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(Amy's POV)

It was no surprise that he couldn't handle this walk and he wanted me to carry him with a piggyback ride which was nice and I as getting tired, but I wanted to see have fun with me just a little longer. I just kept on running with him as much as I could before I found a place good enough for us to rest and Cream's house should be nearby, but he can see her later. Right now, I sat him down on a log before I turned to look at him smiling at me and I couldn't help, but poke his nose a little then wiggle it.


Amy-Awww. Wait here while I just go splash my face with some water. We should be at my home soon where there's the giant chocolate just for you.~

He looked happy to hear that and I kissed his cheek before I went to the river nearby to help wake myself up a little and rest.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was sitting on this log, waiting for Amy to come back when I saw a weird kind of bird I never saw before and I wanted to follow it, but Amy said... Maybe as long as i'm by and it's the way she went too, so I don't see a problem. I just got up to go look at the bird in the tree and it went from tree to tree to get berries and I wasn't paying much attention to where I was going until the bird flew away then I saw... the trail was kinda far, so I had to run to get back to the log, but just then something metal poked my back then something else happened that made me scared.

???-Don't. Move... Who are you? One of Eggman's people or something?

(Y/N)-*Whimper* I-I don't know wh-what you're t-t-t-talking about... I'm (Y/N) and-.

???-Turn around slowly. Put your hands up too.

I felt them back up and I turned while kinda crying then saw who it was that was doing this to me and I just wanted Amy or anyone to come and help me.


I looked at the meal parts of her and wonder if she was part robot, but I looked into her eyes when she only blinked then went to look at her gun.

???-Relax, it's just a stun pistol, but I would still stick to the truth. Do you know Dr. Eggman?

I shook my head no, but I did hear that name before when I first came here and I never met them before. She looked like she got a little more angry before she put her gun away.

???-Where was Amy taking you? I don't know what you 2 were saying or doing, but I saw you trying to get away.

(Y/N)-I-I was just-!


We both turned and saw Amy walking over here, so I ran to her and got behind her a bit and she took my hands to pull me into a hug.


Julie-Amy, who is this?

Amy-This is (Y/N) and I want to ask what you were doing that made him scared like that?

Julie-You know we have to interrogate potential allies of Eggman. He-.

Amy-Is nothing like Dr. Eggman! He is from another world and I took him from his old home, so he's mine now and I don't need you threatening him!

(Julie's POV)

She seemed very defensive and i'm not very good at talking about this stuff sensitively and I really don't want to fight Amy. I need someone else to do this, but i'll try to not leave off on a bad note with Amy to not hurt our friendship. I just put my hands up and she reacted by holding this kid tighter like she wanted to do with Sonic for a long time.

Julie-I can't say I completely understand, but i'll trust you on this.

Amy-... I look past this, this time. Just don't do it again.

She pulled him away with her and I decided to head off to, but when I turned back I saw them back on the trail and she was checking him, but practically doting on him. (Y/N) also looked happy to have her dote on him and I don't even know to include that in the report.

(Amy's POV)

I was asking (Y/N) exactly what she did and friend or not, after what I heard, she's lucky I don't try to go back and smash her into the ground... Given our last fight and other matches we had, she was still stronger, but at the very least she will know I won't let it stand. While we were walking down the trail again there was the village Cream lived in that got (Y/N)'s attention, but it looked like he didn't want to go there because he was too shy. Lucky for him I live a bit of ways away from the villages in a less populated area. On the way past the village though...


We both turned to see Cream and Cheese and they were very happy to see us.


She wrapped (Y/N) in a hug and he looked happy to see her too and she even pulled him down to his knees to hug him around his neck. She broke it while holding both of his hands.

Cream-I'm so happy you're here! You can see my mom now!

Amy-Actually, he's still needs to get used to things and others too because we just had a misunderstanding just a bit ago... Maybe you can bring your mom by my place later.

Cream-Is he ok?

Amy-He's fine, but we have to go before something else happens.

(Y/N)-Bye Cream.

He waved her goodbye as we walked away and I was so happy at how good he was being since he wanted to come here all by himself, given he doesn't know we can't really and won't be sending him back. When we made it to my house we got inside and I showed him to room and my bed was actually a good size for him now that I look at it. Soon he laid eyes on the chocolate bar I had for him, so I broke off a piece and since it wasn't cold, it didn't leave any on me. He took it to enjoy his treat and I took this chance to have him lay bad with his head on my lap and he let me play with his hair, ears, and nose while he just giggled at me and told me it tickles sometimes. When he finished the bit of chocolate I gave him he sat up and turned to me.

(Y/N)-Do you have any games here?

I thought about it and I do have a bit of board games I keep on raining days or maybe have company over to play with sometimes, but other than that, nothing. Most of my time is spent outside and I need to ease him into it since Julie mistook him for being associated with Eggman and others might too.

Amy-I have a few board games, but there more for slumber parties. We can play them though.


(Timeskip 20 minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

During the game I had to do 9 dares when I landed on those spaces and it was mostly telling secrets or hug or kiss another player or something like that. This games was meant for girls since it looked all girly and Amy said she hasn't played this in a while and it was with 3 other girls. I was 5 more spaces to win, but I rolled a 4 and landed on another spot, but this one "golden dare".

(Y/N)-What's this one?

Amy-Oh, you got unlucky. These dares are the worst. Take one of the yellow cards.

I took one and we didn't touch them at all since there was only 3 of these spaces for the whole game, but what could be so bad after some of the mushy secrets I had to tell...

(Y/N)-Find a person outside of the game and... give them a kiss on the cheek. I can't do that.

Amy-Guess we'll just have to settle for m-.




Just then she got up and I hid behind the couch a little while peaking out and when she opened the door I saw Cream and Cheese at the door and there was someone else who must be Cream's mom.


(Vanilla's POV)

My daughter was so excited for me to meet this new creature since they are good friends and when Amy let us inside I looked around for this little boy my daughter talks of so much. I was told he was like a nicer, smaller, and cuter version of the very Dr. Eggman that kidnapped my daughter. When I saw something come out from behind the couch I saw Cream and Cheese both hug him and got him to lay on the couch with her and lay there head on her lap then they looked at me.


I saw very little resemblance to the evil doctor other than the same race as him. My daughter was petting his head and he was letting her as I got closer and knelt down for him to turn his head to me.

Vanilla-Well hello there. You must be (Y/N), correct?

(Y/N)-Um... Y-Yes.

I could see in his eyes that he was a very sweet and shy child right now then suddenly Cheese took my hand and guided it to his head and his hair felt so soft. He even blushed a little at my touch and I couldn't help but smile at this.

Vanilla's mind-How adorable.~

Cream-Amy, can we stay for dinner?

Amy-I don't see why not, but I think it will best if (Y/n) stayed inside for now and go out when there's not a lot of others out there.

Cream-Well... Can we play that game?

She pointed to a board game on the floor and I did not recognize this game that much, but it looked friendly enough, but Amy smiled as she got in front of it.

Amy-Maybe we can find another board game.

(Y/N) looked confused as the game was packed away to bring out a new one and I wanted to get to know this human a little more. I also wondered other things too, like what was his side of the story coming here or how he meet my daughter, or... Since my daughter was petting him like that... I started to pet his head too and he seemed to love it, but when the other game out we all set it up on the table to play and the little boy was in the middle of Amy and I.

Vanilla-What a cute little boy... I'll try to talk to him alone later.


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