to her markings. Usually she would let it irritate the skin and rash before it gets better for most, but she didn't want to damage (Y/N) at all. While they were both still out there a few pages flapped a little in the wind and the page on top was from a book she stole a piece from and on the other side of the swamp a van pulled up with someone in that was coming for that page.

(Ms. Ruby's POV)

I was starting to get a little nagging feeling, but I brushed it off for now at least while I got out to dry off with my new little charm. The markings on his skin was an easy fix since it was just a small rash. After doing this a few dozen more times he should be ready for it to stay on long enough for it to be as strong as a tattoo, so he can't get it off by himself. I got us dressed and went to go get some more work done, but as for him, I tied a vine around his wrists to make a leash of sorts. I lead him with me to a few places and my minions just looking at him was enough to put some fear into him to keep him from yelling, but when I was trying to teach him some commands a minion walked in and looked out of breath like they ran here.

Minion-Madam! I just came from the main yard and all the others are out cold or gone!

Ms. Ruby-It seems we have an intruder. Lock down everything to snuff them out then get rid of them.~

They quickly turned and ran, so now I had to cut my work short for the time being in case something bad happens. My first order is to hide my little charm to keep him out of harms way and also keep him from seeing what I might do if this intruder gets here. I took him to my room to put him back in his cage and locked it to make sure he was safe. When I could relax about my precious little charm being safe as he grabbed the bars and I played with his fingers a little I got that nagging feeling again, it was almost like I felt this energy before a long time ago and soon there was no mistaking...

Ms. Ruby's mind-Cooper.~

((Y/N)'s POV)

Ms. Ruby suddenly ran out the door after playing with my fingers while I was trying to get out, but now I was all alone and could do more without her trying to stop me. I tried kicking, pulling, and whatever I could to break these wooden bars, but I was too tired to give it my all and she does weird things, almost like magic.

(Y/N)'s mind-But my mom and dad said that magic isn't real... Is it?

I just kept on trying until I could barely move then I started to feel like I could almost fall asleep until I thought about my mom and dad and how I might never see them again after they wake up which made me cry.

(Timeskip 40 Minutes)

I was just laying down barely feeling awake when suddenly I heard the door open, but I stayed facing away from it. I knew it was her and she was just coming to take me back out with her to keep me close to her, but I was surprised when I heard something else.

???-... Hello?

This voice sounded like a guy and when I turned around I saw a racoon man and he had a hook with him. He also looked shocked to see me because of me just being a human like the others.


(Y/N)-Wh-Who are you?... Where's Ms. Ruby?

???-Names Sly Cooper. As for her, she's currently taking a nap after I gave her a little hook to help her.

I was nervous and backed up and he saw this while still looking amazed to see me and I thought how Carmelita won't like this if he saw me. Soon he picked up a key he found on the hook on the wall then just opened my cage to let me out then held out his hand.

Sly-Looks like you could use a hand? You got a name or should I just call you human?

The way he said it like he was joking around actually made me feel a little less nervous after he helped me and maybe he can get me back to Carmelita. I went up to him and took his hand and he helped me out then I could slowly feel less tired and weak now.

(Y/N)-I'm... (Y/N)... C-C-Can you help me find someone?

Sly-Is it another human? Your parents?

(Y/N)-N-No... Kinda... She's a cop and she's also a fox.

Sly-... Blue hair, loves to enforce rules, and always wears her badge around?... Carmelita?

(Y/N)-You know her?

Sly-I can help you get back to her in a way, but I got stories to tell you. Let's get you out of here.

(Timeskip 4 Hours)

(Ms. Ruby's POV)

I woke up from being defeated by Sly Cooper and instantly started to panic from not only taking the pages he was after, but the only he could find them was also where... I ran back to my room to find the cage was empty. I knew I never wanted to lose my little charm, but after losing them my heart ached more than it ever did my whole life then my blood felt like it was boiling.

Ms. Ruby's mind-Sly Cooper... You will regret stealing from Ms. Ruby!... I WILL BE SURE TO GUT YOU AND DEDCORATE A GATE WITH YOUR INSIDES!!!~


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