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((Y/N)'s POV)

Bea was making sandwiches in the kitchen to add to the picnic basket as the last thing in there before we get to go to the park to play and I haven't played with others a lot since grandpa died and my sister left. Courtney had me on her lap while Gerta was in the shower, her clothes were being watched, and Penelope said she had something special to wear today. I was wearing my favorite necklace to show others at the park too and I also had toys to play with there. I had a frisbee, a kick ball, and a football to play with. When we were almost all ready to go I just went to my room to go see if Gerta was ready to go and I walked in the open door to see her in the middle of getting dress, so I went on my bed to wait, but before she got her legs things on she picked me up with one arm and put me on the cat bed to be silly before she was done.


(Y/N)-Are you ready to go to the park?!

Gerta-Yes, just stay close to us.

(Y/N)-Well yeah, I have to watch my pets. People are going to be jealous that I have 3 kitties and a tiger!

Gerta-*Chuckles* I'm sure they will. Be sure that they will see that thing around your neck. It is very important that they do.

(Y/N)-You mean my necklace? I want to show it to a few kids to see if they think it's cool.

She got finished wrapping her bandages around her arm before she picked me up and took me out of my room with her then back to the living room where I saw the others ready to go with the basket, blanket, spare blanket, and toys. Also Penelope was dressed very different than her old clothes.


Penelope-What do you think sweetie? Do I look pretty?~

(Y/N)-Well you always look pretty.

Penelope-Awww, come here.~

She came up to us and Gerta waited for a second to lick my cheek before giving me to Penelope and she rubbed her nose on mine while we all left the house. When we all got to the park I saw people were already here and were already looking at my pets as we found a shady spot under a tree to set things up by laying out the cozy blanket and put the basket on it. A few people walked by and looked at us and I waved, but when Courtney played with my necklace in front of them they looked weirded out. I looked at my necklace then back to Courtney and felt a little sad.

(Y/N)-Did they hate it?

Courtney-No baby, I bet they were just so jealous of it and of you.~


She smiled and nodded her head at me which made me feel better to go play with it on still and I grabbed the frisbee and Bea and Courtney came with me to play where there was more room to play. We played catch and Courtney threw hers over me, so I ran to go get it and it landed over by Gerta and when I was about to grab it, she did and held it above me like she wanted me to grab it to play with her. I tried jumping to reach it since it was so close and she was still sitting on her knees now, but when I couldn't reach it I grabbed her arm. I did my best to pull her down, but she just stood up and grabbed me from my leg to hold me upside down.

(Y/N)-*Laughing* Hey, put me down!

She just smiled at me before she did then threw the frisbee kinda wrong, but it went far still and Bea went to get it. I ran back over there where we played for a little longer before I was getting a little hungry. Bea carried me to the blanket to have me sit on her lap, but Penelope dug into the basket first and held a sandwich to my face.


Penelope-Say ahhh.~

(Penelope's POV)

He did exactly what I said and I gave him the first bite as I purposely swayed my ass a little to some human men walking by to tease them and I could just feel their eyes on me. I barely covered it as it is, but soon I took him from Bea and she was kinda mad about this, but I got to an angle where the men can see me giving my "owner" a hug with his face in my boobs.

Penelope-Oh (Y/N), can you pet my head a little?~

(Y/N)-Awww, ok!

He started to pet my head and scratch my ears and I took the chance to lift my tail when the men were just in front of us walking by and I think I saw one of them drool a little. I had to hold back my laughter as they left in frustration. Bea took him back from then the sandwich to feed him some more.

Bea-If you're not going to feed him then don't think about using him to tease others!

He looked confused by that, but I just laid my head close to him for him to pet and scratch my ears while Bea fed him. When he was done eating Bea laid him down on the blanket to cuddle and I got on his other side and this all felt very nice that when he pet her too he went a little faster until he got something just right and then...


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was so happy to hear them purring and when I got up Courtney wanted me to pet her too to make her purr then I tried Gerta, but she said no. After I was full and let my food rest I wanted to go play on the playground and I even saw Bea look at one of the stores here before she left the blanket too. The others just watched me as I played on the playset here, but one time when I went down the slide, I saw 2 big kids looking at me with smiles. They walked up to me and I tried to walk away, but they stopped me by blocking me on both sides.

Boy#1-Hey, what are you doing with that little collar on you?~

(Y/N)-Collar?... This is a necklace.

Boy#2-Yeah right. That thing is way to short. It even has a heart. Who gave it to you, your mommy or your girlfriend?~

(Y/N)-No... My new pets gave it to me.

They both just laughed at me before I was pushed twice and fell to the ground then one of the mean boys put his foot on my arm. I couldn't get up and I was scared because these looked like 5th or 6th graders in town and that made them big and strong.

Boy#1-What are you gonna do now? Cry to your pets like a little sissy?~

(Boy#1's POV)

???-... *Whimper* *sniffle* *sobbing*!

He was actually crying and this was just hilarious that we couldn't help, but laugh harder. I reached down and grabbed his stupid necklace to go throw it in the trash for him to dig in it, but it wouldn't come off and he started to scream. I just yanked on it again and again since he can't stop us and if he even tried we can just kick him.











Just then I was grabbed and lifted up by my head and it really hurt with their strong grip, so much that we instantly started to scream and cry. We were turned to who was holding us and when I opened my eyes which was hard right now from the pain I saw they were huge and had cat ears then another neko ran to the kid... We were in big trouble.


???-What were you doing with my human cub?

???-(Y/N), come here! It's ok now!... Awww, come on, let's get you back to the blanket.~

This tall and strong neko walked away with us while still holding us by our heads screaming before she threw us into a tree where nobody could see us and pounced us while we were crying, but now we saw someone else stand behind her.


I wondered if anyone saw this, but we made sure no adults were looking when we went after that boy, so nobody will see this. She grabbed my neck and look at her in the air where I can see how mad and scary she looked. I was about to cry for help, but she covered my mouth.

???-You think you could pick on an alpha's cub. You're about to find out what happens.

???-Let me see one of them.

The other neko came over then stepped on my friends neck by her heel while she glared at him and I saw how puffed up her tail was. I was now trying to say sorry and get her to calm down, but all that came out was chocking sounds while I was crying and blacking out then I heard something while my vision was blurry, but I know it wasn't from me, not yet.


???-That's one... When you're done, there's a creek you can hide them in... Or whatever you want to do, I don't care, but I wouldn't come back covered in blood.

She lift and I knew my friend was dead and while my vision was blacking out I saw her show her teeth to me, but it was hard to see how sharp they were as she was getting closer to me before...


(Courtney's POV)

I couldn't believe anyone would pick on my poor kitten like that and I finally got him to settle down when Penelope came back to us. I had (Y/N) swaddled in the spare blanket and cradled him while he cried into me until he was done. We were both doing our best to comfort him before we saw Bea coming back and holding a bag before she panicked so bad to see (Y/N) still whimpering and sniffling she ran over and her tail was puffed up too now from the anger she was having about wondering who did this to him.


She snatched him out of my arms to cradle and bounce him while pacing in a circle around the blanket like she was completely restless now.

Bea-Oh my god, why is he cry?! Did he hurt himself, DID SOMEONE HURT HIM?!?!?!

She rambled on for a while before Penelope put her hand to her mouth to shut her up and stop her.

Penelope-He's fine. Some boys just bullied him and we took care of them.

Bea-My poor little guy... Here. I got just the thing for you.~

She gave me (Y/N) before she went to get the bag she dropped and I saw that it was full of sippy cups and she took one out before she went to the basket to fill it with some juice she brought with us and slipped it into (Y/N)'s mouth. What was left of him crying quickly stopped in seconds and his eyes were getting droopy as he was about to take a nap in my arms. I just gave him a few gentle kisses on his head while he was still drinking and the moment he finished his juice he fell asleep.

Courtney-Oh my god. Look at him.~ *whisper*

He was snoring softly and I even rocked back and forth with him as the others adored him, but we decided to call it off early. Bea wants to give him a bath, but it's safe to say that we'll be helping. As we were packing up we saw Gerta come back, but now she was completely soaked in water for some reason.


Courtney-Why are you all wet?

Gerta-To get the blood off me for (Y/N). Give him.

Coutney-No, you're all wet and he's sleeping.

She ignored me and took him from me anyway and I didn't fight her because that would wake him up for sure. I was annoyed, but carried the blanket back with us, but Gerta was walking the other way.

Bea-Where are you going?

Gerta-To show that I own him to other humans. I will back in a while and go ahead and eat the rest of the food. I just ate.

(No POV)

The 3 were annoyed, but couldn't do anything to her and it wasn't worth it since she wouldn't hurt him and would come back home later. Gerta walked in town and while she was feared by most by her tiger ears and tail they all believed she was domesticated because she was carrying a sleeping child in her arms like it was her kitten and to Gerta he was her kitten. Later she saw a mother in the same park as she was heading back to the others after 20 minutes of walking and she saw her breast feeding her baby and wondered for a bit. Her kitten was asleep, so she didn't want to wake him now, but she kept it in mind as she walked home.


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