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(Jasmine's POV)

I had all of my clothes for (Y/N) done and packed up to take to Lazarus's house and it was very early in the morning by the time I woke up from a short nap after staying up late. I couldn't help but finish my last piece of art for the little guy. I was tired when I woke up, but nothing like splashing my face with cold water gets me up after a long and tiring night. I took a nice relaxing bath before I got dressed to head over to Lazarus's house and it was still kinda cold outside and my clothes weren't meant to keep warmth, but it'll warm up later. I made it to her house and knocked on her door since she's usually up this time for her garden job. I tried to knock 3 other times before I looked in the window and saw nobody was inside or up. I left to go see if anyone knew anything and if I get nothing, she might be sick in bed. When I asked around from the few that were out they said that they saw Lazarus and her son heading over to Lucinda's and looked kinda ready for it or maybe the no clothes thing was for her son.

Jasmine's mind-I didn't know Lazarus could be that straight forward.

I mean going out with no clothes for warmth isn't warm enough for that yet, so it must be for her son, but to go over to Lucinda's, even if it was for Jenny, you're not getting out of Lucinda's sights and she never takes no for an answer. By the time I made it over there and knocked on the door the door soon opened and I saw Lucinda was, but looked very tired since she wasn't an early morning person... Looked like she had a night with Lazarus though.


Lucinda-Oh, what is *yawn* it Jasmine?

Jasmine-I can to look for (Y/N). I just finished making a new wardrobe for him.

Lucinda-Well, you can take it up with his mother, but she's out cold right now.

Jasmine-Somehow that doesn't surprise me.

I gave her a look and she smiled before she and blew me a kiss then let me in her home and with all the candles lit, it smelled nice in here. My sights soon turned to a little fort of in the living room and when I peaked inside I saw Jenny was spooning (Y/N) and they looked so adorable together!


I just wanted to go in and snuggle the both of them, but I decided to let them sleep and sat on the couch with my stuff. Lucinda was in the kitchen and came out with some coffee and she knows I don't drink that stuff as I prefer tea.

Lucinda-So what do you got for the little guy?

Jasmine-I have a few regular designs, some with handles you can safely pick him up by, and I also got-.

(Lazarus's POV)

I woke up to hearing voices outside of the hall, so I tried to get up, but it was a little hard to walk right now. When i made it to the living room I saw the fort where the children were sleeping and Lucinda and Jasmine were sitting and talking on the couch until they saw me.



Lazarus-Oh, good morning and to you too Jasmine.

Jasmine-Hey, I got all my cloth designs for your son and wanted to try them all on him.

Lazarus-With all due respect, I just don't think it's a good idea because I just got him tolerating this. If I move back so soon, i'll just be back to where I started.

Jasmine-Oh,... but what if we made it to where he was still being exposed in front of everyone?

I really didn't want to chance things, but I was curious about what she meant by that. Just then the children were starting to wake up from all of our talking.

((D/N)'s POV)

I woke up next to the sight of Kimber sleeping on the other side of the bed, but I just got up to get something to eat. After I got some fruit in a bowl I just went outside and decided to go on a walk and see what I can find on the trail. I went over all my choices and it's very clear that none of these women believe the truth and I could just go along with what they think then start working for their trust and everything that took from me, but that will involve saying I molested my son and possibly getting more resented. With that idea thrown out the window I made it back to the beach to just stare into the ocean. The memory of what happened before came to mind and I have no idea how something like this is even possible because if whirlpools keep you from getting out then the current should keep you from getting in.

(D/N)'s mind-Nothing on this damn island makes any sense.

Just then I got smacked in the back of the head and I held it in pain then turned to see it was Kimber and she was kinda made at me.


Kimber-No waking me up to tell me where you were going, no note, no clue, no nothing! You're lucky I decided to check the trail first or I would have run back to town and others might've worried! If you get into trouble, I get into trouble too!

I was about to say something, but she took me and threw me over her shoulder before she grabbed my bowl full of fruit to walk off with me.

(D/N)-Hey, put me down!

Kimber-No! If you're gonna run off like that then it's clear I need to keep a better eye on you! We're going home, we're taking a bath, and you're not setting foot outside without me!

The whole walk home was her ranting about rules and how worried she was like I was something she lost after working hard for it. I was tossed on the bed when we got home and she started to strip down quickly for the bath then worked on me. The whole time while I tried to get her to stop it only got her more angry until we were clean then she took me to the couch and held me very tight in her arms and legs.

(D/N)-I won't the house, so let me-!


She slammed my face in her boobs and I would find this kinda enjoyable, but the part that would make me enjoy this more was gone. Women here are fucking nuts which made me think about what was happening to my son right now.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I kinda got what I wanted to wear clothes again, but this was not what I had in mind. Jasmine made normal clothes, but mostly it was swimming suits, pajamas, jackets for cold days, and these were fine, but there was one problem... They had handles on them, so right now I was being passed around town while being held like a bag they can all just adore. A strap was holding my head while I was looking up at the sky and everyone wanted to hold me or give me love by kissing me or something. This was almost as embarrassing as not wearing clothes because at least not everyone was swarming me and carrying me like I was bag. Jasmine had other clothes she wanted me to try on and see how they look, but they were basically meant for this, so now everyone can hold me like this whenever they want.

Woman#1-Jasmine, I love this!

Woman#2-Look how cute he looks like that!~

Jasmine-Well I do love to out do myself.

For the next hour others kept on making me change just to carry me like a bag some me, but the worst was the special onesie pajamas and as much as I hate to say it... It was actually fuzzy, warm, and cozy. When Lazarus took me back she took my clothes to put them in a bag then started to walk to her house and Jasmine came with us. When we got home Lazarus gave me to Jasmine then looked at her clothes.

Lazarus-Jasmine, if you could... It's for my son.

Jasmine-Um... It doesn't cover much, does that count for something?

Lazarus-Jasmine, please.

Jasmine-But I love this outfit. I bet (Y/N) finds it dazzling... Oh come on, it took me 4 days to find everything I needed for this outfit.

Lazarus-Jasmine, you know what he needs to work on and this way, it helps him feel better. Even a few friends did this for him.

Jasmine-... *Sigh*... I'll lose the bottoms, but the top stays, take it or leave.


When Jasmine put me down to take off her bottom part of her bathing suit or something before she picked me back up then Lazarus went to put my clothes away. We sat on the couch together and she started to coo me and I tried to ask her to stop, but that only made her do it more.

Jasmine-Awww, I just wish I got to take you home! I could dress you up all day long and those adorable pajamas I made you-!...~

She leaned into my ear for this like she was going to whisper something to me.

Jasmine-I had a hook put on a support beam about my bed. If you ever spend the night at my place, I can just push you all night long... I might even suggest one for others, but only after i do it first.~ *Whisper*

I pictured it in my head and since that onesie was warm and it did have long and short handles... She could swing me and my face blushed at the thought which made her kiss my cheek.

(Y/N)'s mind-I just want to leave. It's all just too much.

(No POV)

One a part of the island, a certain elephant woman left her home to go shopping while holding her daughter in one arm. For the past few days she never even let Fawn touch the ground and Fawn was not against this. While they were heading to town Fawn talked about wanting to see he friends again and Dixie was against this at first, but compromised into only seeing one friend. Of course Fawn had one friend in mind...



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