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((Y/N)'s POV)

This morning was fun with 2 pets and they both get along really well, and I wanted to give them treats, but we already had breakfast then wanted to leave the house to go shopping after, so i'll do it when we get back. I wanted to get some more toys and Penelope even showed me how to use an ATM machine by me giving her my pin code,... but I just couldn't see the buttons because I was too small. They took $250 for them and they gave me $50 to go spend on toys for them. I wanted to get the best I could for $50. Everything was expensive and they gave me a little bit because they said that we have lots of money and they have other ideas on what to get, like my new bed they got me and it was a full size. I wanted a king sine it sounded cool, but they said it would be too big. I went back to looking for toys and they didn't have that much stuff for nekos where that cat stuff was, but that was because they like most of the same things. I grabbed a few things that looked good before I went to pay for them and had $3 left, so maybe I can buy a candy bar or something on the way home. I know Bea said to go straight home, not to talk to strangers, and all that safety stuff, but I don't think one stop can hurt.

(Y/N)'s mind-This will be quick.

While I was leaving a few of the girl workers were looking at me with smiles and were even whispering to each other. I just left to make a quick trip to the gas station and got a big pack of Life Savers then left the store before...


I looked to where the yelling came from and I heard arguing around the corner and there was 2 people in a day alley and it was kinda hard to see them.

Man-We were just a little tipsy! We didn't mean it!

???-If you were really sorry then you would've listened to my note and stayed away from me!

Man-And where are you gonna go?! You'll end up back in a pound or pet store!

???-At least I would be away from you and your perverted bullshit! Stop following me or I will get the police involved and if i'm going in a pound after this, you'll be going to jail!... *sobbing*

Man-Courtney, get back here this instant!


I saw her coming this way and her crying made me worried as I hid behind a mailbox. I soon heard the crying get farther away and when I looked I saw the crying woman go into the park then I looked down the alley to see the man walking away.

(Courtney's POV)

I just wish he took the hint the first time because now the memories from last night were flooding my head and I just wanted them to stop. I just sat under a tree to cry while having my tail wrapped around me and soon I heard footsteps and it was probably that perverted dumbass again. I just ignored them, but soon I felt a tiny hand grab my knee to shake me a little and there was no way it was "him", so I took my face out from my knees and hands to see a little boy and he looked worried about me.


He had a bag that he put down next to me and he moved up a little closer to me.

???-Are you ok?

Courtney-*Sniffle* I'm fine.

???-I heard you and your owner fighting... He left, so I thought you might need some help still.

Courtney-Who cares about him?! He never really wanted me for me, he just wanted me for this!

((Y/N)'s POV)

She uncurled her whole body to show me what she was talking about and besides her cat ears, cat tail, her pretty hair, and her very clean skin, I don't know what else she could be talking about.


Courtney-Go ahead and look at them, it's all anyone else is gonna see me as!

I mean... I guess her clothes didn't cover up a lot, but there's nothing a trip to the store can't fix, but then I saw her bag and there were more clothes in it, so she's fine for now. She just curled back up and I felt sorry for her since Penelope and Bea had bad owners too that hurt them or made them cry. I just gave her a hug around her shoulders and she looked at me.

(Y/N)-I don't think there's anything wrong with you. I think you're pretty your tail, ears, and hair color are very pretty, so... you don't have to listen to what your mean owner said.

She looked a little confused before she stood up to look down to me while she pent over and pointed at her shirt.

Courtney-No, everyone only cares about me because of this!

(Y/N)-... Your tie?... Like a businesswoman or something?

Courtney-Don't make me say it! You know what exactly i'm talking about! What else would you be staring at right now! Just look at me!

She spun around a little and I was trying to figure out what she was talking about me wanting to look at her for. I had to think fast and if I can find out, I can help her,... but I have to guess right.

(Y/N)-... Umm... Your shiirrrrt... maybe your nails are a little... you know how people love to look at... oh, your ears and tail, you want them to look a little more fluffy or dye them a different color!

(Courtney's POV)

He crossed his arms like he was proud of his answer, but he was not only wrong,... he was completely oblivious to how when I twirled I purposed let my boobs swayed a little when I stopped to grab his attention, but his eyes never once left my unless he was told to look at my body. I saw small boys walk by me before and my tits freeze them like medusa. He soon went into his bag and pulled out some candy to open it and hold some out to me.

???-My name is (Y/N) and I think your cat ears and tail are cute the way they are... Also, if you don't have a home anymore and need one, I can fit one more at my house. I have 2 other nekos going clothes shopping and their bed can hold one more.

Courtney-I don't think your family or whoever will like it if you bring me home.

(Y/N)-It's just me and them there. We have plenty of room, money, and food... Penelope said there was over 9 million in my grandpa bank and we get a lot each month from his company... I don't know how much is a million, but I know it's over a hundred.

The way he just said that made me laugh a little which made him smile. I had a hard time believing he was this innocent and sweet or he lives alone with 2 nekos since there is no way police will allow that. I guess if he is offering the worst case is i'm back out here, but what do I have left to lose.

Courtney-Well... if you insist. Lead the way.

I took the candy from his hand and he looked so happy and we grabbed our bags before he took my hand and pulled me while jumping a little.

(Y/N)-You're gonna love Penelope and Bea! They can help you go clothes shopping tomorrow, I just got more toys for the, we can get more food for us, *gasp* we can all make a fort and have a movie night,-

He kept on going on and on, but I stopped listening to just look at him and his whole attitude made me feel better.

(Bea's POV)

We still had around $20 when we were done clothes shopping for us, so we held on to the rest of the cash to give to (Y/N). We had 7 bags filled with clothes as we headed home and (Y/N) should be home by now, so he's safe inside. He listens to almost everything we say and when we got home then got inside we heard him talking before Penelope closed the door and...


He soon ran out into the living room then to us while looking very happy and excited about something. As cute as it was, I knew he was happy about the toys he wanted to give us, but it's not like we're gonna play with them that much, but did he get something he's this proud of.


(Y/N)-Come on, I got a surprise for you and it's better than toys!

Penelope-What is it?

(Y/N)-If I told you then it won't be a surprise! Come on!

He took both of our hands then started to pull us to our room and I was getting a new scent or something and Penelope picked up on this too. When we made it to our room we saw another neko female on our bed and she turned to look at us and I didn't want to be rude, but I wondered why was she even here?


He ran to her and pulled her to come right in front of us and she was as skeptical as us right now.

(Y/N)-Bea, Penelope, this is Courtney. I found her and her owner fighting after she didn't wanna go back to his prevoted home, so since we have tons of money and room for one more in the big bed, I decided to take her in!

Courtney-... It was perverted.

Penelope-You bring home 3 nekos in 3 days?

Bea-What if she was just trying to take you?!

(Y/N)-I found you crying like how I found her. You didn't try to take me.

Bea-Yeah, but that was different!


I was trying to come up with something, but then Penelope dropped her bags and picked up (Y/N) to keep him closer to herself. We all stared at each other for a while before he hopped off of Penelope and tried his best to glare us all down, but he was doing in a way that is was laughable and broke the tension, but I don't trust the new girl, yet.

(Y/N)-It's just like Penelope acted when you came. You all just need some time and then you can become friends... I also wanted to take her shopping tomorrow, so maybe today we can all just play some games or I can show you your new toy.

He ran off to a chair in our room and just poured them out on the floor.


(Courtney's POV)

I expected a cold welcome from new nekos since I often saw it while I was waiting to be adopted in a shop before, but what I didn't expect is that this child really does live with only his new pets since his sister isn't most likely coming back, but I didn't have the heart to tell him. I did remember loving to cuddle with a stuffed animal, so I did take one of the fish and put it on the bed I was going to share now. Just then Penelope picked up the stick and string toy with a smile on her face.

Penelope-(Y/N) sweetie, how do you play with this?

(Y/N)-Oh, we can play right now. Let me see it.

Penelope-But what if I want to keep it?

(Y/N)-That's not how it works... Let me show you.

He was about to take it from her, but she held it up higher with the mouse dangling over him and he puffed up his cheeks a little in anger. He looked more pouty than angry as he tried to grab the mouse to take the toy from her and this was just amazing that he probably doesn't realize that he was being played with.

(Y/N)-Give me the toy!

Penelope-Gotta catch it first.~

Bea-Come on sweetie, you can do it.~

This seriously made me question the place of a pet in this house now since everything I have expected had gone out the window.

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

We were all sitting in the living room and Bea was bouncing (Y/N) on her leg to play with him while Penelope was watching a show on T.V. for him, but when (Y/N) got off Bea's lap this got all of our attention. He wanted to play something then he grabbed a remote and pointed it at the treat launcher he showed me and I was not going to get on my hands and knees to do something so degrading.

(Y/N)-Hey, let's see which of you can get the treat first!

I noticed a smug look on Penelope which made Bea smile a little bigger before he pressed the button, but instead of a cat treat landing on the floor...


(Y/N)-Huh?... How did that get in there?

He stared at it for a bit before he put the remote on the table to grab it, but just then Penelope picked up the remote and pressed the button again to shoot out another goldfish. He grabbed that one too since he was on the ground which made her press the button a few times to some more in different directions and he even tried to catch one in the air,... like he was having fun.

((Y/N)'s POV)

This was confusing on how these goldfish got in there, but this was actually kinda fun then I was suddenly grabbed by Bea and pinned to the ground before she lifted my shirt and blew on my tummy. I couldn't help, but laugh and Penelope joined in too and they both started to tickle me a lot. I kept on kicking and screaming in laughter then I tried to get up and run, but chased me around a bit. I saw Courtney opening up the door outside and I took this chance to run out there while the girls were still chasing me, but not I can run faster without running into anything... They caught me almost instantly when I got on the grass and both of them held me in the middle of them while they tickled me some more then let me go.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

(Courtney's POV)

I watched them all run around until they were all really tired and Bea and Penelope laid on the grass while (Y/N) was on his last legs then looked at me. He slowly walked up to me while I was sitting on the porch still then he helped himself up to lay down and use my lap as a pillow for him as he closed his eyes. I felt my heart skip a beat and thought of everything else today in one go which was almost unbelievable if you think about it.

(Y/N)-Mmmm, you're just so cozy.~

He nuzzled into me a little more and I just smiled and started to put his head then he did something that made my heart melt.


Courtney's mind-Oh. My. God. He's just so cute!~

This was by far an upgrade from my last home the suddenly i saw a truck pull up by the gate that had the logo of a mattress company on it which made the girls get up while still a little tired. (Y/N) was already out cold, so I picked him up then the cutest sight of my bobs supporting more than half his body as a bed while his head was resting on my shoulder. He suddenly nuzzled into my neck in his as he woke up then quickly went back to sleep after all that playing, but now we had working men to deal with.

(No POV)

While they were getting the bed and frame in for (Y/N)'s room they ignored the T.V. that switched to a news streaming service after it timed out on Netflix. As the news went on without anyone watching it there was an interesting story coming up.

New-Breaking news, there has been a report of a zoo transport being breached, leaving a new tigress fresh from the wild out roaming freely. All resident's in this area are to report any sightings, stay inside, lock your doors, and call the police if the wild tigress is near your property.