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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up after a crazy night last night because they all tried to feed me they each settled on something different, so I had the spicy chicken, a glass of pink lemonade the Chica tipped into my mouth, and Roxy fed me the cake I didn't get to finish last time I was here. Vanessa slept with me in my room and she was still sleeping while I could hear Chica and Roxy watching T.V. out there a little. When Vanessa woke up she laid there for a bit to stretch and smile at me before she gave me kisses then got out of bed to lean over me.

Vanessa-Good morning my little man. I'll be back and it's bath time with mommy for you.~

She gave me one last big kiss before she left my room and the door was unlocked for her, but when she closed it she locked it. I soon hear talking outside while I just got out of bed and I would feel homesick, but this really looks like my room, so I felt a little comfy. It wasn't hard for me to focus on my escape plan by making them fight each other, so I wonder who I should go for first.

(Y/N)'s mind-Who gets the most angry?

(Roxy's POV)

Vanessa was making herself and (Y/N) some breakfast and she told us that (Y/N) was still in bed, but I got a game for us out here from something I found out here. There was a racing game, but it was controlled by a smaller controller in you hand instead of a chair. I just went to his room when the food was almost done to go wake him up, but as soon as I opened the door I saw him clearly awake on his bed before he looked at me for a bit before he smiled and came right to me and what made my heart melt was that he held his arms up, wanting me to hold him, so I did it gladly.


Roxy-Well hi there. You wanna play a game with your favorite auntie?~

He just nodded his head yes as I took him out to the living room where the others were and sat him on the couch next to me since the game was set up, but what made this better is he helped himself onto my lap. He snuggled up to me to lean back by pushing his ody on mine and I wondered for a moment if this was a simulation and I was on a repair table because this was making me so happy, but Chica leaned into us before she rubbed his cheek.


Chica-Sweetie pie, do you wanna sit on your mother's lap. You don't want her to feel lonely, do you?~

(Y/N)-Well,... maybe later. I'm just really cozy right now.

She froze in shock from this while I just kissed his head and got the game started then during the count down before the race I looked in the kitchen to see Vanessa glaring at me a little. I felt proud and when the race was over the food was done and Vanessa was coming over, but not before (Y/N) kissed my cheek in front of everyone then whispered something into my ear which made Vanessa take (Y/N) back to his room with her to eat. I still heard what he said echo in my head.

(Y/N)-Mommy. *whisper*


Roxy's mind-I knew I was his favorite! I knew it!~

(Vanessa's POV)

I was very upset that I had to throw myself at (Y/N) last night to cuddle him, but he was suddenly all over Roxy and she had to have said something. We all agreed that when we help each other out here we all share (Y/N) equally, but if she wants to go behind our backs and do whatever it is she did get (Y/N) to be that loving then 2 can play at this game! While I was feeding him I thought about the stuff I learned about (Y/N) before I took him in then I knew something he saw on a commercial that he really wanted, but his "old mother" said no.

Vanessa-Oh honey bear, I know you can't go outside and you want a place to play at still. You know what I think?~


Vanessa-You know this bed can be nice and cozy, but it is really boring. If only-... Wait, I think we can fit it in here.

(Y/N)-Fit what?

I went on my phone to pull up a picture of the playset he wanted for his room, but was told no since he would get bored of it to be worth the hassle. However I would be using his old mother's money to buy this and it'll be all gain and no pain for me. When I showed him the picture his eyes lit up a little and I had a picture in my head of us cuddling together.


I could tell he was interested in having a swing in his room since that's the only reason I could think he would want it before I took him. What caught me off guard is that he turned to hug me like he was doing with Roxy and I felt a wave of happiness hit me then he looked at me with a cute look in his eyes.

(Y/N)-Can we really get it?! Really?!

Vanessa-... Well of course. Anything for my baby.~

I was so jealous then happy for a moment that I didn't think more about his sudden change, though he could just be accepting that with his old mother gone and us capturing him again and again, he accepted this life... I bought the chair with his old mother's money of course, but i'll keep an eye on him.

Vanessa's mind-As long as you're a good boy for me, i'll enjoy this!~

((Y/N)'s POV)

It was working, so now I just need to get the others mad with Vanessa then I can go for Chica before I can get them to start a fight. I need to get the others to see this and I had an idea. I told them all that we should have a movie night in my room and I want my "mommy" to cuddle with for the movie. Chica calls herself my mommy and maybe she'll start the fight first.

(Timeskip To Night)

(Chica's POV)

I was so happy that (Y/N) wants a spot on his bed for a family movie night with his mommy. I guess I was kinda mad before the news came since he was acting sweet to Roxy, then later I heard he got really affectionate to officer Vanessa, but he didn't give me any. To think I was seconds away from going to the neighbor's house to "evict" them and have (Y/N) live with me there. I just gave (Y/N) a bath with Vanessa and Roxy a bit ago, but I got to sit behind him in the water, but not enough to give me my fish tail again. It was almost time as I was making popcorn, (Y/N) was picking the movie, Roxy will bring extra blankets into his room after they get out of the dryer to warm them up, and Vanessa was out talking with our work company about some things. When I got into my baby's room I saw he had a movie ready to go and he had a smile on his face when he saw me.


Chica-There's my little boy. You ready to make some room on that bed. I brought popcorn.~

(Y/N)-I thought you hated everything except pizza?

Chica-But I love feeding you.~

I nudged him over a bit to get comfy with him on the bed while the others can come in and sit on the floor, but I started to feed him the popcorn one piece at a time. Soon Vanessa came in looking happy then tapped my leg for some reason.


Vanessa-Alright, move over.

Chica-Excuse me? (Y/N) wants his mother here.

Vanessa-Yeah,... so get off.

Chica-I'm his mother, so I don't know what's going on in your head.

Vanessa-Maybe that i'm the one the wanted him first, this is my house, and I made this room for him! This spot is mine!

Chica-No, it's mine!

Roxy-You're both wrong.~

We both turned to see Roxy walking in with the blankets and she had a smug look on her face that kinda pissed me off.


Roxy-You can both pretend all you want now, but guess what he whispered into my ear this morning before Vanessa rudely took my baby away... He called me mommy even though i'm his auntie.~

There was no way in hell I was buying that lie since there was no way he should call anyone that except me. We all argued over the spot that (Y/N) wanted for his mommy and this shouldn't be a thing since I was his mommy. I got up to yell at them, but just then Vanessa did something that set me and Roxy off.

Vanessa-You know what a real mother can do that piles of wires can't?!

She grabbed (Y/N) before she took her shirt and bra off which was the part that surprised us, but what set us off was when she shoved her nipple in his mouth then massage it. I even saw him cough up a little milk.

Chica-YOU BITCH!!!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Chica tackled Vanessa then Roxy joined in the piled to fight, but Vanessa pulled out a phone then pressed a button to stun them for a bit and make them a little weaker which was better for me as I used this chance to sneak out. I had the weird taste of some kind of cream that came out of Vanessa's boob, but I ignored it as I made it to the front door then outside. I tried going next door, but there was no answer for some reason, but when I listened in I heard a weird kind of screaming and smacking. I just left to go find a cop out in the street or something since not a lot of people were around or looked very nice.

(Y/N)'s mind-I'm so close to being done with! I can do this!

(Timeskip 40 Minutes)

I was looking for a police station, but I got to a part of town that was kinda scary with lots of broken windows, people were yelling way more and louder than the fight I just came from. At first I thought that this was a nightmare after I heard gunshots close by, so I hid in an alley the saw a car drive by really fast.

(Y/N)'s mind-I think I went the wrong way to the police... I gotta get out of here.

I managed to get back in a batter part of town, but I was still scared from what I just saw back there and had no idea people could live in places like that. I made it to where I came from kinda then went on from there, but I was getting so tired now. Suddenly I heard something in front of me that made dust come out of the alley a little with a stray cat running out from there.


I went to peak around the corner where I saw a pair of legs behind the trashcan not moving at all. I just ran off as fast as I could since I was too scared to check on them, but now I can't stop thinking about it. Running just made me more tired and I was so cold while my legs and feet were sore now. It soon hurt too much to walk, so I just sat on a bench to rest, but now my eyes felt so heavy as I was falling asleep. Before I could go to sleep I was grabbed from behind and poked in the neck which made me more tired then I was picked up, but before everything went dark, I heard something...

Vanessa-"You" are in "big" trouble mister.


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