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((Y/N)'s POV)

Gerta was laying in my bed while I was playing with one of my pet's toys on the floor since Gerta I tried to throw some for her and when she didn't get them, I thought I could juggle them, but it was harder than it looks. I can't wait for the girls to come home and see he good news that we were getting another new friend and since I can't fit anymore in here, she's the last one. Gerta was even fun to play with and she would even joke around while we were play fighting about how "This house, my bed, and other things she likes is hers now unless I win in a fight". Later the door opened in the front room and I was so excited to show the others Gerta, so I ran to go see them.


I made it out to the living room and saw them holding bags, but Bri had the least and put hers down before she bent down with her arms open, and I jumped into them to be picked up and spun around by her.


(Penelope's POV)

To see him so happy to see us after we got back from a shopping trip was like how a pet would wait and be so happy to see their mistress to return and I gave him so many kisses while the others put down their bags to come in and coo him. He was giggly and blushing the whole time which I just couldn't get enough of before I put him down and we were about to show him his present, but he took my hand and I saw a look in his eyes that meant he wanted to show us something. He even wanted the others to come as we were led to his room, but we stopped at his door before he gave us a big smile and was even bouncing in play a little.

(Y/N)-Guess what I found?!

Bea-What is it?

(Y/N)-Come on, guess!

Courtney-Um... A new toy?

Bea-A little fort you made?

Penelope-Something you drew?

(Y/N)-Nope! I'll give you a hint. This will be the very last one we get.

When he said that I just head only one thing in mind and held the bridge of my nose in annoyance that we now have a fourth and I was drawing the line here. He got too excited and just grabbed on to his handle and was about to open his door, but someone else opened it then picked him up before stepping out into the hallway while kinda grazing the top of the doorway with her ears.


(Y/N)-Girls, this is Gerta and I thought I could fit one more pet into our home. Maybe we can find a new place for the office, but for now she wants to stay in my room.

Gerta-For the last time, it's my room now.

He just giggled it off like he thought she was joking, but I saw that serios look on her face then she bent down a bit to sniff us before she put (Y/N) down then wrapped her tail around him a little.

Gerta-Listen, i'm the alpha now and that means what I say goes, but I know how to be fair alpha that can protect any of you that want to follow me. Just don't make me angry and everything should be like it was before. You can try to challenge me if you want like him, but...

*Cracks knuckles*

Just then (Y/N) grabbed on to her leg and tried to wrestle it and this made her smirk before she took him off. He only made it a little bit past her knee and there was this look in her eyes that were fierce, but also kinda... I don't know. I still hated her, but I don't need someone this big and strong to come after me and the others felt the same way. Bea just took (Y/N) away from her and she didn't have much of a problem and walked back into (Y/N)'s room then we looked in to see her laying on (Y/N)'s bed. We took him back to the living room and Bea put him on the couch and we were all kinda annoyed, but I had the right to be more annoyed! Bea bent down to him and he gave her a curious look.

(Y/N)-Is something wrong?... Is it that Gerta is new?

Bea-Sweetie, we told you to stay home while we were gone. How did she get here and what have we talked about bringing more strangers home?

(Y/N)-Well... I thought she could use some help and a home.

He started to tell us his story and all I had to do was flick his nose a little when he knew he broke our rules and it's clear that we need to lock that gate when we leave him now since we can't trust him. We scolded him a little and he said he was sorry, but Gerta was not gonna leave even if he tells he too since a tigress can be very territorial, so we're stuck with her. When all the scolding was out of the way he was almost ready to crying, but then I got into one of the bags and got out a small box with a ribbon on it.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was trying not to cry to look like the tough owner and remind them who was boss around here even if my newest pet Gerta likes to joke around. I felt a little better and surprised when they gave me a small present and Bea wiped my tears before kissing my nose then pointed at the box. I was confused for a second before I could think straight and knew this present was for me and when I opened the box after pulling off the ribbon then I saw what they got me and it looked kinda cool.


(Y/N)-Woah... I saw strong guys in some of the shows and movies I watch, but grandpa said that I couldn't get one.

Courtney-Well we thought you should have it. Do you wanna look handsome and tough for your nekos?~

(Y/N)-Yeah,... but I don't think it will fit around my head.

Penelope-Come here sweetie.~

I went up to Penelope and she took the key to unlock the necklace before she wrapped it around my neck and locked it and took me with the others to look in a mirror in the bathroom. I saw that this necklace didn't dangle that much and it was really close to my neck. I started to think of myself with big muscles like Gerta and even taller than her and I kinda smiled at the thought.

Bea-Do you like it?

(Y/N)-I love it!

I turned to try and give them all a hug and they bent down to me to make it a group hug.

(Y/N)-I wanna go show Gerta!

I was so excited to show Gerta and happy that they got me this cool necklace I couldn't help myself to pull Penelope in to give her a kiss on her cheek.

(Penelope's POV)

I was so relieved to see him willing to wear is practical collar, but my heart skipped a few beats when he loved it so much he wants to show it off and even give me a surprise kiss. He even ran out of her to go show the new girl and we were all smiling then I got a thought of walking around town with him like that or maybe even go to the park we met with him wearing it. I told this to the other girls and they liked this idea while we were unpacking Courtney's clothes into the closet and we even got a few other things.

(Timeskip 6 Hours)

We were all in the living room, even Gerta since we were gonna make dinner and Gerta tried to make something outside to make a soup or something, but we taught her more about the oven... She tried to smash it when she got frustrated, but (Y/N) got her to stop and even tried to scold her, but all she did was carry him back outside with her to make a stand out of sticks, got a rope from a shed, and hug a pot over a fire. Whatever kept her from smashing shit, so we all waited outside and (Y/N) even brought some of the cat toys out here and I played with him first. At first I did what he wanted, but slowly I turned it into me using the toys to play with him. Bea and Courtney got in on this for a while before Gerta came over while she let the food sit and (Y/N) said the funniest thing.


He even flashed his necklace collar at her thinking it might make him stronger or something, but all she did was kinda laugh before she sat on the ground. She motioned for him to come to her and he charged and tried to tackle her and when he slammed into her stomach she didn't budge while he hugged her waist to try and pull her down. This was kinda fun to watch and Gerta pretended to go down then rolled over on top of him to pin him down which just made him laugh even when he was completely helpless.

Bea-Be careful with him.

(Gerta's POV)

Cooking for your new tribe when alpha is a sign of a good alpha, and this was pretty fun and enjoyable. Not only is my new human cub proud to show the very thing that humans usually put on animals to show dominance, he wants to play with his new alpha and from how tiny is body is under mine made this more amusing to me. I even got up to toss him in the air like my father did with me when I was a cub and he loved it which made my body act up and gave him a few kisses and even a lick which made him curl up in my hands then giggle. Motherhood is very enjoyable and my new territory I easily took from him was cozy. After tossing him in the air some more my human cub was almost out of breath and he looked so tired after all this playing, so I went to check on the food.

Gerta's mind-He's ready for other humans to see that I have conquered and claimed their young. I will take him tomorrow.

(Courtney's POV)

(Y/N) came over to me since he was very tired and held his arms out to me as I was sitting on the porch for me to pick him up and put him on my lap. I gladly did so and he nuzzled his body into mine while I held him close. He didn't go to sleep, but he did get snuggly with me while he rested and when I laid on my laid on the porch with him, I got us into a spooning position, and he scooted up a little to where his nose was out of my boobs. I gave him kisses and he looked up a little to return them on my chin which kinda tickled. When it got darker out here while we waiting for Gerta to be done with the food in her homemade stove that actually smelled good since she was using food from the kitchen and even sniffed spices to knows which to add something caught (Y/N)'s attention and that was the fireflies you could see now. Bea was even swatting at some to play, but (Y/N) got up to go play some more and even tried to catch some.

(Y/N)-Bea, help me! I can't reach them!

Bea-Hold on, i'm coming.

It was adoring to see him play like this and there are a lot of perverted men and even little boys, but I guess some aren't that bad and (Y/N) was a special case for even them. I could watch this all night, but Gerta soon said the food was down, so I went inside to get bowls and spoons for us and when she used the ladle to pour the first bowl for herself it looked so good.


(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

(Bea's POV)

I yelled at others a little when they were about to do something so very cruel to poor (Y/N) and for a moment I thought they suddenly stopped caring. How dare they try to make him feed himself?! Lucky for (Y/N) I was here and I was feeding him right now and even made little airplanes and trains sounds for him and he even blushed a little. I was still mad at the others for treating (Y/N) in such a way.

(Y/N)-Bea, are you gonna eat?

Bea-Not until you tummy is full and while your num nums is settling i'll eat before it's your bath time.~

He blushed harder at the baby talk I just gave him and the others watched as I fed him until he told me he was full, so I had mine and while the others were talking I took (Y/N) inside with me and grabbed the key to his collar before I headed to the bathroom. I got his clothes, but when I got the key close to him he turned away to protect the lock, so I can't of his new favorite collar.

(Y/N)-Can I keep my necklace on during bath time, please?

Bea-Honey, all the water and soap can get in the lock and stay in there and that can ruin it. We have to take it off, just for a little bit... You don't wanna ruin your new gift from us, do you?

(Y/N)-Um... No.

Bea-And you'll need it for tomorrow... We plan on going to the park to play tomorrow.~

He perked up at that a little, but still protected the lock until I gently pushed his hands down to unlock it and take it off. He looked a little sad when I put his "necklace" on the sink to get the bath going and when I had my back turned for a second then turned back I caught him reaching for his collar.


I didn't yell that loud, more like raised my voice a little at him then he flinched before I picked him up and put him in the water then gave him bath toys to play with while I wash him. I tried to help me wash him from time to time, but I stopped him and guided his hands back to his toys every time. This new baby shampoo I was using on him made me feel better about giving him a bath since I saw some get into his eyes a little on accident, but thankfully he didn't really feel much and wiped it away.

(Y/N)-Can I at least help a little?

Bea-Honey bunch, you should be helping with anything since you already did way too much of that. You should only know how to play, be cute, and cuddle.~

I gave him a kiss on his cheek before I washed out his hair then got to work on his body before I checked his ears to see they looked fine on the inside, but just to be safe I licked them clean still. I wanted to give him a few minutes of play time in the bath, but when we were done he was eyeballing his collar, so I just took him out to dry him off before I took him and his collar to go to his room and get him in some pajamas for bed. He was eager to have his collar back on him even when I tried to tell him that he didn't need his "Necklace" during bedtime, but it only ended in...


He looked happy then Gerta walked in on us as I was about to put (Y/N) in his bed then she looked like there was a problem.


Gerta-What are you doing in my room?

Bea-I was... about to put (Y/N) to sleep.

Gerta-In my bed?

I remembered when she called this hers and how her kind is very territorial then I was grateful she came when she did because I don't know what she might do if she caught (Y/N) in a place she considered hers. All she did was take (Y/N) from me and sat him on the cat bed before she let me give him a kiss goodnight then led me out of the room with her as she went to go take a shower.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Gerta left me in her alone and I wasn't that sleepy, so I played with some of the toys left in here and crawled in my bed to get comfy. Later she came back in kinda wet and with no clothes on then closed and locked the door behind her like I showed her when she got here. She saw me on my bed and looked surprised before kinda made then got on the bed to get close to me and I was looking up at her from how tall she was.

Gerta-Why are you on my bed?

(Y/N)-... This is my bed.

All she did to answer me was pick me up to put me back on the cat bed in my room before she sat on the edge of my new bed without bothering to get dressed still.

Gerta-Why should I let you sleep with me?

I was really confused and thought for a second that maybe she was serious about thinking my house, room, bed, and stuff is all hers now, but that didn't make any sense because i'm her owner. Suddenly it hit me on what she wanted...

(Y/N)-Because i'm going to fight you and win this time!

I got up to run at her and she didn't move while I grabbed her leg to play fight with her. I even tried to climb her while she was still sitting on my bed, but she suddenly grabbed my leg before standing up, so I was upside down now. I couldn't help, but laugh and she even laughed a little too before she tossed me on the bed a little before laying down next to me.

(Y/N)'s mind-I knew she just wanted to play!

Just then she grabbed the mouse toy I was tossing in the air a bit ago and held it over me, so i tried to take it from her and she tried keeping it from me. I was laying down the time trying to up and grab it while giggling a little for some reason when suddenly she accidently dropped it and it landed in my teeth and squeaked a little. I took it out after the hair on it felt and tasted icky on my tongue and I tried spitting it out.

Gerta-*Chuckles* You're too cute for your own good.~

She played with my necklace a little before I soon started to feel tired and cuddled with Greta after she turned off the lights.

(No POV)

(Y/N) went to sleep while Greta just watched him and thought about the trip to the park tomorrow as it was the perfect time to "show the humans she as taken one of their young" with pride. The girls were in the kitchen talking about what they should make for a picnic there tomorrow and Bea made it clear that she never wants to see (Y/N) with any food in his hands or anything other than a toy or something because she only wants him to be fed by them, she's not picky who though. Courtney wanted to pack extra blankets incase (Y/N) wanted a nap or just to cuddle out there and Penelope had an outfit for herself to make other humans more want her and wish they can take the place of (Y/N).

Penelope/Bea/Courtney/Gerta's mind-Tomorrow will be perfect.~


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