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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in the front yard kicking around my soccer ball and even had a goalie net to go for while the girls were on the porch watching me play. When it was time for me to go inside and get ready for bed since the gate lights were on I put everyone inside the house. We already ate some orange chicken and rice we made here that was super easy. Now it was time to get ready for bed and Penelope wanted to give me a bath again and so did Bea like last time, but Courtney said she would take a shower by herself then help me another way. I told Penelope and Bea no at first which made them get a little mad and I didn't want them to be mad at all, so I tried...

(Flashback Start)

(Y/N)-Listen, i'm in charge and big enough to give myself a bath, but since I don't want to make you made because i'm nice... I can let you check me after i'm dry and dressed.


(Y/N)-Ok, um... how about you can dry me off after i'm wrapped in a towel to let you in?


(Y/N)-Um,... you can sit on the other side of the curtain?


(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

They haven't settled on anything, and I was trying to give them enough to be happy with and I even said I would let them watch me wash myself if they want to see me clean, but it wasn't enough.

(Y/N)-Ok, um... You can wash me, but I get to help.

They angry look they gave me said it all and I guess the only way to keep them happy is to let them wash me, but I guess it's hurting nobody, it just makes me feel like a baby.

(Flashback End)

I was in the bath right now and when I even tried to give Bea the body soap, she told me to just never do that again while she sounded like she was kinda worried about me. I just played with my bath toys until Penelope lifted my arms up and it tickled when she scrubbed my armpits. After the bath was over, they dried me off before we went to my room where we saw Courtney sitting on my new big bed and I saw the cat bed in here in case she wanted to sleep in here with me tonight... She said it was ok before, but i'll still let her if she wants to.


Bea-What are you doing in here? I hope you know that I will be the one dressing.

(Y/N)-Huh? I never said you could-.

Bea-Sweetie, not another word. It's for the best.

Courtney-I'm just here to make sure he's tucked in bed after or needs anything.

Penelope-We have that taken care of.

They all started to argue a bit, but I took Courtney's side since they did everything else, and Courtney just wanted to help and if they have a problem with it then they can both be in the cage for 10 timeouts in the morning or something. I didn't want to do it, but I will. They both kinda snickered a bit before they let me have this, but first they rubbed their faces on mine before they left and Courtney was kinda annoyed by that. After they left Courtney tucked me in, made sure my window was locked, turned on my nightlight, gave me a stuffed animal to hold then she rubbed her face on mine while giving me kisses then a hug. I offered to let her sleep in here with me on the cat bed or with me, but she said that she and the others need to talk for a while, so I told her to not stay up too late before she left and I went to sleep.

(No POV)

A man was camping in the woods just outside of town to lay low from police after he just robbed a store for food and money. He started a fire to cook the food he stole while looking at pictures of the family that cut ties with him because he never wanted to get a job or do anything other than lay at home. He thought it was stupid that they tried to make him work against his will and cried out to where his old neighbors heard him say that this was slavery. While he played the story in his head he saw his food was ready to be seasoned over the fire which made the smell strong in the forest.

???-*Sniff* *sniff*.

(Man's POV)

I bet right now my family must be worried sick about me and end up begging me to come home and let me start getting famous on YouTube for playing video games. I thought cleaning my room and doing my homework while I was in high school was bad enough, so I really don't want a stupid job. I just shook it off and looked at my food over the fire and saw it starting to turn more brown and smelled kinda good.

Man's mind-This is just for a few nights and they'll feel bed. What can go wrong?

The food looked done, so I took it away from the fire and had 4 pieces of cooked steak on a stick, but before I could eat... a pair of big hands grabbed me from behind and hit me to make everything slowly go black, but before I passed out I saw a big bare footstep in front of me.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

We all just had breakfast and the girls were getting ready to go out shopping for Courtney while they looked happy about something else that they said was a surprise for me. I was excited for it before they left and I just played in the front yard with my bubbles I get to blow. I just wish I could go inside and make something for a sweet snack, but Bea said if she finds out I was in the kitchen while they were gone I won't get my surprise. I wasn't that hungry anyway, but maybe I did want something sweet. I just played outside while they were gone and thought about everything they did new this morning, like rubbing their bodies all over me and Courtney's boobs made it hard to breath sometimes and I even smelled some of the soap they use on me, Bea wanted to feed me my breakfast and when I said no she did it anyway while the others watched us, Penelope wanted me to play with her, but I spent almost a half hour trying to get the string toy she wanted to play with from her which made me tired, but the weirdest is that when I tried to sit on the couch or even he table when Bea was feeding me, she made sit on her lap which was soft, but so was the couch and chair cushions.

(Y/N)'s mind-Maybe they are just still getting used to their new home and owner... Maybe when they get back, I can try to help them relax. I think my sister liked massages and salt bathes before she left.

While I was playing outside I accidently kicked my ball over the wall, so I had to go out the gate and into the woods to go get it. I got the part of the wall where my ball went over, but I didn't see it and walked a little deeper into the woods to look for it inside a bush or something since it can't be that far. I kept on search and soon heard it bouncing again for some reason, so I went to where the noise came from which was down a hill a little and behind a big tree then I saw someone holding my ball. I thought she was just really tall and strong at first then I saw her tail and ears as she turned a little then saw me, so now I had her full attention.


(Y/N)'s mind-Is she another neko?... She's so tall

She just looked at me kinda mad, but she had my ball, so I walked up to her and she kept her eyes on me with a serious look.

(Y/N)-Um... C-Can I have my ball back, please?

(???'s POV)

The sight of these humans makes me sick after what has happened to me and this small little boy was no different. I even saw the look in his eyes that there was little fear, but fear all the same and he wants this toy of his back. I should crush him like I did to the other human to put him where other hurt or dead humans go to let the humans know that these are my woods now. I used to have an open field, better prey, my tribe, and my freedom, but they took the clothes of my prey that I wore, my tribe, my home, gave me these fancy looking clothes,... and took my dignity.

Gerta's mind-This puny human cub... He is not even worth the effort.

I dropped the toy he wanted and he looked happy before he grabbed it then smiled at me which was different than that human last night when I stole their meal. They finally shut up and ran away when I knocked 4 of their teeth out, but this cub looked like he was unaware that i can really hurt and kill him.

???-Thanks!... I like your clothes. You're the biggest neko i've ever seen. I bet you're taller than your owner.

What he just said really pissed me off, but all I did was bend down while still looking down on him then grabbed his head.

Gerta-What did you just say? Neko and owner?

???-Well... you have a kitty tail and ears and have nice clothes... Did I say something wrong?


He flinched a little and tried to back up when I yelled, but I just stood up when he tripped over himself which was pathetic.

Gerta-I am not one of those nekos and I do not have an "owner"!

???-Wh-What?... Then do you have a home or anyone to-?

Gerta-Not anymore.

When I said that this human cub was about to cry a little, but it wasn't for him... I was getting angry because I don't need or want his pity then he got back up while leaving his toy on the ground.

???-Did you lose your home too?

Gerta-I don't need your pity. Scram.

I just turned and started to walk away, but I heard him running before he grabbed my leg to hug it and his head barely reached above my knee. I turned to see him looking up at me with almost pleading eyes.


???-My name is (Y/N) and I don't know what happened, but if you need a new home... I can try to make room for you. I have 3 other parents and it's just us... You'll have friends and a home.

I was about to yell at him to make him run, but then I thought about everything that happened to me and what I was reduced to doing now. A young human has a home which will be easy to take over and as for him... a human that I will conquer for my own for the other humans to see... He will be under my rule as I take what he has just as the humans did to me, so I picked him up with one arm.

Gerta-Listen. My name is Gerta and you may take me to this home of yours. I will decide what happens there.

He oddly looked happy before I put him down then he picked up his toy and tried to pull me with him, but I just walked because I wasn't going to let him take charge of me for anything.


((Y/N)'s POV)

The girls should be back in a while and I just got down showing Gerta the house, but it was hard to help her understand some things and she almost destroyed the dryer in the laundry room since she it sort of shocked her from the static. I got her to not do it and I took her to the room where the others slept it then she was smelling the place. I guess she was getting used to it, but when she smelled the bed she looked like there was a problem.

Gerta-This is covered in a scent of 3 different females.

(Y/N)-Yeah, Penelope, Bea, and Courtney sleep in here and you can to if you-.

She just walked past me then found my room and I guess if she likes it better in here then she can sleep on the cat bed sometimes, but I might need to get a bigger cat bed. She was smelling my room, but mainly my bed before she pressed on it and I hope she doesn't ruin it because Bea made it for me in the morning to make it look clean.

(Y/N)-Please be careful because Bea might get a little sad if it's ruined... I got a bed pet bed next to my bed if you-.

Gerta just laid on my bed for a bit and bounced a bit before she sat up and smelled.

Gerta-I like this one better.

(Y/N)-Um... I guess I can share my bed since I don't take up that much space.

I tried to get on my bed with her to see how much room would be left if I join her since I like to flip in bed sometimes, but she stopped me from getting on my bed by picking me up.

Gerta-We're going to fight for this bed and house now. I want it.


I was kinda sad and mad for a second, but then I thought about it for a minute and it's her trying to be tough. She must be kidding because she came to live here as my pet and she must like play fighting. I just kinda laughed before I grabbed her arm with both of my hands and she stood up with me dangling off her now.

(Y/N)'s mind-She's fun to play with!

(Gerta's POV)

I could easily win, but i'm just gonna say I won right now, so this is my bed now and this place he calls a house is mine now too. Even as far as I was concerned, everything he "once had" belongs to me, including him. This smile and playful attitude of his was amusing to me while also not telling he wasn't taking me seriously as to I was taking his stuff. I thought about if I should tell him, but if he wants to pretend this is all still his to make him happy, i'll let him think that, but only because I think him swing on my arm and trying to wrestle me down was funny and cute. After a while of gently pinning him down to desperately trying to fight me, he used up all his strength.

Gerta-You have got a lot to learn before you can even think about taking anything back from me.


I guess I can allow him to sleep on my new bed sometimes, but I looked at what he wanted me to sleep on before and there was even a few things called a blanket and pillows next to it, so I tried to copy the bed a little before I had him lay in it and... I liked him here because even this smaller bed was a little big for him.


Gerta-This is where you can sleep now and I get the bigger and higher bed. I like this attitude of yours, so you can sleep with me sometimes, all thanks thought of, got it?

(Y/N)-*Laughs* Rawr!

He jumped up from his blanket and tried to push me down and punch my stomach and even a cub from my tribe could hit harder. He actually made me laugh a little myself as I stood up with him in my arm while he was still trying to fight me in a playful way.

Gerta-Alright, now let's bathe. I want to fell that water on me again.

I took him to a place he calls the bathroom and he helped me turn on the warm water again before I took these clothes off and he was looking at my abs in amazement and I don't mean to brag, but I was the fourth strongest where I was from. When I got him ready to get in with me he said he already had a bath, but he was staying with me rather if he likes it or not. I own him now. While I was bathing with this soap stuff that smelled like flowers which I didn't really like that much, I watched him splash puddles with his hands and I liked it.

(Y/N)-Hey Gerta, do you think I can fight others? I would be like bam and wham!


I started to think about him getting into a fight with someone bigger than him and the winner would never be him since it looks like he never raised so much as a fist seriously to hurt someone. The thought of someone hurting my new property really bothered me and while he was punching and kicking the air and water still he fell back and I found it funny while he was laughing a little at himself, but at the same time if he got in a real fight like this...


(Y/N)-Um... Are you ok?

I just pinned him slowly and gently under one foot of mine to keep him down and used my tail to rub his cheek.

Gerta-You're not allowed to hurt yourself and the same goes for others or I will be very mad, understand?

(Y/N)-... Well I don't like serious fighting... I like fun fighting with you.

Gerta's mind-You are very lucky I own you now and I take care of my things.

(Penelope's POV)

We got a good number of outfits for Courtney, so we were done with her shopping, but now we had one more thing to get for (Y/N) that I talked the others into. We all had our own thing to be picky about thought, Bea said no spikes, Courtney wants it to me kinda loose, and I want something cool looking that only lets us know his place with him feeling hurt or think we don't love him and soon we found something.


Penelope's mind-Oh (Y/N), I can't wait to put this around your neck.~


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