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((Y/N)'s POV)

It's been 3 days and there was nothing to do at this cabin anymore, so I tried asking to go outside and see if there was a lake of something to swim in, but Carmelita and Neyla said that we can't do that and will have to set up something. They said it might take a while and that was yesterday, so I was gonna ask if we can see if we can go swimming today. It was during breakfast, but I thought Neyla would still be mad that Carmelita slept in my room with me every night when I couldn't sleep alone in my room. She even cuddled me after she noticed I was thinking about cuddling her or not because I thought since she wasn't my mom, but I don't think she cared and just wanted to help me. This also makes Neyla just take me from her first thing in the morning to help me get ready and they both tried to hide the fighting, but I notice it. Right now, we just finished breakfast and are in the living room while I was just sitting on the couch with both of them by my sides... Maybe while they are not fighting, I can ask.

(Y/N)-... Hey... Is there anything about the lake or swimming somewhere?

Carmelita-That might take a few more days honey. I'm sorry, but we need to make sure while you are swimming, nobody sees you. It will happen, just not this second.

Neyla-You think with a secret human being top priority, they would make time to look down a part of the woods or clear out an indoor pool somewhere or something.

Carmelita-Him being a secret and his health is top priority to Interpol. Everything else is up to who is assigned to him.

Neyla-Well staying inside and being bored is a fine way to get cabin fever. I say we take him to a lake or something today.

Carmelita-Interpol won't allow it without proper precautions.

Neyla-And that's why we don't say anything.

Carmelita-Do you know how dangerous that is? It just one photo or citizen spreading rumors on the street and we have a crowd at our doorstep!

Neyla-So what you want to do is wait for however long and let our little human here be miserable? Because it should be that hard to sneak to a lake nearby... How about it little guy?

I really did want to go swimming, but I feel like Carmelita will get mad or they both could get in trouble if something goes wrong. They could both see that I really wanted to go then Neyla leaned over to scratch my chin while she smiled.

Neyla-Doesn't swimming sound so fun? When was the last time you went and why wait longer?~

Carmelita held me a little tighter and thought this would mean that she would say no again then I think she looked down at me.

(Carmelita's POV)

Going outside without proper precautions to make sure he's not seen will just be reckless and if anything goes wrong, the punishment falls on my head first. On the other hand I can see with hardly much to do in this small cabin is making him want to go out and do something and it was just making him depressed on top of whatever else he's feeling since I even had to say no to going to see his parents a few times and this is all getting ridiculous,... but as ashamed as I should be, I hardly try to get him to his parents and they should be getting the females pregnant by now. I did want to do something about this, but what was the final straw was when Neyla got closer... he held his hands out a little wanting her.

Carmelita's mind-He wants her?! Is it because of her sweet words?!... No, you should only be wanting me!

I just put him down and got on my knees to have him look at me in a way to show him I was serious.

Carmelita-We can go to the lake today, but if we are, you need to stay close and do what I say.

He looked at me with hope in his eyes that I loved to see and this was risky, but it was worth it... and I had an idea.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was so happy that we were all in bathing suits and going to a lake right now where there's no people, but right now I was covered in a very long leather coat we found in the cabin the was dragging behind me to hide me. We soon got to the lake and Carmelita told Neyla to check to make sure it was safe for me to take this coat off and after 10 minutes she said the coast was clear, so I slipped out of the coat and I was just in the swimming trunks Carmelita got for me then I turned to see them both take off their coats before I just ran into the water.


The water was kinda cold, but I didn't care and went under water as soon as I could then I saw the others walking into the water, so I came back up.

Neyla-I didn't know you were going to go as far as to do role play?

Carmelita-This is not roleplay! This is all I had... Before I joined law enforcement, I was a lifeguard at 16.

Neyla-Have you always been a stickler on enforcing rules yourself?

She just rolled her eyes and to keep them from fighting I splashed them a little before I ran deeper in the water while they were just getting used to the cold water. I just laughed a little then got to a part where I can swim, but I can only go slow since I don't know how to go fast. Just then Carmelita came over and held both of her hands under my belly to lift me out of the water a bit while I laid down.

Carmelita-Did your parents teach you to swim?... It's easy, but just take it one step at a time. Let's start by kicking your feet.

(Neyla's POV)

I watched as the former lifeguard was giving swimming lessons to a human and I was getting a feeling that didn't want to make me just sit here and watch. I just wanted to take her spot, but that would be too obvious. I had another idea, so I went up to the front of (Y/N) was his was kicking his feet to splash in the water then took his hands before I started pulling on him gently to come with me and he looked actually happy for the first time since I met him.

Neyla-Come on, try swimming faster by doing this.~

I motioned his arms to paddle them and soon let him take control and when the fox let him go i did too to back up and he was swimming better than he did before. He was come to me, so I opened my arms and he swam into me, so I pulled him into my arms to hold him.

Neyla-Well look at you. Swimming all by yourself.~

Carmelita-Well there's more for him to learn. Let me see him.

Neyla-You aren't the only one that knows how to swim.

Carmelita-Well I taught a few classes, so i'm more experienced in teaching children.

(Y/N)-Well... Why can't you both do it?

We just looked at each other and I know he just hates us fighting, but...

(No POV)

They both were giving him lesson after lesson that basically made it a competition between the both of them without him knowing. He was getting tired after an hour out there since they lost track of time to the point where he was so tired, by the time they got dried off he fell asleep in the arms of Neyla and she found out that all this time, he was a cuddlier in his sleep. Carmelita was mad since she already knew this and wanted him to herself on the walk home while Neyla kept him covered up and hidden, but what they didn't know was that for the past 25 minutes... a chicken had been watching them and was heading off somewhere to report this.

(Timeskip To Night)

(???'s POV)

I was working on some more charms and brews for store just like any other night when all that got interrupted by one of my minions coming back after a long trip to keep an eye on a few far away areas. They were exhausted at first before I gave them a little something and they told me a tale that sounded completely ridiculous and I was about to dismiss them, but they subjected themselves to one of my lie detecting techniques... I put them to the test and had them tell me the story all over again from the beginning and the whole story was true.

???-A human lives and breaths?!... This will be what makes my name go in history and Interpol will not care come near me or do a thing to stop me!... Get a few of our best and we head out immediately! I'm not letting this chance slip through my claws!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Neyla and Carmelita wanted to play a game where I eat snacks they feed me blindfolded and I have to guess and it took me until I got a full stomach, but Carmelita was feeding me a grilled cheese and ham dipped in tomato soup and Neyla fed me chocolate covered raspberries. After a bath that they both gave me which was very uncomfortable we all tried to go to bed and i was just about to go to my room, but Neyla stopped me.

Neyla-What don't you just sleep with Carmelita and I tonight. You're always too scared to sleep alone and why bother getting up to come get us when you can be with both of us.

(Y/N)-Um... Ok, but-.

Carmelita-Perfect, now it's bedtime.

She picked me up and took me to their bed and put me in the middle of them and I had their arms wrap around me from both sides and we all started to fall asleep... During the night though, I thought about how my parents must be doing and why aren't they up by now?

(Y/N)'s mind-I'll just ask Carmelita or Neyla to talk to their boss tomorrow on speaker, so i can hear it.


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