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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was after dinner and I was so tired after playing all day and it was nighttime now, so I just really wanted to sleep. Amy wanted me to get ready and clean for bed, but it was too late since i was already comfy on the couch and ready to go to sleep, but she just grabbed me and carried me to her bathroom while Vanila, Cheese, and Cream were in the kitchen talking about something. I was put on the floor before I heard a knock on the door coming from the living room.

Amy-Wait here sweetie. It's bath time when I get back.

(Vanila's POV)

I was about to go answer the door for Amy, but she came back in to go answer the door and I didn't see who she was talking to, but she looked surprised. She talked with whoever was at the door, but I didn't hear it over the water running kinda loud, but when I turned it off since the dishes were clean...

Amy-Please, he's just really tired and I wanna get him ready for bed. Can this wait until morning?

???-Amy... Fine, but we need to talk things over for now. It'll make things quicker tomorrow.


She stepped outside and I guess this was some kind of important business she has, but I didn't see (Y/n) come back out, so I went to where Amy took him and my daughter and Cheese followed me then we soon found him half asleep next to a bath.


Cream walked up to him and shook him a bit and he just let out an adorable little yawn for us before he looked at my daughter.

Cream-Are you ok?

(Y/N)-Yeah... I'm just really *yawn* tired, but Amy wants me to have a bath.

Cream-Well... my mom can help.


I was surprised she said that and I didn't know he needed help with baths from how old he was, but he had nothing to say as he was already about to go back to sleep with all that dirt and some drawings on his hand he did to himself and I can understand Amy will want him clean for bed. My daughter tried to help him up a little, but the best she could do was have him sit on the ledge of the tub and when he was about to fall back and hit his head I acted fast.

Vanila-Oh dear!

I caught him in time before he got hurt and there was no way he was bathe himself like this because he'll just fall asleep in the water of the bath and maybe drown...

Vanila-... Cream dear, can you get a towel ready for him?

Cream-Yes mom.

I couldn't believe I was doing this, but I turned on the water to get started then took all of (Y/n)'s clothes off to put him in the water. My daughter came back in and I found a cup I could use to pour water on his head, but my daughter got to close, so I tried to cover her eyes.

Vanila-Cream honey, you don't need to be seeing this.

Cream-But... I helped before like this... Can I at least help by pouring water on him?

I shuttered a little at when my daughter told me she has seen him like this in a bath and helped, but now I just heard a bit of snoring in the water. He was completely out of energy and i have to hold him above water.

Vanila-Just... be careful.

Cream-I will!

She was happy when I gave her the job to pour water on him while I started to scrub his hair. He was going in and out of sleep just showing how tired he was and when I moved to his body my daughter scratched his back a little and he reacted by tension a little and making a little noise while blushing.

Vanila-Cream, please don't make this harder for him.

Cream-... Sorry.

I would admit that it was cute and when I finished scrubbing the ink and dirt off from the floor and the games we ended up playing outside, he looked better than he did when I arrived. By the time the bath was done, I took him out and Cream gave me a towel to dry him off then wrap him up before I cradled him in my arms. Cream even got close with Cheese to look at him while he fell asleep in my arms again. I felt him nuzzling into me as I stood up then we went back out into the living room and I was about to bring him to Amy's room for a bed, but... I wanted to hold him for just a while longer. The door opened and we all saw Amy look a little drained like she was talking out there the whole time then she looked at us in surprise.


(Amy's POV)

I just got done talking and made it clear that I did not want to show (Y/N) to everyone, but our leader was pretty stubborn about it. We negotiated then just now agreed to the terms that he will be on introduced to her and a small group, but he doesn't have to utter so much as a word, so she and others can handle all of the talking. When I got inside I was caught off guard to see (Y/N ) swaddled in a towel, held by Vanila, and Cream and Cheese were sitting with her as (Y/N) was calming sleeping.

Vanila-I got him cleaned up for you... Also it's getting late and I was thinking we stay the night if it's no trouble.

While I was bothered since I wanted to give him a bath myself I didn't want to come off as rude, so I just agreed and started to get a few blankets and pillows for them out here. Cream was happy to be spending the night and after I gave them everything they will need to sleep, I walked up to Vanila and she just looked at me.


Amy-Can i see (Y/N)? I need to get him into some pajamas for bed.

Vanila-Oh,... how about I help you.

Amy-I can handle it.

Vanila-Well... i'll at least put him on your bed.

I was being patient after I wanted to hold him right then she came to my room with me to put him on my bed and I got some of his clothes while watching her just staring at him while he slept.

(Vanila's POV)

This was actually more challenging than I thought since I already miss him nuzzling into me like Cream did more of when she was a baby. She still loves to cuddle with me, but it was like I becoming a mother to this poor child that lost their home. I noticed Amy coming and getting in the middle of us and unwrapped (Y/N) to get him dressed while he was stirring in his sleep.

Amy-I have to get up early with him. Tomorrow is gonna be a big day for him.

Vanila-Oh, is everything alright?

Amy-Everything is fine, it's just gonna be a lot of talking tomorrow.

She was almost done dressing him and I showed myself out of her room, but I had this feeling of just wanting to go back inside. I desperately wanted to hold him and my daughter would love for him to sleep with us, but that's not fair to Amy...

Vanila's mind-Maybe she might need help watching him tomorrow... Or my daughter can have her turn.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

This morning was happening really fast for breakfast, a bath, getting changed, and everything. Cream's mom helped make food and gave me a hug and kiss goodbye with Cream and Cream even talked a little about her turn with me. Amy was still trying to get ready and I have no idea what was so important, but when we finally got to relax she just had me lay my head on her lap.

(Y/N)-Amy, what's going on?... Are we going somewhere?

Amy-In a bit, but I want you to stay close to me... We're just gonna see a few more friends of mine.

(Y/N)-Are they nice?

Amy-They are very nice and just can't wait to see you. You already met Julie and I have lots of other good friends you haven't seen, yet.

(Y/N)-Like Sonic?

Amy-Yeah,... he's very hard to keep in one place, but you're certain to meet him. Also there's something you need to know. Some of my friends might be a little skeptical of you at first because of mean old Eggman, but you're nothing like him, so they'll like you soon enough.

Just then there was a knock on the door and I felt kinda nervous because I don't want her friends to hate me and I barely meet any new people. She got up and i felt kinda sick to my stomach before she opened the door and let the others in.

Amy-Come in, he's on the couch.

I thought about hiding for a second, but it was too late when I saw them and they saw me, so I just grabbed a pillow to hide behind it a little while they all looked at me.


Amy-Everyone this is (Y/N). Try not to overwhelm him.

Amy came to sit next to me and I scooted against her to feel a little better and waved at her friends. I knew Julie, but I don't know who these other 2 are. The purple cat looked so serious like Bri when she was not messing around and annoyed a little and the chipmunk looked at me like I was a surprise to her a little, while Julie just gave me a normal look.

Amy-(Y/N), the purple cat is Blaze, you met Julie, and this is our leader of the resistance against Eggman, Sally.

Blaze-Let's just get a move on, we have a handful of others waiting.

Sally-Don't rush things. They know it might be a while for a wait.

Sally just got a little closer to me and Amy held me tighter then Sally stopped a few feet in front of me.

Sally-Amy told me so much about you... I just want to talk about a few things, you meet a few good friends of ours, then we're done. Is that ok?

She gave me a warm smile I don't know why, but I felt a tiny bit better and let go of the pillow and stayed close to Amy and she rubbed my head. I only nodded since I still felt too nervous to speak, so I just nodded my head.

Sally-Can you talk?

Amy-I think he's just a little shy. Maybe stick with yes or no questions for now.

(No POV)

Sally was ok with that and got started on asking (Y/N) questions and kept them very simple and easy to answer at first before she got into a little deeper ones she thought he could still handle. The whole time Amy held him tight not only for his comfort, but for her own as well to let the others know that he was hers. Julie and Blaze stayed silent and observed for most of it, but Julie's radio was the others was getting static which was distracting, so she muted it. Not knowing it was actually an attempt to get through the jammers from a robot there was a jail cell in a camp where Eggman was being held until...



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