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(Lazarus's POV)

I was on my way to Lucinda's house to let (Y/N) play with Jenny like he wanted and i know he was a little shy about having no clothes, but I tried to comfort him by telling him I had no clothes on too and nobody was laughing at us or giving us weird looks. The only thing I was nervous about was Lucinda getting ideas, but I just need to keep the kids close and she'll behave. When we made it I just knocked on the door then put (Y/N) down while still holding his hand and his cheeks were pink, but he doesn't have any chance of being sexually attacked, unlike me. When the door opened I saw it was Jenny that opened it and he looked warry at first until she saw my son and looked happy again.



She ran to my son and wrapped him in a hug then I even let go to let her pick him up a little to do a cute little twirl. I heard she was having a hard time recently and was happy to see that my son can make her smile then I knelt down to her to have her look at me.

Lazarus-Is your mommy home? My son would love to come in and play.

Jenny-My mom is folding clothes after laundry, but come in and i'll go get her.

She ran back inside and I lead (Y/N) in to go sit in the living room with him on my lap before Jenny soon came back out with her mother behind her.


Lucinda-Well hey you 2. What brings you h-?... Well hello Lazarus.~

I saw her checking me out with a smirk on her face before she walked the rest of the way to us with her hips swaying keeping her eyes on me before she sat down.

Lucinda-So you want to leave the kids out here and go to my room?~

Lazarus-Oh no, i'm not here for that! It's just an exposure therapy for him!

Lucinda-I get it, but my daughter needed a lot of attention lately, so I put my love life on hold.~

She was checking me out before she licked her lips a little, but she wasn't going to do anything, so I just calmed down before I put (Y/N) down for him to go play with Jenny in the living room. (Y/N) was shy, but Jenny laid on the floor with him while bringing out coloring books and blank pieces of paper to draw on. He did slowly join in and they looked so cute together, so I wanted to sit on mt knees next to the to be closer, but the second my ass was lifted off the couch...

((Y/N)'s POV)



Jenny and I just looked up to Lazarus and her mom and I saw Lazarus look nervous with her cheeks a little pink while Jenny's mom was smiling a little.


Lucinda-Are you ok Lazarus?

Lazarus-Um, yes... Just popped something.

Lucinda-Oh, you should be careful. Do we need to go to my room and get it looked at?


Lazarus just come over while jenny and I were coloring to see what I was drawing and it was just a bad copy of a hotel I remember being at one time, but just then Jenny got really excited before she grabbed my arm.

Jenny-Mom, can (Y/N) and I go to my room?!


Lucinda-Why, of course! Just stay in your room for a while because Lazarus and I are gonna have some adult talk.

Jenny looked so happy before she pulled me with her down the hall and the last thing I saw when I looked back was Lucinda about to take off her shirt and Lazarus looked kinda worried. When Jenny got into her room and it was weird that last time I was fully clothed while she was naked in a room with me last time, but not it's backwards and she went to her closet and pulled out 2 cups filled with sticks that she put on the ground.

Jenny-My and Addison played this all the time for our fights that Ms. Gelder told us would help our fighting!

(Y/N)-What are we doing?

Jenny-Here, just sit down with your legs crossed and take your cup. We each have 10 sticks and we take turns doing dares and if you fail or chose not to do it, you lose a stick. The loser gets a punishment... Also, you can't do the same dare twice in one game.

What could be worse than being forced to be naked all the time inside and outside the house. this might help past the time and I was scared of what she might make me do, but I can also use this to help me. Maybe to at least have any idea on what happened to my dad, but she might know something.

(Y/N)-Ok i'll go first... I dare you to tell me where my dad is.

She wasted no time in taking out a stick which meant she gave up and I guess I kinda saw something like this coming. Next she went on to her turn and I was expecting something like kiss or cuddle her, but instead she told me to jump over my own leg then laughed a little when I failed, so I lost a stick too. I tried to think of something smaller this time and I could afford to do something easy since I have 9 sticks left... Each time it had even a tiny bit of something to do with my dad she just looked kinda scared or sad before she put a stick away until she was on her last one, but from her crazy dares that almost made me hurt myself and fail or give up, so was I. It was my turn again and I got nothing, but I can win this at least and get her to get me some kind of robe or something and she did when I dared her to do it, so I had a pink robe on now, but he next dare...

Jenny-Since yu tried to do nothing, but scare me out of my turns... I dare you to-.

*Weird sceaming through the walls*

(Y/N)-What was that?

Jenny-It's my mom whenever she's at another's house or brings someone here. Don't worry about it, but it looks like your dare will have to wait until she's done or you give up.

(Y/N)-What's the dare?

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Lucinda's POV)

Lazarus was passed out on the floor next to my unlit fireplace on the rug and I wiped us both off with a wet towel then a dry one before I lit a candle to give this room a less musky smell and opened the windows before I got dressed. I normally leave their clothes next to them, but she came without any which is odd this time of year and she didn't want it at first, but she brought it on herself.

Lucinda's mind-The island's sweetheart... She has more than her heart that's sweet and a few heart shaped pillows for body parts.~

While she was sleeping on the floor I just went to go get something to eat, but then...

(Y/N)-Excuse me.

I turned and saw Lazarus's cute little boy (Y/N) and he was wearing my daughter's robe and I know he can't be wearing anything right now, but i'll let it slide for the time being. I just went up to him and bent down to his level.


Lucinda-Well hi there. Don't worry about your mommy. She's just tired after some rough playtime.~

(Y/N)-Um... can you hold me next to a fire on the couch?

He was blushing and this caught me completely off guard since he was always shy when it came to affection. I of course said yes by taking his hand and going to the living to see my daughter setting blankets on the couch and even gave Lazarus a blanket and pillow while she was still out cold.


Lucinda-Did you get him to do this?

Jenny-He didn't want to kiss me on his last dare and lost,... so I settled for this.

Lucinda's mind-That's my girl. I'm so proud of her!~

((D/N)'s POV)

Kimber was following me all day and even showed me to some rarely used docks away from town and there was even a boat, given it was kinda old, but still floats just fine. Last night I told her how much I hated here and I had to leave this island, given I left some details out and all she had to say was "Ok, i'll take you somewhere in the morning". She even helped me pack food and drinking water this morning and now I could get out of here and come back with the national guard, or coast guard, or the navy or someone to help me get my son back and reattach my testicles.

Kimber-Alright, just head straight out into the ocean. Can't miss it.

I think it was because she didn't like me and wanted me gone like the others, but I was glad she was making this easier for me. She only smiled at me as I started to row off into the sea and even waved, but something didn't feel right... For someone who has to keep a very close eye on me, yet wanted me gone or at least I get the feeling of that or she doesn't care,... but this feels too easy.

(D/N)'s mind-If they could just let me go or kick me off the island since they hated me so bad, why wouldn't they do that after they-?

Just then the boat started to spin faster and faster and completely out of control before I was pulled under and into a current before I hit the sea floor while feeling so dizzy that when I washed up on the beach sand, I thought I was gonna get sick until I flipped over to see Kimber leaning over me while smiling.


Kimber-Have a nice boat ride, honey?

(D/N)-You did that *cough* on purpose.

Kimber-I did, but there's 3 lessons from this experience. There is no getting off this island, be a good boy to get off Hana's bad sad eventually, so you can maybe persuade her into giving your little friends back,... and don't fucking yell at me while having a tantrum.

She stuck her sword in the sand before she sat down next to me and started to pat the sand off me as much as she could before I sat up. With the problem of getting off this island being harder, but there has to be a way out since there's a way in. When she had me stand up she helped me back to the house and made me take a bath while she got to work on washing my wet and sandy clothes. After my bath I just dried off and snuck off to my room to get dressed without her seeing me before I went back out into the living room to see her reading a book.

Kimber-Now that we got all of that out of the way, I suggest we find you a hobby before you throw another tantrum.

(D/N)-When can I see my son?

Kimber-... So yeah, be good and behave. Now, do you prefer reading, board games, singing, playing an instrument?

She listed off things and I stopped listening to her while I was trying to think of ways to get out of here since simply sailing or rowing won't be enough.

(D/N)'s mind-I have to think of a solid plan and test it somehow and I hear all sorts of crazy ideas from my clients all the time, so it shouldn't be that hard to think of something so crazy, it just might work,... right?

(Lazarus's POV)

I was waking up to the smell and sound of a fire and I just felt so warm, but my legs were still kinda numb from what Lucinda did to me. When I opened my eyes I just noticed the talking and looked to see (Y/N) in a pink robe, on Lucinda's lap, and Jenny was sitting next to them.


Lucinda-How cute, you're worried if I hurt your new mommy.~


Lucinda-Yes you are. Don't worry, she's just sleeping... Or waking up now.~

They all looked at me now before she came to me with my son in her arms before she put him in the blanket with me and took the robe with her and his cheeks flashed pink. I just smiled and held him close before i tried to sit up, but I was still too tired.

Lucinda-Awww, are you having problems Lazarus? You know, if you can't leave tonight, we can always share a bed in my room and let Jenny and (Y/N) sleep with us. She hasn't slept by herself the last few-.


Lazarus-Well... as long as our kids are with us, but if I may ask... I really need there to be no clothes for (Y/N) since I really need him to get better.

Lucinda-I understand, but i'm gonna be cooking with oil and grease here in a bit, sooo... after I make dinner.

I smiled at her and cuddled with my baby boy while he was turning to shy away from me, but it just made him so much more adorable. I thought maybe I could get another short nap in before she even starts cooking, so I just closed my eyes and before I knew it, I was out like a light.


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