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(Chica's POV)

My baby was just so amusing to watch while he was asleep and I know he needs to wake up and eat soon, but it would be a crime to wake a cute face like this up. I bet he's dreaming of his mommy just giving him so much loving and I just hope i'm not letting him down in his dream either. Soon I heard a knock on the door, so I just laid (Y/N) down and tucked him in another blanket to keep him still before I went to answer the door, but this time there was pounding on the door. I looked back to see (Y/N) stirring a bit and I saw if Roxy thought it was ok to pound on the door while she knows he was tired and could be sleeping, i'm going to stun her with my scream while only I get to feed him, but if it's anyone else, they better hope it doesn't lead to my baby waking up or I will tear them to fucking shreds! I opened the door to see Freddy then pushed him back a little to let the door closed with us outside, so (Y/N) doesn't here this.


Chica-What the hell do you think you're doing?! If (Y/N) wakes up because of you, so help me-!

Freddy-I am to return (Y/N) to his mother.

Chica-You're looking at her. Now go!

Freddy-... I am to return (Y/N) to his mother.

I was confused for a second before he pushed me out of the way to make me fall to the ground. I tried to screech and stun him, but he covered my mouth before he threw me farther and into the middle of the room. I was recovering as fast as I could, but then I heard screaming before I looked to see Freddy holding my baby and the worst part he was even holding him completely wrong.


He was kinda upside down while stuck in his blanket, completely unsupported, scared, and crying... AND THAT REALLY PISSES ME OFF!!!


My screaming stunned him a little, but he was just barely moving, so I rushed up to him to quickly snatch my baby from him the use my body to slam him into the window of Monty's room, shattering the glass. My baby was still crying and I just decided to take him back to Roxy's room to tuck him in, but now he was thrashing in a panic. I can't get him to be still and soon Roxy came through the door and almost dropped the 6 pizza's she had with her on the ground to come running over to (Y/N).


Roxy-What happened?!

Chica-Freddy came in here and tried to take (Y/N) away from us, that's what happened!

*Glass shatter*

(Vanessa's POV)

I saw everything happen on camera and after I saw how Freddy was handling my baby I was partly to blame for his behavior, but i'll be detaching his head to leave him to rot here as punishment. I felt like he deserved far worse, but he is helping me get my baby back from these hollow robots. He was actually handling them quiet well for being alone, but I looked at the corner of my eye into a reflection of a small mirror to see how gloomy and sweaty i look.


I was somewhat ready, but maybe I could wipe my face clean and add a little perfume before I take my baby back home. I stepped away for a bit to clean up as best as I could in here then grabbed my mask before I looked at the screen, but... all the animatronics were going at it with each other while my baby was nowhere to be seen in the screen. I was worried before I realized that this what a good thing because now I could take him while everyone is busy.

Vanessa-Where are you honey?~

I searched a few cameras and saw he was back in the clothes Roxy and Chica like him in, but I paid more attention to where he was and where he was heading. When I found out where he was closest to I decided to open a few doors remotely while locking all the others. I don't think I need Vanny for this one, so it looks like i'm getting changed again.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was free and running down these halls, but I tried to open any door out of the room I could find and most of them were locked. I soon made it to a room that looked kinda familiar, but when I got to the stage, I knew where I was.

(Y/N)-Chica of the sea... I thought this stage broke and flooded the whole room.

I saw they didn't even fix the glass yet since it was still broken, but I tried to find a way out and when I saw all the doors were locked, I tried to go back the way I came, but now that door won't open. I was stuck in here and soon heard voices outside the door, so I stayed quiet. I tried to find or think of a way out of here. I looked at the pipes and bars here and they looked like I could climb them, but when I started to climb my foot pushed something down on accident to make it spin then I heard running water. I was about to fall, so I tried to get my footing a few more times which made me turn the wheel more and more water came out faster.

(Y/N)-Come on!

Just then the pipe exploded with tons of water coming and I already saw where the seats were, were all flooded in water and it was reaching the stage. I was going to be in so much trouble for so many reasons, but just then I heard something through the running water.

???-Oh, sweetie pie.~

I looked to see "her" coming from the backstage and smiling at me as she walked closer to me while I backed up.


Vanessa-Well just look at the mess you made... I guess it won't matter in time when I shut off the water, but why don't you come with me.~

I suddenly ran and jumped into the water and tried to swim as fast as i could to get away and maybe if I can last long enough I can reach a door to the roof or something through a hatch since all stages have them when he performed in a play at his school and sang with his class. I saw her swimming in the water after me, so I dove under and tried to go under the seats and slip past her and it did work until I had to come up for air. The water was just reaching the stage which meant this was still a long time and Vanessa looked kinda mad while she was coming for me faster this time.

(Chica's POV)

After Roxy and I took care of Freddy we both went to where we saw (Y/N) go and we thought we would've had to try all doors, but there was a trail of open ones while others were locked. We made it to my old personal stage door to hear running water in it now that we didn't here the last time we walked by. It was very suspicious, so since we couldn't get in, we decided that she would try to get the door open while I went to where the railings were since that door isn't locked with electricity. When I made it inside I saw the whole room was flooding, and over the sound of waves I knew who was in here...

Vanessa-Just hold still and we'll get out of here and then we are going back home!

(Y/N)-Stay away from me!

Without hesitating i jumped into the water and kinda excited o try out my new feature of this new body of mine.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was cornered and couldn't swim fast anymore except for pushing off the walls as Vanessa was slowly coming to me like she was playing with me before she catches me. Just then she was suddenly pulled away from me and under the water before someone else came jumping out of the water.


I have no idea what was going on, but I tried to swim somewhere she can't get me, but after I pushed off the wall I saw her go under water and not even 5 seconds later I was grabbed and brought back above the water. Chica covered my face in kisses as I felt her "fin" tickle my feet to make me laugh a little before she stopped.

(Y/N)-H-How did you get a fish tail?!

Chica-Do you like it? It's a new programable matter function whenever i'm in a body of water.

Just then I saw the water going down and we were being sucked down and out of the big doors here. When made it out of the room while she was holding me tightly, but when we made it out of the water while sliding on the floor I saw Chica turning back to normal. As we kept on sliding she hit a wall and while she was stun I slipped out of her arms and further down the hall. Water carried me down further and water was getting into my eyes, so I had the closed as I tossed and turned before I grabbed on to a wall or something and tried to pull myself in. More water carried me a bit more to where I was doing, but I finally stopped.

(Y/N)-*Cough* *cough* *cough* *cough*... Where am I now?

I looked too see where I was and I was near the main stage area again as water poured into it. I tried to get up as fast as i could and run since Chica and the others might find me soon.

(No POV)

When the room was finally empty of water and Roxy and Chica were both swept away to unknown places by the raging water Vanessa was left pinned under junk where Chica put her to die...

Vanessa-... *Cough* *cough*.

(Roxy's POV)

I was pinned under the doors by the sudden burst of water hitting me and when i got up I went to look for Chica and see if she had our baby and I saw here kinda dizzy with a hard time getting up.


Roxy-Any luck?

Chica-I hit the wall and let go of him, but he should be near the main stage area. Vanessa was there too and... she didn't make it.

I didn't care about her and helped Chica up to go get our baby and make sure he was alright.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I made it the elevator and went to the lobby to hide in the office or something since it was so obvious, they might not look there. It's also by the front door, so the second they open, I can get out. When I made it there I went into the security room to sit on a bench where I first fell asleep here, but I tried not to think about that. I looked at the time and saw it was 6:23 now and I was getting hungry, but soon I started to hear sirens.

(No POV)

There has been a report of a pipe burst as well as an alarm going off then stopped before others could respond and just thought it could be a fluke, but with more suspicious activity they decided to check out the building and warrant was already given to them due to the massacre here before. They safely cut through the glass and metal shutters to get in and the first few were 3 officers with their hands on their weapons, but were surprised when they saw a boy come out and they saw he looked soaked and scared, but ran to them.


Just as the police were talking to the boy Chica and Roxy reached the lobby through the elevator only to witness the sight of a cop and paramedics wrapping the boy in a blanket and taking them. Vanessa was also up and about to just follow Roxy and Chica while she checked her phone connected to the cameras and saw the sight of this too. Here baby was being taken away and there was no way she could do this alone. By the time the elevator doors opened Roxy and Chica turned to see Vanessa still soaked and looking at her phone before she fell to her knees. Both of the animatronics eyes were glowing in rage and were about to go down there and take their baby back by force, but then...

Vanessa-Wait!... I have another idea.


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