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((Y/N)'s POV)

Carmelita had me on her lap after she put all the food and a few new toys of mine away, but now she was sitting across from Neyla on the couch looking really mad. I guess Neyla really was not supposed to be here since when she went outside to check on something with me after I told her she somehow got in without the front door. Soon we found a lock and chain on the ground that was on the table now. She was even on her small thing that kinda looked like a phone, but wasn't... or I don't think it is.

Carmelita-You may be a high-ranking officer, but what were you thinking?! I should have you arrested!

Neyla-Calm down, we both know police will need the full report and if you put anything of this on report, station will ask questions... Not all of them know of this human, do they?

Carmelita-We can press charges for other things! Like trespassing and breaking an entry for starters!

Neyla-Now, now Inspector, before we do things we might regret later, let us talk first.

Carmelita-... Was that a threat?

Neyla-Far from it. I just wonder why the station wants this to be a secret, even from other staff and high-ranking officers.

Carmelita-That is to prevent stress and others cr-... unwanted attention. Don't even try to change the subject. You still broke in here, caused stress to an endangered species.

Neyla-A secret endangered species to be exact. If I were to be arrested and questioned, I would have to talk to not only an officer that might know or even you, but also to my lawyer.

Carmelita-And who will believe you?

Neyla-Nobody at first sure, but if I make solid claims and provide evidence for suspicions,  Interpol will be under investigation which can take a long time for my trial to proceed. Not only will I get poral, but the clock will be ticking for you all until they find out you are hiding a human child and 6 human adults.

Carmelita looked very mad and I felt like I could be in trouble since I told her, but I thought she was one of the ones that already knew. They started to argue and talk back and forth then when I tried to get up and leave, I was held tighter. I just waited to go somewhere where there wasn't fighting and soon they came to something that made things calm down.

Neyla-I would figure you would want high-ranking officers to know about this. Seeing as I already know now, I wouldn't be too hard for me to expose this or maybe I won't have to do anything as law process takes it's course to investigate.

Carmelita-... What do you even want from this?

Neyla-I came to just be partners with you for the time being at least... Not so much to ask.

Carmelita-... This gets out to nobody and if I see "any" funny business, I will get our work involved.


I felt happy that it was over, so maybe she would let me go now, but instead she carried me with her back to the room I was staying in. She held me on her lap while it looked like she was thinking of something before she looked at me and got a little surprised.

Carmelita-Oh, sorry. Here, why don't you play with your new toys?

(Carmelita's POV)

I was surprised to see that I was holding him the whole time and wondered if he even tried to leave while Neyla and I were talking. I just watched him play and he still looked kinda depressed and shook up as expected, but he was having a little more fun. Just as Neyla stood by the door to watch (Y/N) play too he noticed both of us staring and got nervous and I would leave him be, but... I just didn't trust it with someone else here. Soon she just smiled like she had a plan before she left and I just stayed in here before I saw something that melted my heart... He rolled back onto his to toss a ball I got him in the air and it was kinda big for him, so he put his feet up to help balance it while he stole glances at me. After a bit he stopped playing altogether and just looked at me in a shy way, so I got off the bed and went down on one knee.

Carmelita-Is everything ok?

(Y/N)-... It's... just boring to play alone.

That does sound boring and there are no kids his age for him to play with, so I just grabbed a "Connect 4" and set up a game. It was kinda nice to relax and actually play and I guess he was really thinking hard about his moves and he had a little habit to play with his hair a little and it was actually cute. Later we smelled something delicious in the air then soon Neyla came in with something and put it on the floor next to him and I had to admit... it made me hungry, but (Y/N) was even caught drooling a little before he fixed himself.


He looked shy to take it, but then Neyla held out a fork to give to him before she moved in to put him on her lap and for some reason... this was making my skin crawl.

Neyla-You poor thing. I bet you didn't have a home cooked meal in literal ages.  I thought you might love something like this and by that look you're wearing... I see I was right.~

He took the bowl then the fork before he started eating on her lap  then pet his head and I couldn't help, but bare my teeth a little.

Carmelita's mind-This was supposed to be "my" job!

He actually nuzzled into her a bit to get comfy, so I had to think of something and then...

Neyla-There's more in the kitchen if you want to help yourself.

That gave me an idea to get up and go look in the kitchen and I don't know how to cook since my job is time consuming and I eat out a lot, but how hard can it be. I did things that put my very life at risk countless times... I'm over thinking this, so I thought of something basic and what he would love.

(Neyla's POV)

I'll admit that my first goal was to irritate Carmelita a little, but this human child getting comfy on me while eating the food I made for him. This was something that if I told myself this yesterday, I would have doubted every last bit of my words. When he was done eating he put the bowl down and I rubbed his cheeks and they felt weird, yet squishy. He wanted to keep playing, so I took Carmelita's place and it will give me a chance to see if humans or at least him are good at strategy. I took it easy on him, but still won to start a new game quickly, but just then Carmelita can in and she had dessert just for him and when he saw this, I could by the look on his face that he wanted it really bad.


Carmelita-(Y/N) I made you something you might like. I thought you had a pretty rough few days.~

She sat next to him before she held one of the cookie sticks up to his mouth and he ate from her hand and loved it enough to go for another bite to her surprise. I guess she didn't expect him to eat from her hand, but I saw a smile and a little bit of a cooing look in her eye. This made my stomach turn a little, but what really set me off inside is when she had a curious look on her face and held out a spoon full of ice cream... and he took it just wanting the ice cream.

Neyla's mind-So that's how we're playing this?... I believe the parts can wait for now, but it's game on.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I haven't had ice cream in so long and it just tastes so good. I took the ice cream from Carmelita after a few more bites and she was smiling at me while I ate it until it was all gone. I felt a little better now after the ice cream and Carmelita stood up and picked me up.

Carmelita-Look at you. You have ice cream all over your face.

I tried to lick my lips and did taste more chocolate, but she only chuckled a little before she took me to the bathroom to wash my face with a wet towel. I saw there was more than I thought before and she looked happy then picked me up again and even started to rub my back. My mom used to do that, but since we got into that bunker, she's been very busy with the other adults. I forgot how good it felt, but I just wish it was my mom doing this.

(Carmelita's POV)

He was just so sweet, cute, innocent, and when he literally let me feed him, that was the last straw. There's a good chance those adults aren't waking up for a long time or ever, and even they will be having many other babies to come, so I guess I can just have this one. I just kept on loving him and it just felt so right to have him in my arms like this.

Carmelita's mind-Your old life is over (Y/N)... Welcome to your new life with me.~


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