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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was hiding behind Amy as much as I could while we were walking to a part of the where I saw a small crowd of other animal people like Amy and the others with Sally, Blaze, and Julie up on a rock telling others about me. They said I was not a threat, I was brought here with Amy, Cream, and Rogue by my own choice, I was sweet, and that part made me blush a little, but made it worse when I looked to see others looking over here to me. Amy did hold me close that made me feel a little better and I did want to leave to go back to her house. During a speech Sally was giving with Blaze and Julie behind here Amy whispered with me as she pointed out some of her friends and I even saw her friend Sonic, but he was kinda hard to see in the crowd, but I saw most of him which wasn't hard because he was Blue.

Sally-With all that being said, I hope you focus on Robotnik, a.k.a Dr. Eggman as our enemy and see this child as an alley to protect as he grows into a symbol for a brighter future!

The crowd cheered and clapped and I think that meant we could leave now, but all the sudden I heard something and so did the others. I sounded like very heavy footsteps, and they were getting closer then soon a tree got knocked down and everyone looked like they were ready to fight while Amy pushed me behind her.

Sally-We're under attack! Amy get him out of here!

She grabbed my arm and tried to run with me, but just then a giant rock was thrown over us and almost crushed us before I finally saw 7 giant robots come out from the trees and bushes. Next a tree was coming right us as other huge stuff was thrown, but Amy got out her hammer to hit the tree coming for us, but just then a blue blur showed up and smashed everything thrown in the air to bits before I saw sonic land in front of us.


(Y/N)'s mind-She said he was fast, but... I barely saw him... So cool!

He turned back to us and saw we were ok before he turned back to the giant robots before they shot missiles and lasers at us which made me panic and run away. My eyes were watering and I could hear the fighting and explosions behind me as I ran to where I didn't even know, but all I knew was that I wasn't far enough for the laser and missiles to reach me. I couldn't even open my eyes from all my crying and screaming before there was an explosion next to me that sent me flying and onto the ground. I felt so dizzy, hurt, my ears were ringing, and I couldn't see anything from the dust and tears in my eyes before I curled up and closed them. I couldn't move at all because I was so scared, but suddenly I was grabbed, pulled up, then taken with someone before we make it to a place more quiet. I let my legs give out before I hit a wall to slide down and curl up while crying, but I felt a hand rub my check.

???-*Shhhh* Hey, it's ok. You're safe now.~

I still couldn't stop or do anything then I felt whoever this was give me a hug before rubbing the back of my head. I could still hear everything out there a few explosions made me flinch, but she cupped my ears a little before...

???-*Shhhh* *shhhh* *shhhh*.~

I didn't even notice I was breathing so fast, but it was slowing down as I was back in a hug and she kept on shushing me. When she broke the hug to rub my cheeks  little more I saw who it was and I didn't know she was this nice because she looked so serious before.


Blaze-We're out of the battlefield and the satellites should spot us in this cave. It's how they target us, so wait here and i'll be right back with some-.

(Blaze's POV)

I tried to go get some help because I think because of the adrenaline he didn't feel some of the small cuts he has on his arms and face, but he panicked and grabbed my hand while giving me a pleading look to stay. He must be scared to death as I saw he was on the verge of crying that if he so much as uttered a word he would lose it and go back to crying. I want to go get stuff to clean those cuts in case they get infected, but the second I leave he'll be terrified and do who knows what... I got on one knee to get to his level.

Blaze-I'm not going to leave you... Just let me get some things just outside the cave. Can you be brave for a few moments.

He was shaking, but he let me go, so I ran out of the cave to see what I can get around here then I saw a pond and I have a water pouch with me. I quickly got some of the water and ran back in to see (Y/N) again then used my fire to heat up the water to the point it was clean.


Blaze-Hold still.

I poured the warm water on his cuts and it wasn't enough to fully clean them, but I got the dirt off which was good for now. I had to stay with him, so I sat next to him and he leaned into me. I let him because he was so scared right now, but it slowly turned into him laying down with his head on my lap then quickly went to sleep. I guess his adrenaline rush was over and his body couldn't stay awake without it, so it's almost no surprise that he crashed like this.

Blaze's mind-Sleep tight little guy... I'll give you a bit to rest.

I just pet his head gently while I heard tiny snores when all the explosions and fighting went quiet, but I knew it would take a hell of a lot more than a fleet of mega robots to take my friends down. They were fine and i'll had back to Sally with (Y/N) to get him patched up properly. Even while I was petting him I found a bump on his head that looked like a bruise, so something got him. He soon flipped over in his sleep, so his closed eyes were looking into mine and I saw how cute he looked while sleeping. Aside the dirt and a few scratches he looked so cute and with his very soft and smooth skin... I leaned in to kiss his and he stirred a little before taking a deep breath while letting out a small noise that was almost a squeak.

Blaze's mind-How adorable.~

I caught myself then tried to snap out of it, but... I just pulled him closer to me before I carefully tried to pick him up and even if we were almost the same height, he's easier to carry than I thought.

(Sally's POV)

Thankfully there were no casualties after the fight, but a few did get hurt like when Amy went crazy after losing sight of (Y/N) and not only is he missing, but I also have no idea where Blaze is, so I had Sonic go out to look for them. Soon I heard a commotion outside in the crowd and when I turned, I saw Blaze carrying (Y/N) while he was out cold, and I started to worry.


I ran to her and took a look at both of them and only (Y/N) was injured, but minorly as far I as I could tell.

Sally-What happened?

Blaze-Relax, he's fine. A few scrapes and bruises, but his body couldn't handle losing so much adrenaline so fast. He's gonna be out cold for a while. We just need to get his cuts cleaned then some ice.

Sally-Medicine is going fast here. Come on, my house isn't far.

He didn't need much and everyone was making a recovery, but in case of another attack from Dr. Eggman he needs to be somewhere more safe. I just left a note for someone to give to Sonic to let him know that everything was alright. Amy was out cold from complete exhaustion and fighting out of complete anger for some reason, so maybe she needs to rest here and we'll care for (Y/N) for a bit. When we made it to my home Blaze put (Y/N) on my table while I caught some water, a washcloth, and stuff for his wounds as I had Blaze help me get most of the dirt left on him off then disinfect his wounds before I put some bandages on him. He was sleeping the whole time, so he didn't feel a thing, but soon after we cleaned everything up he was starting to wake up.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was waking up and felt like I was on something hard and laying down now with more light in my face. When I could see I saw I wasn't in the cave anymore I looked around to see that I was in a house and it looked like what you would see in a kinda fancy cabin. Then I noticed Sally and Blaze were at both my sides before I saw I was on a table and sat up.


Sally-Are you ok?

(Y/N)-... Yes.

I looked at myself and saw I was covered in some bandages, but nothing really did hurt, but then I was grabbed by Blaze and she helped me off the table. She even sat on the couch with me and for some reason she looked nicer and I was less nervous since she helped me then Sally left then came back to give Blaze an icepack to put on my head and it hurt for a second before the cold made it better.

Blaze-Keep this on. You got a nasty bruise from the attack.

I held it myself now while the others just stared at me then Sally sat on my other side to get a closer look, but then they both heard my stomach growl. They both smiled and laughed when i looked to both of my sides which made me blush.

Sally-I guess someone's hungry. I'll be back soon.

Sally got up to go back to her kitchen and Blaze was staying out here with me when all the sudden she pulled me down with her to hug and cuddle with me, but she felt so soft and warm. It was almost like a heating pad which made me lean into her until Sally came back out with food then saw us.


Just one look made my stomach growl louder and she put the food on the table, so I sat up and I have not had these in a long time.

(Y/N)-Thank you Sally.

Sally-Aww, you're welcome.~

(Sally's POV)

(Y/N) started eating and I went over everything I know about him that Amy told us and even from a horrible home he had, he was still sweet and well mannered. The only problem was that he was kind of a messy eater with chili dogs and he had chili on his cheeks when he was done eating and looked more relaxed which added to how adorable he looked.

Sally-*Giggles* Look at you, you have chili all over your cheeks now.

He only gave me an innocent look before he tried to use his tongue to lick his cheeks clean, but there was no way he was gonna get it all. I thought about a wet washcloth again, but maybe he could take a bath. I just sent him to my bathroom with a towel and soon heard running water in my bathroom while put his clothes in the washer then I cleaned his plate and Blaze came in.

Blaze-Never that I would see a good one of his kind, cute too,

Sally-Like I said in my speech, this can be a symbol for everyone. A chance to live together without him being a constant reminder of Eggman.

Blaze-Well some I trust more than others.

Sally-You know someone who already hates him?

Blaze-Not hate, but... you know that band of stubborn idiots at times.

She did have a point and I thought on it before (Y/N) came out in my robe that was actually a good fit, but the fact it was mind and assumed I left it for him made me smile. He did look in it too then Blaze grabbed him and took him to the couch to put him on her lap. I couldn't help myself and joined them by sitting down and having him lay across us, but when he moved around to get comfy he must of had an itch on his back that he was trying to get and when I decided to reach for it myself he saw me and his eyes went wide.

(Y/N)-N-No wait, do-!

I didn't react in time before I gave him a few scratches which made his stop and even blush. Blaze and I were caught off guard then she tried the spot where I scratched him and he tensed a little before she did it more which made him make little noises. I tried to resist, but joined in and he clutched his small hands on my lap which felt kinda nice.

Sally's mind-I know Amy said he was really cute, but this is just too adorable.~

(Amy's POV)

I was waking up to feeling kinda sore then remembered what happened before I quickly got up to go look for (Y/N) while the others were still being taken care of. I could walk fine enough anyway, but when I was walking in the woods calling out for (Y/N) I was suddenly kicked from behind really hard which sent me flying. I got up as fast as I could to see my attacker and when I did, she looked "very" angry.


Rouge-Where?! Is he?!


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