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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was sitting in the back of an ambulance and they really do give you a blanket and a drink while I tried to tell them everything that happened and I think they mostly believed me at least. I was just happy to be out of there and with all these people around and the sun out, they can't do anything in time without getting caught. I was even going to leave soon and they said do I have anyone I can go home to and I know my mom is gone and I didn't know much about the rest of my family because my mom doesn't talk with them much, so I don't know what's going to happen next. They said I can go to the hospital first to get checked out then let the police try to see if I can have a place to go. When I saw a few police officers go in the building I was put in the back of an ambulance then we started to drive off.

(No POV)

Police officers were searching the building once again to see what else they can find that was new. There a few weird things like a baby stroller with extra straps or more animatronics completely destroyed, but no extra bodies, so far they see the kids story checks out, but when one cop was alone for a while he decided to do a radio check.

Cop-Radio check, what's your status?... Hello, radio check, what's your status?

There was still no answer and soon he made it to a room where the floor was soaked in water and the hallway was wrecked, but he could hear... someone humming a song. He pulled out his gun and slowly walked to the room then when he got in the lights went out making it hard to see, but then the humming turned into singing, so he pulled out his flashlight to try and find the source, but it sounded like it was coming from everywhere.

???-You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me smile when skies are grey. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. I will never let you take my sunshine away.~

The singing went back to humming until that even stopped, leaving our officer in complete silence while he looked

Cop-Who's there?!... COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP?!?!?!

???-... Peekaboo.~ *whisper*

Just then I was hit in the back of the head and fell to the ground then started to feel like I was being dragged somewhere.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in a hospital room getting checked when I keep on telling them that I feel fine, but it took so long I tried to take a nap. The bed in here wasn't as comfy as the one at Vanessa's house, when the pillows and blankets were-...

(Y/N)'s mind-What am I thinking about her like that for?!

I shook it off to close my eyes and go to sleep, but I had no idea why I would ever think about going back to her again.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Doctor's POV)

The child that the police brought in was fine, but the only problem was that was almost had to put him in an orphanage since his mother was deceased. We found a few relatives, but none had the stability or wanted to care for them until we got pointed to a friend of the family. An officer spoke over the phone while I listened in, and she was on her way over and I was told that her name would be Carly. Good thing too because I didn't want to put anyone in an orphanage and while I was working I got called up to the front desk then I walked down there to see the woman that was going to be picking him up.


Doctor-Your name please.

???-It's Carly. I was told something bad happened to (Y/N). Is he alright?

Doctor-He's perfectly fine, but he's just shaken up. Maybe even experienced sever trauma.

???-Oh my god, let me see him.

I lead her to the hospital room and when I opened the door I saw that he was sleeping and I don't blame him since this must've been a long day for him.


She went in to look at him and caressed his cheek while he was still sleeping before she turned and came back to me to get the discharge papers all done. While we were signing them she had a smile on her face that looked genuine and she was beautiful...

Doctor-So uh,... how do you know (Y/N)'s family?

Carly-Oh, his mom and I met at a bar, she needed a ride home after she had a bit too much, my car broke down in front of her house, stayed at her house overnight on the couch, then met her son in the morning. After that we hung out more and I slowly just became like a second mother to him.

Doctor-Well it sounds like he'll need that now more than ever... You know, I know this great restaurant, after you get settled with him of course.

Carly-... I'm flattered, but i'm not in the dating world. I just need to care for my new son right now.

She didn't even look at me the whole time she did paperwork before she put the forms down and left me and I saw where she put her number on the paper. I pondered the thought about calling for a moment and I knew it would be kinda inappropriate, but she just looked so beautiful and I got a thing for blondes... I put her number in my contacts and maybe i'll call her in a few days.

Doctor's mind-Can't hurt to mingle a little.

I processed the papers and when they went through I gave the nurses the ok to let Carly take (Y/N) home with her, but when he woke up, apparently he just had a panic attack and was given medicine to help him sleep on the drive home or so I was told.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

(Roxy's POV)

We were at Vanessa's apartment when it just turned dark out to sneak in wearing trench coats and hats to hide us before we got in. We took care of the cop that told us where (Y/N) was taken and helped us give the others fake info to help us get him back without causing a scene and to make sure he didn't try to be run his mouth, I broke his jaw before Chica buried him alive. Vanessa should almost be here and said she was just getting things for their dinner then we later saw the door open and Vanessa walked in while holding my superstar and a bag of food.


We were so happy to him and Chica took him from here and gave him a hug, but she wasn't really happy about that, but neither were we about being here. After we took care of the cops we wanted to stay at the Megaplex, but Vanessa said it was too big and hard to keep track of him if he won't stay still. This place was smaller, but we have to keep the neighbors from hearing him by putting him in his room and there wasn't much to do here. There was plenty of space for basic stuff, but there was no racing games, no nothing to have real fun with him yet, and the deal was when he behaves and the Megaplex reopens, we can have him live there again.

Vanessa-... Take him to his room and make sure that door is closed. He'll be drowsy when he wakes up, but he can still scream. Just put on a show for him. I have a few streaming channels with lists of his favorite shows and movies... I'm gonna make dinner.

She was clearly bothered by this and we went to the small room that looked like it was meant for a child. Chica got in bed with him and I got on his other side to cuddle him while he was sleeping before I grabbed the remote on the table next to me and turned on the T.V. and show a few apps then choose one called Disney+ and selected the only account then went on a watchlist to see all kinds of shows and movies then picked one called "Star vs The Forces Of Evil".

Chica-*Gasp* Roxy he's waking up!~

I just played the show and saw him slowly opening his eyes then looked a little scared, but mostly sleepy to see us and before he could scream I covered his mouth with one finger. We did our best to calm him down by showing him that a show he liked was on and giving him cuddles. He was too weak to put up a real fight and soon just looked at the window to see it was dark out, but I turned him to the T.V. to watch his show on the first episode. I even let go of his mouth only for him to start crying.

Chica-Honey bunch, what's the matter?~

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* L-Let me go.

Roxy-Superstar.... We would never do something like that. I know you probably just miss our home.~

He just shook his head to try and be difficult then we smelled food, but ignored it to have (Y/N) watch his show and calm down which worked when he ran out of tears then Vanessa came in with what she called dinner.


Vanessa-Oh (Y/N), I made sweet chili tender biters with some ranch.~... Move.


Vanessa-Because i'm feeding him.

Chica-No, I am.

Roxy-I'm sure he wants his auntie right now. Give me the food.

((Y/N)'s POV)

They were all fighting while I was trying to think of a way to escape again, but then I had a good idea and it was right in front of me.

(Y/N)'s mind-If they hate each other, maybe I can use that!


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