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((Y/N)'s POV)

Lazarus had me on her lap while she was reading a book and there was even a fire going with a blanket over us. Jasmine was even reading a book of her own and I even saw a cover picture of a heard on a tombstone for a dead person. I was actually cozy considered I was still naked on Lazarus's lap, but then Jasmine gave her book a weird look before she looked at me and got up to come over here. Lazarus and I just watched her as she leaned into me and blew into my ear while she had her wing on my back and I shrived a little at this. She smiled at this and even laughed a little.

Jasmine-Oh my god, it does work on anyone! That's so cute!~

(Y/N)-Why would you do that?!

Jasmine-Oh i'm sorry. I'm just teasing a little.~

Lazarus just giggled a little before she held me tighter to keep me from Jasmine before there was a knock at the door, so Lazarus got up with me to go answer it and when she opened the door, it was so cold and I saw who it was.


Lazarus looked happy to see them and Jasmine also looked surprised as she walked to the door to see Dixies on her knees just to look in.

Jasmine-Well look who's out of the house.

Lazarus-I heard what happened. Are you feeling better?

Dixie-We're doing better and Fawn wanted to see her friend, so I thought I would drop by with her after I took care of some things.

Lazarus-Well... I know you can't fit in here, so maybe we can come out for a bit... I guess (Y/N) is good enough to get dressed for a while.

(Fawn's POV)

I saw (Y/N) perk up a little when his mom said he could get dressed since it was kinda cold out here still. She closed the door, but Jasmine grabbed her bottom part of her outfit and put it on out here with us to talk to my mommy. For the first time in days I was finally put down and Jasmine gave me a hug while talking about (Y/N)'s new clothes having handles on them to carry him. I really wanted to see this and when Lazarus did come back out with (Y/N), there was a handle connected to his shirt and pants to where my mom could hold it and maybe I could like a shash, but it would be hard.


My mom and the others adored him and I thought he looked nice too then wished I was big and strong enough to hold him, but then Lazarus pushed him to me a little.

Lazarus-Stay close to the house you 2. We don't want you leaving our sights.

Mom-I also told you what to do in case you know what happens.

Fawn-Yes mommy.

I pulled him with me a little to go play in Lazarus's front yard to play tag while our moms and Jasmine were talking on the porch.

((D/N)'s POV)

Kimber went from not letting me leave the house without her to not letting me out of her sight at all. I even tried to open a window and she reacted by grabbing me to squeeze me hard to pull me away from it just a bit to turn me away. When I even tried to sit down and read a book while eating, she leaned on to me.

(D/N)-Can you give me at least 3 feet of breathing room?!

Kimber-Can you not ruin my trust by running off like that and having others look at me too?!

She held me tighter again then even pinned me down on the couch and I got fed up with this, but if i run i'm pretty sure the chick that's a highly trained warrior with tracking skills will find me, so I asked her to come on a hike with me. She was ok with them and when we left she held my hand the whole time and soon we made it to the beach and while we passed some boats coming by a few women looked at us then Kimber pulled me to the other side of her. I thought all of this was because of trust issues, but now it was clear to me that she was becoming possessive.

(Kimber's POV)

The sooner I rehabilitate this man the sooner I can try to appeal to Hana to reattach his balls. It was the only reason at first, but I started to want (D/N) to myself which should be too hard since most are likely going to wait for (Y/N) to turn 13, this should blow over by then, I stay as the only company he has, and that will leave almost no competition for me. It's just the waiting game that I intend to win. We soon made it by the town and I was careful to keep an eye out for any mothers to spare them of the sight of him, but as for others they were giving him looks that made him nuzzle up to me and my plan was working.

Kimber's mind-That's it big boy. Just be good, cuddle me, and you'll get your little friends back soon enough, then I can make sure those babies are dried out every night.~

(Lazarus's POV)

It did feel nice to be in warm clothes outside again as we watched our children play and we were talking about a boat ride for the little ones to see the fishes and maybe even swim in the ocean. Jasmine said she would get Hana and Lucinda with their daughters in a bit after we go book a big boat for Dixie to come and the fishers have it at this time. When Fawn came back up while holding (Y/N)'s hand they just went inside my house to play, but we kept quiet about the boating trip out in the water until the door was closed.

Jasmine-A nice boat ride around the island does sound nice.

Dixie-Fawn does love to watch the fish in the water. We even talked about getting an aquarium for our home, but I thought that it would kinda smell.

Lazarus-I wonder if (Y/N) likes fish... Or can he even swim?

Jasmine-Well... we did find him when he said he fell off a boat and almost drowned... Maybe it would be best if we keep a close eye on him if he wants to go into the water.

Lazarus-Yeah, let's just wait an hour or two for the boats to come in and we'll get one for a few laps around the island.

(No POV)

While Lazarus, Dixie, and Jasmine were planning more things about this trip, like food and such, (D/N) and Kimber were still in town to get a few things and while everyone was skeptical after he broke into many houses on top of the child molesting story they believed they were relieved when he was being carefully led by Kimber. Everything was going remotely well for all, but as for the day on the ocean there was a noise coming from under the water.


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