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(2 Days Later)

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were all having a small party or something on a boat with picnic, games, and even stuff to play in the water with. It was me, Lazarus, Jasmine, Dixie, Hana, Lucinda, Jasmine, Fawn, Jenny, and Addison on the boat, Kim and Kate were waiting by the docks after they helped us sail off to deal with the fishing people or whoever to help let us keep the boat for a while, but they only said they would do it if they get to have me at their house tonight and only me. Lazarus said yes after going through bedtime and stuff like that, so I got that to think about.

Addison-(Y/N), come on! We're playing our daring game with teams! You're on mine!

I looked over to them each having a cup with 10 sticks in them, but right now Fawn's mom was holding me and I don't think she wanted to put me down until Fawn gave her a look like puppy dog eyes. This made her put me down to just be grabbed by the girls to play with them but during our game Hana and Lucinda started hitting the boat in a way that made it sound like music for Jasmine to dance and she even had long ribbons to dance with. Lucinda even danced which made the other adults join in with making music. Lucinda even danced kinda slower and bent over backwards closer to the others, but the girls turned me back to the game then Addison and I were both dare for her to hold me for the rest of the game and she was actually able to pick me up, but had a bit of trouble until she sat down with me in her lap. I tried to get out, but she didn't let me while she was thinking of what to dare them to do while I add a second part.

Addison-Ok... I dare you both to... do the same dance as Jenny's mom! (Y/N) what do you add?

They were all looking at me waiting for an answer and I had to think of something before they decide to make it about me. I thought quickly and there was something in mind that couldn't back fire on me at all.

(Y/N)-Go dance with the moms for a bit.

Fawn rubbed her arm to look nervous, but Jenny grabbed her and pulled her with her to the moms while Addison watched then made me watch, but when I did, Jenny winked at me while copying her mom to bend over to look back at me.

(Kate's POV)

My sister and I were waiting by the docks to get some sunbathing in while we wait for the boat, we helped persuade fishers to lend them to circle around the island a few times to get our "payment" for the night. Jasmine even got us to a little extra work to give them an extra lap in exchange for a few hooks we can put in our us to hang (Y/N) by his clothes like a little swing. Fia even went home for a bit to put some over the couch, our beds, in the hallway, and out by our porch which did make me excited to have (Y/N) for the night and evening tomorrow. When we saw the boat pass for the 3rd time we marked it down since they got 2 more and it takes an hour.

Fia-What is the first we should do? Read him stories, feed him food he likes, playing games we did when we were little, oh we should-!

Kate-Fia, calm down. We got all day, night, and tomorrow evening to be with him. Let's not overwhelm him right out of the gate.

Fia-Uuuugghhh, why does Lazarus get to keep him?! I wanna be his mommy!

Kate-She found him first and possibly saved him, so it makes sense.

My statement only frustrated her, but all of the sudden we heard a commotion coming this way and when it reached the docks I saw what it was about. My sister and I felt a wave of disgust hit us and I wonder why this noble woman would trouble herself with a creep like that.


They spoke with a merchant probably to try and get extra fish in exchange for something then I looked to notice the man had a rope tied around his wrists which made me feel better that he wasn't allowed to roam freely, but I much rather him be behind bars... or at the bottom of a whirlpool. When they came to the end of the docks to get away from the crowd they came to us and my sister glared at him before turning away to not look at him, but I just went back to reading my book.

Kimber-Well good morning you 2. Waiting for something?

Kate-We're just doing a favor for a few friends... We will be having (Y/N) for a while after too. How are you doing?

Kimber-Oh you know, just making sure this one stays out of trouble. He's learning to behave.

Fia-And thank you for doing that.

This man looked annoyed by our conversation when I peaked at him, but I didn't care and if he tries to defend himself by trying to lie by saying he didn't molest his son... I can't be held responsible for what I will do.

(Kimber's POV)

I told (D/N) to keep his mouth shut if he knows what is good for him for 2 reasons. The first is others will get really made by lying to them again when they know what he clearly did, but the second and most important is that I will be angry with him because he should only need to talk to me. My homemade leash for him seemed to calm others down and I came here because I heard Hana might be here and I guess she's out on a party for a little private party or so I was told, so I was waiting. When I told the 2 sisters this, this is what they had to say.

Fia-... Can you go tie him to a tree or something. He doesn't need to be anywhere near the children.

Kimber-Oh calm down, he will behave while i'm around. This will be good for them to see that there is nothing to fear anymore.

Kate-If he utters a peep to the girls, I will break his jaw, but if he even gives (Y/N) a glance so help me-.


I was getting annoyed by this too, but I need to start getting Hana to warm up to the idea of reattaching the balls she took. (D/N) was about to yell at her, but I nailed him in the stomach to shut him up. I sat down with him and made him lay his head on my lap while we waited then later a boat came up and I turned (D/N)'s face into my stomach to keep him from looking at everyone getting off the boat then Fia and Kate ran over to Lazarus to take (Y/N) from her and hid his face in her chest to keep the 2 from looking at each other as Fia quickly left with the child.


Kate was speaking with Lazarus as the girls went behind or in Fawn's case was picked up by their mothers when they noticed (D/N) was with me. Hana was especially mad as she noticed I was watching her the most and Kate whispered to no doubt I wanted to talk to her she gave me a look before she left her daughter with Dixie to come over.

Hana-What is it?

Kimber-Well hello Hana.

Hana-Why does a guard want to talk to me and why is "he" here?

Kimber-You see, I was wondering if...

I explained everything as best as I could to here, but all I got in return was...

Hana-ARE YOU INSANE?!?!?!?! NEVER!!!

Kimber-Please, he's learning how to behave and he's under my constant watch.

Hana-Like hell i'm giving his balls back to him! Did you forget what he did and "why" I took them away in the first place?!

Kimber-... How about if I can prove it that he can get another chance. Maybe come down tonight and we can even lay out your terms now. Reasonable ones.

She was furious and after arguing for 30 minutes while the others left I finally got threw to her a little. It was just enough to get er to say what she wants of him.

Hana-You know what... I want him to truly apologize for what he did to poor (Y/N) and the others here, he will show me that he really is behaved, and you can show me that he is for sure unable to leave your supervision, then and only then will I "consider" the operation!

Kimber-Deal, see you tonight.

(No POV)

With that Hana left Kimber and (D/N) in a very bitter mood that she tried to shake off before she sees her daughter again. Kimber took him back to their home while Fia and Kate to (Y/N) to theirs, but in a brief moment (D/N) managed to get a glimpse at his son and didn't know Kate was keeping an eye on him too. All she did was show her teeth at him while got in his view of his son before they were out of his sight. Tonight is going to be an interesting night.


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