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((Y/N)'s POV)

All day Neyla and Carmelita tried to play, read, and feed me while they even talked to work over the phone to tell them about Neyla. It was nighttime and I even asked Carmelita if we could get a T.V. here since reading was getting boring when I couldn't play much. The only thing they didn't want to talk to me about is when I can see my parents again or if they were awake already since they said things are getting complicated over there right now. Carmelita said they were fine, but I just hope they really were fine which made me want to see them more. They were both busy on the phone now, so I just went to my room and opened up a window to look outside in the night. I thought about how much we swam yesterday, but Carmelita said that will be a while before we can do it again because we can't even tell her work we did it the first time. While I was still looking up at the sky to see the stars and there was a lot me that what I used to see before I had a feeling that told me to look down at the trees and bushes then for a second, I thought I saw the bushes move a bit. This feeling won't go away either.

(Y/N)-Hello?... Is someone there?

I just got scared and soon closed my window and curtains before I just got into my bed since it was probably nothing. Nobody is out here except for us, but I think I was gonna stay away from windows for a while. Soon I heard some noises outside of the window that were hard to tell what they were and I just left my room to go to Carmelita and Neyla and I think I should tell them


They both got off the phone when they saw that I was kinda creeped out, but Neyla was the one to pick me up first and hold me.

Neyla-What's wrong? You look like you've just seen a ghost.

(Y/N)-I... I heard something outside and felt like something was looking at me.

This made both of them quiet for a second then Carmelita went to get something from a case and when I saw it I was even more nervous now when she put it on her waist.


Carmelita-I'm sure it's probably nothing, but we're playing this safe. Keep him close and i'll be back after doing a quick check.

She came over to give me a quick kiss before she went outside to check things out and Neyla took me to her and Carmelita's room. When we got up there I wanted to peak out the window to see if she was ok, but Neyla laid in bed with me and I could feel her tail rubbing my back.

Neyla-You look so worried and stressed out... How about when she comes back in we make some brownies or we can make a nice bath for you to soak in.~

She was trying to calm me down, but I saw her go on her for a bit to text someone and I got a peak at the phone and the name of the person she was talking to was... "The Contessa".

(Carmelita's POV)

There was no way anyone from town could be here without Interpol knowing they were coming this way, so it had to be someone from out of town or (Y/N) is just getting paranoid which would mean I would have to spend less time playing with him and more trying to get him to relax. I started to think about us cuddling like we did this morning to sleep in, but it was just us and the thought of Neyla always being around to get in the way was really annoying to me. After a quick check around the house outside I decided to check on my request I kept hidden from (Y/N) and Neyla to either take (Y/N) with me somewhere more secluded for now or just have Neyla taken out of the picture by having her relocated.

Carmelita's mind-You shouldn't even be here anyway. I can't believe they let you stay on this case. I was sure they would kick you off even if you are a high-ranking officer!

I was about to head back inside, but just then I was it with some kind of power and it looked green and sparkly, so I pulled out my shock pistol and pointed it at where I was hit from, but they must be hiding in the bushes.

Carmelita-This is Interpol! Come out with your hands up!

There was no response, but now I was feeling dizzy and tired when all of the sudden I was hit in the back of the head and everything went black before I fell to the ground.

(Neyla's POV)

Carmelita thought I couldn't see through her cheap plan to get rid of me by telling her favorite boss. I was willing to somewhat share, but after that stunt she tried to pull on me she an forget that, so now it's just the matter of who can get rid of who first and I intend to win. (Y/N) was worried about her and wanted me to go out to check on her, so I went outside to keep him from getting stressed and maybe even play some mind games with her a little. I made sure he was tucked in bed before I headed outside, but when I opened the door something dropped and a green powder blew up in my face.

Neyla-*Cough* *cough* What the-?

My eyes were getting heavy and I was slowly getting dizzy and I tried to close and lock the door before I pass out, but someone pulled the door back open from behind it to pull me out while I was weak then slammed the door into my face to easily knock me out without letting me see who it was.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I heard noises downstairs and I wanted to call out to see if Neyla was ok, but I was too scared to do that, so I just hid under the blanket to hope if it was a bad guy they won't see me or if it is Carmelita and Neyla they would just come back to bed. I heard footsteps, but they were really heavy and getting closer then I heard the door Neyla left cracked creek open. I covered my mouth and looked away while my body was shaking then the blanket was slowly being pulled off me, but I couldn't fight to pull it back over since my body was frozen which only made me close my eyes tightly.

???-My, aren't you just a sight to behold.~

That was not Carmelita or Neyla or anyone I ever meet since her voice sounded so scratchy and there was a weird smell that wasn't bad, but not good either. I felt something like a scaley claw brush my cheek before I was taken out of bed, so I curled up to be more heavy, I was still held out in front of her. I slowly opened my eyes, but regretted it and started wiggling and screaming to be put down thinking she was going to eat me or do something worse.


(Y/N)-P-P-Please do-don't *hic* eat me-e-e! *sobbing*

???-Eat you? Now don't be ridiculous child. You're something far more valuable alive and unharmed. The only thing that i'll be doing maybe take a lock of hair here and maybe a nail clipping there, but we'll get to that later.~

She reached down with one hand after she put me back on the bed and bent down with her hand in front of her mouth then blew a green powder into my face while I was still crying. Now I was starting to stop, but only because I was getting so dizzy and tired.

???-Now that I get a better look at a calmer you, you're actually adorable. I think i'll move you into a more personal area of mine at my home... Nighty night, my little charm.~

I was about to fall back, but she caught me and started to carry me out of the house, but before we could even make it through the front door, I fell asleep.


(Ms. Ruby's POV)

It morning now and I made sure my new little charm was asleep the whole way home then when we got back, my first plan was to keep him in a cage in my most guarded area for my supplies, but now I decided to have it moved to my room, dangling near my bed to keep a close eye on him. It was a wooden enchanted cage that should make him weaker once inside and I even had a small bed his size in there along with a bowl of berries and water. When the cage was moved to my room and set up to hang next to my bed while fully supported I put him in his new bed and he was amusing to look at. A minion tried to go in and put some clay to mark him as mine, but I smacked them down.

Ms. Ruby-I never gave you permission to do anything to them. I will brand them myself when they are awake... Leave us.

They left and I was relieved for us to be alone, so I just locked the cage and got into bed myself to get a bit of sleep before I deal with more crying. I also thought about others things I will need to do when we wake up, like give them a bath, a change of clothes, and introduce them to my other minions.


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